Chapter 10: Rizzly The Zagger!
Chapter 10 Rizzly The Zagger!
Up the stairs they go, Ver and Lizzie walk to there next destination in the tower. While proceeding to walk Lizzie looks over at Ver anxiously and ask, so wh who are you really Mr. Ver? Still walking he turns his head slightly toward her with a calm expression on his face, Ver answers, well for one you don't have to be so formal with me. Two I know my display of skills was rather jaw dropping back there. So I'm just going to cut to the chase, I used to be a contract killer back in my early younger years but now I'm just a wandering weapon moving to the beat of his on drum.
Lizzie looks down at the ground and says, oh I see. Um do you have any family or friends at all? Staring down looking to the right of him Ver says with a some what calm but sad tone of voice, no, no family and no friends. Like I said before being a contract killer back then I didn't really have a chance at a normal life if that's what your asking. Ver looks over at Lizzie again and says, what about you family, kids perhaps? Looking at him with her blue sorrowful eyes Lizzie says, yeah I have family but no kids though, just a little sister. Fixing his gaze forward Ver says, a sister huh that's nice. What about your parents? Silent for a moment while still walking up the stairs, Lizzie tears up and says, dead. Ver with a dejected look on his face replies back and says, I'm sorry to hear that. If you don't mine me asking how did they pass? Flowing down her face tears drip off her cheeks and Lizzie says, I don't really want to say in a shaky voice.
Fair enough, says Ver. Finally at there new location Ver and Lizzie stop right in front of a door. On said door is a name inscribed on it that says, level 1. Looking with a tranquil expression Ver says, time to see what fun they got in store for us. Reaching out with his right hand Ver grabs the door knob and turns it. Making a clicking noise the door opens. Walking through the door Ver and Lizzie stop to examine the new area. Inside the rooms interior it resembles a restaurant atmosphere. Zig Zag! Out of no where a bullet darts at Lizzie, sensing it quickly Ver grabs a near by chair immediately tossing it in front of the projectile.
Thus stopping the bullet. Ha ha whoa your quick on your feet aren't you ha ha! Bellowing out from no where a strange voice echoes. With his demeanor shifting to a more stoic presence Ver says, who every you are show yourself. I'd be happy to, says the mysterious voice. A door slides open from the wall, stepping out is a man with crazy pointy pineapple shaped turquoise colored hair. Like a sneaky looking viper his light purple eyes shift toward Ver and Lizzie. He adorns a psychotic grin showing his sharp green pointy teeth, his build is that of a slim muscular man in the age of around 20 to late 20s. Stopping right in the middle of the room, staring across the room looking at Ver with a slimy looking grin the pineapple haired man says, ha time for me to zig and zag ya! The names Rizzly!
End of Chapter 10