Demi: Birth of the true mage

Chapter 6: Chapter 4

The concept of a good night sleep was an alien ideal for the Southern born boy. Due to the constant danger he adapted to having short 4 hour sleep out of fear. Fear that one day he would wake up and his family would be gone. But all that worrying, all that stress was eliminated by one simple pillow. A pillow that made Mohammed feel as if he was sleeping on clouds, a blanket that felt like he was being brushed by the sun's gentle rays, a bed that made him feel like he was floating in a vast and still ocean.

His eyes fluttered open and he could instantly tell that he was not at home. The ceiling was made of light brown wood and the walls were a plain white. He sat up in order to get a better view of the room he was in. He noticed that he was somehow shirtless, and he struggled to remember as to why that was the case.

Well, it could've been worse. He thought before feeling someone next to him shift under the blanket. He was not alone.

He reflexively jumped out of bed with the grace of a cat that had just been sprayed with water. He watched as the person slowly emerged from the sheets and his jaw dropped when he realized who it was.

With short brown hair and a petite face. The morning light illuminated her pale naked skin. Their eyes locked on to each other as they stared for a good minute. Worry began to come over the girls face as she noticed her nudity and once she fully came to her senses, she let out a panicked scream that startled Mohammed.

"Looks like you two are up bright and early. I made breakfast." Nami announced, standing in the door frame with an amused look on her face.


Moe walked into Nami's house with a brown-haired girl hanging on to him for support. He himself was shirtless, due to him burning his shirt by accident when he set himself alight. The girl he carried was apparently someone he had met during the party. She was so drunk that she couldn't walk to save her life. Close to passing out if it hadn't been helped by Moe moving her around so much. Nami went upstairs to prepare a room for the Southerner and chose a room without voice command. The guest room wasn't cleaned as often as other rooms, but at the state he was in, she knew he wouldn't mind a little dirt. Climbing back downstairs to inform the two on the sleeping arrangements she saw Moe had already laid her down on one of the couches. Letting her sleep there was an option, but Nami couldn't trust a random stranger to sleep, unguarded, in a lounge with so many valuables.

"There is a room waiting for you upstairs. It's the only room with a wooden door to the left so you won't miss it." She noticed how exhausted he was and figured that he'd sleep fine without dinner. His eyelids looked ready to close at any moment and his slouch made it look like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Moe placed his hand on her shoulder as he walked past her towards the stairs.

"Thanks for not asking." Slipping on the third step Nami rushed to catch him. She caught him before he could injure himself and threw his arm over her shoulders for support. She could tell that his scars were deep by just looking at them, and the rough feeling they left on her hand as her fingers brushed over the grooves of his ribs only supported this idea.

"C'mon buddy we're almost there." She walked him upstairs and to the room in which he threw himself on the bed and immediately passed out. Nami giggled at how vulnerable he was at that moment. Moe didn't seem like the type to let his guard down. Even as they ascended the stairs, she felt how tense he was. Now he was as vulnerable as a newborn baby. She covered him with a blanket before going back downstairs to get the girl Moe brought with him. After the incident in the alleyway Moe went back for her, not giving much of an explanation other than 'she is a friend'. She wasn't comfortable with letting her into Aldred's house, but Moe looked like he wouldn't leave without her.

Her Name was May, right? Nami thought as she went to go help the grown woman up. They were able to make it upstairs with only minimal missteps, but their good fortune ran out the second she spewed out her stomach all over Aldred's floor, and some on her sweatpants. The smell itself was enough to make Nami nauseous but it had an addition of undigested food making the yellow liquid look chunky.

You're a good person, you're a good person, you're a good person. She repeated to herself as she fantasized about throwing the girl down the stairs.

Nami lifted her gaze from the yellow sludge and slowly made her way around it with May. She entered the main bathroom and sat her down on the toilet.

"My head hurts." May mumbled in a drunken slur.

Nami first had to get her clean and put her to bed before anything else happened. Nobody would want to sleep in a bed that smelled like puke. She also didn't want any trouble with Aldred. With a loud sigh and groan she began to undress the drunken lady. She didn't know whether to call it lucky or unlucky that she was only wearing an easy to remove dress...with nothing underneath.

Her opinion on the female was already low to begin with, and yet it was still able to drop even further after the reveal. To Nami, she was a bit more than human filth, but even that felt a little too generous.

She put the dress in the washing machine, allowing May to release whatever she had left in the toilet. Once she was done, she readied the shower. Nami considered just hosing her down with some cold water but had to keep reminding herself that she was a "good" person.

She helped May into the shower and sat her down inside it. She removed the shower head from its holder and began hosing her down with some warm water.

"No mama, I'm tired of taking showers with you, I'm a big girl." May cried trying to crawl out of the shower. Nami pushed her back in but May stood up and grabbed Nami causing them both to fall and Nami to get wet.

Perfect, Just fucking Perfect! Nami could feel her patience running thinner by the second. Dealing with drunk people was not how she wanted to end such a good night.

Aldred would flip if he knew I brought people over. He would flip if he knew I went to that party. He would flip if he knew that I tried out drugs for the first time. I wonder how many flips he'd do. Chuckling at the thought Nami continued washing herself and the grown woman.

After that whole ordeal she covered May in a towel and took a mop to go clean the mess she made. Even though he's my uncle I'm sure he'd kick me out if he smelt vomit on his floors. I wonder how much I'd make off selling my body? Imagine that, Blacksilver Nami, first silver female silver medallist in the Kami cup on "ForFans", bet lots of thirsty men would sell their kidney for a feet pick. She chuckled at herself. Not in a million years. The floor was spotless again, and now was time to put the drunken broad to sleep. Should be easy enough. She threw the woman's arm over her shoulder and began walking over to her room.

"I'll sleep here tonight." May came to a sudden halt as they passed by the room Moe slept in. She walked into the room without a second word and got under the blankets with Moe.

Should I do something...Nah, she's Moe's problem now. She closed the door and went straight into her room afterwards.


Nami was in the kitchen preparing some breakfast for the two who sat awkwardly at the dinner table. Ever since they woke up, they hadn't uttered a single word to each other. May borrowed one of Aldred's shirts for the meantime as she was waiting for her dress to dry. It was one of Aldred's lumberjack shirts, but it was big enough to serve as a dress for the short female. In retrospect everyone looked short compared to Aldred, but that was neither here nor there. Moe borrowed one of Nami's black turtleneck to hide his scars, Though he was taller than Nami his skinny build allowed the turtleneck to be a perfect fit. Nami served them the breakfast she was making. She made pancakes with some French toast, scrambled eggs, and some sausage fingers.

"So, since you two are too awkward to sort out your mess tell me what happened last night at the party." She sat down across from them with an intrigued look in her dark chocolate eyes.

"Did Moe feel you up before being caught by your jealous ex-boyfriend?" She was just throwing suggestions in the air, not knowing how close it landed.

"How low do you think I am?" Moe asked feeling unfairly targeted.

"You're from the South." Moe looked at her almost in disappointment, his eyes narrowing into a frown.

"And here I am thinking you'd be different." Moe had whispered that out, but it was easily caught by Nami's sharp ears.

"I can't believe I'm acting like a stupid high school girl. We are all adults here so I should at least act like one." May said as she gathered her confidence to speak.

"So, are you gonna tell me what happened?" Nami asked. May looked at Moe who gave her a nod and sighed.

"Well, we were in the bathroom getting..."busy" and I was about to... y'know..."pleasure Moe" and..." Nami was getting a little flustered as she continued, a mischievous smirk painting itself on her lips as she tried to play a brave face to hide her immaturity.

"She vomited all over my new jersey." Moe said, still feeling a bit sour about that part. May immediately turned red from embarrassment and tried to hide her face by placing her head on the table and covering it with her arms.

"I'm so sorry." She apologized in a high-pitched tone. Moe brushed it off and continued with the rest of the story.

"After that some asshole walked in on us and went to go report it to his boss or something. Next thing I know some big backed bastard is picking a fight with me, and I socked him in the face I didn't notice I was surrounded until the big dude from our school kicked me out." Moe concluded from his side of the story. May blinked in confusion as she had forgotten everything that happened after she vomited. She didn't even remember getting into bed with Moe.

"Hey, we didn't… y'know?" May asked, too embarrassed to finish the sentence. Nami's face lit up in intrigue as she turned to Moe for an answer, now unable to hide the smile she had on her face.

Moe looked at her curiously before answering. "I don't think we did." Nami turned away in disappointment.

"Oh, good. I don't think I'd live with myself if I did… not that you're ugly or anything, I'd just feel bad for taking advantage of you like that." May looked at her food, unable to keep eye contact with him.

"How boring." Nami sighed out.

"I heard that." Moe's comment fell on deaf ears as Nami walked back to the kitchen.

The fog of silence began falling over them as neither uttered a word after Nami's exit. May twirled her fork around the food almost as if she was lost in thought and Moe studied her features out of intrigue. She was far from ugly; her small figure only enhanced her cute features. Like the freckles that spotted over her nose and her pink lips that quivered as she thought. Her bangs obstructed Moe from properly seeing her eyes and though her hair was short, almost boy like even, she remained as cute as a fairy.




"The guy you fought last night, he is not really my boyfriend or anything weird like that." May clarified, snapping Moe out of his daze and getting a curious look from him.

"He was sent there to keep an eye on me." Moe nodded in understanding. It wasn't unusual for gang leaders to take refuge in the North while managing a gang in the South. This allowed them to get a steady income in the North while receiving power and money in the South. That was his dad's initial goal before getting arrested, one of the many reasons he hated that man.

"I really am sorry about your shirt." May apologized after a brief silence.

"It's fine, I'm not gonna hold you to it." Moe said.

"Gimme your number so I can call you when I'm free." May said as she took out her phone from her purse.

"Uhm sure, but do you really want your free time to be spent with someone like me?" Moe asked.

"I owe you a shirt so we should go shopping for one sometime." May suggested.

"It's okay, you really don't have to."

"I don't have to but, I want to, can't a girl clear her conscious?" Moe smirked and began eating his homemade breakfast.

"You should taste the food. Nami is an excellent cook." Moe said with a mouth full of pancakes.

May took a bite of her pancake and liked it immediately. She wrapped up a sausage finger with a pancake and chomped down on it. She soon found herself wolfing down the entire meal. Moe watched the pure animosity that was happening right next to him and marvelled at how a small little thing like her had such an enormous appetite.

"Oh myy gahhhd this is so good!" Her gleeful cheer stopped when she noticed Moe staring and instantly got embarrassed.

"Hey! Stop staring!" She said giving Moe a light push.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it." May's eyes went wide as her blush deepened. She straightened herself and put on a seductive smile on her face.

"Let me get in a few drinks before you start making comments like that!" She smacked his chest as he chuckled. A mischievous smile started coming over her.

"Y'know, maybe we can still salvage what we were doing last night… before we got disturbed." She said as her voice got flirtatiously low. A grin painted itself on Moe's face as he got closer to her.

"Maybe we can." Nami commented just as Moe was about to cup her cheek.

"As much as I'd like a front row seat, I'm afraid you've overstayed your visit." Somehow, she had managed to sneak in front of them and neither noticed until she made herself noticed. She had a dish towel wrapped around her neck and her eyes looked up to them in anticipation.

"Maybe some other time then." May slid her number over to Moe before getting up to leave.

"An Uber will be coming to fetch you soon. I'll get your dress for you." Nami said going back upstairs.

"Uhm Moe, I don't mean to be invasive but are you two dating?" May asked. Moe gave her a questioning look.

"In all honesty I don't know what we are. We only met last night and even then, we met with her foot on my neck." Moe said still mad about that part of their meeting.

"Ohhh, so why did she bring you back to her place despite not knowing anything about you?"

"Honestly, I'm as clueless as you are, I'm just glad I found a place to sleep for the night."

"Well then, I guess that means I have nothing stopping me from doing this." May walked back Moe and straddled him in his seat. Moe's hands slipped under her borrowed shirt and felt that she still had nothing under, so logically they snacked around her hips and grabbed a handful of ass. She brought Moe's face up by the chin and looked deep into his amber-colored eyes.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Moe asked before she planted her lips on his, He could feel his bulge press uncomfortably against his jeans as his hands played with the softness of her cheeks. She pulled away from the kiss and looked at him.

"We don't mention him when we're together, kay?" Moe remained silent, wearing an unimpressed look on his face.

She smiled before bending down to kiss him again when a light fabric wrapped itself across her face as it came flying in at high speeds.

"You two had your chance yesterday, now get dressed and get out of my house." May giggled before climbing off of Mohammed.

"Yes sir." She said as she passed by Nami. Who stared at her with a scowl.


Usually, the bus back home were a quiet and boring experience since none of the passengers spoke to each other. Despite sharing the Southern dream of finding work in the North none of them shared their experiences with each other almost as if hiding a secret of their success. It would've been a quiet ride had Nami not decided to come along.

He tried to warn her of the dangers, but her eyes lit up the longer he talked about them. He never had any issue feeling saying no before, but her constant pestering made it near impossible for him to say no. It almost reminded him of his little brother.

Once they got on the bus she became as hyper as a child on white coke. Asking every question about the South in the book.

"Is it true that everyone has a gun in their home?"

"How many gangs are there?"

"Have you been shot before?"

"Is it true that even kids are allowed to join gangs?"

Moe could swear that she wasn't his age, because there's no way you make it to 20 and not lose your inner child.

The bus they took dropped them off at the border of the South due to it not having an affiliation. They passed the gates where heavily armed men stood guard. After a bit of walking, they passed a sign. Nami's eyes fixed themselves on the mural of a man with wings of fire on his back. The mural was extremely detailed as she could see the man was wearing a grey suit of a certain brand and a black shirt with a white tie. The look on the man in the mural was one of dominance and pride as he looked down on the two of them.

"Woah." Was all Nami could say as she marvelled at the Mural's artistry.

"That's a mural of the person who runs the South. Like a mayor or president or whatever. The mural was made in his honour." Moe explained. He expected a negative reaction from her but was surprised when she asked. "Can I take a picture?" That's when Moe saw the look of admiration on her face.

"Do you not know who this man is?" Moe asked, feeling like she was oblivious to the situation but was proven wrong when she responded.

"Ahamed Binyam. The ultimate crime lord of the south and one who has a continentwide reputation. He is also your dad." Nami looked at him for a response and noticed that he actually froze on the spot.

"You knew this whole time?" He asked hesitantly.

"It wasn't that hard to put it together. You look just like him, and the fact you're a fire emitter only strengthens that lead." She walked over to him and pulled back the sleeve of the turtleneck.

"With scars like this, it's not impossible to believe that you're that man's son." She traced the thunderbolt like scar on his arm with a saddened look on her face.

"I know all too well about scars you want to forget about, but either way I won't see you any different because of it, I promise that I won't tell anyone about it too." Moe sighed in partial relief. He still couldn't get over the fact that he was that easy to see through.

"Why are you doing all this?" Moe asked, slightly taking Nami off guard.

"Well don't get the wrong idea about this, I swear there's no feelings between us." Nami crossed her hands in defiance, before realizing the serious expression on his face.

"You owe me no allegiance. And I have not done anything for you that I can recall, so why? Why put up with a Southerner like me?" Nami sighed as she began wracking her brain for an answer. Why did she do all of that for him?

"You…" She started. "You intrigue me." Moe's brow rose in question.

"A Southern born boy in trying his damnest to get his family out of the South. Not through turf wars, drug dealing or trafficking, but through education. You're the son of a famous and powerful drug lord and yet you choose education as the method you use to get your family out of the South. Isn't that intriguing?" Moe had a look of shock run over his face, before he dropped his head. A light chuckle escaped his lips before evolving into full blown laughter. He wiped the tear out of his eye before saying. "You are one intriguing person yourself don't you think?" Nami let out a proud chuckle.

"Please do come with more praise." She hugged herself while swaying side to side. An armoured truck past by them, kicking up some dust that choked them up for a bit.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Moe said with his hand extended to Nami. A grin came across her lips before she swung her hand to catch his in a dap.

"You know, since we already going to the South, why don't you cook something up for me at your place?" Moe chuckled expecting her to chuckle to.

"You're serious?" Nami rolled her eyes.

"You ate at my place; I eat at yours." Moe Laughed as he began walking again.

"With that logic then since I slept at your place then you should sleep at mine?" Nami followed in his steps and walked beside him.

"Exactly, I'll come redeem my one free night at your place another day though. Uncle comes back today and if he sees I'm not there he'd kill me."

"That's insane bro, I can't let you sleep at mine without any form of compensation. Money is scarce at the South and so is food."

"Me coming to your house should be payment enough, I mean look at me." She twirled in front of him. "I'm an absolute baddie."

There was nothing much to look at, sure she had a cute face, but the body was hidden under the hoodie and sweatpants she wore. Without seeing her face, you could easily mistake her as a short man or young boy.

"Meh, May was better." He teased.

"You only say that because you slept with her." She retorted.

"Points are points bro, and so far, you have none."

"Nah, you're just worried that you can't live up to my cooking skills." Moe stopped with an offended look on his face.

"Excuse you, but I am an awesome cook."

"Nothing but empty words coming out of your lips." Moe chuckled.

"Fine, but only one plate. Oh, and as while we're still here, promise me you'll stick close to me for as long as you're in the South, and don't say anything unless I tell you to." A taxi stopped in front of them.

"You're not my dad." Nami stuck out a tongue at him and tried to enter the taxi before he stopped her.

"Promise me." His tone shifted to a serious one and with a sigh Nami gave him a reassuring nod.

"I want you to say it." Nami was about to complain before the taxi driver hit his horn.

"Fine, I promise." Moe lifted his arm, allowing her to get in. When she did though she had her arms crossed with an obviously defiant look on her face. This is gonna be a long ride. Moe thought with a smile he unknowingly still had on.

"Ruyat Jadida." He said as the taxi driver drove off.

Nami had thought she had prepared herself before she came there, she knew the state Newark South was in before going there. But try as she might, she couldn't help the gut turning sight of absolute depravity that she bore witness to. The streets were dirty, buildings were rundown, and the lights were barely functioning.

The state of the people living there looked even worse. Their clothes dirty and eyes bloodshot from all the smoke in the area. Marks of obvious drug use littered their arms. Some random person getting jumped by a gang of people and the people around them barely even batted an eye. Hookers and prostitutes having sex with their clients in broad daylight with some watching with their hand on their member and the other with a bunch of cash that was being collected by bulky looking men. All of these things were terrible and one common occurrence Nami noticed was the look in all of their eyes. All of them, the drug dealers and prostitutes. All of them, the gangbangers and thieves. All of them, the women and children. All of them had no light, no joy, no hope, no love in their eyes. In their eyes they had nothing.

The taxi stopped and Nami climbed out, still with a shocked and disgusted look on her face.

"Come on, we still got a way to go." He didn't face her as he walked away and Nami ran to his side in fear of getting left behind. Their walk continued in silence before Moe spoke up again.

"I'm sorry you had to see all of that. It's easy to forget you're new to this place when you act so confident." He teased, but his tone remained sombre. Still his face didn't meet hers.

"No, it was my fault, I should've known things would be this bad." She tried to force a smile, but it didn't stick.

"Hey, about that payment we were talking about, this dish will be on the house." Moe finally turned to her with a warm smile on his face. Something about him seemed to glow, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Before she could even respond Moe turned, his head jerking left and right.

"Fuck." He sighed. Nami began to catch on as she stepped closer to Moe. Sounds of metal bats began clanging from every direction and were only getting closer. In short, they were surrounded.

More and more people came out of the shadows from every direction, each wielding a bat, and a Glock 9 holstered in their pants. He knew what they were trying to do, so he kept his cool. The man leading the group in front walked towards them and stood in their path.

"'sup Moe. I see you've been keeping yourself well." The guy was the same height as Nami, and he wore a black mask that covered about half his face with a white tank top and blue baggy jeans that were barely hanging on his hip.

"Let us pass. We have no business with you lot." Moe said in a calm manner.

"Don't be like that big bro. I was just a bit curious about how your day was. And maybe you could introduce me to your little lady friend right here?" The boy said giving Nami a look which made Nami cringe.

"Let us pass or else you're gonna get hurt." Moe threatened.

"Oh no big bro you can go through any time you like but your friend here needs to introduce herself to the rest of the group." Some cheers and whistles came from the group surrounding them which sent a shiver down Nami's spine.

She looked to Moe for permission to speak, but he shook his head in disagreement. "We have no time for this Hassan, let us through."

"Can't your girl speak for herself, or is she the type to need a reason to talk?" The boy withdrew his gun and aimed it at her direction.

"Put that away Hassan!" Moe shouted.

"You know the rules big bro, outsiders aren't allowed in these parts. Moe was about to speak again before Nami walked towards the boy. She bent over a placed her head at the edge of the gun, her eyes locking on to the supposed leader of the pack.

Everything went quiet as the two stared down at each other, the boy's hands slowly beginning to shiver. The boy groaned loudly before he began to laugh.

"Yo, bro where did you find this beast?" Moe breathed a sigh of relief, before separating the two.

"We gave you those guns to protect yourselves, not to scare people, now hand it over." The boy laughed as he was about to holster his gun until he felt nothing go in, let alone anything in his hands.

"The Glock 17. 18 total rounds and a small but heavy feel to it." She pointed the gun at him and everyone around them pulled out theirs and aimed it at her. "Nami, put the gun down." Moe demanded as he raised his hands. There was a small stand-off between them before Nami pulled the trigger to an empty click.

"Bang." She said. Before flaunting the bullets she had taken out in front of them. "If you're brave enough to threaten someone's life then you shouldn't fear losing your own." Nami walked up to the boy and handed him his gun and bullets.

Moe sighed in both relief and exhaustion. "Nami, this is my little brother Hassan. Hassan this is Nami, a friend from school." A smile came over the boy Hassan's lips as he extended his hand towards Nami.

"I wanted to see if the friends you were making in The North were pussies, never knew you'd bag a badass bitch though." Nami stared at his extended hand with a look of disgust on her face.

"Everyone, return to your posts! There is absolutely nothing to see here!" Moe called out to the rest of the gang. They all obeyed his instruction.

"Where is Gresh?" Moe asked sounding extremely serious.

"She is at home. So, there is no need to worry."

"So big bro, have you done the deed with this one? A bit too boyish for my liking, but she looks really pretty."

"Hassan, you're still too young to be asking those questions."

"C'mon big bro, I'm 14, so of course I'll be curious."

"We are just friends nothing more nothing less."

"You're being a bitch big bro."

"Have you been hanging with Nathaniel!?"

"So, what if I have!?" He spat back arrogantly.

"I swear Imma kick the shit out of you, you little punk." Moe grabs him by the collar.

"If I were you big bro, I would've clapped the cheeks the day I met her."

"You wish you had a girl as fine as me." Nami said looking at the two who looked confused.

"Speaking Arabic so no one understands you only works if the person you're talking about doesn't understand." Nami said looking at the two as they looked dumbfounded.

"You can speak Arabic?" Moe asked.

"And a lot of other languages, so don't even try to talk behind my back." Nami said crossing her arms. The two brothers looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

"So, miss, where are you going with my brother? This place is not really ideal for a date." Hassan said which got him a slap on the back of the head from Moe.

"Firstly, where we go is none of your business. Secondly, we are not on a date!" Moe exclaimed.

"Oh, we aren't on a date. Well, why didn't you say so?" Nami asked teasingly.

"Stop entertaining him!" Moe shouted, which got Nami laughing.

"If you still want me to cook for you, you better behave." Moe reprimanded which got Nami to stop laughing.

"I regret making myself hungry for your meal. Fine then I'll behave but make sure your cooking is worthwhile."

The two continued on their way leaving Hassan behind. The boy watched as they bickered with each other and remembered something.

"Big bro! Jumbo wanted me to call you for him. He said you two need to talk." Moe stopped dead in his tracks as he heard the name Jumbo be mentioned. The sudden change in atmosphere was enough to even get Nami worried.

"What does he want?" Moe asked in a colder tone.

"I don't know big bro, but he sounded serious, and you know how uncle Jumbo is when he's serious." Hassan said in an oddly serious tone.

"Is everything alright?" Nami asked feeling worried.

"Can we postpone our little outing for later. Some business just popped up." Moe said sounding as disappointed as Nami was feeling.

"I'll call a taxi for you?" Nami couldn't help the bad feeling in her gut, but the look she saw in his eyes…

"Uhm...Yea sure, we can leave this for next time I guess." The words came out awkwardly.

"I am really sorry Nami I swear next time I'll make it special." Moe said flashing her a small smile, almost hiding the dark look he had on his face.

"Imma hold you to it." All she could do was smile through her disappointment.

"Hassan, stick with her until she's out the gate."

"Yes sir." Hassan saluted.

Nami watched as Moe continued the road they were walking on his own.

"Will he be okay?" Nami asked out of worry.

"It's nothing you have to worry about. My brother isn't like the rest of us." Nami looked at the boy and realized he too had a similar glow in his eyes and that's when it hit her. The look that was in their eyes was unlike all the other residents of the South. Like a bright light shining in a dark fog their eyes held what all the other residents lacked. Their eyes held hope.


An abandoned mana crystal factory that was used in the First Great War, was now a base of operations for the Ruyat Jadida gang. The biggest gang of the south.

Standing at the entrance were two guards blocking Mohammed's way in. "Sorry to do this to you Moe, It's standard procedure." Guard 1 said as he approached him.

"It's fine I understand." Moe said as he raised his arms for a pat down search. Once that was done, he walked in without any issue.

He arrived in front of Jumbo's work office and raised his hand to knock.

"Come in." Jumbo said in his rough beat-up voice.

Once Moe entered, he saw Jumbo packing a fresh batch of cocaine into a clear plastic bag.

There were no blood ties between the two men, but the comradery shared between him and his father gave him the title of. He was only his uncle because. Despite him being called Jumbo he was bone thin. His skin was a sickly pale, and his eyes always looked tired and hollow. His hair was blonde, and balding. Jumbo looked at the verge of death most of the time, but he demanded respect. He was known as a cold-hearted killer and his father's go to torturer, so no one dared to mess with him. Even the slightest sign of insubordination would stoke the fires of his rage. With him it was either death or loyalty.

Turning from his freshly packaged bag of cocaine he greeted Moe with a smile.

"You know as well as I do that, I don't want to be here Jumbo."

"And yet here you are. You could've just ignored me." Jumbo sat at the opposite side of his work desk and invited Moe to sit with him.

"Hassan told me it was important. Do not waste my time."

"As foreboding as ever I see, you're gonna wanna sit down for this though but suit yourself kid." Moe's glare only intensified as his patience grew thin.

"Y'know your dad has been in Locklehome for a few months now. Rumour has it that he might return within a week from now should his trial go well." Moe's eyes darkened at the mention of his father.

"Something about him has changed since I visited him. I figured since he went to Arlom he was bound to change, but when I looked him in the eyes, I noticed that he was an entirely different man than the one we knew 8 years ago." Jumbo said looking at his reflection on the blade in his hand.

"So, what do I care?" Moe asked.

"8 years Mohammed, that's how long it has been since your fathers arrest. I wasn't able to talk to him for long, but it seems your old man's asking for your forgiveness." Moe felt a shiver run down his spine as his blood ran cold.

"You people are sick. All of you are sick! Forgive the man that did this to me!? The same monster who didn't even bat an eye when he Personally hospitalized his OWN SON!" Moe slammed his fist at the desk causing the bag of cocaine to fall over.

"I swear to you, if I ever see that man I'd kill him on the spot." Passionate tears of hate formed in of his eyes.

Jumbo chuckled as he played with the switch blade that appeared in his hand. "My old man was a dick to me too when I was growing up. He is the entire reason why I'm like this today." Jumbo took off his shirt, exposing all the scars written on his bony body.

Moe ran up to him, grabbed him by the throat, and pinned him against the wall.

"We are not the same!?" Moe said in a whispering rage.

"You see the reason I killed my old man was because when he'd beat me senseless, he would do it just to relieve his own frustration. When your dad used to whip you all those times, I noticed what he was trying to do. He was moulding you, Mohammed. He had a vision of what he wanted you to become, and I could see it." Jumbo wasn't even looking at Moe at that point, his lips parting into a wide smile. Moe raised a fist and punched him, but he just laughed it off.

He threw him on the floor and aimed for another, but with a quick roll Moe found himself pinned under Jumbo. He struggled to get up until Jumbo put the blade to his neck.

"I looked up to your father Mohammed. Heck, I still do even today. He was a monster, one with a will to unite the South and the power to turn Newark to dust. But he himself knew that he was not strong enough. So, he moulded you Mohammed, into something that could finally make his dream a reality. Unfortunately, he was taken away before he could finish his work." Moe tried to escape his grip, but he just pushed the blade against his skin, drawing some blood.

"You are missing one clear ingredient to make you what your father dreamed you to be. When you me pinned you could've burned me alive right then and there, but you're afraid Mohammed! Afraid of your own potential! Afraid to take the things you want and burn those who try to take them from you! YOU LACK RESOLVE MOHAMMED!" He screamed in his ear to get his point across.

Moe calmed down and Jumbo got off him.

"Now get out of my sight. Do anything funny and I blow your freakin arm off." Jumbo said pulling out a gun on Mohammed.

Moe stood up and left without a back glance.

"I'm not finished with you Moe! You are the Prince of Ruyat Jadida! The future looks bright in your hands my boy!" Jumbo called out as Moe continued his slow walk out of the factory.


Moe walked home with Jumbo's words repeating in his mind. After his father was arrested, he made it his sworn duty to rebuild his family. His mother was devastated, but she began to come back to herself after a few months. The twins were both too young to understand what was going on, so they were barely affected. Times were tough, but somehow, they made it through.

Moe clenched his fist as images of that man began plaguing his mind.

I swear, one day I will kill that man.

He approached his front door and calmed himself. Stepping inside his home he saw reason to forget about everything that transpired. The twins slept on the couch together. Moe's mind had become to occupied to realize how late it had gotten, but the sight before him was worth it.

Hassan had an arm over Greshme as she cuddled in his chest. The two twins fought constantly but they were extremely cute when they weren't fighting. Moe took a photo of the two and put away his phone. He first started by picking up Greshme who was reluctant to move out of her current position, eventually he was able to pry her off her brother. He carried her bridal style and went to go place her on her bed. Hassan woke himself up and made his way onto his bed on his own and Moe tucked both in.

As Moe was turning to leave, He felt a tug on his...Nami's turtleneck. He had to return it soon. He looked at who was trying to get his attention and saw that Greshme had woken up.

"Please don't leave." She pleaded in a tired tone.

"I'm not going anywhere Gresh so no need to worry." He said, turning to pat her head.

"It's cold." She said wrapping herself in the thin blanket She had.

"I'll warm you up." He said as his palm glowed a bright orange till an orange ball of light sprouted from it. He repeated this a few times until the orange balls surrounded her. The warmth they emitted felt like she was being kissed by the sun's gentle rays. It didn't take long before she drifted back to sleep.

With a smile Moe pecked her on the forehead.

"Goodnight." He turned to leave, allowing the little orange balls of light to freely float around the room, warming the temperature of the whole room.

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