Chapter 4: chapter 4 : Deal
First day of school as a lord
Long Su entered the classroom with a sense of resolve and purpose.
He was aware that he needed to continue developing and expanding the power he had, even in this typical situation where almost everyone looked after him.
dozen pairs of eyes snapped to him, sharp as daggers. Someone snorted. Another whispered, "There he is. The orphan prince." The words slithered across the room, and Long Su's throat tightened.
He kept his chin high, mimicking the way his father once stood before unruly vassals.
As he went down to his seat, he noticed the other students staring at him, their eyes filled with jealousy and thirsty greed for his parents' inheritance.
He recognized why they were
envious of
Poor students like me were going to have more land and huge number of armed unit.
Long Su's nails dug into his palms. 'Don't flinch. Don't give them that'. He forced his face to reman normal
They didn't realize that ' long su ' a six-year-old child would spend years standing in front of his parents' photos until he fell asleep.
But the human nature of greed will never care for the hard life of someone else
instead, they will think about how to do whatever it takes to get close to you for benefits or tear you down for inner possessions.
The parents of 'long Su' both awaken the Lord's talent and after many years of developing and dangers advantage could they have their seed world advanced to demi-world level
but after their deaths and with great luck the Demi-World wasn't destroyed, so in the final the ownership will automatically transfer to their inly son Long Su,
who, because of his age, puts them under the control and protection of the Dragon Kingdom.
But now that he has opened his world seed, he can use them as a material protection base or sell them for gold coins and other rare materials
Unfortunately both his parents Demi-World are human beings and he can't use them to strength his own seed world
He can conquer the demi-world but that will require his own seed world to have enough stability and strength to eat his parents Demi-World
also because he is the sole owner, he can transfer it to anyone he wants for free, and for this reason, he becomes the center of attention in the class.
Owning a Demi-World is the main purpose of every lord
Because with this Demi-World they will have another world under their control and unlimited resources will falls into their hands
Or they can even upgrade their seed world through eating other Demi-Worlds
Even through the Dragon Kingdom not all the strong man have Demi-World
But every strong man need to own a Demi-World as his safe stronghold for his rescues
Even though the seed world is given to every lord awakening but that doesn't mean you will have a safe way to top level of power
its also like how not everyone will become invisible strong man after having his seed world
Many people loose their world seed before even before fighting the alien races
Weaknesses is a sin
a child lord with a crown of ash
He sank into seat next to him , with wood cold against his spine.
A boy with greasy hair turned, eyes glinting. "Hey, Long Su. My father says your Demi-Worlds could be a great use for him . Why keep them? You're too soft to fight aliens anyway, my family is ready to buy it from you."
Long su konw this boy from his memories after memorized his memory about the boy information
His voice came out steadier than he felt. "And your father's world is still a Seed level , isn't it? How many years has he been stuck at Tier Three?"
The boy's face flushed. "You little—"
The classroom door burst open with a thunderous crack, splintering the uneasy silence.
A hulking figure filled the doorway—Teacher Li Zhao, his scarred hands gripping the frame like a conqueror claiming a fortress.
His eyes, sharp as flint, swept the room, lingering on Long Su just a heartbeat too long.
The scent of iron and burnt ozone clung to him, remnants of battles fought in distant worlds.
"Welcome to your funeral," Li Zhao growled, his voice grinding like millstones.
He stalked to the lectern, boots leaving faint scorch marks on the tiles. "This isn't a school. It's a meat grinder. By year's end,everyone will You will feel as if you will be born again"
A girl near the front dropped her inkbrush. The clatter echoed.
Li Zhao's gaze snapped to Long Su. "And you—Lord of undead system Long su. How noble of you to grace us with your… legacy." His lip curled around the word, as though it tasted of rot. "Skeletons, was it? Pathetic. Even goblins shred bone-meat to pulp."
Long Su felt a surge of rage at the teacher's words, but he knew he needed to remain calm and focused.
Why the teacher said the word selected because the school konw that Long su exchang a death core from them when he first enters the school
Seeing a normal human seed world changes to death element seed world, hurting the teacher very much
Its like changing a fully armed army to play with a group of week old people
As for long su he didn't make a sound, he was aware that the other students were watching him, waiting to see how he would respond.
But!" Li Zhao slammed a fist on the lectern, jolting the class. "Even maggots swarm lions to death. Remember that, skeleton lord."
A snicker rippled from the back. Long Su didn't turn. He knew the voice owner, Pan Jiang the lord of half-dragon brute whose father governed the western mines.
Li Zhao paced, his shadow clawing across the walls. "Gold coins. Territory levels. Population." He spat each word like a curse. "Build farms, they eat. Build barracks, they bleed. Fail, and your world starves."
A boy raised a trembling hand. "Teacher, what if—?"
"What if everyone in your seed world die?" Li Zhao whirled, teeth bared. "Pray your heirs inherit faster than the chaos devour your seed world."
" units and residents life force is important to protect your seed world"
The room chilled. Long Su's breath fogged.
" and the most important things is every units have stringht hidden
It is up to you, as their lord to find strategies to maximize their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses"
Hearing this long su start thinking
about his skeleton slaves who have level 1 strength
'how to win if your single units will die easily in front other units'
even goblins who considered as units that whose goal is to consume enemies are stronger then the skeleton and a single goblin can kill several skeleton
Seeing that he went out of today's topic with a quick speed, he changed his tone and said in a series of ways,
"My name is Teacher Li Zhao ; you can call me Teacher Li. Secondly, in today's topic, I will teach you basic information on how to understand the Lord's world.
" In the entire lord's world, in addition to caring for the growth of the people in the lord's territory, the creatures in the lord's territory require food."
" A territory is more than just having a few people live there; it can also grow."
"The wealth and prosperity of the territory will affect your income from gold coins every day; the coins can be produced automatically on the territory."
" Of course, the total quantity of energy of production that the area can generate every day relates to its level and the added benefits of various buildings."
"With gold coins, you can build and increase your population and buld army unit; in total, all lords need gold coins for anything and everything to devolve their world."
Seeing the serious look of everyone, teacher, Ii looked satisfied.
"Now let's talk about the different armies, for example, on of the students here awaken the Goblins. You need Keep in mind that goblins are famous for their cunning and mischief."
" Use those characteristics to your advantage, but be cautious not to let them work against you."
"As for the lord of half-dragon beasts, you need to remember and never forget that dragons are proud and aggressive beasts."
" They will serve you well, but only if you win their respect and keep your authority over them; otherwise, you will lose your lordly talent even before you start living as one. The three of you in the back, do you understand?"
With a look of terror and anxiety, the three students who have half -dragon beast units answered yes.
"For those of you with human soldiers should not underestimate their skills. A well-trained and well-equipped human army can be just as effective as any supernatural creature and, in many cases, more adaptable and versatile."
"Remember that the key to building a strong army is not just to gather the most powerful or fearsome creatures, but to understand their strengths and weaknesses and to find ways to utilize them effectively in battle."
"Finally, before the end of the class time, keep in mind that the school will force you all to participate in dungeon trials that will put your army's in danger and fight powerful enemy as a test for units , as well as your leadership and decision-making abilities."
" Be prepared to make painful decisions and sacrifices, as well as to modify your strategy to meet the ever-changing conditions of battle
"Dungeon trials begin tomorrow," Li Zhao said, suddenly conversational. "Your armies will bleed. Your people will scream. And you—" He leaned over a petrified first-year, "—will learn what it costs to wear a lord's crown."
"This is all for today, class. Next time, it will be the real fight, so be ready."
Notice that at the end of the class, the teacher said his last lesson and went out of the classroom
When the dismissal bell shrieked, students fled like spooked deer.
As Su made his way to the cafeteria, he observed a group of students gathering around one of the benches.
Pan Jiang blocked his path, arms crossed. His scaled biceps glinted poison-green. "Heard you're auctioning your Demi-Worlds. Smart move. A cripple shouldn't play with fire."
Long Su's knuckles whitened around his tray. Cripple. The word hissed through him, colder than the death cores.
"What's your price?" pan Jiang pressed, flanked by smirking lackeys. "Two million gold? Three? Or—" He leaned in, breath reeking of sulfur, "—maybe you'll gift it to me? For… protection."
The crowd stilled. A server dropped a platter; the crash hung in the air like a guillotine's drop.
Long Su set his tray down slowly. Deliberately. When he straightened, his voice cut clean as a scalpel. "My parents' Demi-Worlds aren't for sale."
Pan Jiang scales rippled, crimson bleeding into green. "You little—"
Long Su with serious look focused in pan Jiang face, his face was dangerous and his eyes look like flame was burning in them
Anger almost control long su
If pan Jiang said another thing he will rely loose control
" let's go "
Pan Jiang said to the students behing him and walked away from long su
Pan Jiang really felt scared under the eyes of long su
This one of the side effects of the world seed that many new lord's loss effects over their emotions and the main attributes will effect their thinking and emotions
In dangerous moments they can even lose control over themselves
Like now The death element in long su seed world spread fear in pan Jiang hearts and in the same time spread anger in his heart
The others students who follow pan Jiang stared at each other not knowing what to do.