Chapter 13: The Pure Boy
"Shit, No that cursed Alucard..." Janemba screamed, saliva and blood dripping onto Raiv's face, which was contorted in shock from his reaction.
"Stop, you jackass!" Klaus spoke as he pushed Janemba away, touching his chest, while Janemba continued to spit and play with his disgusting saliva, like a rabid dog.
"What happened to him? What's going on here? Won't someone explain it to me?" Raiv asked, listening to the chaos.
"Father, it's a short story... very short, and you didn't notice... This jackass's shoulder is completely torn off," Klaus said.
"Torn off?! What happened? Did he fight something to save the boy?" Raiv asked, his face growing more tense.
"Father, that pale cursed one is nothing but a sorcerer who entered our lives!" Janemba finally shouted, completing his outburst.
"What do you mean by sorcerer?" Raiv asked, while the boy remained silent. "Boy, stand over my head so I can see you."
Alucard stepped forward, now standing directly above Raiv's eyes.
"Father, don't let him get close! He's a priest, he's a saint, he's a sorcerer... he's a curse!"
Raiv froze, his one eye filled with a mix of astonishment and doubt, before he spoke in a hesitant voice:
"You... are you okay? You... how did this happen? Where were you?"
His voice trembled, as if his mind refused to comprehend the scene before him.
"My one eye can't believe what I'm seeing... You're completely healed!"
"And these wild boars... half of them have been trampled, On his shit... Enough, Father! Let me go, Klaus! This is a trial, and I sentence him to death! My shoulder... it's gone!"
Janemba's voice filled the place with anger and madness.
Raiv felt his mind was completely confused, and in a heavy voice, he said, "I want an explanation!"
But Alucard, with his cold gaze fixed on Raiv's eyes, finally spoke:
"I don't remember anything... I still feel like I'm in a dream. I feel like I was somewhere else... and I feel like I stayed there for many centuries... as if I came close to what is called death."
"What do you mean... death? You're healed, boy! Do you remember how broken you were?" Raiv said, as if testing the boy's consciousness, as if his mind couldn't comprehend what he was seeing.
Calmly, Alucard spoke, "I remember everything, I'm not crazy... All that happened is that I felt like I was in a very long dream, and even my awakening here is still under its influence. I feel like I lived for a long time... but it, of course, won't change the fact that..."
"Shut your ass-mouth, you bitch son!" Janemba violently interrupted him, his eyes blazing with anger. "You say you came close to death? I'll send you straight to it now! Father, say something about him now!"
Klaus raised his hands, commanding everyone to stop:
"Everyone, I want silence here."
Then he continued in a sharp tone:
"The boy speaks calmly as if he's lived his entire life buried in the sand, and you, jackass, won't stop screaming! Things are getting stranger without any benefit to the injured. Father... it's the spear, the glowing spear, it's the cause of everything!"
"Spear?" Raiv questioned.
Klaus didn't waste time, he turned to Alucard and said:
"Boy, help me carry him."
The two bent down, holding Raiv in a strange way, Klaus by his shoulders, and Alucard by his legs, while the latter wasn't sure if these two... as if they were carrying a weight heavier than just a human body... he felt a hidden fear creeping up on him from their weakness.
They finally placed him next to a tree, leaning against it, and he could now see everything clearly. His eyes searched for an explanation, an answer, for anything that could connect this chaos together.
Klaus finally approached, carrying the glowing spear, planted it vertically in front of everyone, then placed his right hand over his left, and looked at them seriously, ready to tell everything.
Klaus narrated everything, amidst light interruptions from the furious Janemba, but they always ended with a stern response from Raiv, as if he was completely immersed in the narration.
As for Alucard, he gradually began to regain consciousness, listening to the conversation as if it were a story... another story, like the ones his mother used to tell him.
"So that's how it is..." Raiv thought, staring at the glowing spear.
How could this long rock, designed in a strange geometric shape, carved with ancient noble engravings, have been glowing with a bright light just moments ago, filled with immense power? A power that made that raging bull lose its arm...?
And yet, Alucard was the only one who could carry it.
"Wow... amazing. I don't want any more headaches now."
"How could a simple, reckless trip like this lead to this? The traps have always attacked you in small numbers and with simple methods, they don't seek direct combat... they want to lure in a huge number. They're waiting for the bidding. As long as darkness exists, the shadow traps remain... like the other creatures of departure."
"Father, what about those primal ones? Who are they?" Klaus asked.
Alucard, for a moment, "Primal ones?" his features in confusion.
"Howard, the devil's saint, and his remaining ten followers... those primal ones. They are strong, tough people, who treated this world as if it were a punishment, as if it were a test, so they chose their own way of life and their own methods. They won't cause harm here... their goals are bigger. They seek wealth, slaughtering for it by cutting off the trade routes and groups moving between the six major colonies."
"The six major colonies?" Alucard asked, showing his confusion to Raiv, while the others seemed to have prior knowledge of the matter, how could they not, having grown up on its stories.
"The six colonies, you sorcerer boy, are divided as follows..."
"The first, which we are within its scope... the Fog Colony, or as the capital's residents call it, the Savior Colony. The great man who changed everything. It's the only colony that lives in this terrifying and fierce foggy zone like us, but it differs in one thing... there's no room for weakness there. They surpass us with the greatest capabilities, the Savior is like a human psychosis."
Alucard swallowed his saliva silently. Raiv's words always stirred something inside him. Where had this Raiv been all those years? Why hadn't he met him before?
"The second zone contains one colony as well... the Sun Colony. I don't have much information about it, but it's the most advanced among all six colonies. It's called the Sun Colony because it's the only one that sees the sun in the morning... sometimes."
"As for the third zone, it's the most diverse, containing three major colonies. The first is the Pavora Colony... the Pavora family was one of the wealthiest families in the world before the departure, and they still impose themselves even after it, using their influence to protect themselves and those under their care.
Then there's the Colony of the Lower Priests, a group of lunatics living isolated from the rest, their language is strange, and their development is limited, but they... are true priests.
And finally... the Thethanium Colony. I don't know much about it, nor the reason for its name."
"And there's the last colony, in the last zone, the farthest of all... the Dawn Colony. They are the strangest... the farthest... the most mysterious."
"Enough, Father... your paralyzed face can speak, won't you just faint? Then, the court's decision will be mine," Janemba said.
"No, Janemba, don't be reckless! Your shoulder will heal, and the strange boy has the right to live... in fact, he has piqued my interest," Raiv said.
"What, Father? Don't you believe the story? True... if you believed it, you would have killed him without hesitation."
"No, the story, according to my precious deduction and memory, is one among all the stories that have passed through my imagination. Here, I can differentiate well... the world here has no place for illusion, as illusion itself turns into reality, as if the word illusion never existed....
That boy... he survived because of that spear... they are connected..."
"What is this superficiality, Father? Even I couldn't understand what you mean. I'm not as reckless as Janemba, but your reaction didn't please me."
"Stop now, you fools! Let me rest! Whoever touches the boy, it's as if they've touched my honor! It's a line that cannot be crossed. It's fate... and everything that happened to you, it's nothing. It can't be anything... except a driver for tomorrow."
"Boy! Klaus! Go and find the donkey! I bet it's not as magical as the boy, but... let's hope so. Our weapons are on it."
"Yes, Father."
"What's wrong with you?"
Alucard knelt... his body trembling, his eyes filled with tears, as if he was shattered from within.
"Raiv... uncle, thank you... it's fear... it's the decision... all of this is new to me... I submit myself to you... to be your student... to learn from you..."
"Huh?" Janemba.
"What is he saying?" Klaus.
"Seventeen years... my age is like the moon's departure... I... don't understand. How do you, adults, possess this personality, these words, these emotions? Did the previous world grant them to you? As for me... I want that...
I don't understand anything! What happened to me... what you call magic... I don't want to be judged for it! I... damn it... damn it... damn it!"
"Boy, wait... you... you..."
"You are pure."
"Alucard... the pure boy?" Janemba.
"Pure... do you mean he's just a boy stripped of human reality?" Klaus.
Alucard slowly raised his head... he could see pity gathering in their eyes, as if they were all about to feel sorry for him.
"Yes... a boy like him, born in the year of the incident, his fate will be harsher than others. Children born here have schools, they have subjects, they have a system that protects them in the colonies... but Alucard grew up with strange genes, in his harsh early years of that phenomenon, changing with time. It was a burden on his being from the very first moment.
"Father... but the magic.."
"Shut your mouth now! You've angered me... you've given me a headache with your shoulder, and now you want to talk about magic? How would our father know anything about this? We're in the same situation, all we have to do is continue living, maybe we'll find an explanation..." Klaus.
"I want to laugh, Klaus. Laugh for me, since you do that in response too... okay, seriously, unlike you two, I know well how and when you were at the time of the incident... Alucard is a pure boy," Raiv.
"The pure boy... so that's my new title?"
"No... it will remain as it is... The castrated skinny cloud head!"