Delayed Transfer

Chapter 11

     Mark continued walking but it was still unhurried. He did not want to stumble upon a group of goblins because he knew that a horde of them will be the death of him. He walked into another bend. When he poked his head, he saw three goblins. He walked towards them while ten disparate object were floating above his head. When he estimated that he was about fifty feet from the goblins, they noticed him and all of them ran towards him waiving their small knives. When they were about twenty feet, he threw one rod each to the goblins. One missed since the goblin it was aimed at tripped on something, the other one hit the shoulder of one of the goblins and the third one hit the torso of the other goblin.

     Mark walked to the goblins who paused because of the hit, and then he resolutely wielded his two knives to cut the throat of one of the goblins repeatedly while throwing two rods to the other one to make sure that it stayed where it was standing and when the first goblin died from his floating knives slashes, he focused on the other one, slashing its neck several times. When he was sure that the second goblin was dead, he turned all of his attention on the goblin that tripped. When it stood up and ran to him, he threw the floating rods to it one after another making the goblin cried out and then he slashed the floating knives repeatedly on its neck until it died. Mark felt that while he was at the advantage, the combat had no finesse. He needed to repeatedly slash the neck of the goblin because his knives were not sharp enough and throwing the rods and other things to the goblins did not really hurt them because the thrown things did not have enough strength for piercing if it hit a non vital area. At best, it only served as control since it only made the goblins paused a bit, which was enough, if there were only two or three of them but more than that will be very dangerous for him. He again made sure that there were no enemies that will surprise him, then he walked to the corpses. This time he saw that there were two glowing blue balls.

     Mark picked up the glowing balls. One of them turned into an iron knife and the other disappeared. He immediately opened the Notification Window and it stated that he leveled up to level three. He also saw that one of the glowing ball was not a skill point but an actual skill. Oh my God! An actual skill! Mark thought excitedly. Upon checking the Notification Window, he saw that it was the skill Identify. He again received a staple first skill of litrpg novels. He switched to the Skill Tree tab and saw that a new section appeared below the last section, which was unsurprisingly named General Skills. Unfortunately, Identify stated that it was level zero and he had to put in a skill point to be able to use it. “Oh, man that sucks,” Mark muttered. He was beginning to think that skill points were very valuable since he imagined that there will be an unlimited number of skills as long as the skill tree continue expanding and together with the general skill that mobs drop, it was really going to be a lot. A lot of skills.

     Mark went back to the Space and Void Chancellor section and added a point to Void Bolt. He read that the level one Void Bolt will have a range of fifty feet on and fifty damage on a five MP cost per shot. It also stated that every ten Intelligence will add point twenty five to the damage meaning that the damage will be around sixty two once he hit ten Intelligence. He imagined that level two Void Bolt should add to the flat damage as well as the percentage the Intelligence stat will add to the damage as well as the distance of the bolt.

     Mark also noticed that using the first skill that he had, he did not have to click on anything or shout the skill name. It was very instinctive and maybe because the first skill that he had use was Telekinesis and it was a channel skill so shouting Telekinesis would have been awkward while continually using it so he did not thought of doing it that way. May be if the first skill that he had was Void Bolt, he would be shouting it but he was glad that it was not that way. Imagine shouting Void Bolt ten times if there were like ten goblins, that would be incredibly awkward and would waste precious seconds of combat time. He was also currently happy with the amount of MP that he had since he would be able to shoot a lot of Void Bolt on that two hundred MP.

     Mark was also aware that ever since he started practicing his Telekinesis, his MP regeneration was very fast. When he checked the Wisdom stat, it did say that, not only it added twenty MP per stat, it also said that for every ten Wisdom stat, he will enjoy a flat ten MP per minute regeneration. With the amount of MP that he had, it almost became and overpowered cheat. He imagined that once his level was high enough, he will be casting his spells non-stop left and right. He also put his new stat level to Agility since he planned to even all of his stats out to at least five before concentrating on Intelligence and Wisdom. Although with the stats, he need to be very careful because he did not find any information about stat reset on the help section. He was guessing that he would not be allowed to do that because Stats were the very foundation of his physical and magical being.

     Mark checked the iron knife that dropped from one of the goblins and he saw that it was actually sharper than his kitchen knives although it looked very crude. He put all of his things back to his inventory and planned to dispose all of them after his dungeon run including the kitchen knives. Just thinking of using the knives on his food gave him the heebie-jeebies. Holding the iron knife as his only weapon, he continued walking once his MP was full.

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