Dark Darker and yet Lighter

Chapter 6: 006:Neferious villains...

Crow:Oscar can intake a swing?...

Oscar:Sure but be careful and ill lower the rotation speed to be more manageable...

Crow:Thanks,s ...now I hold it with this...and *creek and pop...*

The blade made contact and his metallic hand pooped out...letting the blade shoot off....on the floor...


Oscar:Well that was a failure..*snap* the metal hand was restored...the sword deactivated...*snap*(the damage was restored) ok so do i have a room to test further and upgrade it?...

Crow:Can do...minion get the Guest to the guest rooms...

Minion:sure sir the good guest room of the mediocre rooms?...

Crow:the good room...he's a valuable guest...you're a he right?

Oscar:Yes...Becki are we close?...how's Mayapple?...

Becki:Yes we are close to the insectoid kingdom and princess Mayapple is resting...

Crow:Good to know....ill prepare my equipment...how many funds have we got?

Becki:Enough for two Upgrades i will be going to have more work to be done...

Oscar:take care..

Becky:Thank you sir...by any chance do you have any healing ability my back hurts a bit from the intelligence gathering...

Oscar :*snap* *crack....relieved sigh* That should do it...and no flirting i have a wife already...

Becky:*tsk* lucky woman.... How is she?,...

I snapped my finger and a tall Gargoyle made of bismuth was revealed she was flexing a briliant smile body sculpted to the perfect form....the illusion shows her dressed in her pullover and short skirt with white underwear and hair tied in a pony tail....

Crow:Holy Mama...she's made of Bismuth and she is a Gargoyle?...

Oscar:Yes she was human now she is whatever she selects to eat...Raw...

Becky:She never needs to watch for weight gain?

Oscar:nope and she is naturally Immortal...

Beck:How can i get some of that?

Crow:Stop...no deals on my ship...i don't need to have you try and inheritance my things after i die of old age!...

Oscar :Fine...

Mayapple:Does somebody say immorality?

Oscar:And power...

Mayapple:Sing me up...

Oscar:After your natural lifetime you will become my maid agreed?...


Oscar*snap* the deal was struck ...how long does your species live?...

Crow:80 to 90 years...what i am aware of my own mortality....and she's about 20 years old ...so 70 years of power then you become his maid....enough time to regret your decision...

Now i will go get the insect kingdom princess....Hahahaaa...

Oscar:I'll watch over....the progress...have fun....

Mayaple:Dont die...

Becky:Finally he's out...now for a negotiation i want more power...what do you want in exchange for it?...

Oscar:The ship...if it is shot out of the sky ill own it...

Becky:Here's the contract..*sing* done...

Oscar:What do you want to turn into?...

Becky:Something ageless and unstoppable ...

Oscar:*done...*youre the thrope of a good horror monster....youre unkilable but fightable...and unstoppable as in you can't be stoped you will win in the end...if anybody dose not seal you...

She blinked feeling different yet the same she focused on her hand and it turned into a claw...she swung it and it did not get damaged nighter her claws...she is indestructable but still of human strength.... She was satisfied...and understood evrithing came with a price...she went to test the ability,s after a bit Crow with returned with a Insect Princes..i was in my mostly Moth form...like killer Moth from Teen titans show...i found him funny...

O.Morh:Crow its me Oscar...i chose to act as a support villain check these guns*flex flex* ow hellow there Princess of Insectia Kingdome...you can call me Killer Moth...its stupid but alsaw funny...

Apoidia:A plesure meeting you K.Moth so are you married?

Oscar:Yea...her name is Mable she is a Gargoyle made of Bismuth she,s very powerful well enough to scrap this hole ship...being fair i can scrap a planet with greater ease....but well you get wath you get when you merry a former mortal human...she ajusted rather easily but she is mostly whimsical wathever....how are you Princes?

Apoidia:Thats nice...are you immortal?...and pretty ruffled....so amout the immortal thing...

Crow:This is Oscar...or for now Killer Moth a Fey Divinity he showed up cuppled days ago...he,s verry whimsicle himself...i dont intend to find out if he,s insane or relly god....leaning more towards the insane....or villainous...

Becky:Ariela is next on the capturing list...K.Moth are you ready?...

We arrived and landed down....we went and heard some yak,s sing...we went thrue the land Dwarf,s swinging Bumerang Axes....at us...we heard the song being about theyr Prince,s Name witch is very long....the decorations and colore plalet is very varied we went thrue the guards...i wached and flew around....untill we met a Villain...i grabbed the device and Craw saw my smile and i crushed the mecanicle device...he fell on the ground...not killed we then left...met her...but she jumped on Crow and rode him like a horse....on the way we killed things i flew helping when needed...and we got to a big bot...witch we saw a guy called Gur i laughed as he was smashed into small pancake...i grabed his favorite axe....we then left....with the short Stack....we left...i got bored of the form of Killer moth and returned to my Fey shape.... I met with Mayapple....she was sad....meh...i returned to my Cabin to sleep...

A while after we up...he told me of the Oger princess....she was villainous...we Becky told me the ship was overheating...i used a spell to keep it at its best temperature she was thankful and got me some Cola...i floated 6 above the ship a nice hot temperature...i was getting a tan...and after a while he returned...with a Male prince...i met him as i was returning with a whiter completion then...a paradoxical event..getting tanned meant to get darker skin colore and not lighter...

Ariel:Oy didn't you go to tan in the schorching hest.....why the hell are you whiter?

Oscar:Fey don't get darker...if they are a Dark fey..we get lighter...its stupid but it fits...if i don't do this daily i would look like this..*snap*

The Short girl saw the fey sexy man be replaced by a Light Absorbig humanoid silhouette i smiled as a whit light filled my mouth and Eyes the only distiguihable features...she could see...

Oscar:You see this is my form when i spend too much time not basking in the sunlight of Stellar bodies...i am literally a Black Hole for light...*snap* done...i am going to eat some food...The ship needs some fixing...Yeah...bye...short princess...

I left her...getting to the main room were i was met by Crow and the Apoidia...they looked at me and pulled me by the hand...we enterd the submarine....i enjoyed the dive and swim...i saw a rather nice vew....we got to the money i *snape* and thre gold coins apered on our hands it was modified and a coin that if rotated three times it showed Crow , Apoidia then Me...then Crow again...they liked the token...i smiled and fited it in my wallet...a permanent place...a reminder...

Oscar:The coins are filled with sea water from here...so theyre just a shell of theyr true empty self,s...do not let them in a hot place for to long they may bulge...and become a ball and not a coin....

Crow:Cool...can you help with the retrival of the money?... Ill get you a cut...you know since you protected the ship...from the rapid changes in temperature....thanck,s...

Oscar:Fine ill help...but ill get just another coin i don't have unlimited space the treaure dicepered as i got a extra coin fully made of gold....i stored it in a poket....and we were teleported out...i dropped the good in the coffers and the ship docking perfectly....

Oscar:That was nice...*snap* this is a gold Vinal of my mixtape..a gift for the collection... (The mixtape is Fnaf Safe inside by Cg5)

Crow:Youre very convinieng Neutral Friend...thanck,s now to Makrow city...we have to thrash a lab rat...or visit the Vilain Museum...

Oscar:Museum first...the Lab rat can wait...i literely stoped time over there...

Mayaple:Wath?...any side effects?...

Oscar:A day extra to live...meh nothing dangerous..maybe some hungry people out of town....nothing serious...

Crow:Wathever...we have the time..lets go...

A couple hours later we saw a big robot...with five colored coordinated nerds....i threw them in the ocean as i stored the giant music robot to be then we left to grab the Feryday Princess...she was literely glued to me...absorbing my ambiental energy to feed herself...the Ship was spared...her hunger...after a while got to a large energy well...were Fereday consumed it...not enoght to chalange me...but powerfull...it could do destruction or healing...she was a bit of a power trip...she decided to return to her smaller form...and the vortex was kept safe...and she was full...we then continued the jurny to beat the shit out of a guy called Kakle...or something...

Mayaple was about to kill him and we went to the Sure death ray...Crow was betrayed and the Ship fell...i collected it...and stored it for my use...Crow did not see it...decepere.... Mayapple carried Crow to help stop Becky...i wached the show...and enjoyed the Explosion the Primce,es were kept safe...Mayaple, Becky and Crow...healed and that was it...

I allowed the guys to return to theyr things....i made a show of making a copy of the soveran Crow twiched as it was painted neon purple...and Green...i waves goodbye as i left... The portal snapped close behind my ship...they were wide eyed...

Fereday:Thanck got that Creature left...he's a lot stronger than anything hopefully he does not return....

Crow:Why...he was nice enough...

Fereday:He,s very old...if he relly wanted he could take anything he wanted...and since he has a partner he did not take a fancy to any woman here...

Pov:Oscar....World of Ben ten....

I went immediately invisible....this is Balvan B the moon of Galvan prime...that,s Azsmuth....hmmm i am to week here...better return home...but first...

I found the terra former and arrived as Azmuth deactivated it making malware ...i had prepared few personality cores if i found suitable body,s to make my apostals...or clones....i pulled out a N-T-Cyte pure magic core....i shot it at Malwere,s hand as it enters inside , it became purple...it grew making great paine to him...force him to detach it and let it develop....meanwhile i returned to my pocket realm finding a resting Mable...i returned few times during my short adventure...i visited...now i opened a window to watch...i


The purple mass cluster bubbled moved and compressed....the Faild Galvanic mecamorf and Galavan watched in curiosity as the rejected mass shifted grew and collapsed finishing its homogeneous endeavor fully turning the black and and purple in a cohesive substance...it glowed dark purple with a metallic outer shell...a hand clawed emerged similar but more refined then Malwere....two hands touched the ground and slowly i pulled myself out...the razer sharp and polished spine followed by the two bone plates then the ribs and skull...the hands thick metallic bones being attached to the shoulder joint shoket,s ,

the head it is smooth two holes filled of light under the two dots of light a jagged maw...was visible a big jagged smile bearing a natural calmness...

Azmuth:A off shot...but its completely different... To the original Malwere ....do you have a name?...

Parazit:*coff coff* I *coff* Am Parazit a *coff*Plesure meating you...the Mecamorph network is open for my eyes....Wath a marvelous creation i am...Hehee ...Sorry this body is just wonderful unlike the temporary ability to merge and use technology i can assimilate it..modify it..prise being pain for my brother...but for me...hehe...i am not him the N-T-Cyte core is the thing i merged with a sample of the most painfull virus was a bio-mecanicle Viral compound...im not able to merge fully with technilogy anymore...and as it seams i am hungry...

Azmuth:Wath do you need then?..

Parazit:Food acess to the librery and a the basic Galvan lessons i want to improve modify myself not let anybody get infected by my Viral aspect as it wold pe a agonizing experience...i lucky i have no pain receptors...

Azmuth:I can work with this as for you Malwere what will you do?...

Malwere:I will try my best to learn as well i desire to be complete but if Parasite will not wait nighter will i...i will learn faster be better then something that came out from me...

Prazit:Weaknesses are ment to be overgrown and improvements come over time...youre to in-patient Brother...but first...Azmuth can you provide me with protein based food...i don't care if its fresh or not the N-T-Cyte can assimilate dead mass for my body,s proper functions and some energy to charge my mecamorphic components...hopefully i can get a way to alleviate bowth problem,s...

Azmuth:I will help when you don't understand something i in exchange expect you to share your research with me...and i will have an assistant with you...

Prazit:Acceptable terms...but i will desire a ship to travel to Earth i have felt something valeubale to by growth there...and its magic based...a power source... I feel it from here...*gulp* it smells of Evil and power...i can refine it into something neutral and powerfull...do you have blacksmithing technick,s?...i need to temper and reinforce this body,s exoskeletal shell...

Azmuth:I will inclued it to your learning time...Malwere do you have any requests?..

Malwere:As much datta as possible on my species then i will analyze miself to find what im missing to be complete..

After a long while...Malwere lost pacience and stole Albedo to fix him...i with Ben and the rest came to stop him from being alterd even further...he was successful but i managed to take a peace of him for my reserch...Ben Coverd him in his cristals...

Parazit:Poor guy...he was not well in the Code...well i got my reserch done...Azmuth i left the Labs datta for you to acess dont allow Malwere or Albedo to have it...i dont need a infection to start i left the only other sample of my strain with you...i will go serching for the power sourse that i felt all that time ago...*transfor* Human how do i look?..

Ben:Human....so youre coming with us?...

Azmuth:Allright Parazit take care and grab the prototype i want you at least to complete it its functional but you need to calibrate it to your desired specifications...Good look..

Max:Welcome to the Earth plumber,s

Parazit:I am grateful at your help...i will be heloing the resident Scientists when the time comes...

A while after...

The ship landed i was getting used to breathing...then my skin tight black suit with Marker patterns and text grew to form a hoody black pants shoes and gloves...my face unavoidable human..the biomechanical nanites changing colore to seem human purple eyes black sclera and sharp teeth with black lips i looked like a Emo teen...the spiked shoulders didn't help i formed a bag and we left the ship...the Tenison,s were suprised as i made a human form insted of using a disquise mask...

Gwen:So you know magic?

Parazit:Yes i am using the Marker operation languege to control and mannage my mana i wold be called a Necromancer but yes i am a Magician...

Gwen:You controll dead body,s?..

Parazit:I controll dead cells...even in living body,s...i can expell dead cells with or without harming my target....i can grow or kill bacteria viruses and many other plague poison and even stop death...for a time...but most people call it evil they are just ignorant...plus you dont need it...youre a Annodite Star...

Ben:A wath?

Max:Anodite...your grandma is a annodite a free spirit of magic are you sure Par that she is one?..

Parazit:Yes her scent is emanating small traces of a true annodite i had encounterd one during my reserch in upgrading miself to be more self sufficient bowth in energy and hunger...

Ben:Hunger like energy?...

Parazit:Like in eating protein based food...its to keep my viral nature content and so i dont starve as such turning me ferral..i have packed concentrated protein matter from Galvan prime witth few power sourses for my energy needs...Azmuth took care to get me fead and docile...

Ben:*gulp*so...you eat meat?...

Parazit:Meat, mushrooms, plant matter anything that can get my belly filled even metal and minerals...i do not defecate...but i can used the processed materials tonbuild things no viral compound is ever relesed witout my knolege or desire...

Max:Can you send your file to my computer?...so i know if anything goes wrong...

Parazite:Shure...il write it on paper i dont want to have any digital fiels...no haking will get my datta...ok?

Max:Shure thing...and i agree parer is better then digital..

Parazite:I was thinking on the lines of cloth...

I got some cloth sintesised from when i ate some wolly animal...it was strange but tasty.....the roled up information was perfectly writen and ordered with drawings of my form,s...my normal civilized satiated form...my hungry form and the starving form...and lastly the Burned out form...witch made me look gaunth and fragile...yet utterly deadly...they saw the many difrent forms...and the advice to deal with them...and lethality levels...

Gwen:So this is your most dagerous form?..

Parazit:Yes Gwen this form can freely use Magic i have learned in the past its only weakness is i don't have infinite power just yet...but with the artifact i feel here on this planet after i refine it i can be defined as Planetary trouble....

Ben:Cool...can you spar with me?..

Parazit:Shute but not here and first i need to stokpile some energy and Food...for safety reasons...

Max:I agree as i wred here when he enters a hungry or starving state his priority is to feed himself so he dose not Burn out and hurts himself...lets go we,l let you get accommodated in the plumbers base...

I was shown a room i droped the resourses...and enterd a rest mode....i was awakend a week later by the galvan duo Bluke and Driba i scrached my eyes and stood to my giant form..my human disguise long gone...i looked at the two...and shifted to the human form...

Parazite:Why did you wake me up...Galvans of inferior intelect to my creator Azmuth....

Bluke:How dare you....youre the First thinkers creation?...

Driba:Woow...how can you be here then?

Parazit:I came here to colect some magic artifacts as this planet seams full of them...i was recovering from the stressfull space trip...now you woke me...Why?

Driba:We finished doing some work and heard there is another rezident...

Bluke:I thoght we could eat...fogrther...i didn't read that you were a Galvan Mecamorph Variant...can you eat?

Parazit:Yes but mostly protein vegetables are just garnish for me..

Driba:Great lets go...

We left to eat...and we ate...i had chicken wings and some other foods as i looked most human i was the one to pay and brin him food down to the base...after that i cheked the progress in the asimilation of the Malwere sub species i consumed it half way...it is still strugalig close very close to have his full power...i staid for another weak so i can finish this progect helping the engeniers with exoediting few things...then when i was done i left...to find the Hart of Dagon...a quick location spell and i enterd it i grabed Escolon and the Hart enterd my storege chaimber were it was being contained and refined....with the sword i felt invincible.....i used it to complete the power core generation out of dagons hart then with a stab i impaled thrue space and hit Dagon as his body was turned into pure power fueling my energy core and killing him...i then purged the influence of Dagon on this planet as i sent the sword back to Galvan prime next to Azmuth to put safe...i now with a inlimited sorce of energy and magic i left this destroyed temple....

Back in the Plumber base..

Bluke:hey Driba did you know Parazit,s name means Parasite?...

Driba:Yea he chose that name but its funny he is anything but that the reports on Galvan prime in few sectores has been improved due to his help...he may not be a genious but he,s very good thinker outside the box....you know...

Bluke:I wander when he will come back it was fun to sea him eat the meat and then the bones like a afterthought....

About a hour after i returned to my bed to sleep some more...

Next Morning...

Max:Wake up...


Ben:Spar!! Come on man you promised...

Parazit:Fine...were,s the Girl?...

Max:Waiting in the car...she had something tonwrite...do you need something from her?...

Parazit:I raided an ancient evil,s tomb ripped out its heart and made myself a fashionable gem...to power my energy and magi...i found few light magic book,s...i want to pass them to her so she can harness her power...

Max:Can i see them?...Cloth book,s...you are not giving her the originals...are you?...

Parazit:Nope theyre cursed and im enjoing to much theyr atemots at warping my alwredy twisted being...i am paradoxicaly the most twisted being yet...i am alsaw a good man...i have no rules...as i always try to do my best...even if it look,s my worse...its actualy my best tring not to accidentaly murder someone or something...

Ben:*gulp* Yea...god to know...

Parazit:lets go then...


A day after....

In a van Ben, Gwen, Max and (Parazit)Razi started on a trip.

Gwen:So if i sai this incantation witout the hand movements it looses some power...but its easyer to move...

Razi:Yes thats it youre a clever aprentice...

Gwen:Thanck,s Teacher...

Max:Why are you here in front dont you want to learn magic?...

Ben:Theyr jargen makes my mind hurt...il stick with my omnitrix...plus i wild be only in the way...theyre bowth having fun...emo necromancer....do you know if he is alsow a dancer....

A few hours of trafic...

Max:This is a tasty bowl of earth magnets...eat up...

Bowth ben and gwen showed a disgusted face...i got my rucksack...i opend my chest threw half of the maggets inside then coated then in batter and air fried them....with spices and finished the cooking with a ding...

I pulled out looking like Deep fried Shrimp...i alsaw got some soses and pulled out the the revamped food...

Razi:Bon apetit...i learned some cooking the taiste is better and look,s a lot better...


Ben:I apreciate it...

Razi:Il be taking the raw produce washed and salted...its rater strnage but for me tasteless...i can simulate the taste but well i dont need to know how this taistes....

Ben:Thats not so fair...how come you can eat?...arent you Upgrades species...but purple?...

Razi:Yes i an a Galvan Mecamoroh varient as i asimilated a virus that is bowth biological and mecanicle in nature...with magic and the knolege to bring extinction to this hole universe ....unless a Celestial Sapien try,s to stop me....so yea you can say my viral components need proteine to work as needed ...

Ben:Are you kidding right?....right!..

Razi:Yea lets say i lied for your peace of mind...i am just part organic thats why i can use food for sustaining my body...


Gwen:Razi can you teach me of the scrip you use for chaneling energy after we eat?...

Razi:Yes it can be done...

Next day...during night...

I was resting on the roof....i was feeling a ectonuright energy source i saw a Ben was focefully transformed and he emmerged as Zscare.....he spoke in a raspy voice....

Zscare:You are not .....like the....ofhers....youre a Monster....i can help you be more....just help me take over ben...and optain the device.....

My eyes glowed purple...i used Dagon,s mind control power to separate the Ectonuright...he screamed and was foced to do as i desired if not he wold feel the Sun....the sample in the Omnitrix was purged of the will as a copy of my own was instaled....

Zescare:Wath have you done....*AaaaAaaaah* Why am i transforming ....,*Scream* the dna i spliced from Gwen to test the ability to chanel magic was infused magicaly in her body...Binding,s were made and locked on her neck, wrists and waste the chaines converged to my wrist as a netalic shackle was formed...she stoped and bowed...

Z,Scare:Master what have you done to me?...im energized but ....i dont remember my goal...Master what is my purpose?...

Parazit:Youre purpose is to serve me and feel pleaure from doing so...now come here and help we sleep i want a lap pillow...and with the outer skin you are rezilient to the sun,s ray,s if you dont discsrd it...

Z,Scare:Thanck you Master...

I sat my head on her lap...her body being a bimbo her lap pillow is very nice...her chest being alsow a nice vew...her outer skin is grey and black itegular stripes while her inner skin is a smooth Dark purple with white segments like her tendeills that supoft her chest ass and half coil on her stomack...she,s very sexy...and tame....she moved her clawed nails slowly al carefull through my hair....she feels nice...no intrucive toght,s or evil plan...just enjoing life...

Next day...

Max:Raiz are you nearby?...

Parazit:Up here with my thick goth girlfriend.... Phobia Gast...were coming down...

I was in my human form and she in the magic form i made for her...she was a thick female pale skin with black tatoos around her waist neck and weists glowing purple...she was dressed in a pullover with a short dress stoking reaching her knees and the sleaves covers her claw like nails black and white hair black lips and black and purple eyes...i was carriing her on my sholderd like kempachy...the chain on my wrist was a black tatoo...

Max:And were did she come from?..

Phobia:The omntrix my DNA sample is alive and i regenerated from it...i was assisted by Parazit,s magic and natural galvan power...forming a complete body and then i bound myself to him as a reword i became his girlfriend and familier....the sample in Ben,s watch was modified so i didn't regenerate again from there...

Max:Well ill have to report this...will that be a problem?

Raiz:I care not but know this she won't let me be alone she is literely Honting me..at least she is harmless...and adorable...

Gwen:*yawn*....Whos the new girl?...

Phobia:*hsss* he's mine...*hug.*

Raiz:Phobi calm down i have no intrest in someone younger then me...

Phobia:But but im older then you...

Max:But Galvan mecamorphs are born adults...


Gwen:Did that Goth chick hiss at me?...and she,s dressed in a Velma goth clothes...

Ben: like in Schooby doo?..

Phobia:Such a cute guy...*hug,s Ben* so much destructive potential so little brains and he has so much will ow you wold make a great wepon...but alas youre to young...

Ben was suprised the hug was nice then he recoild as her voice was about the same as his Gost Freak form just more girly....in his opinion...she returned to holding my left hand snugaling into it as she went intangible and invisible...

Max:Dose she need fold of not...

Raiz:She is passively feeding on my bio-electricity i have a unlimited amount so no problems for me...just dont flirt difectly with me she,s very posesive and will hont her competition...Gwen we can still do our lesons in magic...Ben be redy as she will tease you when she can...so expect jumpsacsres just know she can go to about 30 feet in any direction before she is stoped from moving any further...

Max:Anyway were going to visit the museum today...get your food and we can continue....

A couple hours after Brake fast....

Museum of Nicolas tesla... Or something like that...Max had been told there may a Alien doing something....

We arrived...and Phobia decided to be in her human form...for this...we met a Scientist...

Phobia:Victor long time no see how you are in your skin...today...this is my partner Raiz how,s the progect going?...

Victor:My Lord is it wise to speak freealy in front of these natives?..

Raiz:The plans off...ive prepared transport to send you back to transil..i managed to make a deal with your master now she is my Familier

Victor:And you are?

Parazit:Galvanic mecamoroh variant magic able Species....and you're a Frankenstein humanoid your cells are partially degraded and under my complete complex controll...*snap*

his form broke out of the human disguise and his body bulged then relaxed his dead cells reactivated and modified to easeier containement use and small capacity to generate charge...he was renewed.. And more powerfull then ever....

Phobia:Ow you look younger and even more powerfull then back then i so jelous if i did not have my endless source of power i wold snack on you a little...

His metalic body parts flaked off replaced by Black matter and they are coverd by circuits...and now are retracted looking no difrent then any man...the new lair of skin made him look a lot better the eye monkle replaceing his big eye disguise....

He knelt and said..

Victor:Thanck you for your gift....i feel better now...a lot less rusty and cramped...i will live as soon as posible i will alsaw contact Thep and Crüjo to make it easyer...

Razi:Get me the mineral,s i want to reserch with them...how long wold it take for them to arrive?..

Victor:Two days sir Parazit ...

Phobia:Max you can leave with the kids...i have some matters to do with Razi and his needs...i was behaving myself for a big to long....tha tha...

Ben:Take care well meet back up in few days...

Gwen:*blush* yea bye..*mutters*maybe theyl just cuddle...

Max:Remember to use Protection...

And they left...we went to a room and discused her former plans...

A day after i and phobia were interloping...to satify our lust....and after that we were exosted ..i recoverd rapidly and then few hours after we had took a shower and we are clean proper and dressed...it was more of a mutual tentacle play....our body,s figuring out how to do it took about a hour...then two more to find our week points...Victor made sure to not listen to the sounds...shivering at shrile screams and flesh hitting spectral flesh....

We exited the room witch was in prestene condition ....i saw the mummy come closer and ooend its chest giving me four cristals of purple...i stored them inside as my energy lines glowed ....then dimmed as the minerals were transfomred....i opend my body to revele two Markers inscribed with the markings and visible seeing inside theyr memetic and necroTecnoCyte strain can be replicated....turning any life in armourd asoterica the two interlocked and i had a ciliner bowth components canceling eachother out....

The three were shivering at the active state and i did not budge...Phobia is happy to feel the short energized period...then she felt like shit...she moved to hug my neck in her invisible flowting state....

Razi:Come on get up yore rezistant to the stuff ....go to the ship...take care...

Victor:Goodbye Master and Lordess ZScare....

The other two bowed and left...i left and Phobia as well made our way to meet the Tennysons...we had both some pizza and enterd the Rust buket...i smiled and we ate...

After few more passes...i had spent a while to live....grow...and observe....the renewd base was fun....many little things happend...Malwere got to ben...but he did not mannage to ....then we encounterd aged people yet alive....i cheked them...theyr alive...the hands of armagedon.....E,on.....i captured him...isolating him from space time and evrithing else...i got the hands of armagedon and stripped it to attoms and stored them in my body...the link was broke....i then stripped the time power and made a Time lord core....i am ovejoied....i disposed of the dust he turned into...i was looked like i didnt just save the hole universe.....meh ....i left to heal his victims...growing older only made me stronger....

After a while i felt Malwere come here...close to ben...i teleported over to see Malwere try to destroy ben,s favorite alien...i stoped it and retrived the electroshock transformation....Malwere Grawld and tried to hurt me...i got another sample this time he didn't let it slide he managed to rip a peace of my mass we kept it silent then i hit him...Shooting him far away....i had turned grabbed ben and left....the transformstiin was falling apart i reconnected it to the watch...and it changed....becoming difrent ....but the same....that transformation is restricted....for now...

Ben was upset but thankful i left the place after i consiled him....Mallwere got his tachion shell...and with the sample i also got a copy...while he is struggling tring to get my blueprints he figured i produce energy on my own...he compressed the peace and fed it biomass....i now have a tracker....in him....i returned to the base working on tool,s weapons and armours....when i was done a long time passed i got visited and few holiday brake,s...

We ....me and Phobia had came to make more of her kin and sending them to Inner transil to revive the species free to reproduce and grow...

Ben came to me with Kevin and Gwen they broght me a DNA alien....i analized and had constructed the dna fision device....a raygun that purify,s humans of the parasite ...

Razi:Ben lets figure this out together...i have the gun we can curr any infected....

Ben:Just like old time..

Kevin:Whos the emmo kid?...

He saw my form grow metal plates emergeing and a Purple glow was visible inbetween the ppolished metal plates....i flexed and looked down at him....my Phobia on my sholder armourd in a mage,s armour and cloke....

Parazit:You can call me Parazit Gast the brother of Malwere and son of Azmuth this next to me is Phobia Gast my partner and Ectolordess of Inner Transil we have lived here for years and i am no kid...and know this Osmosion if you try absorbing my metal or DNA ...don't you will suffer since i have a biomechanics to viral compound acting as my blood...*metal snap*

The large armourd form colapsed to return to my human desing witch now is a young adult stage of growth....

Kevin:Roger that...did you desing that armour?

Razi:Yes i cooied my brother Tachion outer shell it looks cool and its eauiped with that wepon ....for emergency ocasions only....

Gwen:I managed a partial relese of the annodite form...and im growing well...the book,s are very usefull..thanck you...

Phobia:Ive grown as well hubby helped with the cell unstability with the cells of necrophigeon ...

Ben:Nice...how are the kids?

Parazit:Well and healthy...less nightmares with my medaling...

Phobia:Darling being creppy scari and nightmerish is atractive....to my culture...

Parazit:But you dont appose the modifications since it ashures them better food sourses...damnned sucubusses...

Kevin:Are you kidding me?...those things sexy?...

With a snap they saw five Newectonuright,s emerged two males and three females all coverd only in the Skin clothes skimpy and all are difrent textbook meanings of kink...

Ben:Well that's ....effective...*mutter*Damn lewd gosts...

Gwen:Yes theyr sexy but...i got my kevin...

Kevin:And i my Gwen...*gulp*hehe..

The kids returned to rest...and i once again felt stuffed...and chill..nice...we parted to serch for Max and the Dna alien,s...

After they found one of the amalgum kids...the flame guy...and tech...i made contact and analyzed them...gave the knokege....of the plan and the gate,s location after we talked we met a bkond guy..

He is a technopath and a god boy one of my children took a fancy of him and became friends with him...as she waited for further developments...he felt a connection to me not in a master subordinate but as equals...we talked and i reveled my biimecanicle knite form...as he observed and recorded then he saw the Dna fision device...and with my datta he was able to make a improved version of it...the gathering of metahumans was nice...i had collected samples from each of them at the last stand i used my galvanic metamorphing power..i grew to the size of a enemy ship and along with Ship and everybody ....i started downing ships restraining them and forceing the Haighbreed to remaine contained....

Ben went to do the mass Dna fusion making the highbreed into hybrids....i voiced the joke...

Parazit:Well ben turned these high-breed,s into hy-breeds hehehee

Kevin:....Hahahaaahabaa yea...good joke...

After this incursion we lived our lifes for a bit....i was not told of any other proble.....maybe they are considering me big guns material...well one day the Incuraiona...frog like species took over the planet and sent him in space...a peace of me went with him to facilitate his escape...i kept to myself....and when the time came i reveled the Moon ship....a project all this time...completed....i cool it Luna...and the incursions felt its activation the hole moon transformed and opened its maw reveling all the weapons and tendrills....yes this moon is pure Galvan mecamorph with N-T-Cyte clusters of my food over these years teleported there with the Twin markers...containing the power sourse....and few of my children there....as operation management they feed on the N-T-Cytes i prepared there....

Attea:Who,s ship is that?...

Razi:Myne my pet progect i call it Loona and youre in her range of feeding....surender or die...

Attea:Merry me!..

Phobia:Fuck of he,s my insane genious that happens to be on the side of good..

Attea:Fight me ....

Phobia:Youre not even worth his look with your skinny and poor diet....

Attea:Blast the thing!...Now!

Razi:Any hostike actiin will begin your end ...Surender....*crack shift Growth* *Distorted monstrous voice* i am Parazit the Galvanic Mecamorph Variant i am worning you only once ceace and vanish from my world or suffer thy consequences....

Now revealing my Armourd form twice the hight of Attea and sporting two Marker antenas from my sholderbones mimiking the desing of Daimond Head but more Edge and metal...

Attea:Retreat!..Now...the planet is to be quarantined and observed no hostile actions may proceed...Now lets turn back...

Evribody turned to me my large form colapsing back in the human desing...the clothes being replaced by a Armour mimiking enhanced Vilgax,s armour...

But no gaps...or skin...except the face...the pistons that would enter my hands replaced by markers inscribed with different spells once one retracts i use it as a focus and shoot the spell while the shoulder pads end in curved point towords the ground...

I thrned to return to my work...the teleporter taking me out of there...

A month...and a few days...Kaiber showed up with his Nemetrix...i got datta...and after a while i started being around him...i got to the moment Bruk Blanco was about to go and take it...i showed up and traped the transformed Kaiber de transforming him taking the device i consumed it...imperfect...but with my knowledge the access to the omnitrix and Galvan mecamorf...i updated it and made it part of me...it emerged on my left outer palm...i twisted it and the new function i gave it activated....then gently tapped it a spike was shot out of it and grew to form a Dial then from it grew the mutated N-T-Cyte predator ....it rawred and sat waiting for orders....

Ben:Wow thats so cool....why dosent my omnitrix have summones?...

I smirked and turned the dial a little bit and the N-T-Cyte Ancent healer transformed in Trinity...it then ran to me and hugged ...this is more then a Nemetrix this is the Spectertrix...but still a knock-off...the forms are close but the powers are only upgraded variants of the normal, eximus and such infected...plus the necro morph and the many predator species now added to those of the viral...they are very close to the originals.....for now this is the unrefined design i tapped two more times and Trinity transformed in her Ultimate form...the Dial fitted on her left hip...

She was now overly sexualized overly armour and overly superior in the arts of healing energy replenishing and draining of enemy Strenght....she was also twice the avrege Trinity size and thickness...

I taped the watch and she was stored back...in the device....i have about 53 of them...and using the panuncian dna i can have army,s of them...plus i redesigned its form in my Valkier,s..adding the power shield and energy claws....that's my favorite specter...

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