Dragon Rider: A How to Train Your Dragon Story (HTTYD)

Chapter 23: Dagur and Heather

Sten and Vyra got out their weapons prepared to engage the mysterious woman standing before them. Strombreaker and Eruptor got back on their feet with growls and snarls at the Razorwhip, it was going to be one intense fight. The woman revealed her weapon of choice, a two headed axe with a blade at the ends of the handle.

"Who are you?" Vyra asked.

"You don't get to ask questions here. If there's anyone who's supposed to be asking questions, it's me. You may have taken our island from us, but we won't let you take this one too!" she said charging at them.

"This is a whole new level of crazy" Sten said.

He and Vyra charged at her as all three clashed their weapons. "You're going to give us the answers we need, or we're going to beat them out of you" Vyra said with an aggressive tone.

"Try me little girl" she replied as she pushed them back.

As the humans engaged themselves in combat, the dragons were no different. Stormbreaker and Eruptor growled at the Razorwhip as they circled it ready to pounce. Anytime they got close to it, it would lash out its tail striking the ground. Stormbreaker almost had her leg chopped of twice but continued to proceed with caution. Without warning, Eruptor let out a stream of fire at the Razorwhip forcing it to jump out of the way to avoid taking damage. This worked well with Stormbreaker's plan as she blasted other dragon midair sending it to the ground. The two dragons looked at one another and nodded, appreciating their teamwork.

On the other hand, Rune and Sandstorm were on the run from the Triple Stryke hot on their tail. With their enemy having the edge in speed over them, Rune had devised a plan to turn the tables on them. Sandstorm weaved from left to right avoiding fireballs launched at them. His dragon snarled showing his displeasure at the whole situation and Rune knew it was time.

"Alright bud, let's do this. Time to disappear"

Sandstorm grunted and the two were off, they couldn't use their speed in this fight but what they could use was their knowledge of the island against them. Sandstorm shimmied from left to right as he avoided two blasts; they took a sharp turn around a rock face and headed to the forest. This was where Rune would enact his plan.

"Come on boy faster!" he yelled.

Sandstorm roared as they got into a dive and descended to the forest with the Triple Stryke and its rider hot on their tail.

"We've got them now" he said with a little laugh as Rune and Sandstorm lined up perfectly in front of them.

The Triple Stryke opened its mouth charging up for a blast as they descended. Rune took a quick glance at his pursuers and knew his time was up.

"Come on, we just have to get to those trees" he said as Sandstorm grunted.

As soon as they got to the canopy of trees, Rune yelled, "Now!"

Sandstorm immediately took a sharp turn left and almost sort of vanished from their chaser's sight. The two followed the sound of beating wings and that was what Rune wanted, Sandstorm made more high speed turns within the forest utilizing his small size to his advantage to make such turns in the midst of trees. Soon, the Triple Stryke and its rider lost sight of them as they were unable to keep up with so many turns due to the size of his dragon.

"Come out! Come face us like a man!" cried the man as he and his dragon continuously checked over their shadows for the other.

Rune and Sandstorm moved quickly through the trees with the sound of them whooshing past in multiple directions causing their enemy to turn their heads around multiple times. Soon, Rune and Sandstorm emerged from the forest from behind their opposite duo and Sandstorm fired at them. Luckily, the Triple Stryke acted quickly as it used its wings to shield its rider from the blast but the force was still strong enough to knock him off his dragon.

Rune and Sandstorm landed immediately with Rune pointing at the Triple Stryke giving Sandstorm the command to hold him off while he spoke with his rider.

"Who are you? Why have you come here? Why do you keep on calling us one of Dane's men?" Rune asked in quick succession as he got out his axe, ready for combat.

"Is that not what you are?" the man said slowly rising to his feet. "Isn't that what you do? Going from island to island conquering them with your armada with men on dragon back?" he said.

"Wait, Dane has dragon riders now?" Rune said surprised.

The Triple Stryke got to its feet shaking its head as it tried to walk off the effects of the blast it had taken. Its eyes would soon fall upon Sandstorm who stood in front of him charged up for a blast and a menacing look on his face. The three tailed dragon grunted as the Sand Wraith huffed at him. With no rider or anything to use as a distraction, the Triple Stryke's arms were tied. Unless it employed its ominous weapon, its tails.

"Why do you act surprised, you're one of them aren't you?" the man said as he looked Rune dead in the eye without the slightest hint of fear in his gaze.

 There was a presence about this man, one reminiscent of a chief, a warrior, something Rune had felt around only one man before.

"No I am not. I am Rune Yakkerson from Berk"

As soon as Rune mentioned where he was from, the man's gaze softened.

"Wait, you mean to tell me you're from Berk?"

"Yes I am. My friends and I are one of the finest riders Berk has produced among others" he said.

"Forgive me, I had no idea you were one of our allies" the man said bowing.

"Who exactly are you?" Rune asked as he slowly lowered his axe.

"I am Dagur the Deranged. Chief of the Berserker tribe"

The sound of clanging metal and dragons tussling fell upon the ears of Thyra, Virgil and Forde who rushed alongside their dragons to aid their comrades.

"What in Loki's maze is going on here?" Thyra said confused.

The three of them assessed the situation with Virgil quickly recognizing the silver scale armor and the weapon of the woman.

"It can't be" Virgil said.

"What can't be?" Forde asked.

Virgil didn't have time to ask as he raced towards Vyra, Sten and the mystery woman.

"STOP!!" he yelled trying to get them to stop fighting.

Vyra, Sten and the woman were stuck in the heat of battle and didn't even realize that the others had arrived. Virgil raised his voice even higher as it finally got into the ears of the three.

"Virgil?" the woman said as she held off Sten.

She had been distracted by Virgil's appearance and Vyra took this as her opportunity to strike. She ran in from behind ready to strike her down with her sword only for Virgil to appear in front of her, she stopped her attack in the nick of time and wondered why Virgil had gotten in her way.

"What are you doing Virgil? She's the enemy, why wouldn't you let me take her down?"

"Because she's not the enemy" he said as his words caused more confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Sten asked.

"She is no enemy, but an ally of Berk. This is Heather, sister to the Chief of Berserker island Dagur the Deranged"

Heather then proceeded to take off her helmet revealing her face. Sten was taken aback by her beauty surprised that such a beauty could be under the mask.

"Damn" he said.

"Who are these people Virgil?" she asked.

"These are Berkians, trained and sent out by Hiccup himself. They mean you no harm" he explained.

"My, my, I had no idea. Forgive my actions" she said with a bow.

Seeing their riders' stop fighting, Windshear, Stormbreaker and Eruptor immediately seized their battle. Just at that moment, Dagur and Rune flew in and with all cleared; it was time for a very long talk.

They had all gathered in the Clubhouse, both rider and dragon alike as they would formally introduce themselves.

"Once again, I apologize for our behavior, we had no idea it was you" Rune said.

"No, no, the fault is ours. We jumped to conclusions quickly" Dagur said.

"With that out of the way, meet my friends. Vyra, Thyra, Sten and Forde" said Rune.

"I am very pleased to meet you all. This is my sister Heather" he said pointing to Heater who gave a little salute whilst leaning on a wall with her shoulder.

"So, what brings you to Dragons Edge?" Rune asked.

"We came here seeking a place of refuge for my people" Dagur said with a pained voice.

His words caught everyone's attention as the listened closely.

"What happened?" Virgil asked with a concerned tone.

"After that battle we fought together, Dane returned to our island. He sent wave after wave after wave of attackers. Eventually, they pushed us off the island. We grabbed whatever we could carry and fled before he could catch us. As I speak to you right now, Berserker Island is now under Dane's control" he narrated.

No one could believe their ears, had Dane become that powerful? How was that even possible?

"How is that even possible? You have dragons-"

"We may have dragons, but he has dragons of his own. An entire battalion of them" Heather cut in.

"How? He shouldn't be able to control them" Forde said.

"Well he is now. Somehow, he has managed to tame them" Dagur said.

Rune's mind immediately had flashbacks to the time Dane forced Hiccup to show him how to tame a dragon in front of him.

"Oh no" Rune said with a defeated tone.

"What's wrong?" Vyra asked.

"Don't you remember? When we were held captive on Dane's ship, he forced Hiccup to tame a dragon in front of him. That must have been where he learned how to tame dragons" Rune explained.

"You've met Dane before?" Heather asked.

"It's a long story" Sten said.

"Actually, our main aim when we set out to Dragon's Edge was to find out what he was really up to. Guess we got a little side tracked" Rune said with a nervous smile as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, we would need all the help we can get" Dagur said.

"You can count on us" Thyra said with an excited tone.

"Where are your people now?" Forde asked.

"We are taking refuge on Drenchwood Island at the moment but we do have a small squad still residing on the island" said Dagur.

"Wouldn't Dane find you?" asked Vyra.

"He may have taken over the Island but there are places on that Island he has no idea off" Heather said with a smirk.

"You're hiding in plain sight. I like it" Sten said pounding his fists together.

"Okay team, let's get ourselves and our guests something to eat, we live for Berserker Island tomorrow morning. We're going to finish what we started and we will not allow another soul suffer because of our mistake" Rune said with a stern tone.

The team nodded in unison. They all had their minds thinking of what they would face tomorrow but nothing could prepare them for what they were going to witness tomorrow.

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