Chapter 14: Chapter 14 BadWolf
A/N: this one took longer than expected it to I had two options one was explain everything or state things happened like the episode for somethings it made the chapter less detailed about other stuff but allowed me to get to the point since just like all you I am a bit excited to get the MC having his own TARDIS, I have yet to decide on a companion though, also you may have noticed the MC has started to experiment with what he can change it will be gradual but eventually he will be changing major things. Anyway hope you enjoy.
Confirming where the Tardis is, I now head to the workshop to get some of the things I made. I may have taken some inspiration from Casandra with her little spider drones, with a few major changes of course, mine carry miniature shields and will latch onto people before deploying them.
My plan is rather simple, these little fellows will find who I have programmed them to find and latch onto them while remaining hidden and deploying only when the individual is in actual danger. This will prevent them from activating when Rose is transported to the Dalek ship where the emperor of the Daleks is.
Now for the other things I have made one is from the controller of the station, it will teleport her back to the station the moment the Dalek tries to kill her, as for why that time specifically, she has every right to gloat about bringing the Doctor here, so no need to ruin her fun right.
Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to make enough for all those who are going to fight the Daleks, and it's just unreasonable to do so. However, I will try to save the woman who escapes the big brother house with the Doctor, she was a rather nice character for how the earth turned out in this time with the Dalek manipulations.
I mean look at how the man who was with Rose in the weakest link game, he was an asshole only caring about money. So she at least deserves a chance right?
As for good old Jack, I kind of need him to die, so Rose revives him since he is the one who changes Torchwood for the better, and god knows what would happen if someone else was left in charge.
There are a few other things, but most of it is insurance, it's better to be safe than sorry, this is reality for me now, so I can't leave it up to chance, I did also transfer control over Robo bear to the Tardis and the Doctor.
Funny thing is the Doctor seems to use him more than me, so he might as well keep him here I will make a anther more improved one for myself when I get my own Tardis, which is soon since ones the Doctor fully completes his regeneration we will most likely go find a start that's on the brink of collapse to capture using the device I built.
With that, I move to the control room with all the devices in hand before slightly opening the Tardis door and placing them on the floor. As the spider devices touch the ground, they quickly scurry off to find their targets.
I know this will only affect the events on a small scale, but it's a start, I need to know my limits, since there are quite a few deaths I want to change. An example would be Amy and Rory's fates, it felt depressing after all the Doctor's efforts to change what was supposed to happen, he still lost his best friends.
It happens a lot to him it's rather sad to be honest, if I can at least prevent some of them, then I will but even I am aware that some will need to happen, one event is Rose, she needs to be in the other universe, so that the doctor can put his half human half time lord self there.
This is a start, even if it's small. After watching the spider devices leave my view I pull out a little laptop I made its not much but it will help me get into the systems I want to know if I can cut the controller's connection or if I will need the device I prepared for her, although I would like her to be able to gloat about what she has done to her masters I am not sure how the Dalek will react to my presence.
I exit the TARDIS just enough for the laptop device to detect the satellite systems before beginning my intrusion, as expected, though the controller quickly notices it. However, after noticing where the intrusion is coming from, she lets me into the systems.
Once inside, I look over how she was going to be teleported, unfortunately, for me it's not a part of the system itself, more of a failsafe built into the upgrades she got to make her compatible with the satellite, meaning my device will be needed.
After finding this out, I work on helping the others in the games to make escaping easier, funnily enough, the controller not only does not stop me but is actively helping me by hiding my intrusion from the staff.
Most of the stuff plays out just like the episode, but once the Doctor is out, I start making his life easier by opening the doors. I want to see if having him arrive faster will stop Rose from being set to the ship, but something tells me that she will get sent anyway.
And I am proven right since even though they arrive earlier, it still plays out just like the episode "oh well I tried right". I know, however, my little spider device has already latched onto her, so she will be safe for a while.
Watching them being taken away, I also start to do more, for example, I put a program in the system that will give the controller extra time to talk to the Doctor before her masters notice. While also giving me time to attach my device, even if they teleport her, the device will remain with her, so she will be safe as well.
Man, it's exhausting acting from the shadows, it's a miracle all those protagonists of novels manage to do it while still being human, I am only able to keep up thanks to my time lord brain, but those guys do it with human ones.
Looking back at the laptop, I see the Doctor and Jack escape the cell they were put in after being caught. Once free and after retrieving their stuff, they start making their way to the control room, so I just make it a little easier by opening doors for them.
As in the episode, they barge into the control room, as they start yelling, I make my way to the door leading into the control room before opening it, revealing myself. Seeing me jack speaks," Where the hell have you been?" I just look at the Doctor before speaking, "You do not believe you got here so fast based on luck, right? I was in the satellite systems, making sure you got here faster, I also tried to make it so you got to Rose faster, but even with my efforts you got there too late".
I just shake my head as Jack looks down, I am also thinking if I should point out that Rose is not dead. After a bit of deliberation, I decide it's better than both of them hating themselves till Jack figures it out.
"Rose is not dead, the beam that hit her is a secondary transmat beam, I can trace it to where it sent her ", at my words, both Jack and the Doctors' heads snap in my direction before the Doctor Speaks " you sure " I just nod and start explaining that I found out while I was in the satellite systems.
Hearing this, they ask me to trace it going to the control panels in front of the women being hung in the air by tubes. I get to work, not long later, I complete the trace to an area that is devoid of anything. Seeing this, both the Doctor and Jack look at me.
Just as I was about to explain, a solar flare hits the satellite, shutting most of the satellite systems down, and just like the episode, the controller starts calling the Doctor's name. Both myself and the Doctor approach her before the doctor introduces himself. I do the same.
Just like the episode, she rambles, but midway through, before she finishes, I climb up to reach her before putting a device on her chest, " you know they will take you. This device will protect you and teleport you back, you deserve to see them fall".
Hearing me, the Doctor looks at me with a complicated gaze before speaking," You knew this was going to happen", I just nod before climbing down and speaking, " I also gave Rose something for protection, it will buy us some time to get her".
The controller continues talking, but the solar flare has passed, and my program is close to failing, but she is able to give more information to us than she did in the cannon events before the Daleks teleport her.
The Doctor looks at me before asking "Where will she be teleported to buy your device?" I turn to him before speaking, "Just outside, where the TARDIS is currently, I have already made it a safe location, but we will still need to send Rose away, she can't die here, trust me, you do not want to deal with an angry Jackie".
The doctor looks away before speaking, " I have already made preparations for events like this, after what happened with the Ghosts, what about you?" I shrug before I speak, "if the ones behind all this are who I think a delta wave is, our best bet, but they will realize that we know now, which means we do not have enough time to make it able to target them specifically".
"Can you disable whatever is hiding them?" I nod, saying that even he could do it, before I get to work, shortly later we see what's hiding a fleet of Dalek ships. Seeing this, Jack is the first to comment, saying that they should have been wiped out before the doctor explains the plan to everyone.
The plan being that myself and the Doctor go retrieve Rose while Jack gathers people to fight the inevitable Dalek invasion. With that in mind, me and the Doctor run to the Tardis to see the controller standing directly in front of a few screens I had set up for her to watch with a small tank that it's hooked up to the tube connectors in her body.
I made this tank to keep her alive long enough to watch Rose destroy the Daleks I can't save her entirely, but it will give her some closure. Ignoring her for now, we enter the TARDIS before I upload the tracker on the spider device on Rose to the TARDIS so we know which ship she is on.
Once there, things go like the episode, with the exception of Jack's comment, since he was not present after getting Rose, we went back to get ready on our return to our surprise, Jack was able to get more people than he did in the episode.
Both myself and the Doctor got to work on the Delta wave that we both knew would never get used, the Doctor for obvious reasons, myself because I know it's not needed, we also trick Rose into going into the Tardis and send her home.
As we finish the delta wave, I hear Jack's voice as he is hit by the Dalek's weapon. As we look up, we see we are surrounded, and of course the Dalek emperor just has to gloat, declaring himself a god, its just funny in my head if this guy had not stopped the Daleks from attacking right away to gloat he might have actually won but just as he finish the familiar sound of the Tardis can be heard.
I just smirk as it all plays out, watching Rose turn all the Daleks to dust is oddly satisfying In a way. I also hear Jack's gasp, meaning he was brought back to life. After it is done, I move to the archive 6, opening the door, I see both the controller and Linda, the spider I sent to her, also had a teleport, but I was unsure if she had to die, but it seems not.
After confirming, I turn to the Doctor as he absorbs the energy Rose got from the heart of the Tardis before carrying her to the Tardis. I follow behind while silently apologizing to Jack.
One in the Tardis, the doctor looks at me before apologizing," Looks like we will have to delay getting that Star" I just shrug before speaking", Hope it's a good one, I will take over flying, you handle explaining to Rose" he finally notices that Rose is starting to wake.
As she gets up, she tries to approach, causing the doctor to tell her to stay back while he does the exact same speech he did in the episode before he starts to regenerate.