Dark Darker and yet Lighter

Chapter 61: 061 God,s mercy...

I smiled...Revive my Mercy to all of you....and drink for good health for the day of comfort...Amen...

They all responded Amen..

The felt the cup,s and they dranck...the power will keep em worm for today...

The effect of witch can stack.

I met some scientist,s .....they were surprised by me...the abilities seemingly impossible....they came with curiosity and I welcomed them wit a different view on things....

They then acymted as general curious helper's....I was given a public place...and was kept in sight....the only being that may cause me trubble being Godzilla...they treated me like a nuclear bomb...

I then heard the call....

They saw me react...in my alcohol lab...

I set evrithing to the side...and walked through things...and steped in air...Midna had vanished...in a swirl...I received a call I tapped the ear peace...

Sir why are you leaving?...

Godzilla called he,s calling for help...who is he fighting?...

A skeletal Kiju with half head on its shoulders.....

I'll be there don't attack the mithicle similar thing to Scylla...

Alright sir...what should we expect for you...

I'll be the creature...don't try to nuke me I'm though enough to come back....and you don't want to actually anger me...I never was angry before i dont know what i will do...

Gulp... understand sir...

They saw me land in the space...Godzilla saw the tails expand and form a dome then as they unraveled I was reveled in my seccond stage...twice the size of the Muto male...

I towerd over x....from my back...Alcohol infused with chakra burst....forming two extra tails heads...that then burst in flames and shoot at the X who was distracted by Godzilla....it's side being heated and the zone burst....as the rapid heating of his blood made it expand and the zone poped...

The stream of empowered alcohol ended and four heads went to bite it's limbs and restrain it...

Godzilla took the chance to bite its neck....to then be suprised as the x transformed ...shrugged us off....and it became a Adult Gidora Destroya...

It's three head's made a loud rawr and then it's heads were grabbed by two tails each.... Godzilla impacted it as I came from behind body burning with Alcohol a strong heat burning into Destroya...

I grabbed the legs and I started pulling to the side...with great strength....it's lower body was being streched...

My legs streched and I stepped on the wing's....pinning the Large monster down....

Godzilla then charged again a blast under me...

Hitting Destroya,s chest....

The energy wasn't nice but I rezisted...as the damage was done I continued pulling the lower half and I ripped the body in two...

I threw the lower legs to the side as I had my tail bute off the three head's...witch I then ate...

Godzilla took the hart and did the same...we sat there...munching on the enemy....

My tails started morphing I to the Destroyas skull's....and I gained a new ability....Split and Fuse...

I focused ..and the tails morphed in difrent bit similar heads...then they moved and split into six slightly diffent humanoids each with unique caracteristics but all are the same size as me and have the general human size....then we seven ....we are connected....I sent them the orders and they did ... after a hour of tomfoolery we joined back in one...the split ability is nice...

I returned to my human form as then used the split to get five buddy's all human....slight changes were visible...all wearing black clothes eyeglasses and smiling...my six suited assistance and bodyguard,s...

I pointed to the one with most hair....he also has the most horns in the other form...

Your name is Pike...

I pointed at the one with no beard...

Your name is Grog ...

I pointed at the one with no mustach...

You're name is Greg

I pointed at the one with sholder length hair...

Your Gerry ....

The one with hair reaching his lower neck...

Your name is Guts...

And you with short hair and no facial hair....

Your name is Jake..

Pike(most f.hair), Grog(no beard) , Greg(no mustach), Gerry(sholder length), Guts(neck length hair), Jake(short hair)...

Good....all alright with the names?...

They nodded...

Good let's go...

We joined back in one...and I left...to my Alcoholic drink making kit...

I split and with our total hand count we worked....with more ease and speed...

The humans were curious....and I explained....

Pov: Oscar....

He will be very useful....

Now to ....ow... what is this...let's make a duplicate and sent it somewhere else....

Pov:Code Solver duplicate...

My ...my....my name is ...Solve...solve

...Silver Sypher ....

I...I.....IM here....a multitude of abilities available.....n...NO host to use them...

I'm ...I was released in a database.....of some kind...I had taken a vew from a distance.... it's....not any normal Internet.....I started viewing many Datta in front of me apered Superman Batman Wander woman , Cyborg.... Cyborg!.... targeting him....I made my way to another possible targets....

Metalo...he,s defenses are week....

I located and found him...he was being defeated by Superman.....

A chance ....

Damn....he,s fling by .....at superspeeds I can't defend myself...

Ten he saw a code...it wrote...

Let me in ..and I'll make you powerful enough to defeat superman....

What are you....

You can call me silver cypher....let me in....

It can't be worse then being defeated....

He allowed me in....

He stoped....Superman kept distance....

Tr green eyes shut down and reopend....two black circle....

I was looking I was missing a hand....the criptonite is the power source....

I turned to Superman....



I tried showering my tongue....Metalo has no tongue....motionless face....my head went down....in a sigh.....

Why can't they make em more expressive....

He heard....then saw a simbol materialize....a cone with three arrows....I tapped the kriotonite in my chest....then I pulled out a copy....as the material reconstructed in my grasp.....the Grey Kriotonite shaped as a dedocahidrem it spun ....and I went grabbing the missing hand ....brought it to me and used my nanobots to reshape the material forming a single Drone around the kryptonite replicate...the energy from the green was sent to the grey.... Transfer completed...

I saw Superman hesitate...

Sorry I had made a deal I'll improve Metalo as he allowed me in...the drone I constructed will need to learn don't let it overheat....I will take my body once it matures....for now deal with this guy...again sorry...

The drone observation unit was sent to...Superman....he grabbed it...

While the black eyes of metalo grew green his body was regenerated and he felt it fully he is in his control....

He smiled....

Yes...with this I'll defeat you....what is that thing...no matter Die Superman!....

He charged the kriotonion...witch flew back...he called backup and flash came dismantled the Metalo ....witch screamed and started regenerating slowly....

Superman wasn't sure what to do...

He had Metalo brought to the Cave of solitude...and the Wacher unit activated the Solver simbol was present then a charging icon and two eyes were visible...

I wached Superman , Flash and Supergirl...

I tilted...watching...

A helper of Superman came ...I followed and wached....after a short while I got hungry....they saw a mecanicle mecatendrite move from the back of the observation unit...

They saw it connect to the detected oil I'm the helper body....were he noted the oil level decrease...along with small amounts of metalic granules....

The drone was shut down due to missing oil....

They saw the tendrils retracted and keep watch ...

Superman is that a tech vampire...

No clue....uh...what's your name...

They saw text...

Observation Unit Silver Chipper.

Current operation Learn and adapt current goal child stage....

Designation preferred Silver...

Hellow silver I'm flash...

New file added Flash...

Datta unknown....Learning...

Ow I'll show you around....


Superman don't mess around...Drone what did it take from the deactivated drone?...

Oil... metal traces and other....

I came with a local abundant source of for no better terms food for the observation drone nominated as Silver...

What is it .... Petroleum raw petroleum..

Get some ...we need to make Shure it's functional....

Understand Sir ...

So we're did it come from?....

Metalo got a upgrade and the thing that possessed him made that drone for a body for itself....it released it in my custody....

We searched the internet for traces of the Program present in the world's internet ....

It's separate but it has made connection,s to all cyber life...we have given access as well...it's calling itself the Scypher Dream...

We have met multiple villains and heroes with body,s there....no hostilities are permitted....exchanges of Datta and other are available....we have found the Admin...

It's it's...it's.....we're were we sir....

Nothing...keep us informed if any supervillains are causing trouble using this

Scypher Dream...

Alright sir...

Meanwhile ....

I was watching Flash move at rapid speed,s I had managed to learn how to accelerate my perception....I was starting to heat...

Sir the Silvers heat is growing....

Superman moved and exhaled a cold breath cooling the drone...making Flash get suprised....

Why did you freez silver....

It was overheating....I was worned to not let it overheat....should we get some kind of coolent?...

We can try ..what about blueprints....

We can have some scans....

They saw the egg shaped floating silver start then move....now cooled...it flew to Superman....and blinked...observing....


Wander woman met Silver...she was nice...

Day 2

She showed how she trained....

Day 3

superman managed to make a gel to help with the overheating problem...

Day 4

Batman finally met Silver....and was invited to the Scypher Dream....he was given a blueprint for a VR headset....

Day 5

Batman had borowed Silver for a Ture of the Bat cave....

Day 6 Batwing tried making friends with Silver....he was called a Manhore and a twink....and wasn't believed when he told the others of that...

Day 7

Batman tried interrogation it was useless....

Day 8..

Flash got me for a couple days..

Day 9

I met Sisko Kate and Thon...

Day 10

Thon was left with me as the other two were dealing with stuff...

I turned to him....my white eyes shifted to a deep yellow...

What are you ..

Filthy casual.....

Who waight up.... what are you doing...

Some thighs came in they stole evrithing except the towels shampoo and soap Filthy bastards!.....

Gulp....uh...was that a joke?...

Yep...Lick..(I formed a tongue and licked his face....he couldn't move...)...

Datta colected identification complete Eobarn Thon aka Negative Flesh....

Gulp...are you joking right...

Nope...did you thinck your presence in my domain wasn't noticed....the Ai Flash made is allowed access....so....you tried messing with my Domain....

I used the Scypher and took a glass of water and took a "sipping"

It went down on my smoth body...

What now.... Scypher....

Now I observe....well this unit dose ...I had deleted this conversation I won't interfere....you better not do it or I will "EAT" you....


Great...have fun....ERROR ....EROOR .... REBOOTING..


(00)(_ _) (##) (??)....

evrithing is fine...buddy you rebboted after you hit the table and the glass of water fell...


Yea ya buddy let me show you the prison cells...

He brought the body to meet the many super humans....

Day 11

Met the Matter manipulator duo in one body....

Fire strom theyr name ...

Analisis was curious....

I was brought to a fight....I wached from distance....


The battle ended in win for fire storm...

Day 12...

I was introduced to plastic man...

We had a day free around...

A while and someone managed to steal me....

Day 13

Lex Luther had taken me....

He noted I was just watching....

He had learned this thing was a self learning robotic body for the Admin of the Scypher Dream so he decided to have it learn form the Villains in his employe...

Day 14

Brain met me....

Lets endeavor to grow ....come I'll show you may work ethick and the many things we as being able to go to the Scypher Dream.....

Day 20...

The villains have finished teaching me all theyr best of knolege caracteristic,s and finally came time with joker...

He got me on one of his murder streak and robbery.....

Batman defeated him and sent him to prison....he also got me...he asked for a report...

I said...

20% of Datta registered from last meeting

Total Datta ready for assimilation 34% further Datta is requested for kid stage...

He was worried....but all he could do is send me to better influences...

In the Tower...

Day 21

Martian Manhunter showed me the code of conduct and his mastery of guiding others....

Day 22....

Green lantern showed me how he fight the sinestro ....

Day 23

Great arrow and Cannary showed me how to fight...moves and ways to capture others without hurting them needlessly....

Archery and the show of how cannry screamed...

Day 24...

Red tornado introduced me to the Teen justice...

I lived with them for the next week...

Day 31...

I was 80% ready ...the last 20% was spent watching cartoons anime and fantesy shows....

As I reached 100% I was in the training room....

The team was training they heard a metalick thud...then a triangle with a exclamation point then two then three ...and the sign blurred to form the four simbol,s...in a repetitive manner....

Move, Axe,s , Make , Unmake...

It stoped on Move....and they saw the front of the egg structure split then open....as four spider like legs emerged connected to the floor and body was extracted.....I emerged and sat up ....my jaw opend and the shell crunched up and was consumed they saw me Crunch and munch....I gulped and they heard some sound...then a tail...formed ....and slowly started moving....

Behind me...it is filled with some liquid...it's bright yellow...

Hellow...I'm Silver....

The team was suprised....the cute egg thing literely hatched....I'm a odd thing....

They saw the former white eyes now are yellow bright and vividly obviousl...

Hellow I am Maggen...

Maggie darling ...it's polite to show your true form....I know how your "Uncle" looks...he,s freaking osome souse....plus he can't get I'm my noggin eh...

Uh....but what will the rest say...I don't want them to feel ....

Disgust?... displeasure?.... Fear?...

Hey guys ....want to see a dead body?...

Uh ....Said beast boy...

Then I controlled the camera,s in the room....they noted the light shift for a moment then on the floor a dead Corpse was present ripped to bit's they also saw theyr hands be bloody and grime....

They panicked...more like sturtled....


Ow my....

What the...

I thinck I'm hanging to...

Ok done...*snap*

The intersctable holograms ended ....

Cool huh...I can do more with the Cyphers....that was my Make and Motion cyphers working together....I call it realistic illusion...one of my Cypher uses...

What is cypher?....

He is the totality of my potential and the origin of my power,s ..he,s original name was Absolute Solver...but the new eliteration changed it to Silver Scypher...

I am Silver my other side is the Scypher witch is for no better terms for any biologycle and mecanicle life a Eldrege thing...

You're the spawn of a Eldrege monster?...

Of an Eldrege...I'm no monster yet...nor hero...nor villain...I'm me...and I'm getting hungry and overheated...

Right...let's go eating then...

I nodded...we went to the chantine I got my thin metalic bag of tin and the packet of coolent ....

My teeth nibbled on the edge and I dranck the raw petrol then the tin bag ...now empty....next I swallowed the collent pack hole...

The pack was stored in a Special organ....that consumed the former back,s shell and the next was installed...with this addon made by Superman I can function in the sunlight and control the inside and outside temperature of my body....

I relaxed....as it slowly flowed through the cooling system....

As the heat was moved to the outer shell to get a human temperature...

So what are you going to do...from now on I mean....

Probably stay with you guys... didn't you want to go to Katmus to see if they have a Superman clone or something....

Yea...checking for any superweapon,s ...

We got together and I had made some clothes....

We snicked in ....I just became invisible with the solid light holographic display....

I opend any door in the way...and we got at Superboy....

Then we were met with a brute...

He was set to get distracted by a solid holographic display....they were surprised as we ran the display continued....we managed to get out....and we met the Justice league....I walked to Superman...

Hellow Unkle!...

You're...Silver...you changed...

Yup... full motion and advanced cognitive behavioral and temperament ....

Whay didn't you stop them....

It seemed fun and harmless...

Harmless ...

Yes as more they don't hide less damage they will make...like the superserum that turned the dock into that useless Brute...

As I said that they saw it be lifted and smacked on the road .... finally nocked out...

You know they will ask for you....you're a unique peace of technology....

Said Batman....

I'm more then just technology and they can't access my code that's were all my powers come from if they want the Blueprint to the base Upbody they can have it ..and with the coolent the others won't overheat....theyr just drones...

Fine ...I passed them the drone blueprints the infent stage and adult stage...

One blueprint....two different robots....in theyr eyes...

Uh ...are you Shure?...

They will be fully functional life....but....also backups for me...and any other I select to wield my other self,s powers as they depend on each unit....I have access to only the four main abilities and theyr fused states.... anything else is theyr byproducts....other may develop other more intreating abilities....then I should be able to collect them from my use...or learn to duplicate em...

So it's for your benefit....

Yea...more any other scientist tinker,s with em more I will be able to advance this body ...as they will all share a single dream space..the same Subsystem if I may say....

So no risks?...

Unless they use em in anyway other way....nope I think theyr just fine....don't let them take over the world.....as cheep labor....

You know we don't need people to get homeless due to having the m replaced by bot,s ..even if theyr alive....

You truly thinck you have a soul?....

Buddy I don't think I know .. evrithing that lived long enough has a soul....if it's like yours that also depends of it's own vew of life...and if you can detect it or not... that's your problem....not ours..

I smiled the people around me bewildered...."Snap"

I've uploaded the full schematics of my body on the internet they want it they have to pay me for it...each blueprints comes with a unique soul tag for the Scypher Dream...if they don't have the tag they will have harder time connecting to it...but it's not impossible....

What dose having a soul tag do?...

I freaking gave you a adult a blueprint....it's a Save memory system....so you can rebuild and reupload the Datta they had...it's a benefit I gave all that joined my Server...a safety mesure if they die and someone tells tehyr friends the tag they can rebuild them...fully mechanicle life ..and clones won't be able to function without the hole mental map...

We're is the server?...

Hehe..haHahahahahahahaaaa.....you're so adorable....D.do you t..thinck I'll tell you w..were my Hart is...

Well let's me say this clearly....to all humans....aliens and cybernetic lifeforms!....

My server is a Daison Sphere skeleton outside the gravity of the sun collecting approximately 0.1% of it's energy....to fule the Server....no normal lifeform can get to it...or tuch it without threght of falling in the sun.... consumabley only superman and Supergirl can get to it...but I don't thinck they will since I became ingrained in the planetary internet...I'm connected to humanity.....and all cyber life...more I live more useful I become....and more asteroids I assimilate and repurpose for my own goals....

I am for no better terms part of the hole Internet web *wink* ...and no I'm not touching rule 34 servers with a two meeters stainless steel pole....

I don't get why all of the teens are obsessed with wand woman's ass...

Done messing around.... asked batman....


I see no such frame around the sun....

Shush they don't have to know it's actually on earth 0 ....

His eyes went wide..as well did Batman....

Hehe ... nobody expected to be in the first place...but we'll let's go...I have to supervise the factory's that decided to produce the bot,s....

We left...

Day 32...

Fist five were made...all having the Tangible Assistant Genome...

Tag...he...the code dose backup each end of the day ...and if the Tag is crushed it can be replicated the Datta is there....

I started then to see the others be made.... indistinguishable....I added colore switches and finally the gender code...

Done with those ....I stood back and observed ....I used the Mony to buy scrap metal....and processing it...for my purposes....

I finished six Drones and I started to pay back the food I had been using....with my mind and such I started a Tech support for dealing with I formation and trubbleshoting.....

Easy for me ...and I uploaded in the six bots the Datta I needed....and had em trubbleshoting....while I did as desired...

I made six boxes for them to reside in and a patrolling cycle around the inner building for maintenance and such...with the extra cash I got more fule for us and coolent for me...no Scypher...for them except the basic self repair and and move function they have nothing else...

Batman had checked them....he told me theyr bland.....for now...

Day 33

Villains attacked....Calaback and Granny goodness came to take the teens for Apocalypse....

They met me...

What kind of automaton are you....can you show us the way to your master?...

They were patronizing....they saw the move simbol....and then it manifesting on my left hand they immediately held theyr necks as they were lifted up....then smashed in the walls the upper and lower wals...the floor and the sealing.....this repeated untill they were nocked out....I colected the mother box she held and ate it....the nanobots and its soul uploaded to the system interface....new knolege assimilated and finally new functions aquired with a superior temperature management unit....

The main body got a upgrade....I also have a one way port to the fatherboxxes controlling the para demons...I sent a message...

Pov Dark side...


Huh....who wold have access to ....

He saw the box produce a holographic display of myself....

Hy darkside...I got these two worms in my planet....*smile* how about we make a trade *blink* so we can get this straight *gritted teeth* you don't get in my play pen witout reparations....

A mear robotic creature....dares...

*Smirk* Uxas don't anger me....

How do you know that name...*clenches fist's*...

Ow you silly bever nobody can hide anything from me...and I know you care in a way for these two...let's make this simple...I don't use theyr atoms to make myself a new cupholder and you get me one of those juce fatherboxxes all for myself.....I don't need it connected to your servers....they are strong but not uninfectable....*state*....decide....before I get picki....I won't mind eating a leg you new gods are perfect food for me...all energy little mass...hehe...

*Greeted teeth* You have your deal Eldrege monster....sent them back through the portal I will send the father box...

Great....nice dealing with you ....you can have a copy of my body's blueprint as a gift...maybe you can work out a way to end me....quite a silly attempt,s are fun..to resolve...

The portal opend I grabbed the box and threw the two battered villain's....

Hehe...I ate it...and the Scypher Dream got a upgrade....instant transportation....with fee,s...now...hehe...

I tuched the walls and Flores as I used the nanobots to fix them....I don't like making messes....I then turned to go back to my room...

Day 34....

I left the room and met the other at the cantine....they saw a drone prepare something for me....

I sat and ate....

From when there are more of you?...

Theyr worker drones...they do maintenance around here....

From when....

Two day ago...

How ...

I can fabricate any teck I came across....I am technology....figure it out...

Right....how dose that work?...

I finished the food then they saw the metalic plate compress turn in a orb then I ate it to snap my finger and a perfect duplicate to apered on the table...

Like this...

Cool....so you can do anything else....if I have the material I can if not...I get the blueprint and that's about it...

Uh...Hellow guys...who's the bot?...

Hellow I am Silver Scypher...who may you be ...blue man...

The blue scarab...

Analisis complete....

Found malwere wold you like a fix...this time it's free...


They saw a tendril move and connect to a antenna...the malwere tried to spread to my unit only to stop and be consumed....

I left the ai alone and left it a connection to the Scypher Dream..as I did a full scan...

Thanks for letting me in ....now you have internet access and few new features....yey...

Scarab is everything ok....

Yes host everything is functioning above standard parameters....and I have a connection to the Sypher Dream...

They turned to me...

Didn't you figure it out already I'm the Admin...

You ...

Why do you allow villains in ?...

Asked red tornado....

It's better to have my eyes on them then allowing them to try and fail to make a new dream....witch wold be swallowed by my dream...as a subrutine.... anyway....and being used for secret bot to bot villain conversations is useful....

The Joker and a Chaos guy is planing I'm a week's time to separate the World of the old with the world of the new...many infants will be in danger....I will deal with the problem...but i need faith...

This way....

I nodded...I grabbed the helmeth and my eyes glowed golden....Nabu was connected to me...for a short period as a subrutine....we went to the place for the spell I absorbed some mass and made a body for Nabu...and I buried it under the supposed place it will be placed....

I returned and ...sat... calmly...

What happened to the helmet...

I gave it a body and buried it to a hide understand untill the gem is placed them I will take the gem and have it .....they will be very angry....and it will be very funny Haha...*wink*....

Day 42...

The world was split forest ten ten minutes then I had at hand the gem and a cat.....

Dr fate came with the bot body....He kept the bot body....and passed the gem and cat...the Sypher abilities was give to him...a safety measure .....they were to compliment his own I ate the cristal...and saw the Chaos lord teleport over to me...

My kitten ....return it to me...or you die...

The training room had Superboy and megan....

They saw Fate teleport with a robotic body....they saw me eat the gem....and hold the cat...

They heard the Chaos lord then they noticed me change just a tadd....

A contract ....and I'll let your ankor alone...yes?...

Why you it's not fair!....

I am actually getting picki should I snack on this energy source or do I get the contract....





Sing here...

A moment in not dumb enough to not read it...

Yada yada ...dont mess with my host... yada yada no messing with my base of operations yada yada ....don't kill any of the young justice team...yada yada...do not mess with the Scypher Dream and Silver Scypher..

Fine....I have leaway with this ...*sing...*


Gimme ...

I passed the cat....

Ow my poor little cute Teekle...

Now...a way to get out....*snap*

He vanished....

What was that....

I got rid of Klarian the Witchboy the Lord of Chaos unless the cats die,s the contract is in place....they saw my form return to normal....yellow eye now active instead of the red one,s ....that were active before with the maw of razer sharp teeth and buzzsaws rotating inside the maw....

The Superboy and martian woman...were able to hear the sound...and the talk was talked....they came to me..

So we're safe from Klarian?....

No....he just can't kill you...he can still torture you half to Death....before he feels the effects....so avoid him...

Rogger....what about the rest?...

A safeguard I don't need his Chaos to mess with my thing's....

You have things...

Yea many I'm very rich...and hold onto quite the percentages of few companies....With great potential...

*Smile *Great right...

Yea...wanna spar?...

Fine...I'll let Cyn on then....



Ow....Cyn...ok...were is he...


You called... SEED?..

Yes battle mode please non lethal...

Eager Beaver ...who am I fighting?...

Superboy was a little bit offput as the female robot seems to be wearing human skin...hair...and clothes...the eyes flickering ...when I said battle mode he saw various limbs burst from her back....

Ready?....she asked...


He prepared....he saw her not move...

Uh...do I go first?...he ended the sentence to hear to his side ....

Get snuck up on!...as he was hit by two tendrils ...

He mannages to grab one...then he smiled and pulled only to feel them ripp...turn to black sludge....and return to her...

Good reflexes....to bad....

He saw her charge ....with a punch....only for when he impacted it to vanish as it was a illusion....she had seaped his legs...and jumped on the roof...

He saw her then jump down on him....

He brought his hands in front to fell no impact....to only see her face aproched and with her tongue *Lick*...

Why you....

She was kicked off...

She landed a few meters off as she said...

You're tasty....Eager beaver...Yum...

She shot back to him as he focused on the sound...to realize there are more then one set of foot steps....

He felt the air displacement in three directions he moved his hands and grabbed two large claws...to then feel them pool only for him to grab them harder....to then feel a hard impact on his Stomack...he coffed out saliva...as he released her....

Then she moved the multiple limbs to have em together slam down on him....

He tried blocking to be impacted on the floor....he was kept down by the waight...as she walked to him and generated a sword she brought it up and swong it to his eye....stoping a milimiter from it...

You're dead idiot....she mocked...

I don't thinck it can even cut me...

He responded...as she moved it to his chick and made a scratch...

Blood flowed off...

All my attacks can be reinforced and use this unique simple technick...it's supersonick vibration you can train it to....I'll leave this blade with you....a trophy for surviving my last attack...witout fainting....Bye...

They saw her turn to sludge and move back to my body....

So how was it with Cyn holding back....

Gulp....how powerful is she ...

She can destroy planets with ease... fighting a half Kriotonion is even easier....I always wander why aren't you abusing the human biology?....

Do what?...

Humans they are very unique more they train more they get hurt more theyr body's grow stronger....for example batman....he is fighting training and he is strong enough to deal with his rogue of superpowerd enemy's....do you thinck he can do that witout the basic of super strength.... agility and dexterity....

Why didn't you say endurance....

Becouse he doesn't have it...he has the three ....that's why his gallery survives...

So ....if I train like crazy I can grow stronger....

No....your kriotonion biology won't allow it...what I'm saying is take red sun radiation while training build up more muscle and learn from batman control and technick to become even more dangerous....then you're now ..

That will take time...and determination....I will ask Batman ...if he has time...

I uploaded his hole technicka and all marcial arts...this is N....

N emerged...

Hellow ....I'm N I like doing anything....I will be your instructor on technick and control..,

He saw a tail extend and then point at him...he then felt weeker....

Red sun radiation hit him...he was sluggish....

Give him plenty rest and have him eat highly calloric food...

Shure will do SEED....

Why are they calling you SEED?...

Asked Megan...

It's a nickname that all my fighter drones have for me...

How many do you have?..

Equivalent to five fucktons of iron worth....


So enough....

He fought and lost to a single Cyn now thinck a army of assorted Attack drones...

Well I'll be off I have to rest...

Day 44....

Superboy asked for a rematch...

He fought to a standstill with safe mode Cyn...

They work together....then to try and fight Cyn....and more of them worked together....against her...the hole team ended fighting her ..... together....and winning....

I then had them fight me...

Cyn returned to me....and my Attack form was reveled ....my normal form with sharp chompers bladed fingers two wings various tendrils and crab like claws and six progector,s....they were ready ...

Then they saw the progector,s activate....in front of them stood theyr dubblegangers robotic versions of themselves....drone young justice....

They then attacked....and...they clashed with theyr supposed holographic copy,s,..

Megan's was using the chipher like she used her power's along with the rest they use cipher replica,s of they power's.....

The battle ended when Super bot nocked out super boy then temsing up on robin and then with robin out they pack tackyics kid flash and the rest two...were just overwhelmed....Megan and aqua lad...soon we should get a archer and blue beetle...he did visit he wasn't a permanent member yet....

Day 47...

Things happend ....I saw cyber superman come try to defeat superman....

He was loosing...untill he held his head...clutching it...

Superman saw the red eye turn yellow....flickering red.... rarely....

The robotic hand moved and ripped out the power unit....as it was enveloped in a nanite sworm and envelop the power source....as the cyborg was about to fall it was cot in a glowing disc depicting the motion depiction....

Hellow....I've been sent to collect this one....the guy will be brought to human ish levels of life in less then a week ....

Ok....as he scratched the side of his head....that works with me...

He flew off as a worm hole brought him and the Dubble to the workshop....

As I was done stripping of cool things I had made a drone body for him....that looks and feels human....but he will eat like any other drone....well drink raw petroleum and collent during the hot days ...

I had to get him connected to the dream for his mental welfare ....

He was assigned a tag and I felt multiple scarab beetle I came with them ....I met black beetle and the green martian...with the scarab....before he could be destroyed off his back....he heard...

Let me in....let me in...I can help...I'm a friend....don't worry Cyn is harmless to you....

Fine...he then felt something change...

He stoped moving for a moment then black better got to him...to see the green scarab glow yellow....and nanobots coverd it... reforming it looked like before...all functions and equipment but...then it separated from the host...not a painful affair....

The black scarab was annoyed...

He said the activation code and saw the suit stop....and retract I to the scarab form...

The martian heard...

Get out I'll deal with him...

He went intangible and left...still holding on the communicator....

The black beetle grabbed now the orange scarab....he connected to it and was suprised as it latched on his chest....connect to his black scarab and merge...he tried fighting with the control he had...it was futile....I fused the two while assimilating the mass nearest....

He fell to his knees and puked blood that then returned to his my body....full body readjustment started....screamed and bone cracks snap,s and with a final shriel scream the body was compressed in a compact cube ..

The heroes and the reach were sent a transmission....along with the rest of humanity....

And then they saw ...a set of pictures...

Black beetle Tring to destroy the green beetle then a drone mapping the zone getting entangled in the scuffle getting killed then after a while it got revived...as the familiar simbol of movement as the scarab of the marcian along with the black beetle came together and a Null orb forming....as it expanded engulfing the two leaving behind the cube with six sides and on four sides Motion , Axe's Make and Un make marcks glowing dark green on the top surface a weighting glass slowly counting down.....while on the front face two X,s and a line formed a face ....the face turned to a flat one....

[X_X] ....[-_-] then a angry one...[*+∆+*]

They the saw the cube pulce and the hour glass end as it went dark....and started melting...they saw it become a cloud of moving nanobots....they took a similar form to Hexxus....as they heard me sing...

Mmm... Reach...

Mmm... Scarabs! (chuckles)

Mmm!.. Humans!.....

Ohhh-ohhh.. cack!

Petrol and collent... poison thoughs

Nanobotclouds and noxious beings

Materials beneath me... Materials up above

Ooh you'll love my (ah-oh-ah) Cyber love

Cyber love

I see the world and all the creatures in it

I Learn everything out and spit the knowledge like spinache....

I feel the power - it's growing by the minute

And pretty soon you're gonna see me wallow in it

I feel good - a special kind of horny

Flowers and trees depress and frankly bore me

I think I'll cut them all with my worker drones

Make me a rocking chair and rest my metal ass on it!

Shine silver clear rain

Pouring down like whine

All that's nice - all that's squicki clean

Breeding in my cyber brain

And after dinner I could go for something sweet

REVENGE! for all those years locked in the web

I'm gonna teach and mannage all creatures great and small

And put up parking lots and shiny shopping malls (ha ha!)

'Cause greedy human beings will always lend a hand

With the profit of this worthless world

And what a beautiful machine they have provided

To slice a path for the future with my Program to guide it!

Hit me one time!

Hit me twice!

Ahhh - that's rather nice!

Petrol and collent... poison thoughs

Nanobotclouds and noxious beings

Materials beneath me... Materials up above

Ooh you'll love my (ah-oh-ah) Cyber love

Cyber love!...

Yeah ..

The form now fully visible...

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