Dracula Mihawk reincarnated in MHA

Chapter 1: After battle between the blackbeard pirates!

After the battle between Dracule Mihawk and Blackbeard, Blackbeard playing dirty and kills Dracule Mihawk who was one of the former warlords and says "you won't win against Shanks next time" he said before getting shot multiple times by Blackbeard's crew and just laughs "Yahahaha! who said that'll happen. he won't even know what hit him" and after that Blackbeard threw him to sea "and as for your reward, have a sea burial. Yahahaha!"








...darkness...darkness is what he could only see...before he opened his eyes...as he is a newborn child. And has green hair? who is he?...as he looks around he sees that many people have powers...perhaps devil fruit powers...as his new name is Izuku Midoriya and he is being held by his mother, Inko midoriya. and one of the doctors said "You can come back when he is five or six, so we can do an examination to see if he has a quirk or not" he said before leaving the room with the other doctors and the newborn child who is izuku/mihawk was placed in a crib but he had other plans but since he was a child...he just slept and so did his mother on the hospital bed.

A few years later, we can see that izuku/mihawk is currently beating up someone who has a quirk and tries to bully him but oh boy...was the quirk kid wrong. "please stop, I'm sorry" and the green hair boy just stop and said "fine, i'll pity your defeat" and with that, he left the battered, bruised child alone...and the child said to himself. "I swore that he was quirkless...but how is he so strong" he pondered the question as izuku/mihawk is in pre-k, five years old. as the bruised, battered child told one of the teachers but the teacher just didn't believe the child and just told him "That's nonsense, i bet it was his friend bakugo who did it." as yes, bakugo will be taking the blames here since he has a quirk and not our former warlord "bakugo!" the teacher shouted loudly as she approached our angry exploding dog "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT" bakugo shouted out angrily, already pissed off that he has to take the blame of izuku "I'll have to tell your parents about this, i hope that they'll teach you proper discipline" the teacher said before going to the phone and called bakugos parents. 

after a few days later and the mother of izuku came into his room and said "izuku" she said in a motherly tone "today's a special day, so please hurry and get ready. we don't want to be late" she said trying to wake up our former warlord "mother, just five more minutes" he said while putting the blanket back on himself "but today's a special day, today were going to see if you would have a quirk" she said with a hint of worry "i hope so" she muttered before going back to her motherly tone "so come on, lets not be late" and with that, izuku/mihawk got up and agreed "fine I'll get ready then" and with that, inko got out of the room and got ready herself while the green hair boy gets ready for the day

The doctor's office "Sorry kid, but it seems like you won't be getting a quirk anytime soon" he said seriously "That's a relief" Izuku said" What...what do you mean" the doctor said "I see quirks as a weakness so it will bring me down with a ridicules drawback" our green hair boy said "well uh...good for you I guess" the doctor said, not really sure if he should be surprise or worried about the child "well I guess we'll be going home now, right izuku" she said motherly...but worried as well but hides it "yes mother, and can we have tea when we go home. please." izuku/mihawk asked his mother. "sure thing sweety" as now inko sees him as the most fragile thing in the world

at the house of izuku and inkos

"Are you sure you want to be a hero without a quirk, it seems...hard," she said worriedly while the pot of tea was on the stove, heating up while she asked her son, izuku. "yes Mother, I'll become the new strongest swordsman and surpass every quirk with my strength alone" he said confidently, having a glint of pride in his eyes that he didn't have a quirk but now he needs to find a way to train Haki "o-okay sweety" she couldn't help but feel more worried about her child...but little did she know, he was a former warlord in a different world. "can we buy a sword please" izuku said to inko "sorry, but no" she said while izuku just sulks that he couldn't get a sword "whats a swordsman without a sword" izuku muttered to himself

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