DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 166: Chapter 166: A Cat, a Falcon and a Queen


"Fathers are strangers you merely happen to be related by blood."

- Haruhiko Toyama, (Texhnolyze)


<{Arkham Asylum, Gotham}> 

<(Omniscient POV)> 

"Hey, easy there, doll. Believe me, nobody wants your pretty little face to get hurt." An ugly middle-aged man wearing the uniform of a prison guard chuckled while suddenly slapping the ass of a young woman beside him who was wearing the clothes of an inmate with a perverted smile on his face. "Hey, don't look at me with those creepy eyes. You don't scare me at all. Everyone here used to be terrified of your family before, but now most of those assholes are dead including that bigshot father of yours. Hell, even your brother was gutted like a fish the very next day your father died. *Heh heh* Everyone here knows that you are a nobody now since you don't even have the backing of your own family anymore." The guard showed a devilish smile on his face before gesturing for the woman to continue walking to the room in front of them.

"You are lucky that you have a visitor today, otherwise, I might have had some fun with you right now, since I am on a break and have some time to kill. Eh, well probably later tonight. After all, we have all the time in the world now that I am back from my vacation. The other guards might not like to stick their dick in crazy, but I never say no to a good little pussy. "Heheheh," he continued to laugh, even as the woman walked away in the direction she had been instructed to go, not even glancing back at the guard.

[{(Image in discord)}]

*BEEP* The shrill sound reverberated in the air as the heavily reinforced door slid open slowly, and the young inmate entered with a frown, her eyes devoid of life.

"You are not my lawyer." The female prisoner remarked after noticing another young adult female calmly sitting on a metal chair in front of a small square metal table placed in the middle of the empty room. 

"Good afternoon, Miss Falcone. I am Selina Kyle." The young woman dressed in a business suit declared with a curt smile once she noticed the female inmate entering the room. "You don't mind if I call you Sofia, do you? It will be easier for us to get along that way since we both have a history with the Falcones. Since both of us have been victims of Carmine Falcone's ruthlessness, we are a lot more alike than one would think. By the way, sorry for having you brought all the way here, but the thing is the conversation we are about to have is too sensitive to be held in a normal public visiting area." Selina apologized with a powerless shrug though she appeared to be a little too excited if one were to judge her based on her voice alone.

"Selina Kyle? Never heard of you. And I don't know what you have heard of me but believe me, we are nothing alike. As for whatever business you think you have with me, I am sorry to inform you that you are mistaken. I might have the misfortune to carry the Falcone name, but that family doesn't consider me as part of them anymore. I have nothing to do with them. So, if you think that I can strike a deal with them on your behalf, or you can threaten them through me, you are mistaken." Sofia Falcon stated in a cold, stoic voice, as though she had found herself in similar situations numerous times before, while sitting across from Selina at the table.

"Is that what you think I am here to do? Use you to try to make some sort of deal with your family?" Selina chuckled as if the idea itself was funny. "You said you have never heard of me, right? Well, it's because honestly, I am neither very important nor extremely powerful... But I am here on behalf of someone who has both those two qualities in them, someone who knows that you are not Hangman, that you are innocent and were framed for those murders, someone who wants to give you a second chance at life... provided of course that you be of use to him." She declared with an air of mystery as if she wanted Sofia to try and guess who the person was.

"And let me guess, he doesn't like the Falcones as well. So, he wants to use me to crush whatever is left of my family." Sofia guessed while curiously raising one of her brows. 

"No, he wants your help to completely remove the present corrupted and cowardly Falcone family from power and replace them with... better ones." Selina completed after a slight pause. "We would have liked to approach your brother as well but unfortunately he was murdered in cold blood the very next day your father died. It was either probably done by one of the Falcone head bosses in line for the throne or by one of your many MANY enemies who want to see nothing, but the entire Falcone family line wiped out from existence." She informed while keeping an eye on how Sofia was taking the news and much to Selina's surprise, there wasn't a big shift in Sofia's expressions. She looked upset but not as devastated as she had expected.

"My brother... yes, he was indeed the victim in all this, the one person who shouldn't have died. *Hmm* Whenever he visited me, we would always talk about how things would change if our father ever died, how he would help me get out, how we would work together like we used to when we were young to change what the Falcones stood for. We were supposed to change the criminal underworld together when my father died. But instead of taking control of it, my brother became one of its many victims while I was left here to rot... There is truly nothing more unfair than life, is there?" Sofia chuckled dejectedly as she stared at her own palms. 

Anybody who saw her right now could easily guess what she was thinking. She was seriously considering ending her disappointing life for once and all, but she still had enough willpower to hold on for some reason, like something was driving her to stay alive.

"This person you work for, can he get me released from Arkham despite all the Falcones wanting me to stay here permanently? Can he go against their full might just to get me released and if he can, why do you need me?" Sofia asked with a frown, not understanding what part she was supposed to play in his grand plan. 

"He can certainly secure your release with ease. In time, he might even prove your innocence regarding all the charges. The Falcone crime family will not be able to hinder him the slightest, even if they exert their utmost effort. As for why he needs you, well, he actually doesn't. It's fair to say he's doing this as a favor, an act of kindness if you will. He had countless ways to execute his plan, but just as you chose to work with your brother despite your disdain for your family, he's offering me the opportunity to collaborate with my sister, despite my qualms about our family's nature," Selina responded calmly, without going into excessive detail.

"You... no, it can't be... are you one of..." Sofia could not finish her words due to all the turbulent emotions flowing through her.

"Yes, I am. Carmine Falcone killed my mother when I was young. She used to work in the Iceberg Lounge, so no one ever missed her after she was dead. My mom was killed because my mother was becoming too big of an annoyance to manage for Falcone. She was one of the first victims of the real Hangman." Selina uttered with a stoic face, her voice shaking slightly because of the torrent of emotions hidden underneath her calm facade.

"Why tell me now, after all this time? What if I reveal everything about your history to the Falcone family? Aren't you afraid that I might betray you and use this knowledge to restore my connection with the family?" Sofia asked after a few seconds of silence. 

"I have a feeling that you hate your family almost as much as me... maybe even a little more than me. And I want to give you a chance to right the wrongs in your life... that's the least I can do as your sister." Selina smiled before placing her hand on top of Sofia's as a familial gesture. "I would have tried to do this sooner if I knew about how you were wrongfully framed by Carmine but unfortunately, I only came to know about the whole thing after he died. But still, better late than never, right?" 

"... Yes. Better late than never indeed... If you are really my sister..., Selina, then you are the only real family I have left. I don't want to lose you like I lost my brother. So, I'll keep your secret until I die... unless you decide to tell it yourself one day. As for the Falcone family who had forsaken me years ago, I would have gone after them no matter what. Even if I were to be released from Arkham 5 years later like I am supposed to, I would have still gone after them with everything I have. That's why I am still alive after all. I want revenge against them, against everyone who has wronged me... no matter the cost." Sofia proclaimed with a determined voice. "And if this person you work for can offer me that, he can have my soul, let alone my loyalty."

"Good decision, Sofia. We will get you released on parole by tonight." Selina promised. "As for the person I work for..., you will meet him once you are outside."

"That's fine. I don't care whom I am going to work for as long as he can get me what I truly want. However, before I get released, there is something I have to take care of on the inside... a worthless mutt that needs to be neutered..." 


<[10 minutes later]>

'That went quite well. I didn't think I would be able to convince Sofia to work for us that easily. She didn't even doubt my claim of being her half-sister. Is she so smart that she could easily guess I was telling the truth, or has she grown stupid after years of mental torture in Arkham? Or maybe, she just wants revenge so badly that she doesn't care about anything else. Well, whatever the reason, it just made my job a lot easier.' Selina mumbled to herself while walking down through a corridor in Arkham. "I am sure Bruce would be proud of me."

"Hey, watch it, lady!" Selina, distracted and not paying attention to her surroundings, failed to notice a woman with a head of blonde hair, clad in a white lab coat and glasses, attempting to hurry past. This led to an unintended collision between the two where the thick folder in the hands of the blonde woman fell out of her hands, some of the documents scattering away on the floor.

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't notice you." Selina apologized, knowing it was her fault for not paying attention despite possessing enhanced senses. But after her eyes darted to the documents on the floor, she noticed that they were full of diagrams, pictures, sketches, and notes about Batman including various articles published on him. "Huh? Are you a Dark Knight fan or something..." She noticed the identity card attached to the woman's lab coat, "...Miss Quinzel?"

"What? Umm, I am just doing research on him. I am a licensed psychologist, so looking into the unique minds of peculiar and impressive people is my job." She replied, her tone a bit defensive before quickly gathering up her documents and turning to leave. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have work to do."

"Huh? Such a weird person." Selina muttered to herself after the woman left. "She looked so serious like she had a stick up her ass. Maybe she needs to unwind a little in life." The cat lover shrugged before deciding to leave.


(A/N: Before any of you ask, no, Sophia Falcone will not be in the harem. Not every hot girl in the story is a love interest for Bruce)


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