Chapter 10: Robbery and Shopping
Bulma and her friend Fusui were chatting in the kitchen while old Saru rested.
"Then you have decided that you are going to have the baby, right Bulma?" Fusui asked, washing the dishes.
Bulma was helping with the dishes, after all, it's the least she could do given Goku's feast.
"Yes, friend. This morning I dropped out of the university," Bulma answered with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, I know how much you cared and all that, but you're doing the right thing. Don't hesitate," Fusui spoke, giving her friend a smile.
"Thank you, Fusui. Luckily, I have the support of Goku in this journey," Bulma spoke, touching her belly.
"Well, after all, he is the father. It is logical that he takes responsibility," Fusui indicated, and the blue-eyed nodded.
"Yes, but he is not an ordinary boy. He grew up in mountains far from civilization. He even lost his grandfather when he was seven years old," Bulma spoke, and Fusui's eyes widened at those words.
"How brave is Goku-kun, growing up alone is something quite sad," Fusui mentioned, quite surprised.
Fusui knew the reason for Bulma's pregnancy, but what she didn't know was what kind of person was the father of the child.
"That's right, but Goku never stopped smiling, even when everything seems lost. He never loses hope," the blue-head spoke with a smile on her lips.
"I recognize that look, Bulma. Are you falling in love with him?" Fusui asked with a rather mischievous smile.
"N-no! What do you say? He is my best friend. We met a long time ago, in fact, I was the first girl that Goku saw in his life," replied Bulma, remembering that scene with great nostalgia.
"Oh, how romantic! The first girl he saw will be the mother of his first child," Fusui argued, with hearts in her eyes and Bulma blushed. She had never thought of that coincidence. "I wish you luck, my friend. You will always have my support, and when you want to declare your feelings to Goku, let me know," she spoke, hitting her with her elbow.
"You will never change, Fusui?" inquired Bulma, flushing furiously and the mentioned girl shrugged her shoulders with a nervous smile.
"Well, how are you doing with Ken? Have you decided to take the next step?"
Then, it was Fusui's turn and she blushed as she started to play with her fingers shyly.
"Or are you already dating?" Bulma asked mischievously and Fusui denied it. "Come on, tell me, Fusui."
"Ken is quite shy in that aspect. Now that he works as a teacher, we see each other less than before," answered Fusui, lowering her head.
"Don't worry, someday you will be a couple," Bulma spoke, winking at her and showing her her thumb at the same time.
They both kept talking about their respective lives while a certain black-haired man got bored outside.
With Goku.
The black-haired man was looking bored as he poked a cat with a stick that had not moved for half an hour.
"Is he alive?" he inquired, with a bead of sweat. Then he heard the sound of several police patrols going towards a certain area and he decided to pry.
Upon arrival, he saw that several cars had circled the perimeter of a bank. It seemed that it was a robbery.
"Hey, what is happening there?" asked the boy with onyx eyes, looking at the policemen.
"It is a robbery and the thieves are armed. As they have hostages, we cannot act directly," answered a policeman without looking directly at him.
Goku frowned, because he knew exactly what a robbery was, so he decided to help those policemen. He went through the seal they had put up and entered the bank, under the astonished gaze of the policemen.
"This is a fucking robbery. Give us all the money you have and get the rest there," said a plump black-haired man holding a reduced version of an AK47. "Are you deaf, brat?"
"Stop doing all this and leave this place. Don't you see that these people are suffering?" Goku asked, turning towards the frightened hostages.
The two robbers looked at each other before laughing several times, as if Goku was crazy. "HAHAHAHAHA," they both laughed hilariously on the ground at the sight of everyone present in the area.
Goku watched them, hoping they would rectify in time because he didn't want to do them any harm.
"Since you've made me laugh a lot, I'll forgive your life, boy. Don't make this even more difficult and give me all your belongings," the other robber, blond and blue eyes, spoke. "You should pay attention to him, or you will end up getting shot in the wrong place," the fat man spoke.
The two thieves threatened Goku with their respective weapons. The black-haired man had already lived through situations like this in the past, so he was not worried about him.
"It seems they don't want to pay attention. Well, you must have wanted it," said Goku, disappearing from everyone's sight. "Now you see me, and now you don't. Now you do and now you don't."
"Where the hell is the brat?" demanded the blond robber, looking everywhere, but not seeing anything.
"B-behind you!" The plump man spoke, pointing to the back of the blond. When he turned around, he didn't see anyone there.
"Are you kidding me, you fatass?" the blond spoke with a vein of anger in his temple. "Who do you call fatass?" the other one snapped, looking hostilely at the blond.
"You're going to pay for that," the blond approached, rolling up his sleeves and the plump man followed suit. Thus, both got into a fight while the hostages took the opportunity to escape and the police covered them just in case.
"Hey, weren't you friends or something?" Goku asked with a drop of sweat, stopping the fight.
"And who called you?!" They both shouted in a pugnacious way and immediately the black-haired man understood that it was better to withdraw, now that he was finally going to have fun.
"I just wanted a little fun," the black-haired man said to himself as comic tears streamed down his cheeks.
The police took advantage of the argument between the two robbers and arrested them, seizing the weapons and returning the money they had stolen.
"Finally I found you!" Bulma spoke, letting out a sigh of relief and Goku scratched the back of his neck.
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!?" At the cry, the boy could only swallow hard and begin to explain the robbery.
In the mall.
Bulma walked, driving a shopping cart just like the black-eyed man, who looked at the place in amazement.
"Look, Goku, there is a crib," Bulma, spoke pointing to a box. "We will have to assemble it at home, don't you think?"
"S-sure, but you will do it hehehe," upon seeing Bulma's gaze, he decided to rectify. " I'll do it," he added, taking that box and putting it in the car he was driving. It was big, but there was space for it to fit.
"That sounds much better," Bulma argued, showing a smile. "Um, let's see... feeding bottles, pacifiers, and bibs... they're in this area," she said, taking some of the items already mentioned for the baby and putting them in the car.
[E/N: Bib means a piece of cloth or plastic fastened round a child's neck to keep its clothes clean while eating.]
"What are pacifiers? They sound delicious," the boy uttered with a smile and Bulma slapped her forehead.
"They are rubber objects that are put in the baby's mouth so they can suck on them or also to prevent them from crying," she answered patiently. "And the baby's drinks are kept in the feeding bottles, be it milk, water, etc."
"I think I understand hehehe, does the baby really need all that?" asked the boy with curiosity.
"Yes, Goku, we still have a lot of things to buy," Bulma answered, showing him the long list.
"WHAT?" shouted the black-haired man, falling over and Bulma let out giggles in response to his act. Without a doubt, she had good times with her friend, treasuring special moments every day that he was by her side.
Goku hoped that they would come to eat later, but apparently, they would take a long time at the mall buying what is necessary for the future baby.
Minutes later:
An annoying silence reigned in that supermarket, being slightly interrupted by the phlegmatic sound of the wheels of the shopping carts being dragged by those people who were circulating and by certain murmurs.
[E/N: phlegmatic means a person having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition.]
Goku and his best friend Bulma were in line waiting for their turn to arrive in their respective carts.
The cart they were driving was literally filled to the top: diapers, toys, clothes, bottles, a removable crib, and everything needed for the baby. And that the girl was still in the third month of her pregnancy.
Goku only saw with a drop of sweat the contents of her cart. He hoped that Bulma would fulfil her promise and that they could go eat somewhere as agreed.
A vein of growing anger began to form at Bulma's temple at the murmurs and whispers of some women and old ladies who were looking at them curiously.
The black-haired man wisely walked away, fearing that Bulma would retaliate against him. Having her near him when she was angry was quite a dangerous suicide.
"Young people today are very crazy,"
"You can see that that girl is barely over twenty years old,"
"Ufufu, the boy is very cute,"
"So young and they already want to be parents,"
"The world is not what it used to be,"
More and more gossip continued to be heard by Bulma, who couldn't take the tedious old ladies any longer.
"GET IN YOUR BUSINESS OKAY?!" Bulma yelled angrily, and the old women hurried away.
"Uh, Bulma?" Goku said hesitantly, tapping his friend on the shoulder. Bulma turned around, looking annoyed as expected. "I-I think it's our turn in line."
Bulma let out a sigh and straightened her hair before flashing her friend a smile, which relaxed him quite a bit, and advancing a couple of meters towards the line.
So my thought while editing this story is to fix the parts where needed and not change anything else. But while doing this I thought I could improve many sentences but refrained from doing that. So, tell me should I actually improve overall sentences or just fixes the parts only.
And here are some examples:
〖 N1–"Well, after all, he is the father," Fusui pointed out. "It's only logical that he takes responsibility." Bulma nodded in agreement.〗
〖 N2–"Goku-kun has had a really tough upbringing, being alone like that," Fusui said, looking surprised. "It takes a lot of bravery to face life like that."〗
〖 N3–Fusui knew the circumstances surrounding Bulma's pregnancy, but she had no idea what kind of person the father of the child was.〗
『 N4–The two robbers exchanged a look before bursting into laughter. They found it hilarious that Goku would even consider resisting them. "HAHAHAHAHA," they chortled, rolling on the ground in front of the entire crowd.』
『 N5–"It looks like they don't want to listen," Goku said, disappearing from view. "If that's the case, then you asked for it." His voice came from various places as he moved around the room. "Now you see me, and now you don't. Now you do, and now you don't."』
『 N6– I just changed the line completely rather than fixing a part of it.』
Happy new year 🎊❣️ everyone.