Chapter 19: Ch.19 Homecoming part 2 / Reward?
Two days went by quickly, with the castle staff and remaining advisors working around the clock prepare the city's arena that luckily was not burned down for a coronation. It was the only place in what was left of the city after Elric and Blaze burnt most of it to ashes, to hold the massive crowd that was expected to show up. This was not only because of a new king being crowned or his age, but the sentencing of the old king of Ash Kingdom would be held by the King of Foust Kingdom and the new king of Ash Kingdom immediately after. The staff was putting on the finishing touches, and makinging a few last minute changes Elric and or an advisor made, with the biggest being an additional small ornate wooden chair be added to the right of the throne, both in the throne room and on the arena's stage. Elric had a special plan for who was going to be sitting in it, for that he ordered ten of his new knights to bring that person to the coronation, telling them if even one hair of theirs was harmed they would be demoted and spend a week mucking the stables.
Elric had worked hard himself the last two days as well pouring over the finance documents along with the old king and his minister of finance. The three of them found a few of the merchants that were responsible for transporting potash to Foust Kingdom and three other kingdoms had been filling out false transport reports, calming more trips than had been made. This problem had already been solved as the four men behind it had died in Elric and Blaze attack on the city. Beyond that the only thing they found was that one knight had not received payment last month, Elric gave him the owed pay plus an extra ten silver.
It was a good thing that princess Aalis had asked that rooms be readied ahead of time for her father the king and Odis because they arrived half a day early, along with the full Army of Foust Kingdom. King Jhon Foust, Odis, and twenty-two knights headed straight to the castle, while the rest of the army cleared out part of the burned side of the city before setting up camp.
Princess Aalis, Cpt. Davis along with his knights went out to welcome them. Princess Aalis ran towards her father King Foust, and gave him a great big hug that lasted five minutes. After the hug was over she stepped back and said, "Welcome Father, King Foust, to the newly renamed city of Fallen Ashes umm, King Vellen is in his temporary throne room in the former Ash Castle, as the new Capital: Dragon City will take some time to build still."
"I think she just wanted to be the first one to say that" Odis said. King Foust gave out a hearty chuckle in response.
"I hope Dinner is ready,and maybe a place to take a good nap. The food the army cooks made on the way here was so bad I am going to make them all study under our castle cooks for a year once we get home. I will have to give the men an apology for subjecting them to such bad food for years." King Foust said.
"DAADDDD! You are a King,you can't go around talking like that, or so those mean old teachers you gave me say. I don't know if dinner is ready, but it will be good Elric was going to bring all the cooks back to his Dragon's Keep before he was to be made King. I have seen to rooms for you, and Odis myself, they are ready anytime you want, I will have a maid show you to them after you meet with the new and old King's of Ash."
"Ok, Ok you win, I don't want to keep the boy hrhum King waiting long anyway."
Princess Aalis ran ahead to the throne room. She wanted to be seated in the one next to Elric's when the rest of them made it to the throne room. So with the princess having ran off Cpt. Davis lead the way to the throne room. Once arriving at the doors of the throne room Cpt. Davis opened the doors while his knight and all but two of the ones escorting King Foust, and Odis joined the knights of ash kingdom guarding both sides of the doors. As King Foust walked in Cpt. Davis announced the arrival of King Jhon Foust of Foust Kingdom and his Grand Advisor Odis.
Elric went to stand up out of his throne to bow, but before he could do so King Foust stopped him saying," You will be crown King in the morning, remember as king you should never lower your head to anyone other than your wife or, wives should you have more than one, if you get caught doing something to upset them. Odis and I brought you twenty twin tail birds and a coronation gift, as for what reward you will receive for saving my lil princess, I will announce it after you are crown king. The letter Cpt. Davis sent said that you were going to allow me to decide the punishment for the former king, is that still your wish?"
"Yes, but if you do not require his head I do have a use for him."
"I see." "My lil princess sure looks like she has made herself comfortable sitting there next to you, I hope her sitting in what has the appearance of a queen's throne was by your doing and not something she did of her own accord. I'm sure you know how she can get, so if you can please excuse any of her non-princess like actions."
"I did have it brought out for her, and you are correct it belonged to the former late queen of Ash Kingdom who died while carrying her fourth child due to a mix up in her daly tonic for morning sickness. I found it a more fitting place for her than my lap as I had need to conduct state business and still wanted her close by under the protection of myself and Blaze."
"She does look and act the part of a young queen, if I do say so myself." Odis said. His caused King Foust to have an ugly expression on his face. He then whispered in Odis ear, "Are you trying to ruin the surprise?" Sadly for the king it was princess Aalis that was going to do that for him.
"Father, Why should I not go ahead and act like his queen, when I know that the reward that you are going to give him for saving me yet again is me. Even if I am wrong I will just pester you until I am right, starting with making you eat dinner with the army until we get back home."
"You little spoiled princess, are you really only eight years old, because you act just like your mother did at sixteen with all the wanting to be married off and spoiling of surprises." I guess you are like her in that you know my heart and mind all to well, I only wish she was here to see you walk down the aisle."
It took Elric a few seconds to catch on but when he did his face became bright red. He had even thought about asking for her hand once he was crowned king, as he had fallen deeply in love with her without even knowing it until she had said that she would not marry him thinking that he was the third prince at the time. He did not know why but hearing her say that hurt his heart somewhat.
"I miss momma too, I may not have ever got to know her outside of what I learned on remembrance days, but i still miss and lover her."
"You may not know this but it was the little man an soon king next to you that came up with the idea to have a day each year to remember her. He came to my chambers one night after seeing that I was sad even though your birthday was only a few days away, just to try and cheer me up. As you guessed, I did intend and still will announce that the two of you are to be betrothed formally upon our arrival back in Foust Kingdom. I take it that both of you are ok with this based on how my lil princess is practically begging for it to be so, and the fact that our young king over there is redder than an apple. However because she is my only daughter and Crown Princess of Foust Kingdom tradition dictates that she not be married until her 18th year. This would be the same if she where a prince, as the tradition is for the next in line to wait until eighteen to marry instead of being able to do so at the age of sixteen. I hope the two of you understand a can wait until then."
Elric finally given a chance to speak on the matter said, So she is to be my Reward? That is fine I guess, as I thought of asking for her hand after becoming king and able to do so, but was going to ask when we were older. But because she was able to guess it and would make you so so if she was wrong, can I ask for something else as well?"
"That depends on what that something is as I am already going to be giving you the most valuable thing in the world in my eyes."
" Want a hunting trip with my father-in-law and wife. Of course we will take Blaze along as well, Odis can come too if he wants, he is the closest thing to a father I have at the moment as I no nothing of my father and very little of my mother."
"That is all you want. Very well, What shall we hunt, and when should we go?
"Bandits, This will not only be something to keep me busy while my new capital city is built it will be good for the people of our kingdoms. We will be making it safer for them to travel between the two."
"You truly are wiser than your years, the letter you mother wrote to Odis said that you might be a lot smarter and stronger than others your age, looks like your mother knows you best despite not seeing you cense you were but weeks old. Maybe I should have not mention the letter, Odis you tell him about it. I will let what we did about it serve as a surprise for the betrothal party,so don't say anything about that."
" King Elric, as I told you your mother left me two letters, one for me to read after she left and another to give to you on your 18th birthday or when I think you have become old nuff to understand it and why she left you with me. I was asked not to tell you of your past that she told me a little about saying that she will tell you of it on her own. I only now read the letter I was given on the way here along with letting King Foust do so as well. I do not know what the letter for you says as I have never thought to read something intended only for you. Bing that you are about to become King, I will give you the letter from her to you after we get back from that hunt of yours. Let me be the first to congratulate the two of you on your engagement, she will make a fine queen for you."
"As everyone else is going to have a surprise announcement I will be requesting one as well for after the official betrothal."
"Ah yes that is only fair after all." "Now how about some dinner."
"Father What did I tell you..."
Ho ho there goes that little Queen of yours Elric, remember what I said about lowering one head as King, guess I should add daughters to that list as well."
"Aalis, quit teasing your father, You know I ordered dinner to be made as soon as they arrived, I even had meals sent over for the generals of the army as a way to ask them to help train a few of my men." This was the first time he did not address her as princess, no one even noticed. That night after dinner that the king of Foust praised several times, everyone went to bed in their own rooms accept princess Aalis who after being told that she could not spend the night in Elirc's room yet again, as she tried to do do every night, from the time he saved her from the prince, stayed and sleeped with Blaze in the throne room. Blaze was to big ,being the size of a large horse, to fit in any other room or passageway in the castle. She could only make it as far as she did thanks to the throne room and the hall heading to it being constructed so that a knight could ride into the throne room to report to the king. She said," If I can't sleep in the same room as Elric I will sleep with Blaze from now on as she can't sleep with him in this castle eather as it is to small, and she may get lonely at night." Everyone just caved in not wanting a fight, and Elric did feel bad about leavening Blaze all alone. The two had always sleeped in the same place from the time he found her til the day they burned the city to ashes.
The next Morning a grand day started, with much fanfare Elric was crowned king in front of thousands of people from Ash kingdom, the full army of Foust Kingdom, King Jhon Foust, Odis, and a few envoys of other kingdoms. Princess Aalis was the one to crown him king, after she did so he also placed a trara on her head, saying that the people would soon understand his act of doing so. Right after he was crowned he called forth Ethel of Liem Village to come up to the stage. None of the people there beyond the knights he sent for her knew who she was or her importance, She was the old woman he saved from thugs on the roadway. Once she was before him she did her best to bow to him before he prevented her from doing so stunning everyone including her. Elric then said " I King Elric Vellen of Ash Kingdom as my first official order as King do hereby appoint Ethel of Liem Village to the position of Voice of The People. She will hold the power of a magistrate and be above even a city lord. It is her duty to be a voice for the people and bring the needs of them to me. She will also be able to handle matters that do not evolve, other kingdoms, land disputes or noble houses on her own authority. All matters outside that authority will be dealt with my me, my Dragon Blaze, or my Queen once there is a queen. Myself, Blaze and the to be Queen will all be equals in power. As far as my second order, the capital will be moved to Dragon City once construction of it is done. Until then I will be staying in my Dragon's Keep in the capital of Foust Kingdom and coming to this city every few days to handle matters that are over the level of authority of The Voice of The People."
After saying so Elric now king gave the stage to Odis so he could introduce King Foust and order the old king be brought up to the stage for sentencing. "Before I pass judgement on the former King of Ash who I have been given authority to do so by King Vellen as it was the Crown Princess of my kingdom that was kidnaped, I have to announce the reward of the one who rescued her. It was none other than your new King, who before being your king was named as her Royal playmate and protector after he saved her life when she fell into a well. His did this at risk to his own life at only five years old. His reward is to be married to Crown Princess Aalis of Foust Kingdom in the night of her 18th birthday." The crowd burst into an uproar shouting Hail King Vellen, Hail Queen Aalis, Long Life, Long Life, Hail.... They now understood why Elric had placed the tiara on her earlier, it was a sign that he had accepted the betrothal and that this was only an official announcement of it with the official betrothal to be held in Foust Kingdom later.
Raising a had to quite the crowd King Foust continued , " Old King, seeing as the third prince was the one behind it, and that he payed for his crimes with his life, I will not take your life. Had you not not haded your throne to Elric of your own accord, I would have taken over this kingdom by force. Seeing as your power has already been striped, I sentence you not to live in prison, but to a life of servitude to repay the people of the land that you had forsaken,allowing your sons to run wild and do as they pleased. As for how you will serve I leave that up to your new king."
" Thank you father-in-law, He will spend the rest of his days as an aid to the minister of finance, and help find ways to improve the lives of everyone of the subjects he failed to serve and protect as their king." This brought more cheers from the crowd. After all in attendance were treated to a feast, Elric lead, his bride to be, father-in-law, Odis, and Ethel to his throne room were Blaze was waiting. the First thing he did was toss Blaze five steaks, and tell her she was a good girl for staying in the throne room and not scarring all of their subjects. once he was done praising Blaze, he showed Ethel to her chair to the left of the throne. Odis noticed it looked alot like his in Foust along with being located in the same way. After Ethel was seated he took his place on the throne and Aalis sat on the one that was to be hers soon, but not soon enough for her liking, Ten years was a long time especially to an eight year old girl.
Elric took time to go over how he wanted Ethel to run the day to day of the kingdom until his new capital was built. He had Odis show her how to make use of the twin tail birds should she need him to return before the scheduled weekly return. After he was done, He ordered the maids to set up the old Queen's chambers for Ethel. The queen's chambers would serve as her private rooms until She would move to Dragon City as well.
The next day Elric and Aalis were escorted back to the capital of Foust under the guard of the full armies of Foust and Ash Kingdoms minus the twenty-four knights left to help Ethel maintain order until the rest of the army returned from the escort in a few days time. The day after they all returned to Foust Kingdom in a Grand Homecoming the official betrothal party was held where many surprise announcements were made.
The first was made by King Foust, He told Elric that after reading the letter he ordered ten of his fastest riders to go look for his mother starting in Port Nass. This caused Elric to thank him and to also send twenty of his own scouts out to find her. Odis announced that he would also be getting married if Ethel felt the same way as him. He had fallen in love at first sight with the wise old woman. The last was the biggest of them all by Elric.
"Once Aalis and I are married, as I do not want to take away the future Queen of Foust, She will rule Ash by my my side as I said as an equal, with no less power than I, so to accomplish this my new capital as you know is being built on the border of the two kingdoms as you know, as for why It is so that with your blessing father- in- law, once you decide to step down as king and Aalis is made queen of Foust, as you have no planes to remarry, I want to merge the two kingdoms into one. For now even though we have yet to actually wed, I would like to treat it as if we have a marriage alliance, I will keep being her protector and Blaze, myself and my army though small for now are all at the beck and call of father-in-law should any need arise. I do not know if any of you noticed but Blaze has grown almost a foot taller in the last two weeks I think it is because of all of the "Food" she ate in Ash Kingdom. My want to hunt bandits was a two fold thing, the people of out kingdoms will be safer without the bandits, and I won't bankrupt my recovering kingdom feeding a growing Dragon."
The only problem now was what Princess Aalis would do at night, as Blaze was now back to being able to sleep in the same room as Elric. If she knew that the two sometimes sleep curled up with each other, Aalis might die of envy. If she ever found out she might never sleep in her own room again.