Chapter 78: DxD : A New Hero : Chapter 78
I felt my legs give way beneath me, sending falling down onto my knees in despair, while I continued to watch on. I wanted to look away, I really did, but I could not tear my eyes from the sight.
It was like gawking at a scene of an accident or a dead body. Even though you don't want to, there is something so horrible about it that leaves you with no choice but to watch.
This was my King, lord and master. The one who I had willingly surrendered my soul to and by doing so had given her both my eternal loyalty and servitude. Only she had the authority to command my sword.
And not for the first time, I had to wonder if Archer ended up getting the better bargain by contracting with Alaya instead. What was an eternity of misery and suffering compared to this?
How can I ever show my face in public again? Maybe Gasper had the right idea all along? I wonder if he still has that paper bag of his and if he was willing to lend it to me?
"Aniki?" Saji walk up to stand next to my kneeling form as he too goggled in disbelief at the sight. "Is that who I think it is?"
"Yes." There was no mistaking Serafall for an ordinary human, not with the amount of power pouring out of her. Even suppressed Saji should have no trouble sensing it. And there is only one person in the entire of the supernatural world that would willingly dress up like that in public. "That is who you think it is."
"You and the others weren't kidding. All this time I just thought you were pulling my leg all those times you said Kaichou's sister was a magical girl." His eyes widened with shock before her cried out. "Holy shit! The Devil really is a magical girl! How did that happen?"
"Believe me Saji," even as I pushed myself back onto my feet my eyes remained riveted on the scene before me, "I've been asking myself the very same thing every day since I became a Devil."
"Saji, what's going on? Why haven't you done anything about this disturbance yet?" A stern and familiar voice called out.
Sona, appearing from just around the corner, quickly began walking towards us with quick effect steps, and unlike the last time I had seen her she had cleaned up considerably.
Her hair was straightened out from the tangled bird's nest it had been this morning, free from the grass that had plagued it. Her uniform was even more immaculate than it usually was, so straight and crease free that even a drill sergeant would have trouble finding fault in it.
As soon as she came with easy talking distance Sona began speaking. "Saji, I thought I-"
"So-tan~, found you!" And that was all the warning we had before a pink blur streaked right towards her.
Sona barely had time to widen her eyes in disbelief before she was tackled from behind. She staggered forward for a couple of paces as two arms latched around her, embracing her in a hug. "Hahahaha, at last, at long last I'm back with my So-tan!" Serafall cheered as she rubbed her face on the back of Sona's head, her face filled with nothing but pure bliss.
Sona on the other hand looked anything but happy. Her face had paled, turning stark white, while her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. She stared straight ahead in horror, unwilling to look around, as her mouth kept closing and opening but no words came out.
Finally she swallowed before mechanically turning her head to look around behind her, sweat pouring down her face all the while, "O-O-Onee-san?"
"Mou~, So-tan." Serafall pouted at her sister, "How many times must I tell you to call me Onee-chan. Or Onee-sama. Oh or better yet, call me Onee-chama. Yes, Onee-chama would be best." She squealed before burring her face back into Sona's hair.
"O-Onee-sama." Sona flushing, tried to break out of the hold she was trapped in but Serafall was clinging to her tighter than a limpet and wouldn't let go. "What are you doing here? I thought you said you were coming next week."
"I know! Isn't it great that I get to see you so early?" Serafall pulled back a little so she can get a better look at Sona, "And to think I almost missed it thanks to a mistake. Luckily, Shi-chan called me last night to tell me the class visits were today. Isn't that great?"
Sona whipped her head around to me so fast that I wouldn't be surprised if she had gotten whiplash. She shoot me a looked that was filled with complete betrayal, before her eyes narrowed as she began glaring at me. "Yes, great. I'll be sure to properly thank him for it later."
Now why didn't I believe her? Maybe it was the way she was subtly trying to grind my toes into dust with the heel of her shoe. A part of me felt that I kind of deserved it so I let her. Not like it was hurting me.
"Oh, speaking of which, Shi-chan." Serafall, with her hands still loosely wrapped around Sona, turned to me. "By any chances, are they yours?"
"Mine?" I furrowed my brow in confusion as I tried to think of what she was talking about. "Are what mine?"
"These." She cheerfully answered.
Her eyes never left mine as her hand shot out from her side, so fast that it caught all of us by surprise, streaking towards the shadows created by the space between the lockers beside us. A muffled scream could be heard coming from the shadows as her hand latched onto something. She slowly began to reel her hand back, pulling her unwilling victim along with it.
I watched as one of my Fallen-Ninjas was dragged out from the shadow. Serafall's hand was clamped around his mouth, muffling his screams even as he tried to pull away.
It was clear he didn't come willingly, struggling and fighting every inch of the way as he was dragged out. He frantically clawed at the hand that held him while he dug his heel into the ground and desperately tried to fight free.
But it was useless, as no matter how much he hard he thrashed or franticly he struggled, he wasn't able to so much as budge Serafall's hand. It was as if he was a child caught in a hand of iron. In fact, she hadn't even bothered to look at him as her eyes remained locked onto mine the entire time.
"So Shi-chan, are they yours?" She asked with an upbeat smile.
How… how did she-! I mean I didn't even realize they were there and she just-!
I brought a hand up to my brow and started rubbing it as I felt my brain threaten to shut down. You know what? Never mind. I had seen Serafall do far crazier things that I deemed impossible so what's one more to the list?
"Yes they're mine." I watched as my pawn continued to ineffectually struggle in her grip, his muffled screams not abating in the lightest. Going by his eyes I believe it was Ramiel but with his face mask in place who can tell. "Now can you please let him go?"
"Sure." She cheerfully replied with a happy smile. But instead of releasing the Fallen turned Devil like I had expected, she turned to look at him before lifting him up until his eyes was level with hers.
"Hush little rabbit." She cooed, the smile she was giving him showed a bit too many teeth to be entirely sincere. Ramiel made the mistake of looking up at her, and the instant his eyes met hers he froze.
The Fallen ceased all sign of struggling, his body falling absolutely still, as he stared up at Serafall with wide terrified eyes. He even held his breath, too scared to even breathe.
It was like a prey staring into the eyes of a snake, hypnotic, freezing them still with fear.
"There's a good rabbit." She chucked softly, her smile still in place. Ramiel not taking his eyes off of her for second, not is daring to look away. "Now, I don't like it when someone intrudes in the personal time with what's mine. So be sure to be far, far away whenever I'm around. Understand?"
Ramiel nodded his eyes up and down frantically, unable to move his head while it remained trapped in her grip.
"Good. Now run away little rabbit, run away." She cooed at him as she finally released her hold on him.
Ramiel didn't need to be told twice. As soon as he was freed he scurried away, tripping over his own feet in his haste and panic to reach a nearby open window down the hall.
He leapt through it, not even bothering to open his wings in his desperation to get away. I heard a faint distant thump as he crashed onto the ground followed by the sounds of hurried footsteps as he continued to run away.
Turning away from the window, I gave Serafall an exasperated glare who, all in all, looked entirely too pleased with herself.
"Did you have to do that?"
"Mou~ Shirou," she pouted, trying to sound stern, though the effect was entirely ruined by the way her eyes glittered in amusement, "you're far too soft for your own good sometimes. You need to learn how to become a little strict with your peerage. Just like my So-tan here."
Sona just sighed when Serafall reattached herself to her side, not even trying to fight her off as she resigned herself to her fate. She began rubbing her forehead in an effort to stave off a headache, a gesture that I was becoming intimately familiar with myself.
"Onee-sama, please don't compare my disciplinary methods to yours. I don't send people fleeing in terror at the mere sight of me after all."
It took everything I had to keep a straight face when she said that. Not five minutes ago I had run into a teacher who had literally leapt into a closet at the mere sight of her. If that's not the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is. Like I've been saying, for all of their differences these two are remarkable alike.
"And at least be careful where you do things like that next time. What happens if someone catches you? I don't want to spend all my free time tracking down humans and erasing their memories just because you wanted to have a bit of fun." Sona glanced to where a group of people were gathered at the other end of the corridor.
"We were fortunate that no one was watching this time, but next time you might not be so lucky to have such a convenient distraction."
Now that I think about it, she does have a point. Taking a look around us, I found that the entire half of the corridor we were standing in was suspiciously deserted. Other than us Devils, there was no one here.
Even the people that were surrounding Serafall moments ago were gone, joining up with the other group in the opposite end of the hall instead of badgering her for more pictures.
I could see a several flashes of light as they continued to photograph something in the middle of the group but I couldn't tell what.
"So-tan, you're wrong." Serafall released her sister to twirl her wand. "It's was not luck that saved me but the power of my fellow magical girl and student."
"Student?" Shooting her a wary look, I never heard anything about this. One Serafall is bad enough, I did not want to think about the consequence of her bringing about another one to the world, "Since when did you get a student?"
Serafall didn't get the chance to answer me, she didn't need to, as I ended up discovering the answer for myself. For at that very moment, the crowd began to shift then part slightly, leaving a wide enough gap in their numbers to grant me a clear view of what had captured their attention.
It was a sight that will haunt my dreams for many years to come.
She was dressed up in a pink and white costume, just a shade brighter than Serafall's. She twirled a yellow star-tipped red wand in her hand as the flashes from the cameras erupted all around her like fireworks.
She danced around in thigh high pink boots while her silver hair, adorned with two pink and white feathers, trailed after her. White gloves covered her hands, reaching to her elbows, while on her back rested a silk pink cape stylized to look like wings.
I watched in disbelief as Ilya, my lovable cheerful and only occasionally homicidal little Ilya, danced around in a magical girl costume while her audience cheered her on. Her red eyes gleamed like ruby under the light of the flashing camera as she laughed like a child that she appeared to be.
Oh no. Oh by the dead god no, please don't let it be true. Please don't tell me that...that...
Ilya had become a magical girl!
Hey guys I really need you to throw some power Stones ;)
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