Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-Two: The Duels
Pre-Chapter A/N: Please do check out the first chapter of the novel I'm working on up on Patreon( it's completely free to access.
What can I say except you're welcome? Here we go with the seventh chapter of 2025. Lovely to have you all here, and I hope you enjoy this one. If you do, feel free to head over to Patreon( and read the next two chapters- I update there on a daily basis so there's always something for you to read.
I tried to make a show of stretching as I stood at the edge of the quidditch pitch. It had once again been transformed, but this time into a massive duelling platform for the Triwizard duels. Duels that were surprisingly still going to be taking place considering what had happened last night. Fleur was standing next to me, and even though we were competitors in the competition, it seemed to matter little to her right now. She just wanted someone by her side. Last night, during the Tragedy of the Yule Ball as the Daily Prophet called it, Pierre Delacour had died, falling to a killing curse from a mercenary polyjuiced as a durmstrang student. He hadn't been the only one to die, though.
Nemo Kawaguchi, the Princess of Japan, and the ostensible target of the attack, had perished as well. So had Emile Sukovsky of Germany. Several Hogwarts students had been injured or killed in the ensuing stampede, including one Neville Longbottom, who had been trampled while escorting his date to safety. It was a dark day for the wizarding world, made even darker by the fact that this farce of a contest would be continuing onwards.
Multiple people had died, but the dead careers were perhaps equally worthy of mention. Dumbledore was going to have a hard time escaping this one. Barty Crouch had infiltrated the school with the aid of polyjuice and shown the world that it was possible. Somehow, the old man had done nothing to prevent it from happening again. Karkarov was another who would be dealing with enormous backlash. His students had been replaced in enormous numbers- and killed before the ball even began. The mercenaries, or freedom fighters would be a better word because I remember what I heard that night had succeeded. One of them had even replaced Diggory.
Luckily, he was still alive and had merely been shoved in a broom closet. Somehow they knew that the Castle's wards would have informed Dumbledore of the death of a registered Hogwarts student, but not of the deaths of the Durmstrang students. Fudge was another one who hadn't come out of this wholly intact. Several people had seen him crawl along the floor to hide behind Dumbledore once the chaos began. Enough students were dead that parents were out for blood. Still, it was early days and there was chaos to still be had.
"The first duel will be between Victor Krum and Fleur Delacour" Bagman announced. Even he wasn't trying to make this any more exciting than it should have been. Continuing this to try to drown the news was the most foolish thing Fudge could have done. Surely, he had some competent advisors on his side. Of course, he didn't, I thought to myself with a snort as Umbridge came to mind.
"You've got this" I whispered to Fleur as I squeezed her hand. None of the foreign leaders apart from Karpov had remained in Hogwarts, citing security concerns. Several purebloods had been withdrawn during breakfast, even- a surprisingly sober Draco Malfoy among them.
Fleur took her position opposite Krum on the duelling stage. I'd tried to spend the night with her — not like that. But Maxime had ushered her back to the carriage, insisting that Beauxbatons took care of their own. The goblet's contract meant that she had no choice but to participate in the duels, but I'd seen how she looked when she had arrived at the field. The ICW healer attached to checking her for cheating didn't look too enthused at the fact that she'd be competing, so I took that to mean she was in as bad a state as she looked.
Still, she carried herself well. She dodged out of the way of Krum's first curse with a smooth slide before returning fire with a salvo of flashy curses. Each one was silent and with an economy of movement that would have gotten a compliment from Flitwick. Regardless, Krum was just sharper and more rested. He hunkered behind a powerful mage shield before tearing it down and returning fire with a trio of dark curses aimed around her. She shielded the one that had been in danger of hitting her. Krum's next curse shattered the shield- a simple protego, and the one after had her doubled over, clutching her stomach. A retching curse.
I tightened my grip on my wand involuntarily. I shouldn't have cared about Fleur. She was competition, and I was well aware that we were both supposed to be using each other, but I could never forget the look on her face on seeing her father's dead body. I didn't know whether it was pity or something even more twisted, but the fact of the matter was that I cared for her after seeing that. She still managed to stagger out of the way of the next curse, and I could see the rage on Krum's face.
He aimed a bone breaker right at her left knee, and she was too slow to avoid the fast-moving curse and fell to one knee. He had had two chances to disarm her and still, he hadn't yet. Fleur hadn't cried out in pain even if I knew that combination of curses would have hurt like a motherfucker.
He aimed a bludgeoning hex at her midsection after batting aside the spell she tried to retaliate with. She was fully on the floor now, but she hadn't let go of her wand. Krum's eyes met mine and everything began to make sense. This wasn't about Fleur. It was because she had been my date to the ball. He shot a powerful stinging hex that made the air vibrate with its movement at her back, and finally, she cried out, letting go of her wand. The stands were silent at the brutality.
The medical staff rushed to collect Fleur, even as I summoned her rosewood wand into my grip from where it remained on the floor. It was best if Krum did not get any ideas. The tiny cameras moving around the arena turned to me and I could see myself on the giant screen. Was that how I looked when I was pissed? I settled into a calmer smile, even as I knew that I would make Krum pay. He had been needlessly brutal, and he had done it to a woman who had just lost her father. That was cruel. Doom was many things, but he was never cruel. I was never cruel. Sure, I had dished out tough and hard lessons in my time, but never with cruelty as a motivation.
Sure, we were animals as humans, and a certain savagery was par for the course. But there was only ever one solution of a cruel dog — it needed to be put down.
I marched up to the stage on hearing my name. Cedric had gotten better sleep than anyone else, to be fair. Considering he'd been knocked out for most of the night. After he was briefly questioned about what had happened, he had been allowed to return to bed even as the rest of us from the hall were expected to give multiple statements.
He offered me a smile that I returned with a fake one. I knew it was. Unfair, but part of me blamed him. Hogwarts Champion, and he'd been knocked out in seconds without even knowing who attacked him. How silly.
The whistle rang out and I struck first. I struck twice. The first disarming charm was shielded more by luck than anything else, but my shield breaker quickly followed. When his shield went down, I tore him from his feet with a swish of my wand. With a flick, his wand came sailing in the air, and I caught it in my grip. The crowd was silent. I looked at the timer off to the side of the giant screen- 00:32. He hadn't even lasted a minute against me. I walked up to him and returned his wand, hilt first, before offering him a hand up.
To his credit, Cedric was a good sport about his loss. He lifted my hand before the crowd while gesturing at me with his other hand. It was probably some calculated move to show Hogwarts Unity or something like that. The crowd ate it up. I just knew that word would focus more on how good of a sport he was than the fact that he hadn't even lasted long enough for the referee to put down his whistle. We left the stage as the next duel was called — Cedric vs. Fleur.
I turned to look at the medical tent, expecting to see her walking out any second now. She didn't walk out. She limped. Her knee was still unhealed. With some guilt, I realized that dealing with Cedric so quickly hadn't worked out in her favour at all, as she had to fight barely healed. I walked up to meet her halfway to the stage.
"You still have your magic. Diggory is an average duelist at best. You won't have your mobility but-"
"Harry." She called, stopping me mid-tangent.
"I am not some delicate flower for you to protect. Allow me to fight on my own merits. I made a mistake with Krum, my mind was elsewhere, but I will not be repeating that" She said. I nodded, unable to refute her words and handed over her wand. She took her position in front of Cedric. I turned back to the benches, the area that the competitors could sit with their entourage, and found Krum cackling at something that one of his mates had said. It was definitely about Fleur.
"How do you think this is going to go?" Hermione, the only one on my own bench, asked.
"Fleur has this in the bag" I said.
"You don't duel against me like that" She said, referring to the fight with Cedric.
"I try to teach you. With him, there's no intention to teach, just a message to send" I said. She nodded. Mind still elsewhere. She was part of the reason why I'd been standing away from my bench in the first place. I did not know how to truly deal with grief, as evidenced with my inability to help Fleur. With Hermione, it was even worse. She hadn't wanted to go with Neville, only saying yes out of some sense of pity, and then he had died saving her life.
I got the story from her stone-cold face this morning. She had slipped with her heels and sprained her ankle. Neville had lifted her up and somehow managed to get her out of the hall but hadn't made it out with her. The specifics of how exactly the Longbottom heir had died weren't something I particularly cared for, but Dame Augusta had been spitting fire when she was in the Great hall as of this morning.
The whistle rang to begin the duel between Fleur and Diggory. It turns out I was wrong. He was a bit better than average in the end. With a twirl of his wand and no incantation, the stone surface of the platform shattered under a bombarda, and he used those loose rocks to great advantage. Multiple dogs ran at Fleur right from the beginning.
To her credit, she stared them down without flinching and then swished her wand while muttering something under her breath. Cedric's own dogs turned as one and began running at him instead. A very interesting charm, I thought to myself, as the Hogwarts Champion set them on fire with a muttered incantation and then fired a stunning spell right at her.
She batted the spell to the side with a flick of her wrist and returned fire with two dazzling pink bolts that forced him to hastily backtrack to dodge them. They fell like meteors, landing on the ground he had been standing on a precious few seconds ago and seemingly doing nothing. He turned to her, at this level he was surely too smart to assume that she had failed her spell, but he struck regardless. There was an aggression in his movements.
Blasting curses flowed from him like water from a tap, and she was forced to hunker behind a shield after managing to deflect only two of them. He could smell the blood in the water. He smirked and marched forwards, still sending lances of explosive energy at her. The change was immediate when he stepped over the part of the floor that her spell had hit. He froze. He stopped moving like he had been petrified, and she tore down her shield before sending him flying off the duelling platform with a powerful disarming charm. She caught the wand that flew at her even as she collapsed to her knees before falling down to her arse.
The medical personnel had to come in and retrieve the both of them. The next duel was announced, even as that one had animated the crowd a fair deal.
Potter vs. Krum, the screen red, showing a green dot next to each of our names to reflect our wins. I didn't bother saying anything as I marched up to the platform.
The referee, a Greek wizard, had already repaired the stage and removed Fleur's enchantment with deft flicks of his wand. I stood and waited for Krum to complete the journey towards me, as he took the long way around, raising his hand to cheers from what remained of the Durmstrang contingent. So bold of them. It had been their fellows who had been too weak to resist the foreigners who took their place. A traitorous part of my mind wondered if any of theirs had truly been killed. Karkarov said that those who were impersonated with polyjuice had been killed, but no one had seen any bodies, and would it be surprising that he would lie about something like that?
Either way, they were much too cheerful for people recovering from a tragedy. I let my wand slip down from my sleeve into my left hand and gripped it tightly as I stared down Krum's approaching form. He jumped onto the stage before taking a stance. He was all aggression in his bearing. He would aim to fire first and decide the tone of this engagement. I had two choices. I could weather his storm, outlast him, and then pick him apart, or I could start off swinging and tear him to shreds. Option One gave me the chance to more easily demonstrate my superiority, but Option Two was what made my blood sing. I wanted to punish him. Weathering his storm was good, but I could beat him at his own game. Choice made, I waited for the whistle.
My wand was held to my side, not even pointed at him, but when the whistle sounded, I was the first to move. The ground around him lifted in a hand of pure stone that tried to grab a hold of him. He jumped backwards, shattering it with a blasting curse that ended up being the only offensive spell he would successfully set off. The scattered rocks rose from the ground under my control as I spun them in a cycle, transfiguring them into foam with a twirl of my wand and then shooting them off at him like bullets.
Killing blows, or blows likely to kill were banned in these duels, so the transfiguration was necessary to avoid disqualification. Too slow to react, Krum took a foam stone to the face while trying to bring his wand to bear. It snapped his head backwards and the rest of the foam projectiles hit then. He bent his body to protect his had even as he was forced backwards by the hits.
I spun my wand again, swishing it from left to right, letting loose with a series of piercing curses that he was forced to drop to the floor to avoid. I audibly guffawed, making it even louder to grate at his nerves, before I sharply slashed my wand upwards. Krum was sent flying upwards, into the air, and I hit him with a flipping jinx while he was midair. He flew backwards until he hit the base of the stands with an audible crunch.
"Winner: Potter" The referee said, somewhat unnecessarily.
The next duel to flash on the board was the one between Diggory and Krum. I watched Karkarov as he rose from his seat at the Judges' table with a smirk. He clearly intended to complain about the fixture, but both Diggory and Krum had been forced to fight with little rest, so his objections rung hollow on that account. The referee dismissed him, and Krum was given the choice of fighting or forfeiting.
To his credit, he was too stubborn to cede the chance to win and came to field with an arm in a sling and a very noticeable limp. There was also a heavy set of bandages around his midsection.
He took the stage and Cedric joined him with only a slight limp to show for his troubles. A limp that was almost certainly exaggerated. Fleur got him good, but not that good. Cedric made the same mistake Fleur had. He allowed Krum the momentum.
The Bulgarian quidditch player struck out with a blasting curse so powerful it visibly sizzled in the air. Cedric hit the floor to dodge and was forced to roll out of the way of another one. His retaliatory stunner was shielded with a sneer as the Bulgarian lashed out again with a trio of very borderline curses — one of them, the shellshocker, caused an audible gasp to fall from Hermione's mouth.
Cedric dealt with them all well. He dodged out of the way of the first two then called forth a gleaming protego to absorb the shellshocker. His retaliatory series of curses failed to connect, but they were more a distraction than anything else. He tore up part of the duelling platform and used it to send another series of dogs at Krum. He seemed to like dogs a lot.
Krum seemed to take an instinctive step back from the snarling beasts and his left knee gave out with an audible crunch. Turns out the healing hadn't had time to set in. He fell to his other knee and was barely able to lift his left hand in front of his face to block the first dog. It dug into said forearm with sharp teeth. The second slammed into Krum's core, sending him falling backwards. The third went straight for Krum's jewels and seemed about to take a healthy bite before the referee vanished it.
"Winner: Diggory" he announced.
I was all smiles at that. I didn't even care that the crowd clearly loved Cedric beating Krum more than it had loved me doing the same. Of course, that smile died quickly when I realised there was only one duel remaining. Me versus Fleur.
A/N: The fallout? Immense. Are you going, "wtf?" Right now, well, that's what happens when you see everything through the lens of a self-obsessed MC. I'll provide a lot of context through this chapter and the next few. To put it simply, we're going to have a more complex story than you might have expected. Five duels in one chapter. I'm proud of myself. As always, the next two chapters are up on Patreon( If you just want to read complete chapters and not my work in real-time, then feel free to purchase this story as a collection on my Patreon( page so you get to read each chapter after I finish it and not neecessarily the daily updates available with a regular Patreon( membership- nice way to support this story and me while you're at it. Enjoy!