Chapter 31: Meeting Guildmaster Borin
The guards exchanged a quick glance, their expressions softening slightly at the mention of Julia's name and rank. "Very well," the other guard said. "But be warned, the situation is... tense. Guildmaster Borin is not to be disturbed unnecessarily."
They stepped aside, allowing Julia and William to pass. The guards indicated a large, ornate door at the end of the hallway, its surface carved with intricate scenes of heroic battles and mythical creatures. Two more guards, equally imposing, stood on either side of the door, their eyes scanning the newcomers with a mixture of suspicion and appraisal.
"Announce us," Julia instructed, her voice firm and confident.
One of the guards knocked sharply on the door, his knuckles rapping against the thick wood. "Guildmaster Borin," he called out, his voice loud and clear. "A-rank adventurer Julia Blackcombe and... William, to see you. They say they're with Edward."
A moment of silence followed, then a gruff voice from within responded, "Let them in."
The guards opened the door, revealing a large, well-lit room dominated by a massive, circular table. Maps, charts, and strategic documents covered every surface, a testament to the ongoing war effort, to the desperate struggle against the Dark Legion. The air was thick with tension, with the weight of responsibility, with the scent of stale sweat and anxious anticipation.
Seated at the head of the table was an old man, his weathered face a roadmap of wrinkles and scars, his eyes, though tired, still burning with a fierce, unwavering intensity. This, William knew instinctively, was Borin, the Guildmaster, no doubt a veteran of countless battles, a man who had dedicated his life to the defence of the kingdom. He wore a simple, leather jerkin, worn and faded with age, but his bearing, his presence, commanded respect. He looked like a man who had seen too much, who had borne the weight of leadership for far too long, but who refused to yield, who refused to surrender, who would fight until his last breath.
Edward sat to Borin's right, his posture rigid, his expression grim. He looked relieved to see Julia and William, a flicker of warmth crossing his usually stoic features.
But it was the third figure at the table who immediately drew William's attention. He was a tall, lean man, clad in the practical garb of a ranger – a dark green tunic, leather breeches, and sturdy boots. A longbow and a quiver of arrows were slung across his back, and a hunting knife hung at his belt. His face was weathered and tanned, his eyes sharp and alert, his expression one of grim determination tinged with exhaustion. He looked like a man who had travelled far and fast, who had seen things that would haunt his nightmares.
Surprisingly, it wasn't Edward who was speaking, but the ranger, his voice low and urgent, his words painting a bleak picture of the situation on the front lines.
Borin, noticing the newcomers, gestured towards two empty chairs beside Edward. "Julia, and William was it? Come in, sit down. We have much to discuss."
As they took their seats, Borin introduced the ranger. "This is Goran," he said, his voice heavy with concern. "He's just arrived from Oakenfall, bearing dire news."
Goran nodded in greeting, his eyes briefly meeting William's, then returning to Borin, his focus unwavering. "The situation is critical, Guildmaster," he continued, his voice laced with urgency. "The Dark Legion is amassing its forces. We've seen increased goblin activity near Oakenfall, scouting parties probing our defences, testing our strength. But it's not just goblins. We've sighted ogres, trolls, even... undead. Larger numbers, better organized than anything we've seen before."
He paused, taking a deep breath, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his hunting knife, a nervous habit, a subconscious preparation for battle. "And... and we saw him. The Goblin King."
A hush fell over the room, the name hanging in the air like a death knell. William, though unfamiliar with the specifics of the Dark Legion's hierarchy, understood the significance of this revelation. The Goblin King. A lieutenant of Dark Lord Neverus himself. This was no mere skirmish, no isolated raid. This was the prelude to a full-scale invasion.
Borin's face hardened, his jaw tightening, his eyes narrowing in grim determination. "The Goblin King, one of Neverus' six lieutenants," he repeated, his voice low and gravelly. "That confirms our worst fears. Neverus is not simply probing our defences, he's preparing for a major offensive. He's sending in his lieutenant, his elite commanders, to lead the assault." He looked at Goran, his expression grave. "Oakenfall is the target, then?"
Goran nodded, his face pale beneath his tan. "It seems likely, Guildmaster. The troop movements, the increased activity, the presence of the Goblin King... it all points to an imminent attack. Oakenfall is strategically important, controlling access to the western plains. If it falls, the path to the heartland lies open."
It was at this point that Edward and Julia spoke up, recounting their own experiences in the Tallenwood Forest, their encounter with the goblin scouting party near Sharwood. They emphasized the unusual boldness of the goblins, their willingness to venture so far from their usual territory, their presence so close to a fortified town.
"We believe," Edward concluded, his voice firm, "that Sharwood, while not the primary target, is also at risk. The Dark Legion may be planning a two-pronged attack, or perhaps a diversionary tactic, to draw our forces away from Oakenfall."
Borin listened intently, his eyes flicking between Edward, Julia, and Goran, his mind processing the information, weighing the options, formulating a plan. He stroked his beard, a thoughtful gesture, his gaze distant, as if looking beyond the walls of the room, seeing the vast chessboard of the kingdom, the pieces arrayed for battle.
"Your reports corroborate with other intelligence we've received," he said finally, his voice heavy with the weight of responsibility. "Scouts and spies have reported increased activity all along the western border. It seems Neverus is preparing for a major offensive, a push to break through our defences and strike at the heart of Aver."