Chapter 17: Ch.17 Light Snack
It took Elric and princess Aalis fifteen minutes or so to find the third prince of Ash Kingdom. It was only thanks to a castle maid, that held a grudge against the prince for "unwanted attention," that had seen the prince running towards the lower floors when she was bringing him lunch. The yellow bellied coward of a prince had ran to hide as soon as Elric and Blaze obliterated the front doors. The place he found to hide was actually quite good. If that maid had not seem him run down stairs to the basement floors it might have taken Elric and the princess most of the day to find him. He had hidden himself in a wine cellar behind a stack of red wine barrels.
** Meanwhile in the throne room**
Blaze was giving his father the king a tongue bath. She was licking him all over, not a single square inch of skin not covered by his robes was covered in dragon slava. It took Elric another ten minutes to forcefully drag the third prince into the throne room, dragging him by the hair. The three of them came into the throne room to the sight of the king shaking in his boots while Blaze continued to lick him.
"Well she either really like you, or very much wants to eat you." Elric told the King. "You have been a Very Good Girl Blaze, how about a light snack as a reward for not eating this silly old king?" The king and third prince looked at Elric with a confused look on their faces, they had no idea what he meant by "light snack", but they soon would find out that he was not referring to the bags filled with dry meat attached to her saddle.
Elric let go of princess Aalis' hand an drew one of his swords.
Blood sprayed everywhere in the throne room. Elric had cut both of the tendons that connected the third prince's ankles and calf muscles. This made it so it was all but impossible for the prince to run away. Elric then handed his sword to princess Aalis saying, "Here hold this for a moment." Elric then started to strip the third prince of all of his cloths as he was screaming in pain from his Achilles tendons being slashed apart. When he was done removing all of his cloths, Elric tossed the now totally nude bleeding prince to the floor, while walking towards the throne. Elric grabbed the smaller version of it that was to the right, dragging it to the center of the room. He then spun it around to where the back was facing the other larger throne chair, before walking over to take out a section of rope from one of Blaze's saddlebags. He Then walked over to the prince that was laying on the floor,picked him up, and carried him over to the back side of the smaller throne. Elric then tied the prince to the back of it before walking over and taking a seat in the bigger throne.
"Princess, use my sword and cut him, start with his pride as a man, cutting it off and letting Blaze eat it. After that move on to whatever you like. Just be sure to only cut small pieces off each time, I don't want him to die to soon. If you can't do it just sit here and I will do it for you. You will Just have to make sure his father is watching."
Princess Aalis indicated she could not do it. It was not because she did not want to but she had never held a sword before. Elric told her it was ok and got up off the throne and drew another sword. After she sat down on the throne he walked over to the prince. The third prince was now begging for his father the king to save him, but the king who feared that he might be next said nothing. The king only looked on in horror as the manhood of his only living son flew through the air towards the salivating mouth of Blaze.
His two other sons had died years ago on a distant battlefield. He was now being forced to watch as his last son was slowly tortured to death. The third prince who had thought that the pain of his tendons cut was bad, was now in a level of pain that he could not even imagen before now. Unfortunately It was only the beginning. Next was his nose, followed by his fingers and toes, cut off one digit at a time. Elric then started at the feet peeling off small slivers of meat and skin, tossing it all to Blaze that was loving her snacks. By the time Elric had made his way up to the prince's knees, the third and last prince of Ash Kingdom had died of blood loss in front of his father the king. The King was walling and begging for his life now. Elric decided to not waste anymore time now that the prince had died. He cut down what was left of the prince's body, and after removing the ropes let Blaze have at it.
Blaze walked over to the prince's remains an spat out a small flame roasting it slightly before chomping down. While Blaze cooked her "food", Elric walked over to the throne lifting up Princess Aalis placing her on his lap as he sat down. The king of Ash Kingdom, who had just witnessed his son die a death of one thousands cuts was now kneeling on all fours to Elric And princess Aalis that were sitting in his own throne, begging not to meet the same fate as his son. He knew it was all over for him and his family,and perhaps the kingdom he called home. All his sons had died, and he was certain he would be next, the only question in in mind was would he end up as dragon food or executed publicly by the king of Foust Kingdom.
Just as Blaze choked down the last bite of the prince, Captain Davis walked into the throne room. "I see you have already saved the princess, guess you don't need our help after all. You look quite comfortable sitting in that throne, with our Crown Princess on your lap. I take it that sad sack at you feet the the king." Capt. Davis said. "By the way where is that third prince that kidnap her?"
"Well guess I have my answer. So what are you going to do with the king at your feet?"
"Please Don't kill me, I will do anything you ask. The throne is yours I do not even want it anymore. I I just don't want to end up in the belly of your dragon." the King of Ash Kingdom said.
"Well you heard the man, uhaa Your Majesty Elric I guess, that is what I will have to call you from now on, so what are you going to do with him anyway?"
"I already said that I would let him live, after he told me where the princess was after his son failed to bring her to me for the 2nd time. I will let King Foust decide his fate."
"Was that before or after the two of you turn most of the city to ash?"
"After, I sent a local man with a letter to the old king and third prince when I got to the city from an inn. I had demanded that the king bring me Princess Aalis unharmed, along with the head of the prince on a silver platter by sundown or I would burn the city to ashes. As you can see for yourself, instead of doing as told, they sent someone to burn down the inn. That night I gave the messenger I hired widow the promised payment , and had her leave the city. At dawn I had Blaze create a wall of dragon fire covering the only gate leading in or out of the city."
"Yea, my knights and I used it to heat our lunch as it went out. The ground is still hot enough to boil water." Cpt. Davis cut in.
"We then circled around the city burning everything and everyone we passed. I was going to make a bet with you that my body count is bigger than yours, but I quickly lost count. Blaze got full so we laid down in range of the castle's archers so that their arrows could give us a massage. This poor kingdom is not even able to afford a single arrow head made of Dragon Steel. I did warn them in my letter that the weapons they had were unable to even scratch Blaze skin. Guess I forgot to mention that our armor was made out of Pure Dragon Steel, oh well. I got hungry so I went to the castle's kitchen, kicked the door in and ate this guys lunch. One of the cooks had the idea so send him the left over bones to eat. We then went around an smaed thou the front door. I gave the prince a second chance to live by bringing her to me. Instead of doing so he hid. After I had to go get Princess Aalis myself, I went and found the prince and brought him here. after that I feed him to Blaze one piece at a time making the old king watch."
"Remind me to never get on your, or Blaze's bad side."
Now that Elric had told him what happened, Cpt. Davis ordered one of the knights under him to send a swift tail bird with a note telling King Foust and Odis the details of Elric saving the princess along with asking them to come with the main forces. After doing so he looked at Elric and princess Aalis in his lap. Cpt. Davis motion to the knight that were walking in to the throne room to kneel as the did so as well. He then said, " Hail King Vellen of Ash Kingdom and Crown Princess Aalis of Foust Kingdom." "I have sent word to have your father and Odis travel with the army to this kingdom. "I have also sent a few knights to round up what is left of what I guess is now your army to make them swear loyalty to you."
The old King said, "The army and people of this kingdom mostly despise me and my son, I believe most of them will welcome you with open arms, my King."
"Me too, the cooks begged me to save them from you even. Am old lady I saved from thugs on the way here spat when I said anything about the third prince." Elric said.
Two hours later the knights of Foust Kingdom had gathered what was left of the Ash Kingdom Army and the castle staff. Every one of them prostrated themselves before Elric vowing to serve him as their King. The only thing that confused them was how a single boy had taken over the kingdom in less than a day. One of the old king's advisors took it upon himself to arrange a coronation for his new king to be held in three days. This would give the King of Foust a chance to arrive in time for it.
Elric's first official order was for a new capitol city to be built on the border of Ash Kingdom and Foust Kingdom. This city would remain as is never to be rebuilt and to be renamed Fallen Ashes. His new capital city would be named Dragon City in honor of Blaze, without her he would never become a king at ten years old.
After Odis received the note from Cpt.Davis and told the king what it said, the King ordered the army set out at once. King Foust also had Odis send a response back saying that he would be coming as well as the army and Odis, once he got there He would make an announcement of what reward Elric would receive along with the punishment that the now ex king would receive.