Dragon Ball: We are... parents?

Chapter 2: We will be parents? (2)

Goku told Bulma and the others that he would stop by later to visit them, of course, before he needed to rest for a while in his old home on Mount Paoz, his childhood friend replied "no problem", now she had enough time to organize a surprise party.

Just woken up, the black-haired man decided it was time, he called his flying cloud to go to Capsule Corporation where his friends were waiting for him.

In a matter of minutes he reached his destination, got up from it, and said goodbye to Kintoun, he noticed that the doors were open to his surprise, he entered but there was no one, the interior of the place was dark and empty.

"Hello? Is there someone?" Goku asked and his voice echoed off the walls, he was about to back down when suddenly the lights came on.

"SURPRISE!" Goku's friends exclaimed coming out of their hiding places, the black-haired man reacted scared but instantly he smiled scratching the back of his neck, he was quite glad to see them again.

"Wow, ar-are you G-goku?" Asked Bulma approaching him and touching his cheek, completely bewildered. "Is it really you?"

"Sure hehe, it's me, have I changed?" Goku asked, smiling eerily and everyone looked at him with a drop of sweat on their heads.

"Yes, it's really you," Yamcha said and everyone laughed at that comment.

"It's true, you look taller lol," said Krillin smiling.

"On the other hand, you haven't grown up," Goku said innocently and the bald man snorted in annoyance at the laughter of his friends, in truth Goku was still the same as always, he had changed physically but not mentally.

They kept talking to catch up, and when they finished chatting the party started with loud music, dancing, and laughter. Goku was more than satisfied because there was plenty of food, it was to be expected with Bulma being the organizer of the event.

There were all his friends: Krillin, Bulma, Yamcha, Kame-sennin, Oolong, Puar, Launch, Bulma's parents, Tenshinhan and Chaoz, enjoying the party in his way.

[E/N: Kame-sennin means Master Roshi.]

Bulma drank a lot of sake and other alcoholic beverages, she needed to enjoy the night as her best friend had returned after more than two years.

Little by little she began to lose her sanity, the alcohol clouded her judgement and prevented her from reasoning properly.

"Hey Goku," said Bulma with red cheeks, she was quite drunk. The black-haired man turned to her friend with his characteristic smile. "Can you accompany me to a place? It's for us to play something fun".

"Of course, I have eaten enough and it would not hurt to warm up the muscles jijiji" answered Goku smiling, the bluehead did not wait for a second more and took him to her room leaving the party, she closed the door with a lock, which surprised the black-haired man. "What will we play?"

Without warning, the blue-haired girl pushed him onto his bed, Goku leaned back, bewildered, and watched as Bulma began to remove her clothes.

"Bulma?" asked Goku, stunned, his stupefaction got bigger when in front of her eyes the bluehead undressed revealing her big breasts and her genitals. "What ...?" He couldn't finish when his lips met Bulma's in an immodest kiss.

The Saiyan could feel the alcoholic breath of his friend, who had put her hands around Goku's neck and was still kissing him hard.

"Just relax and I'll teach you to play-" Bulma moaned, completely ecstatic and obfuscated by alcohol. "I've missed you enough, you stopped being a kid and now you're a man, let's see how much you've grown down there" she whispered and the black-haired man looked confused.

A week after that:

Bulma was waking up and immediately ran to the bathroom with nausea and dizziness, vomited for a while, and returned to her room fearing the worst.

She remembered fragments of what had happened and she was quite ashamed because nothing similar had ever happened to her before.

It was her "first time" and she never expected it to happen that way and especially with Goku, they had unconsciously had sex.

She asked the black-haired man to not tell anyone about what had happened between them, it would be their secret, but now that she remembered it they had done it without protection which meant that...

"I'M PREGNANT!" she yelled and immediately called Goku, they needed to go to a hospital to perform an ultrasound, she was mentally praying that it was not true.

When they left the hospital, Bulma asked the black-haired man for discretion on the subject of her pregnancy, and he nodded confusedly without quite understanding what she meant.

Bulma needed to reflect on what happened, there was the option of abortion but that did not fall within her moral ethics, on the other hand, she could not raise the future child alone. what would her parents think?

She really regretted what happened, she succumbed to alcohol for the first time and the result was this, she was pregnant and the father of the child would be her best friend Goku, but now they would have to face the consequences, they would have to move ahead no matter what.

Goku did not understand what was happening, he remembered what happened that night, he played a strange and pleasant game with Bulma and then returned to his house to continue with his training. But a week later Bulma called him and now this happened.

"Bulma, what do you mean you're pregnant?" asked Goku, stopping in his tracks, in the middle of the road. "And why are you sad?"

Bulma didn't answer instantly, however, she walked over to a bench and sat down. The black-haired man imitated the gesture by sitting a few inches from her friend and looking into her cerulean eyes, noticing that they were glassy.

"Goku ... you're going to be a dad," said Bulma, smiling frailly and looking at the stunned expression of her friend, she would have never imagined saying those words.

"Am I going to be a dad?" Goku asked with a broken voice. "But if I don't have a son, why do you say so Bulma?" He mumbled with a shrug.

"Your son ... is in here" indicated the bluehead massaging her belly and Goku looked confused. "Do you remember when we made... "that game" a week ago?" She asked with a lifeless voice and to which he nodded "because when a girl and a boy play "that game" it means that they are going to have a child, the girl will be the mother and the boy will be the father" Bulma explained as simply as she could.

Goku nodded slowly understanding, in other words, now he would have a child with Bulma and they would both be parents, he remembered his friend Suno and her parents or even Bulma herself and her parents.

"I'm going to be a dad" Goku murmured perplexedly, he felt a strange sensation in his chest, he turned to Bulma and still seemed discouraged "so are you going to be a mom?"

"Goku ... I don't know, my studies are at stake also, what will my parents think when I give them the news?" Bulma asked worriedly.

"Don't worry Bulma, I promise you that everything will be fine jijiji" said Goku showing his thumb to his childhood friend. "We will be parents..." he muttered, still surprised.

"Yes, we will be parents, Goku," Bulma repeated, taking his hands and looking into his eyes. "Will you be with me in this?" asked the bluehead, the only thing she needed was the support of her friend and the father of her son. "Of course, we are friends hehehe, "said Goku smiling.

Bulma knew that Goku did not understand the meaning of being a father or even had any awareness of the act that she had done, even though she herself did not know the meaning of being a mother, she hoped that her parents would support her in the decision that she had made.

"Is the baby going to come out?" Goku asked, pointing to Bulma's belly and she smiled.

Surely there would be better candidates to be the father of his son but she was very happy that he was her best friend, it would be worse if it was someone like Yamcha, she had stopped loving him a long time ago, but now that Goku would be the father of her son, would she have to love him?

"Not yet Goku, in nine months" Bulma answered, narrowing her eyes, "Do you want us to go eat something?" she asked, smiling.

"SURE, LET'S GO!" Goku shouted getting up instantly as his stomach claimed him and the blue-haired girl laughed tenderly, it would definitely be long nine months of patience.

Who would say that by a "little accident" both would be parents?

"I know a bakery near this place, it's about a hundred meters from here you just have to-" Bulma did not even finish when Goku took her in his arms bridal style without warning and began to run quickly in the direction of the bakery. "GOKU BE CAREFUL WITH THE BABY!!" she yelled with a vein of anger on her forehead and the black-haired man swallowed with a drop of sweat.

Bulma is really scary when she is angry.

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