Chapter 189: Befriended right off the bat
The news of my departing to the afterlife reached all my underlings and followers. Andro, Gremoria, Azmou, Ashrath and Bayliel were the first people to jump on me in tears. I tolerated their childishness and gave everyone a warm embrace.
Soon, it was the following day and I was standing before a black and white portal exuding tiny bolts over the edges. Kendor who was standing on my shoulder said, "This rift is screaming with the aura of the origin of aftermath!"
All the figurines stood afar while Prat, Maloran and Zith stood behind me. Gremoria kept whining, "Sniff, I wish I were Elder Kendor!!"
Azmou became puzzled, "Why is that?!"
She answered, "Because she is my lord's mount and gets to travel wherever he goes. Even now, she's going to the afterlife with him!!"
Andro said, "Light up, honey. He won't be away for long, I say!!"
Gremoria glared at him, ""You sure two million years isn't long?!""
"Gasp!!", Andro became speechless. I smiled looking at their vigour. Together, both I and Kendor said, "See you soon, my dear pupils!!"
At once, the portal wrapped us up and flipped away. We were nowhere to be seen. Prat attempted, "Hope you achieve great feats this time too, your highness!"
The instant we got wrapped by the portal, I and Kendor found ourselves in a vast arena which seemed endless with gigantic pillars holding up the ceiling. I ordered, "Kendor, let's stay on our guard!"
Kendor nodded firmly. I began walking in the same direction as we walked into the portal. My mount brightened her senses and vision whereas I kept moving forward.
A sudden pressure made me gasp under constant chills. On the other hand, Kendor widened her eyes in anxiety amid staring forward and slightly upwards. I gazed in the same direction as her to only end up making the same expression as her.
In front of us was a tall pyramid full of pattern-curved stairs leading towards a throne with bone-like spikes on the top and black and white flames alongside lightning streams burning on top of every spike.
And on the throne, an anonymous figure remained seated. Except for his glowing eyes and reflecting nose, nothing seemed visible. I tried brightening my eyes. But my mount covered my eyes with one of her wings. I attempted, "What are you doing, Kendor?!"
With quivering eyes, she pleaded, "Master, do not ga-gauge that pe-person, no… no matter what. I beg you!"
[It's my first time seeing Kendor shaking so much. Who could that person be? For him to scare a celestial and even pressure me.]
His voice emitted sovereignty which brought me down to my knees.
[Sovereignty? Don't tell me.]
I looked at my mount. She exclaimed via mind-communication, 'Your guess is correct, master. That person is the origin of aftermath, hailed as 'Death Sovereign' by all celestials!'
"Gasp!!!!", I shook to know bounds. The person on the throne was none other than the origin of aftermath and Lord of Afterlife, Kriassilis. As I kept looking at him, he became more and more visible. His left eye was that of an infinito and his right seemed humane.
[His pressure is greater than master's. Don't tell me he's stronger.]
My body collapsed due to his sovereignty. My shoulders felt way too heavy. Even Kendor passed out from his omnipotence. I bit my lip to bear the suppression. Lord of Afterlife commented with a normal tone, "Wow, you withstood 10% of my sovereignty. That's higher than what my grand law sustained!"
I didn't notice how he did it but he stood before me the next instant. His face seemed as dazzling as ever. It was only his costume which seemed like a black robe under silver patterns but upon close look, it reminded me of 'Sherwani'. I tried to bring myself together, "Pant, pant, pant, pant, pant, pant… Phew!", and stood back up. He gave off a smile. I jolted.
The next instant, my instincts forced me to bow down to the ground and cry out, "It's a great honour to meet an acquaintance who is also a comrade of my master. I greet thee, Lord Kriassilis!!!"
He responded, "Oh, so you chose to address me by my name?!"
I jolted again, "I'm sorry if that brought you inconvenience!!!"
Kendor returned to consciousness but remained on the floor. Lord of Afterlife widened his eyes, "Woah, kid. You're humbling yourself to a former enemy who was disgraced by your master. You know what that means, don't you?!"
I stood back up, "I very well know that master will burn out in rage after hearing my humble act. However, if I want to have my payback, I need to make a few sacrifices!"
He wondered, "Payback?!"
I answered with a bold expression, "Yes, I plan to surpass my master. Not only him but also you and Godmother. And when I'm done with that, I plan on making you and the other two origin entities my underlings!!"
"Gaaaaaasssp!!!!!!", Kendor exuded a long and loud gasp. I looked at her, "No need to worry about me, Kendor. I can do fine!"
Tears leaked out of her eyes. She told herself, 'May you rest in peace, master. Sniff, sniff, sniff… It was great meeting you!!'
"...!", I became spellbound but shifted my gaze back to the Lord of Afterlife. His eyes glared at me. I remained tranquil. He reached me. I remained unfazed. Both our faces were inches apart. Kendor covered her eyes with wings.
"I like your attitude, kid. Wish my grand law was as gutsy as you!!", was what Lord of Afterlife said. Kendor became dumbfounded. I still remained expressionless. He asked, "Why aren't you smiling?!"
"The moment I had laughed would've been the moment you punched me!", I emphasized. Once again, we looked at one another, expressionless. Kendor thought, 'Why is master provoking death sovereign?!'
Both of us looked at her. She flinched and covered her eyes again. Our gazes shifted back to each other. But we began chuckling at once. The mood lightened up a bit. We began walking in a certain direction. Kendor got up and started walking on her feet. Lord of Afterlife commented, "Though we both are of different natures, our characters are matching quite shockingly!!"
I said, "I already figured that fact long ago!"
He questioned me with a tranquil expression, "Long ago? I'm confused!"
The mood became scary. Kendor was back to lying dead. I remained calm, "Let's not stop walking. We can talk that while we're on our way!"
He looked me in eye for a moment and sighed, "Fine, let's continue!"
We continued walking. Kendor halted her act. I elaborated, "Master told me that you developed your own authorities and sovereignties within a lesser time unlike them who created those perks out of a longtime experience and knowledge. All that I saw on your part was nothing but hard work and hard work alone. It reminded me of my past self who was a scientist. Therefore, I assumed your character to be identical to mine!"
He burst into laughter, "Mwahahahaha, you're talking skills are above the notch, boy. I fear I'll begin to like you more than my disciple!!!"
I responded, "I don't wish to cause turmoil between you and your grand law!"
He emphasized, "If it were Martha, she would have punished you in thousand ways!!"
I shook, "Thou-thousand? Are you for real?!"
He exclaimed, "I'm serious, young lad!"
I attempted, "Okay, I will keep that in mind. But could you please address me as 'Dray'? Hearing you call me in different terms is making me feel awkward!!"
He smiled, "Sure, why not? I'm starting to like you more and more. Therefore, you too can address me by my name?!"
I jumped out, "Really, you're not joking, are you?!"
He exclaimed, "Of course, talking to you reminds me of my younger self. Therefore, I would feel displeased if I were to see him humbling himself!!"
I conversed, "Okay, Kriassilis it is!!"
But he stopped walking and looked at me with a tranquil face once again. I also looked back at him in the eye. Again and again, Kendor played dead amid cursing, 'What is wrong with these people? They turn cold but then become normal all of a sudden. I feel like I'm getting crushed in between their auras!!!"
"You got it!", he said whilst raising his left palm. I raised my right palm in return.
Our hands clapped against one another in the process of making a high-five. Kendor thought, 'Master Adrona is incredible. Even late Master Zord wasn't capable of befriending an enemy's master right from the beginning. I feel like I pledged loyalty to an origin entity rather than a grand law!!'
I and Kriassilis were able to hear her thoughts. Kriassilis jumped out, "Haahahahahahaha, your celestial birdy is praising you too much!!!"
I glared at Kendor. She flinched and looked away. We continued walking until we reached a door in between the pillars. Until then, I kept gazing upon the carvings that were on the pillars. They depicted the images of universe, living races, wars, creatures and whatnot. I was quite fascinated after looking at the infrastructure. Kriassilis stepped before the door.
It clanged open and a bright light exuded from the other side of the door. Together, we walked in.