Chapter 28: True
The three friends arrived at Papaya Island Hospital within minutes, thanks to Bulma's supersonic-speed plane.
Fusui groaned, rubbing her temples. "Ugh… that was the fastest trip I've ever taken in my life."
"Ha! Rookie," Bulma and Tights said in unison, exchanging a smirk.
Fusui pouted dramatically. "Of course. The rich always humiliating the poor."
The Briefs sisters burst into laughter at Fusui's mock sarcasm.
As soon as they entered the hospital, they made their way to the reception desk to ask about Goku's room.
Bulma walked ahead, approaching the young red-haired receptionist, who was focused on his computer screen.
"Good afternoon," Bulma said politely. "My name is Bulma Briefs, and I'd like to know which room Son Goku is in, if it's no trouble."
The receptionist didn't even glance up.
Bulma cleared her throat, forcing a tight smile as Tights subtly gestured for her to try again.
"As I was saying…" Bulma repeated, her voice a little sharper, "I'd like to know which room a boy named Son Goku is in right now."
The red-haired boy finally spoke—but without looking up.
"Sorry, ma'am, but visiting hours are over."
Tights and Fusui immediately stepped back, sensing the storm that was about to come.
The vein forming on Bulma's temple was all the warning they needed.
Bulma's furious voice boomed through the hospital.
The poor receptionist fell out of his chair, his face turning pale with fear.
His first mistake was ignoring her.
His second mistake was calling her 'ma'am'.
And his biggest mistake? Angering a pregnant Bulma Briefs.
Goku had learned this the hard way over the past nine months.
Tights and Fusui exchanged amused glances, watching the familiar scene unfold.
"It never changes," Tights chuckled.
"Nope. Not one bit," Fusui agreed, crossing her arms.
The terrified receptionist scrambled back to the computer, his hands shaking as he quickly typed in the search.
"H-he's in Room 203! Th-third floor, fifth d-door on the l-left!"
"Thank you!" Bulma huffed, turning on her heel.
The redhead collapsed in relief as she walked away.
"Poor guy," Tights mused, smirking. "He looked like he was about to faint."
Fusui snickered. "To be fair, he brought it on himself."
With that, the three women headed for the elevator.
Moments Later…
Bulma's heart was racing.
She now stood outside Room 203, her hand hovering over the doorknob.
Behind her, Tights and Fusui whispered words of encouragement.
This was it.
She was finally going to confess.
After nine months, she was going to tell Goku the truth—about her feelings, about how much she loved him.
Who would've thought that the wild boy she found in the middle of a forest would one day be the father of her child?
Or that he would steal her heart completely?
No one.
Not even her.
For years, Bulma had dreamed of a "Prince Charming"—a tall, blonde, blue-eyed man, just like the ones in movies.
A hero who would rescue her from a tower guarded by a fearsome dragon.
But in the end?
Goku was nothing like that stereotype.
And yet—
He was perfect.
Tall, strong, brave—willing to sacrifice his life for those he cared about.
To Bulma, Goku was her real-life Prince Charming.
And despite his innocence, despite his cluelessness, she had fallen for him.
She loved his clumsiness.
She loved his smile.
She loved his bravery.
She loved his optimism.
She loved his sense of humor.
She even loved his unintentional romantic moments.
Because Goku didn't even realize how much he had changed her life.
He had never abandoned her.
He had stayed by her side—through everything.
And now, all she wanted was for him to love her back.
Not because he felt obligated.
Not because he had to.
But because he wanted to.
Because he chose her.
Bulma took a deep breath.
'This is it.'
She opened the door.
A rush of cool air greeted her as she stepped inside.
And there, sitting in the hospital bed, was Goku.
Surrounded by his friends.
Bulma's gaze quickly scanned the room—spotting Oolong, Yamcha, Puar, Krillin, Master Roshi, Tenshinhan, Launch…
And then, her eyes narrowed.
Two girls.
One she recognized from an ice cream shop months ago.
And the other?
The girl who ran off the stage crying.
Bulma's brows furrowed slightly.
What is she doing here?
Before she could say anything—
Her eyes met Goku's.
It was instantaneous.
Blue met onyx.
And for a brief moment, the world faded away.
Her heartbeat quickened.
And she could tell—his did too.
The entire room fell silent.
Everyone stared in shock.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity—
The shouted question snapped everyone out of their trance.
Yamcha, Krillin, and Oolong practically fell over.
"Y-you were supposed to be sick!" Krillin blurted out.
Bulma forced a nervous smile. "I-I came to visit… and congratulate you all."
Everyone's eyes shifted downward.
To the prominent bump on Bulma's stomach.
They turned to Goku.
Then back to Bulma.
Then back to Goku.
Bulma shot him a look of silent understanding.
Welp. They caught us.
Goku smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
Chi-Chi frowned slightly at the silent exchange between Goku and Bulma.
She had come to terms with Goku's rejection, but that didn't mean she had to like Bulma.
Akemi, on the other hand, simply crossed her arms.
She still hadn't gotten her photo with Goku—because of Bulma.
And then—
Yamcha, Krillin, and Oolong suddenly shouted in unison.
Tenshinhan, Chiaotzu, and Launch were stunned silent.
Master Roshi simply smirked knowingly.
"Now everything makes sense…" the old man murmured.
Goku laughed nervously. "Ehehe… hi, Tights! Hi, Fusui!"
Tights grinned. "Hey, Goku~!"
Fusui chuckled. "Congratulations, Dad."
Bulma let out a deep sigh, rubbing her temple.
"Alright… there's no point in hiding it anymore."
She glanced at Goku.
After nine months, it was time.
Time to tell the truth.
And finally—
Time to tell Goku how she felt.