Danganronpa: Puppets String

Chapter 2: [Welcome to Despair] - 1



[School Life: Checkpoint]

Malachi - ...

Malachi - ...

Malachi - ...

Malachi - ...Nng?

Malachi - Wh-What...?

Malachi - Where am I?

 I woke up with my head resting on top of a hard wooden desk. My body feels heavy. It's pretty normal for me to zonk off in the middle of some boring class or whatever, but what was I doing asleep here just now? This isn't a classroom I've ever been in before.

Malachi - What the heck is going on? How did I get here? Why does my head hurt so bad? No, I can't focus on these things what's really important is figuring out where i am.

As I look around I notice a few things. In my current room there is 2 Iron Plates, a Security Camera, a Clock, a Monitor, a Door, and a Note. I first decided to check out the iron plate.

{Iron Plate}

Malachi- What the heck? In any normal classroom, that's where a window should be. But it looks like some kind of metal plate has been bolted over it. And if I were to knock on it...


Malachi - Yup. Definitely metal. Thick, too. Very solid. That's not what matters right now though. What's more important, why are there metal plates over the windows?

Next i chose to check the security camera.

{Security Camera}

Malachi - Is that... a surveillance camera? It's a dangerous world we live in. I guess they have these to keep weirdos from just wandering in.

Next was the clock


Malachi - Jeez, I can't believe it's already 8 o'clock. It was just after 7 when I first got here. Has it really been almost an hour since then?

I checked the monitor after.


Malachi - There's a TV. The school *is* funded by the national government, so I guess it's not that weird to have TVs in here though something feels off. I wonder what it is...

I then checked the note.


Malachi - That's the desk I fell asleep on. I can still see a line of drool I must have left there. I'll have to clean that up later.

Malachi - Hey, what's that on the desk? An orientation guide?

Giving the note a quick look at it reads "Hey there new kid! The next semester is about to start. Starting today, this school will be your entire world."

Malachi - What the hell? Is this someone's idea of a joke? Jeez I really have the worst luck. Well now that I have checked everything out I should probably figure out how I got here.; Okay, let's see. So what might have happened is I got myself so wound up, I passed out in the main hall. And then someone carried me here? If that's true though, it must mean this is a classroom inside Hope's Peak. But then if *that's* true that just raises more questions. This is all really strange. I mean, those metal plates covering the windows. It's like it's a prison or something. None of this makes any sense. I should probably head back to the main hall. It's already past the meeting time. There might be other students there now.

After my little monologue i decided to exit to the hallway. After entering the hallway I could tell from the start that something was off.

Malachi - Jeez, this hallway is kind of weird, too. This is getting stranger by the second. I honestly have no idea what's going on. For now I'll just head to the main hall.

By the time I got back to the main hall everyone else was already there.

??? - Whoa, hey! Another new kid?

Malachi - Huh? Then you guys are all...

??? - Yeah, we're all new here. Today's supposed to be our first day of class.

??? - So counting him, that makes fifteen. Seems like a good cutoff point, but I wonder if this is everyone.

Standing before me were the "Ultimate Students" that had been hand-picked by the school. I looked around at everyone who'd gathered there, taking in their faces one at a time. Maybe I was just imagining it, but I swear I could feel a kind of aura coming from each of them. Before anything else I thought it best to introduce myself.

Malachi - How's it going? My name's Malachi Weiss. Sorry I'm late. A bunch of stuff happened, and then all of a sudden I was just... asleep.

??? - Whoa, you too?

??? - Things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser.

??? - So strange... I declare beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a strange situation indeed!

Malachi - What are you talking about? I honestly have no idea what's going on right now.

??? - Just a moment! There's something else we must address!

??? - Malachi! Your tardiness is unacceptable! Surely you were aware the meeting was to start at 8 a.m. sharp!

??? - To be late on your first day is unspeakable! I must report you, and you must accept your true punishment!

??? - What's your problem? It's not like he *wanted* to be late. He didn't have any control over it.

Boy did I know. I am the Ultimate Puppet Master. Control was my thing after all. And I don't like things being out of my control.

??? - Everyone just calm down! Listen, why don't we all go around and introduce ourselves?

??? - The hell? Now's no time for friggin' introductions!

??? - Maybe, but it may be good to at least find out who we all are before digging into the bigger problems here. I mean, how are we even supposed to talk to each other if we do not know each other's names?

??? - That's a good point...

??? - Okay, so let's get introductions out of the way, then we can move on to whatever else. Sound good?

Malachi - I'm still totally lost, but I guess getting to know each other is a good starting point.

 I guess this is as good a chance as I'm gonna get. I already looked everyone up on that Hope's Peak Academy thread online, but I still don't really know what kind of people they actually are. Time to find out...

I'll start by talking to those five over there.

??? - I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru. I believe in bold simplicity! Let's work together on our educational crusade!

[Ultimate Moral Compass - Kiyotaka Ishimaru]

So that's Kiyotaka. According to what I saw about him on that thread, He went to a famous private school and won top honours every year. He's basically a flawless honour student. He's also known for the work he's done with his community's Public Morals Committee. They say he respects rules above all else, earning him the title of Ultimate Moral Compass.

Kiyotaka - Anyway, you can call me Taka. You said your name was Malachi Weiss, right? That's a good name, a strong name! You should thank your parents for giving you such an excellent name. And to keep that name from losing its value, you must devote yourself every single day! Life is worth putting every ounce of effort into it! Right? Right!

 This guy is... kind of annoying.

??? - N-Not that you'll remember my n-name anyway, but, I'm T-Toko... Toko Yukawa.

[Ultimate Writing Prodigy - Toko Fukawa]

Yeah, she wrote a novel when she was ten that got everyone talking and launched her literary career. Then two years ago she released "So Lingers the Ocean", a love story said to be her masterpiece. The book was such a hit with women that fishermen quickly shot to the top of every "Hottest Men" poll. Despite her age, she's won countless literary prizes and all her books are instant best-sellers. Which is why she's come to be known as the Ultimate Writing Prodigy. What else would you call such a young and talented author? But I figured she'd be a lovey-dovey type, what with her masterpiece being into romance and all...

Toko - ...

Toko - Wh-What? I-It's not polite to stare, you know. Stop staring at me like I'm some filthy creature!

Malachi - F-Filthy creature? No, I just thought-

Toko - I-I know what you "just" thought...! You just thought you've n-never seen such an ugly woman. You just th-thought it was sooo funny!

Malachi - N-No, that's not what I was thinking at all...

Toko - Don't bother trying to l-lie to me! I know it's true. I know you can't stand looking at me! Wh-Whatever, I don't really care. I'm used to it...


That's one hell of an inferiority complex. I was way off about what a successful author would be like...

??? - Hi, I'm Sayaka Maizono. I look forward to getting to know you!

[Ultimate Pop Sensation - Sayaka Maizono]

The way she moves is positively mesmerizing. And that pleasant scent I can't quite place. When I saw her name in that thread online, frankly I was pretty surprised. She's in a pop group famous all across the country. In fact, she's their lead singer. As the Ultimate Pop Sensation, she's in high demand to appear on TV and in magazines everywhere.

??? - Yo! The name's Leon Kuwata. What's up?

[Ultimate Baseball Star - Leon Kuwata]

Leon Kuwata huh. I recognize that name. He plays for the national high school champs as their cleanup hitter. The Ultimate Baseball Star. That superb athletic specimen is...

Malachi - You? Seriously!?

Leon - Huh? What's wrong?

Malachi - N-Nothing, I'm just... surprised. I figured with you being the Ultimate Baseball Star and all...

Leon - What, were you expecting some kid with a shaved head?

Malachi - No, I was just expecting more of a, you know, sporty-looking traditional baseball player type. I mean, when I found that article and picture of you online, that's how you looked then.

Leon - What!? Aw man, you found that picture of me playing baseball? Seriously!? I hate that picture! This is not cool. This is SO not cool... Seriously, I'm like, mega embarrassed right now. I didn't have a choice, okay? Shaving your head like that is part of national championship regulations! Now I refuse to cut my hair. And I'm not gonna dye it back to normal, either! Actually, can I be totally honest with you? I don't like baseball. Like, at all. I've never gone to a single practice. As soon as I got accepted here, I quit baseball for good! I have my own dream for the future!

Malachi - A dream... for the future?

Leon - My only path in life is getting into music! You can feel that star-quality aura I have, right? I'm gonna be a single, so all I need is a songwriter and someone on guitar, and we're set! This new version of me that's chasing after my dream is, like... super cool to the max!

So not everyone Is happy about there lot in life...

How exciting.

??? - I... am Hifumi Yamada. But if you want to call me by my nickname, "The Alpha and the Omega"! I don't mind.

[Ultimate Fanfic Creator - Hifumi Yamada]

I hate him already.

Hifumi - By the way, how much do you know about the world of 2D art?

Malachi - Are you kidding You do know I'm the ultimate puppeteer right. I've done shows withg 2d puppets before.

Hifumi - Well regardless, in that world, I am well known and supremely well regarded as the Ultimate Fanfic Creator. I once sold 10,000 copies of one of my fan comics at a school festival. The event has passed into legend.

Him? A legend? Yeah right.

Hifumi - Some of them didn't get it, of course, saying I'd "tainted" the event. How stupid can you be!?

I wonder why. I'm barely 2 minutes into this conversation and I already want to shoot myself in the head...

Hifumi - The words of such idiots mean nothing to me. I am like Van Gogh - utterly unappreciated in my time. I am a soldier, serving night and day to destroy all mindless preconceptions about fan fiction. I'm sure if you were to observe my work, Mr. Weiss, you would comprehend its greatness immediately.

The only thing great about your work is that there are people who can stand to look at it.

Hifumi - For my work is filled with deepest meaning...

The fuck does that mean.

Hifumi - It's about embracing our basest urges...

Great a pervert.

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