Chapter : Chapter 1
From the reinforced steel gate to the main white mansion, every single military guard in uniform stood at tension, commanding respect as a matte black Lamborghini Aventador drove into the grand palace.
Coming to a soft stop at the luxurious park, one of the guards rushed to the backseat door, opening it wide.
A pair of expensive black shoes stepped out of the car, belonging to a guy whose looks could be compared to a demigod's.
Ocean eyes with long lashes on top, well-outlined jawline, tempting lips, attractive tallness, and mullet hair.
His dress sense is as expensive as his looks, and his cologne seized the air as he looked around the palace as if it's his first time here.
The palace compound is a majestic oasis, surrounded by high walls adorned with detailed carvings and opulent tile work with a grand entrance featuring a majestic gatehouse.
Surrounded with meticulously manicured lawns and vibrant flowerbeds, towering trees providing shade and shelter from the outside world.
He took his time, breathing in as much palace air as he could while the maids rushed out to take his bags.
"Welcome back home, second prince"
"We're glad to have you back, your highness"
The maids were greeting as they got the two black bags out of the car trunk, and when he turned around to give them a reply, one of them mistakenly matched his shoe, and her eyes widened when she realized what she had done.
"I'm so sorry!" She quickly dropped on her knees.
"Please forgive me your highness! I'm willing to take any punishment!" She was trembling as she quickly took off her blouse.
She's left in just her black bra as she brought the blouse to the shoe, but before she could wipe with it, he shifted his shoe back, then he began walking into the white mansion, a sprawling structure that embodies the epitome of luxury and grandeur.
"Get the fûck up and cover up" his voice came with an accent. He was walking as he talked.
"I appreciate your kindness, your highness" the maid stood with a big smile, putting her blouse back on before joining the others to pull the bags inside.
Getting to the high-celilinged foyer, a middle-aged lady was already waiting, her hair pulled into a neat bun and her outfit depicting elegance.
She's Victoria, the first queen of this palace.
She widened her arms with a big smile immediately she sighted him.
"Welcome back, Colt" she voiced, her excitement so obvious in her tone.
Colt walked right into her arms, giving her a hug on the sweeping staircase.
"I thought you were gonna settle down in Paris for good, it's been five long years" she said, causing Colt to break the hug with a fleeting smile.
"I went there to give myself a break, not settle down"
"Five years break?" Victoria chuckled, looking him fondly in the eyes.
"Don't take it to heart" Colt replied, and she chuckled again, their closeness so obvious.
"His Majesty is out of the palace for a function right now with the prime minister, so you'll meet him when he returns at night. By the way, the prime minister got married" she said.
"The same prime minister I know? If that dog got married, then every other man in this city should get a wife easily" Colt said, undiluted hatred coating his rich voice.
"His wife is probably the most pitiful lady in this city. I pity the poor girl" Victoria shook her head.
"She deserves anything happening. Why would any lady in her right fuçking mind get married to that motherfûcker? For the money?" Colt replied.
"Enough of the talk about the prime minister and his wife, I'll escort you to your room" Victoria held his arm, and he didn't argue before they both turned to the stairs.
They were about to start climbing up when they saw another woman standing there.
Heavy makeup, dark hair pulled into a neat bun too, with heavy accessories. She looks extra.
Anger immediately settled in Colt's eyes when he sighted her.
She's Rania, the second queen of this palace, his own mother who's a known violent woman. She's aggressive and a depressed sadist who turned this way cos of a past incident.
Though she's same age as
Victoria, but she looks younger, thanks to several plastic surgeries.
Victoria has two sons; Nickolas who's the first prince, then Tristan who's the last prince.
Colt is the only son of Rania, but he's still very much closer to Victoria, and this is the major cause of conflict in the palace before he travelled out.
Now that he's back, he sure knows he's back to daily headaches that no drug can cure.
Rania came downstairs in a rush, barging into the middle of the two.
Victoria staggered back, but Colt was quick to steady her with an arm, bringing her back to her feet.
"I already told you Victoria, stay off my son! You have two sons and you're still planning to take my only one from me? Aren't you so selfish?" Rania glared, her long lashes batting.
Obviously, Colt inherited the longness and thickness from her.
"I'll be at the lounge, Colt. See you at dinner when His Majesty returns" Victoria smiled at Colt.
She ignored Rania totally and went upstairs, disappearing behind the rails.
Colt ignored Rania too and began going upstairs, but the woman went after him immediately.
"I'm very sure you called Victoria before coming, but I don't deserve a call? I'm your mother, not her! You spent five years in Paris and never picked my call for once, you didn't call too! You even hid yoor location from me so I wouldn't come visit you! Treating me like this is unfair, I'm your mother!"
She started crying loudly, but Colt acted cold and unmoved till he finished climbing all the staircase, not missing a step.
"Colt! Colt I'm talking to you!" Rania yelled crazily, and he finally turned swiftly to her.
"There's no rule that says I can't slap my own mother, cos if you continue stressing me, that's exactly what I'm gonna fuçking do. Do I look like I wanna talk to you? I left because of you in the first place and you still haven't changed. What the fûck is wrong with you!"
"You're my son, and I should get to spend more time with you, not Victoria and her sons'" Rania said, gulping.
She might be a depressed wacko, but her fear of Colt is evident.
"I'll do what I like and get close with whoever I want, grow the hell up and stop being a child, then I can consider treating you like a mother" he replied, ice bricking his words before he left totally, leaving her standing there.
Rania bolted down the stairs immediately, wiping the tears on her face as she made her way to the maids annex at the far end of the compound.
All the maids took a sharp bow immediately they sighted her.
"One of you matched Colt earlier, who's it?" She asked in a snap, and that particular maid just knew she's dead.
"It's. . . it's me" she stuttered as she stepped out.
Rania roughly inserted her manicured nail into the right eye of the maid, and blood poured out cos she went blind immediately.
She covered the eye with her palm, crying out as she fell pitifully on the ground, the blood streaming out of the space between her fingers.
The other maids couldn't even console or help her. They dare not.
"Were you sent by Victoria? You dared to step on him? Do you know what I went through before having that tall fine man? Huh? You've never experienced childbirth and that's why you attempted to kill my only one!" Rania ranted.
The silence from other maids was deafening as they kept their heads bowed, and the blind maid kept crying on the ground.
"Guards!" Rania yelled again. Two military guards rushed in.
"Take her to the solitary confinement, no treatment for her eyes, no food nor water for three days!" She ordered.
The maid was taken out, her cries piercing the evening air.
Rania stormed out of the annex.