Data & Magic

Chapter 9: The Dark Lord Neverus and the Dark Legion

Julia looked at him, a flicker of sadness in her eyes, a shadow of the darkness he'd glimpsed in his dream. "The Dark Legion" she said, her voice barely above a whisper, as if the very words were dangerous. "Monsters generally kept to themselves for centuries, but recently, the emergence of the Dark Legion has emboldened the monsters, pushing them to spread across the land. The mastermind behind all this is Dark Lord Neverus, an unparalleled dark mage and necromancer intent on conquering the world. The Dark Legion has already taken control of a large part of this continent, but every day they continue to advance with their every growing army against the remainder. Their advance corrupts everything it touches, enslaving those they beat and pushing the survivors into a corner. People continue to fight back, but it has been tough"

William frowned, trying to process this information, to fit it into some kind of logical framework. "The Dark Legion, the Dark Lord Neverus. How long has this war been going for?"

Before Julia could answer, a gruff voice spoke from the cave entrance. "Julia? Are you awake? And how is the person we picked up faring?"

A man entered the cave, ducking his head to avoid hitting the low ceiling. He was tall and powerfully built, with broad shoulders and a physique honed by hardship, a warrior's build. He had a weathered face, tanned by the sun and wind, and sharp, watchful eyes that seemed to take in everything at a glance. He wore worn leather armour, reinforced with metal plates at the shoulders and chest, and carried a sword strapped to his back, the hilt well-worn from use, the blade gleaming faintly in the firelight. This must be Edward.

Edward stopped short when he saw William awake. He looked surprised, then relieved, a flicker of warmth crossing his usually stern features. He spoke to Julia in the same musical language William had heard earlier, a rapid exchange that he couldn't follow, even with the lingering effects of the translation spell, the words flowing too quickly for his mind to grasp.

Julia turned back to William. "This is Edward. He says the area is clear for now, but we should move on soon. It's not safe to stay in one place for too long, particularly not with goblins around, which means the Dark Legion might be close."

Edward approached, his eyes assessing William with a mixture of caution and concern, a warrior's scrutiny. He spoke, and thanks to Julia's spell, William understood him, the words forming clearly in his mind.

"You're awake. Good. Julia tells me you used citrusroot. Smart. Not many know of its properties, especially outsiders." He reached into a pouch at his belt and produced a handful of dried berries and fruits, a meagre offering, but precious in these circumstances. "Eat. You need to regain your strength. We have little, but you are welcome to share what we have."

William's stomach rumbled at the sight of the food, a loud, insistent growl that betrayed his hunger. He hadn't realized how ravenous he was. He took the offered food gratefully, nodding his thanks, his throat too tight with emotion to speak.

"I wanted to ask..." William began, finally finding his voice, but Edward cut him off with a raised hand, a gesture that was both firm and gentle.

"Questions later. Eat first. We need to move soon. This place, while offering some shelter, is too exposed. We are easy prey for any roaming creatures. There is a small town not too far east from here where we can rest and decide on next steps" He glanced towards the cave entrance, his expression hardening, his eyes scanning the darkness beyond the firelight.

They ate in silence, the only sounds the crackling of the fire, the occasional rustle of leaves outside, and the soft sounds of chewing. The berries were tart but sweet, bursting with flavour, and the fruit, though unfamiliar in shape and texture, was surprisingly juicy and refreshing, a welcome burst of sweetness. William felt his strength returning with each bite, the food fuelling his depleted reserves, chasing away the lingering weakness.

As he ate, he studied Julia and Edward, trying to glean more information from their appearance and demeanour. Julia, despite her gentle nature, possessed an inner strength, a quiet determination that shone through her weariness. Edward, though gruff and taciturn, radiated a sense of competence and protectiveness, a warrior's bearing that inspired a measure of confidence.

"What did you do?" William finally asked, turning to Julia, unable to contain his curiosity any longer. "Before... so that I could understand you."

Julia smiled, a fleeting expression that transformed her face, making her even more beautiful. "It's a simple language spell," she explained. "A minor enchantment that creates a temporary link between our minds, allowing us to understand each other's speech. It's not perfect, and it won't last forever. Ideally, if you're going to stay in this land, you should learn our language. If time permits, and it is your wish, I can teach you."

William nodded, his mind racing. Magic. Real, tangible magic. It was a concept he'd only encountered in fantasy novels, in the escapist tales he'd devoured as a youth. Now, it was a reality, a fundamental part of this world. He had so many questions, a torrent of inquiries bubbling up inside him. He wanted to know how magic worked, what its limits were, how it interacted with the world around them. He wanted to understand how things had gotten to this state with the Dark Legion, the resistance and how it was faring, everything.

But before he could voice any of these questions, Edward, who had been silently observing them, spoke.

"We should get moving," he said, his voice firm, brooking no argument. "The area is clear for now, but it won't stay that way. The once peaceful Tallenwood Forest is now the home to creatures and monsters, so we best to continue to move." He glanced at William, his expression softening slightly. "You're still weak. We'll travel slowly. But we need to find a more secure location before nightfall." He gestured to the meagre remains of their meal. "Finish eating, then we depart."

"It is called Sharwood town" Julia added "It is relatively safe there, and we should arrive there before nightfall" William felt a surge of relief. A town! The possibility of other people, of relative safety, was a beacon of hope in the darkness.

As they were finishing their meagre meal, a distant howl echoed through the forest, a long, mournful sound that sent a shiver down William's spine. Then another, and another, closer this time. It was a chilling chorus that painted a vivid picture of danger lurking just beyond. More worryingly, it sounded like wolves had caught their scent and could be heading closer looking for an easy feed.

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