Dragon's Throne : Rise of Dragons

Chapter 21: ch.21 Mom is still alive

A year past with no news of the scouts finding his mother. Elric was now a 5'6" eleven year old. This made him quite tall for his age, as the average height of a human child at that age is between four to five feet. Blaze had an even bigger growth spurt than Elric, she was now one and a half times the size an adult horse, abd her tiny bat wing sized wings had grown to be around half the length of her back. Because of their size they were only powerful enough to slightly boost the height of her jumps.

Dragon City could now house forty thousand people and construction of the castle was almost complete. With ninety-five percent of the castle done, Elric ordered Ethel to move court from Fallen Ashes to the castle in Dragon City a week ago. There was no problem in doing so because the five percent remaining to be build was mostly the last section of the area set aside for Blaze's private bedchambers and a few of the defence towers. Elric spent a lot of his time here now, only leaving to spend time with Aalis in Foust Kingdom or hunt bandits as a form of training.

With Foust Kingdom acting as backup and a "pet" dragon instead of a castle house cat the defence towers were a bit unnecessary anyway. No Kingdom on Fargo was dumb enough to attack Ash Kingdom now. Their Kings had seen what he and Blaze did to the old capital of Ash Kingdom. They did not think he would stop with only burning down most of their capitals in response to an attack on him or his kingdom's people and lands. Rumors had also spread of what he did to the third prince, making everyone understand that Princess Aalis was his and totally off limits.

With no word from the scouts, Elric decided to use the rune taught to him by his mother's letter, after discussing the idea with Odis and Ethel for a few days. Elric had a harder time finding a compass that he liked than drawing the simple rune. He found a palm sized round brass one that had a flat back. It also the 2 sided pointer, one side that was red the other was black, and sixteen lines maring out directions instead of only four or eight. The red side of the pointer would normally point north, but after Elric drew the rune on the back of it ,it would point to his blood relatives instead. Elric used a long needle to prick the tip of one of his fingers. Using his blood as the ink he drew on the rune on the back of the compass. It was a circle with a + in the middle of it, the the lines of the + touching the circle.

Once Elric finished the last line of the rune the pointer of the compass started spinning rapidly. after thirty seconds it started to slow down. One minute later it stopped spinning and pointed in a mostly southern direction. Like this Elric knew the rune had worked and the compass was now a Bloodline Compass that would only ever point to him or his blood related family that were more than one hundred feet away from the compass.

Elric spent the next two days going over everything he and Ethel could think of before leaving with Blaze for Foust Kingdom. He wanted to spend a few days with his bride to be ,father-in-law, and Odis before setting out to find his mother. He had thought it best not to take Aalis with him, as it was unknown how long he would be gone and what danger he might have to face.

Elric and Blaze spent the next week in Foust Kingdom. Elric had taken princess Aalis on many shopping trips during this time showering her in gifts and candy. Blaze even gave her a short ride around the castle while Elric spent time with the men talking of hunting and such along with talking about the princess given that she was not able to hear them at the time. One of the thing they talked about was what Elric had to do or say to keep her from insisting on going with him. He had to promise her that he would bring his mother back or take her to see his mother before the wedding and that his mother would stand in for hers at the wedding.

Elric managed to get the princess Aalis to let him kiss her on the lips when saying goodbye, it was the second time they had a real kiss despite the many many times she kissed him on the cheek. Feeling jealous of the princess Blaze slipped Elric some tongue in front of everyone making him and princess Aalis turn bright red, even more so after her father, and Odis said it was her turn to do so. She promptly screamed no ,and ran back inside the castle and buried her head in her pillow.

"Well that was easy, I won't have to drag her off the back of Blaze to keep her from going with you despite the promise." said King Foust.

"It almost seems as if Blaze did that because she got jealous of the princess kissing you. You know the old books say that dragons are very smart and may even be smarter than most other races,and have strong emotions. What I'm getting at is you better watch your back or she might want to make eggs with you when the two of you get older. I would say that normally you would die well before she was old enough to do such things, with her it is hard to tell, because as a hatchling she was able to breathe fire. That is something everything I have read says is not possible before the age of over a hundred years even a thousand years of she was part black or white dragon." Odis said.

"Be safe, and send word once you find her, this is our fastest twin tail bird, use it to do so. Goodbye Son-in-law."

"Goodbye Father-in-law and Odis, I will be back soon hopefully with my mother."

Once goodbyes were over Elric and blaze setoff for unknown lands with only a compass to guide them. The trip took the two of them towards the center of the continent of Fargo. Blaze was an extremely fast runner several times faster than the best race horse all but confirming Elric's belief that either her mother or father had to be a gold dragon. Gold dragons were a offshoot or type of earth dragons tuned more towards metal but still retaining most of the land speed abilities earth dragons were known for. Blaze could probably ran for days on end, but Elric had her stop at night to rest in case they had to fight. Seven days into the journey the two of them came across a small village close the the Midland Sea that Fargo was famous for. It was the largest inland body of water in all of Zania. Not only that it was also salty like the two oceans, and had a large island in the middle. This caused it to look somewhat like an eye, and the area was sometimes called The Eye of Kur, after the legendary father of dragons.

Elric and Blaze were going to ride past this village so not to scare the locals with the sight of Blaze, but as they rode past the compass spun pointing back at the village. This meant that Elric's mother Ciara had to be in the village unless he had a twin, because of how strong the compass reacted. as it would be pointless to try and cover Blaze with a blanket like he did when first going to Ash Kingdom because of her size, the two of them would just have to deal with the villagers reactions to her.

It was a small fishing village so small it did not even have a name that was known to anyone other than those that lived it it. With the compass and talking to the villagers, mostly to calm them down after they saw him riding what appeared to be a young or sub-adult dragon, meaning that the dragon had yet to reach adulthood and be capable of flight, he found her house, once the villagers had calmed down. They told him the village was called Emoh or home spelled backwards. An elder pointed out the house that belonged to his mother, the compass pointed towards it as well.

Reaching the small house Elric hopped off Blaze calling out," Mother, Ciara, It is me your son Elric, I finally found you thanks to the rune your letter taught me. The thirty scouts we had looking could not even find a trace of you outside of Port Nass in a years time, Mother, Mother I am here."

Ciara dropped the basket of laundry she was putting out to dry behind the house when she heard Elric call out to her. She ran around the tiny house as fast as she could run, embracing the boy calling her mother without a second thought.

"Mother, you a hugging me to tight, if you are not careful you might be cut by my armor, let me take it off first. I would hate to see you get hurt by it." Elric the broke free of his mother's hug just long enough to remove the outer plate armor, she did not give him time to remove the chain mail under it. After what could be called a record breaking long hug mother and son stepped back just a tiny bit. Elric took this chance to introduce his mother to Blaze.

"This is my dragon, her name is Blaze, I found her in an apple tree when i was five years old, she has been by my side everyday sense then, is my best friend and mount."

"So, that is what a young dragon looks like, why don't we go inside and I can make us dinner. Well not Blaze as she is way to big to fit through the door. I guess that I can make her dinner as well and bring it out to her. What does she eat anyway?"

"Blaze will eat almost anything you put in front of her, but sugar stars, a type of candy, carrots and bandits are her favorite things to eat. She also has a fondness for princes i think though she as only ever gotten to eat one. My soon to be father-in-law doesn't me going around starting wars just to feed her more after all. She should be good for a day anyway, as I feed her three bandits we found outside the village just a few moments ago."

Elric tossed a small coin bag to his mother saying, "Here you can have the reward the village elders gave me for getting rid of them, it is not much and I tried to refuse it but the elders insisted i take it. So please keep it for yourself or give it back to them for me. I have more than enough on me to buy this village several time over."

It took Ciara a full two minutes to recover from what she just heard, it was too much all at once. He had basically just told her that killing bandits was easy for him to the point of using them to feed a growing dragon and that he found a girl that he was set to marry. He even went on to tell her he was rich as all get out.

"I guess you truly are your father's son, I will tell you about him when you are older, for not let us go inside, I want to cook for you while you tell me more about what you have done from the time i left you with the old man till today, and you better tell me all about this bride of yours. I want to know what kind of woman was able to claim your heart at such a young age."

Mother and son then went into the tiny home. Once inside Ciara told him to sit at the table while she made the two of them something to eat. Elric told her she might want to sit down before he told her about his life up to now. After she sat down Elric began by telling her about how the old man Odis turned out to be the Grand Advisor of Foust Kingdom. He then went on to teller he learned to read really early ,and how he manage to get Blake the swordsman that saved them in Port Nass to teach him the way of the sword. He then told her about how Odis got called back to the castle when he was five years old, and how that was the day he found Blaze in the tree, and saw is bride to be for the first time. After a short pause to let her digest what he had told her up to this point, Elric told his mother that the girl he was going to marry was the Crown Princess Of Foust Kingdom to whom her father betrothed to him after he saved her life for the second time.

Knowing that that was a really big thing to get over learning or so he thought, he gave his mother time to make the meal and eat with him before telling her the really big stuff.

"The first time Blaze and I saved, princess Aalis was when she fell down a well, the two of us jumped in after her and Blaze somehow was able to spit out a tiny little flame just big enough to light of a few feet around us. Mother, Besure to hold on to something im about to tell you the really big stuff now."

Ciara did as her son asked an grab hold of the sides of the table in front of her tightly. "The second time I saved her was just over a year ago. She was kidnaped by the third prince of Ash Kingdom the night of her birthday. Blaze and I then snuck out of the castle though I think her father the King made it so that i could do so with ease. Once we got to the capital of Ash Kingdom I wrote a letter to the king telling him to bring her to me at an inn in the city along with the third prince's head on a silver plate. He did not do so and the third prince ordered the inn burned down in the middle of the night. So the next day we burned down most of the city with dragon fire. After that i stole the Kings lunch and made him tell me where she was or he would end up a dragon chow. After i rescued Aalis I feed the third prince to Blaze one slice at a time making his father the king watch. The old fool begged me for his life. Are you ready for the best part mother?"

"I I I think so."

"Part of his begging was to give me the throne, a few days later, when father-in-law arrived, I was crowned King of Ash Kingdom and as a reward for saving the princess again we were betrothed."

It took his mother, Ciara two days to recover from the shock of her son becoming a king by his own power, with the aid of his dragon Blaze at only ten years old. After the two days his mother told him that because of a rule of her family that she would tell him about later, her powers were sealed so that she could marry outside of the family clan. She also told him that she was allowed to undo the seal if her life was in danger, or was no longer under the protection of her husband, but she needed a hard to find herb to do so. She had left Port Nass for this village in hopes of finding it.

After she told Elric it was called Sea Heart Grass along with what it looked and smelled like, He insisted on going to find it for her and left with blaze to do so the next morning.

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