Chapter 2: Daniel Woodruff
Chapter 2 Daniel Woodruff
Desert Town in an Old Saloon
Putting down his glass Ver looking down with his eyes closed for a second thinking to himself and says, just my fucking luck! As he reopens his eyes, the gray haired man seating next to Ver pulls out his pistol and says with a stern look on his face, time to die for my pockets. Ver looks over at the man and says with a condescending smile, nope I'm good! Confused the gray haired man comments, what! In a blur Ver fires a shot from one of his gold pistols.
Thus the bullet penetrates the gray haired man's skull, blood and brain matter fly out the back of his head. Falling out of his chair his body hits the ground. But the shot that was fired didn't just stop at the gray haired man. Like a homing missile the bullet travels around the room piercing through every rag tag gunslingers head in the whole saloon accept for Ver and the bartender girl. Finally once the bullet hits the wall, all the bodies drop simultaneously. Looking in despair the woman starts to shed some tears at the atrocity.
Turning to face the bartender Ver calmly smiles and says, sorry you had to see that pretty lady! Still in shock the woman doesn't utter a word. Ver looking at her with a blank expression and says, welp thanks for the whiskey! digging into his pocket Ver pulls out two dollars and places it on the bar counter. Getting off the stool Ver walks toward the exit in a brisk and cool fashion out of the saloon.
Old Maple Town
Now in a different town Ver is walking. He looks around scanning the new bustling environment. Until his attention is caught by a rustic looking hat shop. In no time at all he gracefully walks over to the hat shop, he opens the door and then proceeds to head inside. Once out Ver adorns a new look, the item he purchased was a big purple cowboy hat with green trimming on both sides. Putting a hand on his new hat Ver says to himself, now that that's been done back to my main task. Digging in his back pocket Ver pulls out a worn looking paper. Unraveling the document looking down at it he says, ok Mr. Daniel Woodruff where the fuck are you? Looking forward Ver says to himself, omega scope eye! In a second his right eye pulses it forms a sniper insignia in it. Now with the omega Scope activated Ver scans his surroundings looking from right to left and says to himself, where the hell are you? Looking to his right Ver see's his mark and says, bingo!
End of Chapter 2