Few days later as we sat at lunch in Nate's office I could feel his mind wondering off as he took a bite on his hamburger.

"Are you okay..?" I asked with curious eyes.

"Yeah,I am. Bell.." he called drawing back my attention as I continue eating my lunch

"Yes…?" I replied with a curious stare, I wondered what was going through his mind,

"About our earlier conversation… have you had a thought on it? I mean, if you aren't ready I will wait for you, but just promise me you would think about it," he took my hands into his forcing a smile.

"You are serious?" I asked with surprise on my face."

"Yeah I am," he smiled." But I wouldn't hurry you , just when you're ready." "I'm ready."

I just couldn't keep myself from smiling sheepishly. I took his head into my hands and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Is that a yes?" He asked excitement beaming in his tone.

"Huhmm!" I chuckled. "When should we get married then?" I asked feeling excitement flying like butterflies in my stomach.

 "Anytime you want." He beamed with excitement, he ran his hands down his chest perhaps trying to feel his heartbeat.

 I stood up from my sit and sat on his laps playing with his hair." You're so good looking," I took a deep breath caressing his hair. "If you had told me about your feelings before now, I was willing to elope with you. God! You're so handsome." I stared at his handsome face, he looked almost pretty, I really am to have his heart, I know they're lots of ladies who would give their last penny to have him in their arms."

"What are you thinking?" He caressed my face softly staring at me with an earnest vulnerable gaze.

"Nothing!" I shuddered feeling a throb in my heart, I couldn't tell what if it was of thrill or fear.

"Is that why you love me?" He hunched closer with a teasing smirk on his cheek.

"Huhmm, have I told you yet that I love you?" I laughed childishly.

"Oh! You don't? but I guess you have. And also you just agreed you would marry me! Would you marry someone you don't love?" He gave me a disappointed look.

"Language Nate, language! I said yet! I didn't say I don't love you, of course I do, I was just pulling your legs." I smiled happily patting his cheek like a baby.

"Whoa!" He shouted with excitement ," How about if we get married tomorrow?" He grinned showing his gap teeth.

"Tomorrow?!" I exclaimed with panic almost creeping on my face.

"Huhmm," he nodded. "You don't want to? Think it's too early?"

"Hmm," took a breath. " Not that Nathy, society would talk."

"Society..?" He frowned. " Where was society when a part of my heart was snatched away from me? Why didn't they talk? Well I guess it's em' wealthy people who are scared of society's talks." He laughed sarcastically.

"They might say I'm with child out of wedlock, although I don't care about it though, but it would rub on our status."

He hunched forward with a sneering smile on his lips. "Is that what scares you? O..kay, but we haven't even.." he tugged on my skirt.

"Nate, what are you doing?" In that split second I felt some rush in my tummy.

 "Nothing," he smirked and left a gentle kiss on my cheek with a teasing smirk on his face, still tugging on my skirt.

"Hmm," a small moan escaped my mouth. 

"You want it don't you?" He laughed hysterically.

"You're such a flirt," I stood up from his lap and placed my hands on my waist feeling embarrassed. " I wonder how I managed to stay with you over these two years."

"You have to thank me, just one touch would make you shiver," he smirked devilishly.

"Just hush!" I went over to the fridge to get water.

"So..when will you tell your parents about it?."

"Who talked about telling them? They're out of my life," I poured myself a glass of water.

"You have to, at least so you clear your conscience, even if they don't show up, there's nothing they can do since Colin is with someone else already," he walked towards me taking me into his arms. "To fulfill all righteousness." He whispered into my ears.

 "Hmm! Okay..if you say so," I laughed. 

"I do," he kissed my cheek.

"Are you going to stop being over me?," I pushed him away blushing really hard.

"No...why should I?" He narrowed his eyes, "By the way.." he pulled me close, took the cup and placed it on the table. "I'm just beginning, he cupped my face into his hands, with a smile he kissed my neck slowly.

"Stop..." I bit my lip feeling some sensations in my thighs.

"Should I stop?" He whispered softly into my ears with a teasing smile plastered on his face.

"Boss..." someone knocked on the door.

"Arrrragh! Who's that kill joy?," He cursed under his breath. 

"Hehe…" I laughed disengaging from his embrace.

"Let's continue some other time." He placed a small kiss on my lips and hurried away.


Few days later.

I sat on my bed trying to compose a message I would send to my parents.I definitely can't call them on voice call, they would never pick up.

'Mom,dad. I'm getting married on the 1st of next month, this is the address' I typed on my phone. ' You're both welcomed if you don't mind coming, but I would understand if you would be so busy on that day!'

This is okay I smiled wearily, then sent the message.

'What's taking him so long ?' I asked myself in panick as I lay on my bed. 'He said he wasn't going to take long.' Nate had traveled for a business trip, so I alone was stocked at home. I was feeling so bored and lonely. I decided to check up on him and hear about what has kept him from coming back home. I took her phone and placed a call on Nate's phone.

"Hey babe," he said from the other side after some rings.

"When are you coming back home?" I asked without replying his greeting.

"Awwn!" He exclaimed," I guess someone's missing me already huh!"

"When are you coming back home?" I repeated.

"I'm sorry, but business is taking longer than expected, I will be back home tomorrow or in two days time, just hold yourself together okay?"

"Two days..!" I shouted. I hanged up on him angrily and lay down forcing myself to sleep. My phone kept on ringing, I took the phone and turned on aeroplane mode. I shouldn't disturb him anymore, he should take his time to do his business.

The next day, I woke up pretty early to prepare something nice for Nate's return. It was past afternoon but he hasn't yet arrived. I walked up and down the house restlessly praying he comes home today. It exactly 7:00pm when I heard a knock on the door. I walked sluggishly to answer whoever it was.

'It better be him,' I frowned.

"Hey babe," he smiled sheepishly after I opened the door.

"Nate!" I exclaimed and jumped on him ecstatically.

"I see you have missed me so much huh!" He teased.

"Of course I missed you, but I'm angry with you," I folded my hands with a gloomy face.

"I'm sorry my love, there were a lot of things I was sorting out," he kissed my head.

"First get a shower, then you eat your dinner, after that you have to tell me everything in detail!" I pushed him away.

"Aye aye captain," he teased.


"There you are.." he said as he walked into the room. "I was looking for you ," he joined me on the bed. 

"Looking for me..? I've been here since, I told you, you needed to tell me everything thing ," I pinched his nose and climbed his back.

"Jeez! That hurts," he pinched me lightly on my cheek.

"I wanted it to, for making me wait that long ." I laughed, "now tell me everything."

"Well..," he started, carrying me into his arms. "After my business there was done, I made preparations for our honeymoon," he smiled warmly.

"That's great Nate!" I exclaimed," I'm finally going to have a real honeymoon, most importantly…with the love of my life." I crawled further into his arms with excitement.

 "Of course you're going to have a honeymoon, an expensive one at that,"He said with an hint of pride.

"I love you so much Nate," I said with a serious tone.

"I love you too Isabella, you know that right?" He pinched my lips lightly. 

"Of course I do!" I smiled.

"It wasn't a piece of cake though," he rubbed his forehead.

"What happened?" I raised my head with curiosity.

"Your ex-husband did a great deal to make sure it didn't work out well. Most of the honeymoon resort I went to all declined my offer saying they had no more reservations. But I had some good friends who helped me pulled some strings, and we got one of the best resort in Sandals Royals Caribbean in Montego bays, in Jamaica !"

"Whoa that's great !" I jumped on excitedly, "I've always wanted to visit Jamaica."

"I know, I knew you would love it," he grinned. 

"Of course I do," I danced around happily.


I sat on the dresser in my hotel room,looking at the mirror to see how well my makeup made me look.

"I look like a Queen." I smiled at myself. They weren't anyone here to tell me how I looked, but I knew I looking amazing. 'I just can't wait to be your wife,Nathy,' I giggled with excitement. Just then I heard a knock on the door. "Yes.." I answered the door.

"Your ride is waiting ma'am." The voice said from outside.

"Alright I will be there in a minute ." I looked at myself for the last time and took a long and deep breath. "I'm good to go."


Few minutes later I arrived at the church. I looked around through the tinted window.

 'Oh how ironic life is!' I thought. "I was getting married to someone I didn't loved, but then was surrounded with a lot of families, but now I'm just alone...but I'm getting married to the one I love. Well...that's all that matters." I smiled.

 Taking a glimpse at my wristwatch, 10:00 it read. 'Shouldn't we be going in already?' 

"Your mom is here ma'am," the driver said drawing me back to reality.

"Mom..?" I looked through the window and saw my mom outside the car." Let her in," I took a heavy breath curious of the reason she wanted to see me. Well I guess she managed to attend.


"Hi ma." I greeted as my mom climbed into the car.

"I guess you've found yourself a run away groom," my mom laughed mockingingly. 

"I...I don't get you," I arched her brow.

"Don't you think it's time you went in already?."

"I haven't been sent for yet," I said hiding my panic.

"Your groom is missing girl! His groomsmen came a few minutes ago claiming they haven't seen home since morning," she looked at me in the eyes with pity rather than sympathy.

"Nathy wouldn't do that," I mumbled.

"Wake up girl! He just did," She shouted at staring hard at me.

I kept calm for a while , then I turned to have a look at the woman sitted right next to me.

"What have you and father done to him?" I asked trying to maintain my calm. " I did everything I was asked to do, I left without causing any harm to either of the family. I forsook everything to have a peaceful mind. Why are you here mother?" I sobbed.

"We didn't do anything to your lover girl, it's your man who abandoned you on your wedding day. No matter how arrogant Colin might be, he didn't do this to you, because he has parents and families whom he cared about, unlike your orphan lover." She scoffed.

"Why do you hate me so..much mother? Was it my fault I was born a female? Did I asked to be born? Why are you so happy to see me in pain? Why did you..." my voice trailed off in tears.

"I only came here because I pity you, and also to tell you how lucky you're. Colin's still interested in you if you care to give it a second thought. Bye girl don't cry too much he isn't worth it, he isn't worth anything at all!"

 "Just leave me alone mother." I sobbed quietly.

"Your father sends his regards," she said and stepped out of the car.

"He didn't, he would never do such a thing." I rested my head on the car sit for a while thinking on what to do. "Take me back home!" I ordered cleaning my tears.

"Yes ma'am," the driver said with sympathy on his face.


Few hours later we arrived at our house, immediately the car came to a halt I hurried out. I quickly rushed into the house dragging my wedding dress along,

"Nate..! Nate....!" I screamed," oh please Nate don't do this to me," I cried uncontrollably.

The house was in the same shape as we left it some days ago ti gave our party in the hotel. Nothing seemed unusual. I heard a sound from his room, with a little hope I rushed to see who it was.

"A rat!" I screamed, running out from the room like a three years old. "Nate where are you?" I whispered in tears. 

I lay asleep on my bed, hoping that as the days go by ge would come back home with explanations on what happened. I wouldn't forgive easily but I would eventually, I love him so much, I just want to see him again. I might just be surprised to see him on my doorstep,or perhaps woken up by him telling me it was all a bad dream. I sobbed quietly.

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