Chapter 8: Ch.8 Royal Summons
It was a warm spring day and the now five year old Elric had finished going over the history of the local area including the rise to power of the current royal family. The Foust Kingdom came into power around three hundred years ago not through bloodshed like most but by a simple merchant that started a market of sorts for traveling merchants and adventures in the mostly unexplored north of the continent of Fargo. The market was extremely popular as the merchants did not have to risk the dangers of the harsh beast filled woodlands and the adventures no longer needed to head all the way back to a large city in the south to buy the supplies and replacement arms needed in their efforts to explore the north. As suck it quickly grew from a market zone in the woods to a frontier settlement with hundreds of residents. Within ten years it grew into what could be said to be the start of a new country or kingdom. Some thought that this man must have made a deal with a devil to be gifted a silver tongue thus the term "Faustian Deal" was born. In twenty years of exploration the northeastern most point of Fargo was discovered some thirty-five miles away from the new Kingdom of Foust where a port was established. This port was under the rule of the near by Foust Kingdom and helped cement it as the main trade route going between Tera to the east the rest of Fargo.
With today's lessons over Elric was out riding with Blake close to the main road that led back to Odis' manor. They had already ridden around most of what could be considered the lands belonging to Odis; this was the norm for when Blake took Elric out for a ride and served to not only serve as riding practice but sort of a patrol as well. This was because Blake's main duty was the security of the manor and surrounding lands.
Being that they had been riding for some time now they stopped by a small pond that was by the road way about one hundred yards away from the main gate to the manor to water the horses. Elric was asking Blake if he had ever ran across anyone up to no good during one of his patrol rides, to which Blake said only a few times and it was nothing more than a rouge bandit trying to hide out that where quickly dealt with, when they notice a rider approaching the gates.
Blake and Elric quickly got back on their horses and rode out to meet the incoming rider. Upon reaching the gate they were able to make out the rider some what. It was a man dresses in light chainmail with a long sword at his side and a red cape barring the emblem of a mirror. This was the emblem of the Kingdom of Foust. The red color of the cape indicated his status as a envoy of the royal family. Riding closer Blake waved to the royal envoy saying "Well meet, Royal Envoy of Foust, what brings you to my master's humble lands this fine day?"
"I come barring a letter for Lord Odis. If you will be as kind as to lead me to him it would be most helpful as it had been a long time cense I came last as you know Sword master Elric." said the Envoy. "Yes, at once. While the trip is quite short, while I lead you to the main parlor I will have young Elric tend to stabling the horses and call for someone to bring refreshments." Blake replied. After they arrived back at the manor Elric walked the three horses to the stables telling "Old Bell" whom he saw along the way to bring refreshments to the mail parlor as they had an important guest to tend to. Once he was done tending to the horses he ran back to the manor and up to Odis' study to tell him of the envoy's arrival if he was not already made aware by Blake.
As Blake was still tending to the needs of the envoy Elric beat him in telling Odis of the envoy's presence down in the main parlor of the manor. Once he informed Odis of the envoy coming with a letter from the capital they went down stares to the parlor. When Elric and Odis walked into the parlor the envoy stood up an bowed deeply towards Odis as a sign of respect. "Lord Odis I come barring a letter from the king addressed to you." said the envoy in a respectful tone. He then reached into his pouch and took out a rolled letter bearing the royal seal of Foust and held it out for Odis.
Odis reached out and took the letter from the envoy and broke the seal allowing him to unroll it and read its contents.
Lord Odis is here by summoned back to the royal castle in the capitol city of Foust to resume the duties of his post as The Grand Advisor to the King. Please make make haste in departure as Your presence is requested Immediately.
It went on to say at the bottom if a smaller fount. Dear, friend your time away while earned by our many many years of service to my father and myself has cause you to be dearly missed and I once again require you my my side. The letters back and forth over the last seven years have been of great help to me and the kingdom, but it is not the same as having you by my side.
Having read the summons Odis turned to look at Blake as said "I need you to have my carriage made ready within the hour. I have been summoned back to the castile and will be taking the young Elric with me." Hearing this made Elric extremely excited as he had only gone as far a the manor's gates in the five years he had lived with Odis. He shouted questioningly "I I get to go to the Foust Castile that have have read so much about?" "Yes you do, Elric now go pack your things. Be sure to grab your little sword and whatever books you might like to take because it will be a long while before we may return possibly years." Odis said in reply.
Elric quickly ran up to gather his belongings from his room. Old Bell came to help him, mostly to ensure he packed cloths and not just his sword ,books, and favorite riding hat. Around forty minuets later everything had been packed and the envoy, Odis and Elric where seated within Odis' carriage ready to leave. As far as Blake he had rode ahead to return the envoy's horse to the royal stables and inform the king that Odis would return within the hour.
Arriving at the castile Elric was amazed at how big it was, with over twenty battlement towers in the surrounding walls. Elric who was still trying to wrap his young mind around all that was going on, and how something big could be could be built was lead to a court yard to play. He would be under the supervision of a few castle guards as Odis reported formally to the kings summons and rooms were prepared for the two of them.
While playing in the court yard Elric heard strange sounds coming from the top of a near by apple tree so he ran over to see what was making the noise. When he got under the tree he could see what he thought was a large cat stuck in the top of it. Being a good lad he wanted to save the poor thing. He also thought that if he saved it maybe he would be allowed to keep it as a pet. So he climbed apple tree to see if he could get it down. Upon reaching the creature, Elric noticed that it was not a cat at all, but he still thought it was crying for help so he was going to try and save it. Using all the strength his little body could muster Elric was able to pull the things head out of the fork in the branches it had gotten stuck in. He then wrapped one arm around its body and climed down.
Once he was down a guard had rushed over to yell at Elric to tell him not to climb the trees. The guard was about to open his mouth to tell Elric if he wanted an apple just to ask when he noticed something was in his arms. It was strange looking and the guard had never seen a beast like it before. The guard asked if Elric or the other guards had any idea what it was. None of them had any idea what this small dog sized thing was. It was covered in a golden red scales and looked like an over grown salamander to one of the guards. Elric said "I thought it was a big kitty stuck in the tree that is why I went to save it thinking maybe I could ask to keep it as a pet. I still want to keep it maybe Odis will know what it is because he is really smart an knows almost every thing."
One of the guards offered to go see if Elric could bring the thing to the throne roon where Odis and the king were while another helped Elric try a see if it was hurt or hungry. It quickly ate the strip of jerky that Elric pulled out of his pocket. It refused to take anything the guard offered to it, however it would happily eat it if it was Elric that gave the food to it. Seven minuets later the guard came back from the throne room saying the King had agreed to let him come. In face King Jhon was interested in what this creature that was found in one of the court yards of his castile was.