Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 9: chapter 9

Naruto smiled as he heard Ino gasp, turning his attention to door as his cherry blossom walked out, dressed as she should to the nines for this occasion. Naruto smirked as he heard Ino breath out an almost silent comment.

"Oh my..."

Sakura strode out from the passage in an unbelievable outfit.

She had on black high healed shoes with straps going up her legs ending about mid-calf. The rest of her long legs were covered in red stockings so sheer, that they were almost transparent. Over this she wore an evening gown in a deep burgundy, with strands of silver thread woven in at different parts, giving a subtle illusion of a Sakura tree with falling petals. The dress was slit up high on her thighs, showing off much of the pinkette's shapely legs.

Ino couldn't tell what kind of underwear Sakura had on, but she did see glimpses of a red garterbelt. Judging by the straps on her shoulders, she had on a black bra on, but Ino couldn't tell for sure...she may not have been wearing one at all.

She had a light blush on her face with deep red lipstick and pink eye shadow. Her hair was held up by chopsticks, forming a messy bun at the back of her skull. She had on emerald earrings and an emerald necklace, and the jewels really brought out the color in her eyes.

"She's beautiful isn't she?" Naruto whispered in her ear. Ino dumbly nodded, seeing her slave-sister move in a sensual manner towards the pole.

Naruto closed his arms around Ino's stomach, pulling her closer to his body, causing her to moan as his length went up further up her rear.

"Did you know...?" He said, even as Sakura reached the pole and started to sway to the beat of the music. "That it was her idea to dance for me?" The whisker marked boy smirked as he heard a small gasp come from the panting blond.

"Are you serious?" She muttered, her eyes never leaving the gyrating girl before them. "Sakura-chan told me she hated dancing."

"That's what she told me too." Naruto replied, chuckling as the pinkette leaned back against the pole, thrusting her hips forward like she was being fucked, drawing a sharp gasp from the girl in his lap. "Imagine my surprise when she told me to sit and watch as she danced so beautifully for me. It turned out she had been taking lessons and grown to love it."

"She...she never told me."

Naruto chuckled. "Even now, there are things I don't know about your sister...she loves to surprise me. Now be quiet and enjoy the show." Ino nodded and turned her attention back to the scene in front of her.

Sakura swung herself around the pole, pulling one of the chop sticks from her hair letting her pink locks fly behind her. She stopped, swaying her body to the beat of the music. She swung her hips while moving her hands down her breasts, down her stomach, all the while letting out sounds that resembled moans, and her face took on a flushed state.

Naruto smiled as he watched his beloved Sakura dance. He smirked as he heard Ino increase her breathing and he knew she was getting wet. He shifted slightly, drawing a small moan from the girl as Sakura strutted towards them.

Sakura smiled as she turned her back on her audience, leaning back to let her hair fall on Ino's chest causing said girl to whimper slightly as she slowly unzipped her zipper. She let it fall to her waist as she stood up and walked back toward the pole with very exaggerated hip motions before spinning around and as she rubbed her hands over her black bra and down her chest.

Ino whimpered at the flushed on Sakura's face, her eye's on the dancing girl's lips. They were parted slightly, like they were waiting to be kissed. Her eyes were half-lidded like she was half awake, or had just been fucked. She moved her hands over her covered pussy, pressing against the cloth and letting out a moan.

The pink haired girl then slowly slid the dress down to reveal a black g-string. The dress landed on the floor and she kicked it away. Then, while the leg was in mid-air, she turned and hooked it around the pole, grabbing it with her hands and pulling herself up its length.

After she was at a sufficient height, she slowly moved the top half of her body down so she was upside down. She stayed there for a while caressing her body while keeping that 'just fucked' look on her face.

Then, suddenly, the music changed to something more...wilder. When the music changed, so did Sakura. She became wilder, increasing her movements and using the pole to her rhythm as her eyes took on an almost savage look.

When she dropped to the floor, she turned around so that her back was to them and she moved her hands to the bra clasp and unhooking it. She didn't let it drop from her body, however, casting a mischievous look over her bare shoulders. Then, to Ino's utmost surprise at her agility, she jumped up onto the pole then did an upside down split and her bra fell off revealing her perky breasts to her audience.

Naruto smirked as he reached down and rubbed his fingers against the wet fabric of Ino's jeans. She was definitely enjoying the dance judging from the ruined state of the cloth.

Ino herself was lost to the sight. Her breathing got faster as Sakura danced, so she was barely aware of her master rubbing her crotch. He reached up through her shirt and started to toy with one of her nipples, Ino feeling a few tingles from his ministrations, but her mind focused solely on her slave-sister.

Sakura dropped from the pole and sauntered up to the pair, turning sideways to drop her g-string. Then, she did something that caused Ino to worry slightly.

She sat in her lap and then started to grind her ass into Ino's covered pussy. Ino gasped as she felt Sakura's warm ass grind into her lap. She instinctively tried to raise her arms up to hold the girl, only to moan in frustration as Naruto took hold of the appendages and forced them back down, keeping her from touching Sakura.

"No no no." He whispered into the trembling girl's ear. "You are NEVER supposed to touch the dancer, pet."

Sakura kept up the grinding for a few minutes while moaning, knowing full well the effect she was having on Ino. When she was done grinding, she turned around to face the panting Ino.

She straddled her fellow slave, bringing her face closer to the blonde girl, just barely touching her lips - teasing her with the closeness. She stopped after a while and then the pink haired girl began to dry hump Ino.

Ino gasped as Sakura began humping her, hearing the moans come from her friend and soon, found herself to be trying to hump Sakura as well, forgetting that her master's cock was still in her ass.

Naruto's, Sakura's, and Ino's moans filled the room as Sakura humped Ino, Ino trying to hump Sakura, and pounding her ass on Naruto's cock. Within minutes, three cries filled the room when they orgasmed together.

"God Sakura-chan...how did you become so good at this?" Ino panted after a while, finally regaining her senses from the erotic experience. Sakura smiled as she laid her head on her friends shoulder.

"I told you that I hated dancing, but that really wasn't quite true." She replied. "Before I became Naruto-sama's, I always associated this kind of stuff with, well...whores. I didn't like the idea of being viewed as a sex-object, but I didn't hate dancing. Then, after a few months in Naruto-sama's service, I decided that I wanted to do something special for him." The pinkette placed a gentle kiss at the hollow of Ino's throat, drawing a soft sigh from the girl. "I took lessons from Anko-sensei, and Yuugao-sensei. I also worked with various other kuniochi trained in the seduction arts. I learned how to dance, how to flirt, how to tease, and various other things to please my master." Naruto chuckled.

"And I want you to dance for me as well Ino-chan."

Ino's eyes widened. "M-me?"

"Yes my little cosmos." He motioned to Sakura and she got up from her position on Ino's lap, kneeling on the floor and waiting for her master's next orders.

Ino got off, moaning as Naruto's still hard dick slid out of her sensitive ass. She took her place beside her slave-sister.

"Stay here until I come back." They nodded and Naruto got up, put his length back in his pants, zipped it up, and walked out of the room.

He returned a few moments later, holding the black riding crop in his hand. Sakura and Ino looked at their master and Ino had a slight fear in her eyes. Naruto smirked as he reached his pets.

"Hold out your hands Sakura-chan." Sakura complied and watched as Naruto set the crop in her hands. She looked up at her master, wondering why he gave her the second crop. "I am aware that you were also taught how to teach others. That's what I want you to do for the next few hours." Seeing his pets eyes widening, he smirked. "I want you to teach Ino how to dance. Just basic stuff for today, though you'll continue her training next week. The crop is for you to use to...`correct'...Ino's form."

Naruto petted her hair before he left the room, leaving a scared Ino and a very happy Sakura.

The two girls looked at each other at the same time, one face that had a scared look on her face and the other had smirking face on her.

"Alright Ino-chan..." Sakura said in a tone that made Ino gulp in fear. "It's time for your next lesson."

Ino was certain her friend held back a maniacal laugh.


Naruto had decided to give Sakura five hours to show Ino the basics, leaving his pets on their own and going to the training fields near his house to get some practice in. After the five hours were up, he decided to go back home.

He moved quickly as he re-entered his home, not wanting to waste time. He went up the stairs and approached the dance room. Hearing sounds in it, he put his ear to the door.

"No no no!" He heard what sounded like the sound of a crop hitting skin about six times. "Why can't you get this Ino? It's so simple!" More cropping was heard. Deciding he heard enough, he opened the door to see Ino on the floor with Sakura hovering above her while striking her legs, the blonde girl whimpering in a mixture of fear and pain. Red welts decorated her rear, stomach, thighs, and back, as well as her nipples having a slightly swollen look to them.

Sakura paused mid-strike as she registered Naruto's presence. She dropped her hand and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry master. I have failed your order." She said as he walked up to them. Ino got on her knees and bowed her head.

Naruto frowned staring at the contrite jade-eyed girl. "Can you repeat that?"

Sakura gulped. "I-I have failed to teach Ino-chan the basics idea behind dancing."

"I see. Give me the crop Sakura."

Sakura gulped. "Mast..."

"I said...give me the crop." Sakura whimpered as she held out her hands with the crop in it. He took it and made two clones. One henged into a chair with no arms and the other one sat on it.

"Bend over his leg Sakura." Sakura whimpered again as she complied, the clone taking her arms and holding them behind her back. He turned back to his second pet, smiling as he saw the welts already healing.

"Are you alright Ino?"

She gulped but nodded. "Yes master."

"Good, now stand up and hold out your arms." She complied and gasped as Naruto put down the crop in her hands. "Since Sakura failed to teach you the basics, she needs to be punished. You will deliver her punishment."

Ino gasped and dropped the crop in shock. He wanted her to punish her friend. How could he ask her to do that?

"Pick up the crop Ino." She shook her head, not wanting to hurt her friend. She gulped as Naruto reached out, grabbing her collar and pulling her closer to his face. "I said...pick up the crop." He said sternly. She stared at him before she gulped and nodded. He released her and she bent down and picked up the crop with shaking hands. After she fully stood up, Naruto took her right hand that held the crop and guided her behind Sakura. "Give her 15 strikes. Every time she forgets to count a strike, start all over again."

Even with Naruto holding her hand, Ino was still shaking at what he was ordering her to do, with tears leaking out of her eyes. The cobalt-eyed boy sighed, guiding her hand though the motions of spanking, showing her what she had to do and how hard she had to hit.

"Now, deliver her punishment." Naruto helped her deliver the first strike, Ino sobbing as she heard Sakura cry out, before letting out a shaky "One. Thank you."

Naruto let go of Ino's hand and she continued, absolutely horrified at what she was doing. She felt ashamed of her own failure, knowing that she was responsible for Sakura's suffering.

Finally, she reached strike number fifteen. It was fortunate for her that Sakura didn't forget to count, as she was certain she wouldn't be able to do that to her again. Ino dropped the crop, sinking to her knees and gathering Sakura in her arms, apologizing for what she did. The clones disappeared save for one, which helped Naruto move the girls over to a small mattress in the corner.

He didn't need to tell them to stay. Sakura wouldn't leave and Ino was busy comforting the girl she just punished. He calmed them down for a moment so he could talk to them.

"For the rest of the week, for every day Ino can't complete a satisfactory dance, Ino will punish you with 20 strikes with the crop. Do you understand?" The girls both nodded and after giving them a kiss on the cheek, left the room to gather some supper.


"Ino-chan...Sakura-chan..." His pets looked up to him when they finished supper. "You alright?" They nodded causing him to smile. "Good...I want the both of you to go down into the dungeon and wait for me on the bed." He reached up and took off Ino's collar much to her confusion.

"Yes master." They answered. They got up and Naruto watched them leave but didn't follow, he just laid there thinking. After a few minutes passed, he sighed and got up and walked downstairs to the first floor and then down to the dungeon. He paused at the door, smirking at what he was about to let them do.

He opened the door and spied his pets on the bed, talking to each other with Ino in Sakura's arms. They stopped and looked at him when he entered the room.

"Sakura, follow me." Sakura nodded and Ino removed herself from Sakura's arms before she followed her master as he walked to the bathroom. He closed the door and told his pet to get in the shower and get on her hands and knees. She complied, thinking that he was going to give her a bath.

She gasped as she felt a familiar object enter her rectum.

She groaned as warm water filled up her ass. He was cleaning her ass. She knew the process well as couple minutes later, he told her to let it go. Sakura sighed as she let it out.

"Master, why the enema? You cleaned me out just four days ago to that romp during the tree climbing training."

He smirked. "I know. Now be quiet."

Naruto repeated the process two more times, making sure that her ass is clean. After that, he told her to stand. She complied and gasped as she felt the water turned on. He gathered a washcloth soaped it up.

He then proceeded to clean her body, smiling at her moans as he moved the soapy cloth over her body.

After Naruto was finished with Sakura and dried her off, he told her to go back to the bed and tell Ino to come in. She nodded and left and waited until Ino came in when he repeated the same process.

Naruto smirked as he followed the blushing Ino. Naruto had fun with her while he was cleaning her. He had made a clone, member fully erect, and told Ino to put it in her mouth and time his release by the time he finished washing her or else she'll spend an hour being pleasure but denied any orgasm.

That provided enough motivation to obey him.

Naruto took his time in washing her and Ino kept the clone on the edge, tasting the precum that leaked out of his length. When Naruto started rinsing her off, she moved her head back so that the head of his length was still in the mouth and she started sucking.

Sure enough, Naruto's clone came a second before Naruto shut off the water.

She panted as Naruto reached down and moved her head up, smirking. He wiped away a little of his essence and inserted the thumb into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the appendix, licking off the cum.

Naruto smirked as he removed his thumb from her mouth. He moved her up so she was on her knees and moved her arms behind her back and she held her hands together, knowing he wanted her to keep them behind her.

"Who are you?" Ino closed her eyes as Naruto put a finger under her chin, tilted her head up a little.

"I am your slave master."


"I am a slut and a toy to be used as my owner pleases."

Naruto let out a sadistic smile as he moved his finger across her face. "And who is Sakura?"

"A fellow slave and my sister."

"Do you have the right to disobey me?"

"Yes and no master." Ino gulped as she felt Naruto's finger go to her throat, his nail seeming to sharpen somehow.


"I don't have the right to disobey you but if circumstances change that would put our secret in danger; we need to do what we can to protect our secret, even if it meant disobeying you." Ino really hoped that he wasn't mad at her but with Sakura telling her of her experiences and her own mind thinking, she knew that she at least had that right.

Naruto looked at her after hearing her answer, and then he started chuckling.

"That is your only right. Everything else, the right to eat, the right to sleep, and anything else are nothing more then privileges now. You eat when I let you eat, you sleep when I let you sleep. You may make requests but I can deny them. I can make you feel pain and pleasure like you have never known." Naruto brought his head closer to her ear.

"Remember that Ino. Remember and things will become easier for you."

Naruto then kissed her, his gentle touch making her whimper, seeing his commanding side turning into a complete turn around into his comforting side. Naruto broke the kiss, his hand on the girl's cheek.

"Rejoin your sister and wait for my orders." Ino nodded and crawled out of the shower, her master's hand moving across her back as she moved out of the shower, blushing as she felt Naruto's finger travel down her cheeks. He watched her as she crawled out, the door shutting behind her.

Naruto chuckled as he stood up. His decision to take Ino was worthwhile. He doesn't want a mindless pet, no...He wants a pet with brains that can figure out what needs to be done.

He's going to have a lot of fun with her, that's for sure.


The door opened as Naruto stepped out, jeans and shirt back on, and his pets watched as he went to the mini-fridge and pulled out two water bottles. He walked back toward the bed and set them down on the small table beside the bed and walked to the chair facing the bed but didn't sit down yet.

He smirked as he motioned Sakura to him. She got up and walked toward him and was going to bow down when she reached him but he stopped her, spinning her around and encircling his arms around her stomach while she covered his arms with hers.

"Tell me something Sakura-chan..." He said while moving her side to side. "Do you deserve to fuck Ino right now?" He tightened his grip on her when she lurched forward at the mention of fucking Ino and he saw Ino gulp.

"You promised master and it's almost night."

"I know that. I asked if you think that you deserve to fuck her?" Sakura thought for a moment.

"I don't deserve anything master. My pleasure is at your whim." Naruto smirked. That was the answer he wanted to hear. He turned to his blonde slave who seemed a little worried.

She was right to be...after all, there's no telling what Sakura would do if Naruto allowed her best friend to fuck her.

"How about you Ino-chan? Can you think of a good reason why I shouldn't let our little cherry blossom fuck your brains out?" At the end of that sentence, Sakura looked at her with a pleading expression on her face, silently begging her to let her fuck her.

Ino thought, seriously thought, for a good reason to postpone it but to her dismay, she couldn't find one. She gulped before answering. "I-I can't f-find a reason master."

Her master smirked. "I thought so." He reached up and took off her collar while he brought his mouth to her ear and whispered..."Fuck her brains out my cherry blossom. Give me a good show." Sakura squealed and rushed forward when Naruto let her go, collar in hand.

Ino yelped as Sakura crashed into her, her lips locked with her friend's. She was about to push her off when Sakura broke the kiss, whispering in her ear. "It's finally time my sister. I can finally fuck your pretty body."

Ino let out a muffled gasped as Sakura sealed her lips with her own one more time before releasing it. She gulped as the pinkette turned her over while starting to kiss her neck and make her way down her shoulder. She kissed her way down her spinal cord until she reached her ass.

Ino gulped and turned her head around when she started to kiss her butt, moaning as Sakura kneaded her round globes before spreading apart her cheeks. Her eyes widened and she let out a loud gasp as she felt Sakura's tongue travel between the valley of her bottom.

"Sakura-chan, what the hell are you doing?" She squeaked.

Sakura raised her head and smirked. "I'm giving you a rim job Ino-chan." Ino eyes widened in shock. Then she moaned as Sakura dove in again, this time moving her tongue very close to her rosebud, teasing the muscles around it. Why was Sakura doing this? That's her poop chute, and while she was easily becoming used to having her rectum packed with meat or vibrators...a tongue?

Turning to her watching master, she wanted to know what's going on, even as she let out moans as Sakura teased the muscles around her sphincter. "Ma-master, this...i-its...dirty..."

He smirked. "What do you think the enemas and all that washing was for, hmmm?" He chuckled, Ino letting out a loud squeal as Sakura lashed her with her tongue. "I knew Sakura-chan would do this if given the chance. She really does love that ass of yours."

Ino let out a loud moan as Sakura began to fuck her asshole with her tongue. She squirmed as the pinkette pushed her wet appendage through the tight ring of muscle, stimulating the nerves beyond.

Ino was conflicted, however. She kept thinking that it shouldn't be possible. She shouldn't feel pleasure from this...but despite her mental protests, she was. Ino began to feel the muscles in her pussy clench, building up to what was sure to be a massive orgasm. She groaned in frustration as Sakura moved her head from her pale ass. The blonde felt Sakura crawl over her and sit down on her, feeling her wet core on her back.

"How did you like your first rim job?" Sakura asked as she reached for a bottle.

"It felt...weird." Sakura chuckled as she drunk the water and cleaned her mouth. She spat it out in the bucket next to the bed. Wiping her mouth, she closed the bottle and set it down. She bent down to her ear and whispered to her.

"Master doesn't know that you have ticklish feet does he?" Ino's eyes widened but before she could say anything, she was turned over and Sakura was holding her feet in her hands.

Ino held in her giggles as Sakura's breath ran over the bottom of her feet. Sakura reached over and gave a kiss on her left big toe and another one then moving to the next one. When she reached the middle one, she stuck her tongue out and gave it a lick.

That did it as Ino burst out laughing as Sakura gave another lick and started to suck on her toes. Naruto raised his eyebrow at this. She had ticklish feet? A moment passed before he smirked as he watched Sakura give her other foot the same treatment. This opened up a world of possibilities.

Ino's laughter died down as Sakura stopped. She looked down at Sakura with happy tears in her eyes as Sakura crawled to Ino's wet pussy. She grinned as she looked at the blonde's pussy.

"Your pussy looks just as tasty as ever." Sakura licked her lips and lowered her head down to Ino's twitching lower half. She gently rubbed her nose on the blonde's folds, causing Ino to gasp. She moved her nose up and rubbed her nose on the blonde's cilt causing her to moan at the sensation.

She stuck her tongue out and started to lick her friends' pussy. Ino cried out and instinctively grabbed Sakura's head, causing Sakura to smile around the mouthful of pussy she now had.

Sakura was enjoying what she was doing to Ino, savoring her taste. Ino, on the other hand, was feeling a bit different. `This is wrong. She shouldn't be doing this to me but it feels so good. Oh God, why does it feel so good?'

Ino arched off the bed as Sakura began to fuck her using her tongue. Ino cried out as she tensed up and released all over the pinkette's face. She collapsed on the bed, panting even as Sakura crawled up and looked at the panting Ino.

She dipped down and captured her lips. Ino wanted to push her off but tasting her own juices brought a needy, hungry feeling to her. She became more lustful and she deepened the kiss, her lusting side pushing back her reasoning side.

They broke the kiss and Sakura went down to Ino's breasts and took a nipple in her mouth while she took the other one in her fingers. Ino moaned as her friend's tongue worked her hardened nipple while the fingers pinched and rolled Ino's nipples.

Ino moaned loudly as Sakura switched positions. It didn't take long for Ino to climax, Naruto smiling as it was confirmed that she could climax from breast play once again.

Ino panted after the brief ordeal, only to feel her eyes widen in shock as Sakura lifted her left leg up, seating herself between the blonde's splayed limbs. "Sakura-chan...I'm tired..."

"Oh, you can take so much more." The pinkette replied, pressing her pussy against Ino's sensitive mound.

"Oh...GOD..." Ino groaned as she felt her slave-sister's heat against her own. She gasped as Sakura began to grind against her, like she had done during the dance. This time, there was no cloth barrier between them, and Sakura was taking full advantage of that. As Sakura grinded herself against her core, Ino soon found herself doing the same thing, grinding her pussy against her friend's pussy.

Ino felt herself rapidly approaching another orgasm, her breathing becoming labored as Sakura rubbed her pussy against her and she doing the same thing. She let out squeaks of joy as Sakura's clit brushed against her own, her vision starting to turn white around the edges.

"INO-CHAN!" Sakura cried out, giving one last hard thrust.

"SAKURA-CHAN!" Ino responded, pushing herself against her friends body.

She came fairly quickly, looking up into Sakura's smirking face. "My my my..." The pinkette chuckled. "It really doesn't take much to make you come, does it sister?"

Ino blushed, frowning at the girl above her. "S-shut up!" She whimpered, only to shudder as Sakura caressed her sweaty cheek.

"It's alright, Ino-chan. I was the same when I first started. It wouldn't too take much for me to cum either. Master trained my body to last as he will do yours. Now enough talk..." Sakura dipped her head down and kissed Ino while she reached to the side to a shelf with toys on it. She grabbed a double prong strap-on and broke the kiss with Ino.

Ino shuddered as she saw the girl slide one end of the toy inside herself, the pink haired girl moaning as she the dildo filled her wet pussy.

After it was fully in, Sakura fastened it to herself, lining the other end up to Ino's waiting entrance. She looked up to Ino even as she turned on the vibrator.

"You ready?" Ino panted in anticipation, reaching up to grab Sakura's head and kissing her. Sakura moaned as Ino's tongue plundered her mouth. When the kiss was broken, she smiled down at the naked blonde girl. "I guess that's a 'yes'." She chuckled, before plunging the dildo in, causing Ino to scream in pleasure.

Sakura didn't waste anytime in setting up a rhythm, pounding the blonde's pussy. Ino moaned loudly, her body thrashing as Sakura, encouraged by her sister's motions, began to move faster, increasing their mutual pleasure and drawing deeper moans from each other.

After a while of this, Sakura gathered the blonde's arms and held them above her even as said blonde took a nipple in her mouth and started to suck on it. Sakura cried out in pleasure as she felt Ino's mouth close on her nipple, speeding up her thrusts even more.

Naruto smiled as he enjoyed the show. His member was hard as diamond, and he stroked it through his clothes. He could see Ino lost in a haze of lust and pleasure as she frenched Sakura while she the dildo pounded away at her soft pussy. He let out a small moan as Ino came followed by Sakura.

It was a very good thing he was recording this.

After Ino came down from her high, she got on her hands and knees with her ass facing Sakura.

"Please Sakura-chan...please fuck my ass." Sakura smirked and lined up the vibrating sex toy to her rosebud and slammed it in, Ino's own juices serving as its lube. The blonde screamed in pleasure as Sakura fucked her ass without mercy. After a few minutes of this, Ino tensed up and came with a loud cry even as Sakura increased her pace, close to her own release, and prolonging Ino's climax.

Finally, Sakura slammed the toy fully into Ino's ass as she came, shuddering at the feeling. They stayed in the position for a little. After a bit, Ino removed herself from Sakura's toy before turning around gathering the girl in her arms and kissed her while her hand moved the toy and put it in herself again.

They stayed that way, kissing with their mouths, hands playing, teasing, fondling, roaming each others bodies. Sakura grabbed hold of her fuck-sister's shoulders and pushed her down onto the bed. They looked at each other with lust in their eyes, any reasoning gone.

Sakura lowered herself down, the shaking dildo slipping back into Ino, and Sakura connected her mouth to Ino's and they shared all their passion, all their love, all their desires in that one kiss. They broke the kiss and looked at each other while stroking each other's faces.

"I love you so much Ino-chan."

"I love you too Sakura-chan."

They shared one last kiss before settling down, spent for the night. Then Sakura and Ino yelped as they felt their forgotten master climb into the bed with them, Ino moaning as he fingered her still sopping pussy.

He gathered some of Ino's juices, coating his prick with it.

"You don't mind if I get rid of some tension do you?"

He didn't wait for an answer as he pushed his length into Sakura's ass and started pounding her while the dildo was still attached to her causing Ino to be pounded as well. The girls moaned out their gratitude for one last climax as the pressures started to build up in them.

Within minutes, the three came in a mutual climax, screaming out their master's name as all their energy left with their juices. Sakura fell to the side as she had no more strength left. The girls looked up to their master as he loomed over them, fastening their collars to them and chaining them together, and removing the strap-on from Sakura.

He gave them each a kiss and bid them goodnight and pulled the covers over them while taking his place on the other side of Ino and encircling his arms around her. Ino moaned in contentment as Sakura snuggled up to her as well, content with their lives.

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