Chapter 26: Punishment
Dream shifted dimensions as they did, following some strange path between worlds. The path was linked to his chest by a golden string. It was an eternity that lasted only a moment. Shifting, changing futures, worlds upon worlds, decisions upon decisions. Everything.
Dream reached out and touched a strand, but he wasn't there anymore. The temporal distortion lasted only as long as he remained still. An eternity in a moment is still only a moment to someone focused on their own frame of movement. In the time it took Dream to raise his arm, it was over. An eyeblink in forever.
It turns out the other Dream had, in fact, trapped the portal. It was encased in dirt and cobble and obsidian.
Tubbo started to dig out while TommyInnit panicked. He didn't like not being in control, Dream could see it from his eyes, hear it in his breath. And he felt the aura of terror wafting off of TommyInnit.
TommyInnit looked around wildly for a solution. There, a gap of air. Dream watched his mood change colors as he spotted the small sliver of sky.
TommyInnit pulled out a small, round orb. Dream couldn't look directly at his closed hand. It was like a small sun, muted through TommyInnit's hand, but still there. It wasn't bright, like the sun was, but something different, something new. Something completely terrifying and fascinating.
TommyInnit hurled it into the air, through the small gap. Dream watched it soar, a small pinprick of the strange not-light, soaring up to infinity. But then a darker object fell down from the not-light. It was small, about the same size as the source of not-light, and a deep green color, mixed with a bit of dark midnight blue, and black in the center.
When it landed, TommyInnit disappeared. Dream gaped for a moment, then he zoomed through the air towards where the green orb had landed. Surely it had to be some...
But of course. Dream breathed out a sigh of relief. It was just an ender pearl, that was all. TommyInnit teleported to where it landed. But what had that not-light been? Strange.
Dream stopped, then slowed. There was TommyInnit, crouching on a tree and breathing hard. The ender pearl would have taken some of his health, but it wouldn't be a lot. Only around one and a half hearts of damage.
Dream swiveled his head, and looked back at the barricaded Nether portal. Somewhere in there was Tubbo. Dream hoped he could get out in time, though it wasn't likely. He saw the other Dream digging through it himself to get in at Tubbo. What he didn't know was that TommyInnit had already made it safely out.
Dream watched anxiously, along with TommyInnit, as the other Dream tore through the dirt enclosure. Within a few seconds, he was in, and Tubbo was exposed. Dream could hear his shouting as the other Dream killed him, and tried not to imagine the sickly scene.
There it was.
'Tubbo_ was slain by Dream using [nightmare]'
Dream sighed. Well, it was fine. At least TommyInnit got away.
But they didn't really accomplish their goal. They had been trying to kill the other Dream. For some reason. Dream still didn't understand why. The other Dream had said that he didn't have the discs, either of them. If so, then what was the point of killing him? He was just going to come back anyway.
Besides, it wasn't like TommyInnit could possibly mess up now. All he had to do was run away from the other Dream and not towards him.
That should be simple. It's not like there was anywhere else to run. The other Dream was behind him, and he had ender pearls. He could easily get away if he just threw another one.
And he did. Again, the strange not-light soared up to infinity, and the ender pearl dropped to the ground. TommyInnit took a few more hearts of damage, but that was okay.
As long as he didn't throw another one, he would be perfectly fine. The other Dream was running towards him, and TommyInnit was just standing there. What happened?
What was he going to do?