Chapter 1: Chapter I
As you have seen in the title, this is indeed my fictional story for Alfia. I'm gonna give you all some fundamental information first.
The story is set 1 year before the Zeus and Hera Familias take on The Three Great Quests, meaning Alfia would be 17 years old and still a level 7. She still sees Zald as an uncle figure and talks to him about her issues and other stuff, seeking his advice or opinion. And there is my OC, a 16 year old named Vaelin Solmire, a level 7 adventurer of the Zeus Familia and has the alias Aether Hunter. He was raised by Zeus himself since birth and joined when he was only 6 years old. He has a kind, calm, silent personality and isn't the one to insult or get angered about anything. Just a neutral magic swordsman having sky-blue eyes and white hair with tiny, glittering silver specks. Now, without further ado, let's get on with the story! (It's my first btw)
Disclaimer: I do not own DanMachi nor any of it's characters. This is for pure entertainment purposes only!
'This is a character's thoughts'
(This is an author's note)
Chapter 1
We start off inside of Alfia's bedroom. It's painted in a plain white colour and has only the essentials. A simple, non-extravagant styled bedroom, unlike every other room in the Hera Familia's Manor, their haughty goddess being the cause.
Alfia had just woken up from her slumber. For some irrelevant reason, she wondered if her disease was supposed to kill her today. She decided against following that trail of thought for her own sanity. Begrudginly, she willed herself to get up and freshen up. She then took of her night clothing and adorned her usual black gothic styled dress, laid her bed and swiftly headed to the familia's med-bay to check on her beloved twin sister.
She weaved through the halls leading to her destination with practiced ease, as she does this every morning. She's an expert at avoiding all interactions, but it seems their captain was standing at the door of the infirmary. Alfia internally groaned, this is the last woman she'd want to see. She started to make her way to the backdoor when that woman called out.
Empress' POV
'This is usually the time she gets here isn't it? Did she sense me already and used the backdoor? I'm pretty sure I concealed myself as a level 9 so... There she is'
"The Zeus Familia executives will be coming over to discuss the joint-expedition in an hour. I wouldn't want you to be absent during another meeting. This is important. Understood?"
'Tch, I swear, this stubborn maverick of a woman is really frustrating to deal with'. With an exasperated sigh, the Empress decided to leave it at that in order to not warrant the rebellious woman's wrath.
"You better be there. They're bringing their junior executives as well, which makes you obligated to be present"
Hearing no more response from the silent witch, not like she was expecting any, she took to her heel and left through the path Alfia came from.
Normal POV
Alfia was more than just slightly annoyed by the news, she never asked to become an executive, so why is she mandated to fill in such responsibilities. 'Ugh, damnit' , she internally cursed as she made her way to the only obstacle blocking her from meeting her sister. She took a moment to stare at the overly extravagant doorknob before firmly twisting it and opening the door.
Alfia acknowledged the nurses' greetings with a nod and swiftly walked to the "Special Care Unit". She entered and was greeted with the sight of Meteria sitting at the side of her bed, her usual smile widening as she saw Alfia.
"Alfia!" she called out to her.
"Meteria" Alfia responded, her voice and gaze softening as the smallest smile graced her lips. The cheerful smile of her white haired, blue eyed sister calming her nerves.
Alfia was elated, this was one of the rare times that Meteria has the strength to sit up. She even teared up when she left her room to the sight of Meteria walking to her a year ago, although a bit shakily. The thought almost bringing her present self into tears.
Meteria gestured for Alfia to sit next to her, which she gladly did.
"How are you feeling today, Meteria?"
"I'm better than normal if you compare the other days. What about you?"
"You need not worry about me, I'm alright as long as you are." Alfia said. It was true, Meteria was her last family and her only support. She would be totally lost if Meteria was to disappear.
They chatted for a while as Alfia completed her daily medical essentials. As they finished talking, ironically, Meteria advised her older twin.
"You know Alfia, you should allow someone into your heart."
A bit taken aback, Alfia asked "What's this out of the blue? I do have someone in my heart, you."
"It's just, you have no one you can actually depend on. No one to ask for help. I'm just worried about you... I can't protect you from anything or save you when you need to be saved. Like a hero. All I can do is support you all the way."
"And that's more than enough, don't worry about me, I'll be alright Meteria."
With a sigh, Meteria laid back on her bed but refused to accept defeat. As Alfia made to leave, she said,
"I hope one day you'll find someone to save you in your darkest times, like a hero."
"Meteria..." was all Alfia could say before she left her room. 'What is she talking about? Why say this now? Is this because she's getting friendly with that coward from those bastards?! I swear, if any of them try anything...' was Alfia's train of thought.
The Zeus Familia Executives
Normal POV:
The executives of the Familia of Heroes were just exiting their manor when they collectively felt chills down their spines. They instantly became actively on guard, but eventually loosened up after not sensing danger.
"That was something..." Maxim stated.
"Hm", a certain white haired swordsman grunted as he and the others started their journey to the grandiose manor in the east.
"I am not thrilled to meet those yanderes on a Monday morning." Zald admitted in an exasperated tone.
"Same here comrade, same here." an older looking dwarf replied. "Brought me axe and blade fer emergencies." he continued, causing the others to snicker.
"If only they aren't so rebellious when we ask them to come over." Another added.
"What 'bout you lad?" the dwarf asked as he turned to face the earlier mentioned white haired adventurer, who just sighed in response.
"Ever so silent, Vaelin." Maxim concluded.
The man now known as Vaelin remained silent. If he was honest, he wanted to get this over with quickly and go train or read an interesting book.
They continued to walk on West Main as people watched on in awe and curiosity while other adventurers watched with green envy, the latter being the case of a certain blonde haired prum. They paid no mind to the people and continued to walk in formation and converse merrily, except Vaelin, who kept a passive look at all times. They branched into an alley as a shortcut. They effortlessly switched to a compact formation with practiced ease as they traversed the slightly narrowed passageway, compared to the main roads.
As they walked, Vaelin stopped abruptly as he spotted a woman sitting on the ground down a darker, narrower passage down to the right.
He swiftly moved towards her and observed her appearance more keenly. He noticed she was garbed in a worn out, black long coat, but he was unable to see what she wore on the inside, not that he had any interest in knowing mind you. He noticed that she was craddling what seems to be a child that looks not more than 2 years old. He approached her and crouched down.
By this time all the executives had noticed his absence and were silently observing him at the passage entrance.
The woman held the child more tightly as she saw the crouched man in front of her. Vaelin also noticed she was crying and covered in scratches, with a visible cut on her leg.
"P-please don't hurt us! I don't have any-" she exclaimed but cut herself off after Vaelin lifted his hands up.
"Stay calm.", he said in a soothing voice. He remembered the getlemanly rules Zeus gave him on how to treat women and decided to put them to good use. He took out a High Double Potion vial from his holster, popped cork and held it out to her. "Drink this for your wounds." he said.
The woman was skeptical at first, but then ultimately decided that if he wanted to harm her, he could do it with the weapons hanging by his waist. She let him place it at her lips and steadily drank it. She stared in wonder as her wounds healed instantly and felt energized. She looked back at the man who wiped her tears with a tissue.
"A lady shouldn't cry."
He then left a bag of valis next to her and started walking away, leaving the stunned woman behind.
"W-wait sir!" She desperately called out.
Vaelin stopped and tilted his head to look at her, only the side of his face and one of his sky-blue eyes being visible to her. The woman's eyes widened as she took in his handsome features. She blushed but immediately shook it off and said...
"Thank you, very very much." She said as a bright, genuine smile adorned her lips.
"There." Vaelin replied.
"Your smile, it's beautiful, don't lose it again." He said as he made his way back to the group, with the blushing woman staring in awe and admiratiom at his receding form.
As he moved to his former position, the executives shared knowing grins, even Maxim, the composed captain was smirking.
"Charming the ladies as always Solmire." one said.
"Seems the lad's got a lady magnet! Wonder if yer can land one of Hera's folk!", the dwarf from earlier exclaimed as the group laughed their hearts out.
"*sigh* he really is the son of Zeus huh." Maxim remarked.
"Damn right he is!" Zald confirmed as the group roared with laughter.
Vaelin remained silent, but Zald and Maxim noticed the small traces of a grin on his face. The laughter eventually died down as they reached their destination. They passed through the ornate gates as the lower leveled members of the Hera Familia acknowledged their presence, one leading them to the conference room where Hera's executives were waiting impatiently.
Executive Conference Room
And so, the highest ranking members of the strongest familias in Orario, took up positions around a large circular table. All would think that both factions in the greatest alliance are on good, peaceful terms with each other.
The conference room was thick with tension. The two captains had hit a disagreement just 7 minutes after the discussion commenced. The common reason being...
Empress refused to cooperate.
This was not surprising in the least to Zeus's executives, as their god always reminded them just how much they all act like Hera. Haughty and rebellious are what describe them. Every single stratagem that Maxim carefully developed through numerous sleepless nights, as well as countermeasures and plans on how to handle supply would be shot down by her, and her executives would follow suit. It would be an understatement to say that Maxim was frustrated. Zald held back an exasperated sigh lest he become their next target. It seems that the others understood the assignment quite clearly and kept their complaints close to the heart. Vaelin who has been totally silent was leaning against the far wall with a neutral, but passively grim expression, as he predicted this outcome.
At the other side of the table, we have Alfia seated peacefully with her eyes shut. She hasn't said a single word, which is nothing out of the ordinary. She opened her eyes ever so slightly and started to heavily scrutinze every single member of the male only familia.
She started with Maxim, their captain. He was wearing a dark blue long sleeved buttonless shirt with the Zeus Familia emblem designed onto it, as well as black pants with black canvas shoes. He wore a black cloak over the shirt with his weapon leaning against his chair. Maxim, who felt her hard gaze paid her no mind as he attempted to peacefully reason with her captain, who was almost yelling at this point. He sighed, 'These women are the most frustrating issues in my career.' he thought.
Alfia then looked at Zald standing at the doorway, who adorned his full black armor and had his greatsword at the ready. Now that she thought about it, all their executives are wearing armor and have their weapons at the ready, even Maxim has a sword leaning against his chair at arm's reach, save for one of them. Just what do they take them for?! She sighed. Alfia then turned her attention to the white haired man who was standing at the far wall with his eyes closed.
"Rejected." Empress cocluded yet again.
Alfia scrutinized the man. He was wearing a simple black tee shirt under a silver jacket with a lightning bolt emblem similar to Maxim's design. He also wore black pants with metal boots. The boots had intricate patterns made with blue lining that seemed to pulse with magic power once in a while. She quickly deduced thar they were made of mythril, a very light, magic conducting metal. She had to admit, it was creative. She scrutinized the man further and noticed the tiny, glittering silver specks in his hair. Whether that was natural or not didn't concern her as she observed his sky-blue eyes now that they were open, before noticing the katana sheathed at his left.
'Magic swordman huh? Hm.'
Vaelin POV:
Vaelin was chilling on his own when he felt the intense scrutiny of the Silence.
'The hell?!'
He opened his eyes as he decided to play it cool and ignore it. He felt her gaze travel all over his body and linger on his boots for a bit. He felt it intensify on his face a bit before moving to his katana.
"What makes you think that YOU'RE the one supposed to be making the plans here?!" Empress roared.
The composed Maxim had reached his breaking point and replied. "My level of expertise, woman."
"Oh damn." Zald said.
"It's about to go down." Another member said worriedly.
Vaelin was grateful for the outburst as Alfia turned her gaze towards her. She looked slightly irritated by the noise but decided against voicing out her complaints.
"You are in MY office, MY territory. You have no right to take decisions!" Empress continued.
"Empress, you are being unreasonable. It's a group discussion for a purpose. Let's just listen to the strategies I developed and make changes based off of your-"
"Why do I have to listen to your plan?!"
Sigh* Maxim started to massage his temple before looking around at his companions as Empress continued her irrational yeling. Alfia looked at Zald, trusting that he'll find a way to end this.
"I have a suggestion." Zald said as he raised his hand, his booming voice cutting Empress of instantly. She glared at him while Alfia gave an approving 'Hm.'
Zald brushed off the captain's glare and stated his point clearly.
"The issue here is that the two captains have conflicting opinions for the expedition, so why don't we find a way to choose which captain should lead the charge. Voting won't do any good and would be too boring and confusing. Any thoughts everyone?" He ended. There was silence before the older dwarf raised his arm.
"Brock?" Maxim called him.
"I heard you lasses usually settle these kinda stuff through duels. That's definitely more entertaining in my opinion."
"I am not fighting." Empress stated flatly, shutting it down.
"Then you can pick an executive from your familia to fight. Captain Maxim can also pick one of us to fight." A junior executive stated. He flinched slightly as everyone's gaze was set on him. After what felt like an eternity, Maxim spoke.
"That sounds rational to me, Eric. Empress?"
"...No objections." She stated flatly. Maxim was relieved and slightly surprised she agreed. Everyone around the room agreed as well.
"Wait" Empress started, much to Maxim's chagrin. "Yes?"
"Junior executives only." Empress said, the reason being that Maxim could pick Zald. And she is very sure that Zald could crush any of her senior executives in a duel. Of course she wouldn't admit it. Maxim smirked and Zald grinned as they both saw through it instantly, further backing her reason.
"Fine by me." Maxim accepted the challenge.
"Ladies first." he added.
Empress turned to her junior executives at her left. They were all slightly tense, as was to be expected.
"Aura." She singled one out.
"Yes ma'am."
"You reached level 8 about three months ago, correct."
She nodded.
Empress smirked. "I have chosen my fighter Maxim. Your turn now."
Maxim looked at his 4 junior executives, they all had determination burning in their eyes and were slightly tense, understandable. The latter affecting all but one of them. Maxim's gaze lingered on Vaelin, who didn't have a care in the world and was undoubtedly the strongest and most promising junior executive.
"Vaelin Solmire."
"You'll be dueling with Aura, understood?"
"Hm." He grunted with a nod. Vaelin, who was expecting his name to be called just got ready to perform his responsibility.
"When shall we begin?"
"Come back in 2 hours."
And so, the duel was settled. Alfia was, curious of the man Vaelin Solmire, as Maxim had called him. He had concealed himself very well as she could not detect his power level, but he should be at least level 7. For the first time, she never planned on missing a familia gathering.
At the Zeus Familia Manor
Normal POV:
The executives of the Zeus Familia were in Maxim's office with their god. It was a moderate looking office fit for a captain of his caliber. Nothing too flashy and extravagant. The others took a seat while Zald stood firm near the wall just like how he stood at Empress's office, his greatsword in its sheath this time. He rarely ever sat down. Maxim pulled a chair to the side of his desk for Zeus before sitting at his desk chair.
"So how'd it go?" Zeus asked his familia. He wasn't expecting a positive answer, but hoping for the worst is pointless anyway.
"Terrible. Empress refused to cooperate for irrational reasons, but we came to an interesting conclusion." Maxim said with a small smirk.
"And an entertaining one too." Zald added with a grin. Everyone else chuckled or snickered towards Vailen.
"Oh?" Zeus was genuinely curious.
"Empress started yelling at Maxim a lot because she did not want him to be the captain, so I proposed we clesrly decide who leads the squad. Long story short, we went with a duel between the junior ones." Zald stated.
"Really?! I definitely ain't missing this even if I have to deal with that divine bitch!" Zeus exclaimed. He was really surprised and excited for this. Gods are always dying for entertainment.
"So who're the chosen ones?!"
"Aurora Mantle of the Hera Familia, recently achieved level 8."
"Damn! A tough nut that one. She is kinda curvy too though. Who's going for us then?"
"Vaelin is." Maxim stated. Vaelin raised his arm in acknowledgement.
Zeus looked at Vaelin, surprised he'd take part. He then held his head high with pride.
"Ohhh Hera's gonna be so mad when she loses this thing. They don't know who they're messing with! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"We'll be returning for the duel in an hour and a half. Vaelin, you know how to handle this right?" Maxim asked. Vaelin gave a thumbs up. "Then we're done here. Everyone, dismissed." He concluded.
"Hey Vaelin! Let's go to my room to update your status. It's been 2 weeks right?"
Zeus's room
They were on the highest floor of the manor, which had a broad hallway that branches to other smaller hallways, just like a river and it's tributaries. At the end of this hallway was a set of double doors, which were made from wood from the Wishe Tree itself left behind by a certain fool hero. The doors had been carved by Zeus, Zald and Vaelin themselves to picture various ancient hero stories and great spirits. It gave Vailen a great feeling of nostalgia as a childlike smile graced his lips. He always loved those stories and worked to become a hero as well. Though of course only Zeus knew about that. Zeus grinned as he watched his 'grandson'. They entered the room which was like a master bedroom. The overall colour scheme was synonymous to Maxim's office. King sized bed, wide desk with several books, paintings of several adventures of the old, a balcony overlooking the whole of Orario and valuable artifacts gifted to him by his familia, as well as those left behind by heroes. Zeus sat on a nearby rocking chair and the white haired teen knelt in front of him, back bare.
"Let's see what we have here~~" the old man said as he used a white dagger he found at the site of Albert's last stand, left behind by one of his companions, to draw blood from his finger. He proceeded to unlock the boy's falna and update his status.
Vaelin Solmire
Age: 16
Race: Human
Level - 7
Strength - S989 - SS1064
Defense - A881 - A898
Agility - S999 - SSS1287
Dexterity - SS1054 - SS1176
Magic - S901 - S998
Luck - D - C
Abnormal Resistance - E
Swordsman - D
Hunter - C
Spirit Healing - F
Martial Artist - G
Showman - E - D
• Caelum Veil: Lightning-based enchantment that significantly boosts strength, defense and agility similar to Ariel. This enchantment imbues a weapon, armor, or object with the raw power of crackling lightning that surges through every strike or defensive maneuver.
Can chant Distel while spell is active to surge lightning in multiple directions.
"Rage, wrath of the heavens!"
• Divine Exorcim: A sacred and powerful ritual chant that calls upon divine or celestial forces to purge deep-seated corruption, dispel malevolent spirits, and cleanse the soul from deep rooted curses and diseases. Used in situations where lesser purification spells have failed, requiring the caster's full magical concentration. Can chant Nimbus: Purify! for minor circumstances.
"O hallowed light, eternal and pure,
Burn away the taint, let truth endure.
From shadows deep and spirits vile,
Banish darkness, cleanse the defiled.
By sacred flame and waters bright,
Restore the lost to holy sight.
Let no chains of malice remain,
Break all curses, shatter their reign.
I call upon the winds of fate,
To purge the dark, to cleanse the slate.
By divine will, by blessed might,
I cast thee out, into the night!"
• Lightning Arsenal: Triple Assault
- Tenjin's Bolt: Super short chant offensive magic that shoots a bolt of lightning from the user's palm.
-Thunder Ray: Short chant offensive magic that produces a beam of concentrated bolts of lightning to strike foes.
"Purge cleansing lightning!
Render all in your a forgotten memory!"
- Lightning Cascade: A devastating invocation of raw storm energy, summoning a relentless cascade of lightning to strike down enemies. This spell channels the fury of the heavens, unleashing a storm of crackling blue-white bolts that arc and explode upon impact, obliterating everything in their path.
"Rend the skies, let thunder weep,
Wake the storm from slumber deep.
Lightning dance and fury rise,
Burn my foes beneath the skies!"
• Heroic Will: Provides an overall status boost when fighting to protect. Strength of boost is proportional to user's resolve and can overcome difference in levels.
• Atlas Heart: Renders mind altering magic and effects useless. Provides immunity to charm type effects.
• Eye Of The Tempest: Slows perception of time, analyzes multiple threats at once, predicting movements with near-perfect precision.
• Flashguard: Reduces damage done by magic-based attacks. Damage absorbed is directly proportional to the magic power used in the attack.
• Stormwalker: The more lightning the user uses in a battle, the more volatile attacks to physical attacks only.
• Trogon: Charge active skill.
(Author's Note: I kinda took 2 of the magic spells from another DanMachi famfic called DanMachi: The Last Hero. Check it out if you love OP BellxAis fanfics!).
"Damn, crazy as always. You definitely took after me a lot." Zeus said as he completed the update and locked his falna. "Seems ya charmed another lady today, that's ma boy!" He exclaime
"I just did what I had to. Nothing special."
"And you did great! Now, I'm sure you have some prepping to do, so I'll leave you to your stuff." The old man said. "Don't brutalize her though!" He added as Vaelin neared the door.
"I would never do such a thing. I'm really not thrilled about this either, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and nothing can change that, like you told me."
"Seems you took my teachings to heart." Zeus said with a grin. "Only the wise and gentlemanly ones. I never had any interest in harems and-"
"RRRRROMANCE!" Zeus roared for the entire manor to hear followed with boisterous laughter. Vaelin chuckled at his grandfather figure's antics and left the room.
The familia of yanderes' manor was in an uproar. The reason...
It was primitive, haughty and overconfident, but it's their nature, including their goddess, who had ordered Empress to report to the Guild to officialize the duel. An Adventurer's Duel is a friendly match similar to a wargame where two or more adventures from the same or different familias face off against each other. It's also broadcasted for all of Orario to witness for credibility and entertainment. In most cases, it's a 1v1 duel, just like this one. Empress and 2 of her senior executives had stormed the guild and held the famous 'Guild Pig' by the neck. And so, the details were settled, which were imprinted in a section of a letter and sent to the legendary captain of heroes, who was exasperatedly reading it out loud to his fellow stressed out executives.
Adventurer's Duel #148
Familias affiliated: Zeus Familia, Hera Familia.
Aether Hunter (Lvl. 7) - Zeus Familia
Celestial Mirage (Lvl. 8) - Hera Familia
Venue: The Colosseum 10:30 AM.
Everyone let out a collective sigh, even the silent Vaelin.
"They just had to go on and do that huh." Their god concluded.
"I knew they underestimated our potential, but I never thought it was to this level of disrespect." Maxim added.
"""Mhm.""" Zald, Brock and Vaelin grunted in the affirmative.
After a long silence...
"Well, we just gotta show em' and the public how it's done, right?" Zeus said, to which Zald and Maxim nodded to.
"Give 'er STEEL BOY!" Brock added. The others all added their remarks before Vaelin added with a small smirk.
"I'll do my best." He stated, to which they all had knowing grins.
Alfia was quietly sitting by her sister's bed at the med bay, thinking. Hera had placed a divine mirror for them in there.
'I wonder if he'll pull it off'. She thought, her curiosity showing on her features, albeit slightly.
"You seem unusually interested." Her sister said with a smirk.
"Just curious is all." She replied.
"Rrrrright." Meteria added with a giggle, confusing her twin sister.
"This'll be entertaining alright!" A certain red haired goddess of mischief exclaimed followed with a cackle.
"It was unprecedented, but it'll be a chance to finally see the Aether Hunter in action." A jade haired high elf added with a hint of excitement.
"If you put it that way, that's good. I'm curious about him as well." A blonde prum man added.
"Lighten up ya little man! Just enjoy the show without drafting plans for once!" A dwarf said with a boisterous laugh.
On the highest floor of Babel...
'What are you two up to this time?' A certain silver hairer goddess of beauty thought. She then called for her most loyal follower.
"M'lady." A buff looking boaz beast person emerged from behind her.
"Take me to the Colosseum. I want to view this boy's soul and this spectacle up close."
"As you wish, milady." He respectfully obeyed.
'Let's see where this goes." She thought, feeling a bit giddy in a long time.
Okay, this is the end of chapter 1. I know it seems a bit short but trust me they'll get longer, I promise! I've already started working on the second chapter so fear not! I plan on finishing this story. It's not a one-shot so don't worry. Feel free to comment and suggest ideas, all our welcome. 'Til next time!