DXD: Inconvenient

Chapter 62: Explanations, conclusions and beginning of the plot [Part Three]

Sorry for the delay, some things happened and I got busy, anyway, here's the chapter

Enjoy rading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






Micael then moved one of his hands to the back of Rias's head as he exchanged the hug, closing his eyes and placing his face on her neck, her red hair pressed against his nose bringing the smell of strawberries.

In response, Rias also changed the hug, her hand went to the back of Micael's head while weakly grabbing his hair, she also closed her eyes while pressing her face into his shoulder.

Naturally, they both knew how intimate these gestures were.

Rias was nervous about this, but she was more embarrassed with her heart racing, with their chests touching, she was sure he could feel it.

And in fact he could, Micael could clearly feel her agitated heart compared to his calmer one, her large breasts not serving as an impediment to that.

If he wasn't already sure of her feelings, everything that had happened so far would, along with that, serve as confirmation.

With them remaining in that intimate position for what seemed like a long moment, Micael was the first to separate.

Moving his face away, Micael's body retreated from the hug, the hand that was on the back of Rias' head moving to her cheek, the other on her waist.

Rias also moved away, her hands on Micael's shoulders while her face was just inches from his.

If her heart wasn't already racing, it would be now, her nervousness increasing when she found herself in that position suitable for a kiss, her eyes focused on Micael's eyes and moving to his lips.

For Micael, seeing Rias's face so close up had the same effect, his always calm heart increasing the pace of excitement.

He looked at her face, the bright blue eyes under her long lashes, the redness along her cheeks and small nose, and those naturally pink lips that finally caught his attention.

He knew that this current position was completely conducive to a kiss...but seeing how she seemed very nervous, in addition to another factor, he didn't do it.

Then, with the hand on her cheek moving and pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, he pulled away and could immediately see her reaction, relieved with a bit of disappointment.

He figured she thought it was too soon, but with the controversial nature of the female mind, she felt disappointed that nothing had happened either.

Micael just smiled in amusement at that.

Taking more steps back, he turned around as he said goodbye. — "Bye Rias, we'll talk later."

Rias nodded as she said goodbye with a soft wave. — "Bye, see you later."

With her response, Micael went to the door, taking the handle, he looked at her one last time while saying with a smile. — "See you later, partner." — And without waiting for a response or reaction from her, he opened the door and walked through it.


With the click of the door closing, Rias remained rooted to the spot where she was, her eyes slightly wide and her mouth slightly open as the weight of everything that happened hit her.

First she realized that she liked Micael and this conclusion came so abruptly that she didn't even realize it, it was literally the worst possible moment for her to have this realization.

She was acting intimate, giving signs so obvious that even a blind man would see it, but she was so lost in the moment and affected by her emotions that she herself didn't notice.

With a red face and a shaky expression she walked to the bed, practically falling to sit down, she leaned forward while placing her hands against her face.

"I liked him the whole time and didn't even realize...ugh." — She murmured into her palms, a fruity moan coming out at the end.

She literally had not understood her own feelings, she believed that what she felt was just a favorable impression, a high esteem and a good opinion from someone she considered almost like a friend.

She confused the feelings she felt for her peerage with the same feelings she felt for him, and maybe it was like that at first, but at some point it changed.

Unconsciously, perhaps out of fear or something else, her mind made her take a while to recognize the feeling due to her inexperience, after all she had never liked someone like that before, never been in love.

Her inexperience was probably the cause of her difficulty.

But she still felt stupid for not realizing her feelings right away.

"Ugh..." — With another frustrated groan, she also thought about how she acted without realizing this realization.

She literally acted intimate with Micael without realizing that she had realized her feelings for him, damn, how the hell was that possible?

Her mind was more chaotic than she initially thought.

"Sigh." — With a sigh, she fell onto her back as she lay down on the bed, her long hair fanning out as she threw her arms to the side.

She looked up at the ceiling, her eyes seeming lost in her red face, after a while she then closed her eyes.

With her brow slightly furrowed and her lips bitten, she thought that the conclusion about her feelings was a sign of trouble, after all, she was already technically compromised.

And the conclusion of this was that the situation could evolve into something that could harm both of them.

With her expression relaxing, Rias opened her eyes, she still had a lot of things to think about in the end.

And outside the room, without her knowing, Micael was still next to the door, obviously he had heard what she said along with the frustrated moans and sighs.

He thought it was a very unusual situation, like the situation of a dense protagonist but with a heroine.

He intended to talk to her about it to make things clear, but for now he had to go home, so with his silent footsteps he walked down the hall.

His intention was to go to the ORC room where he imagined where the others were, he couldn't leave without talking to them first.

With his footsteps silent as he walked down the hallway, he soon arrived in front of the familiar double doors and unceremoniously turned the handle as he entered.

Upon entering, Micael soon found himself in front of several pairs of eyes that looked at him simultaneously.

Returning the look, he closed the door behind him and stayed where he was.

Exchanging glances with Akeno, Kiba, Koneko and Grayfia for a moment, he finished with a general greeting.

"Yo." — Raising his hand calmly, his tone casual as he greeted them.

And in reaction, Akeno smiled as she shook her head, Kiba chuckled lightly, Koneko gave him her characteristic deadpan look before returning to eating and Grayfia greeted him with a nod.

"Well, it looks like you're doing well, Micael, I'm glad to see that." — Kiba was the first to speak, a smile that seemed to shine on his face.

Micael nodded his head in response, but his eyes looked at him with a bit of strangeness.

But Kiba didn't seem to notice the look, just continued to smile amiably as he looked at him.

Deciding it was best not to question Kiba about this, he looked away to Grayfia, who had stood up and was walking towards him.

When the woman arrived in front of him, she offered him a gray shirt folded over her hands.

Recognizing the shirt, he picked it up as he spoke. — "I was about to ask you about that." — Raising his hands, he let the shirt unfold, seeing that it was whole again, he asked. — "Did you use magic?"

Grayfia, understanding what he meant, responded calmly. — "Yes, your shirt was really bad, besides the tear, the blood stains were another problem."

Micael nodded at her words as he looked at the shirt, the memory of him being cut from the waist to the shoulder coming to mind, then, without saying anything else, he began to put it on.

As he put on the shirt, he smelled it and realized it smelled good, wondering if it had also been washed.

With him finishing getting dressed while adjusting his shirt, Grayfia in front of him asked.

"How are you feeling? Are there any injuries left?" — The woman questioned directly, her calm eyes focused on the young man in front of her.

Raising his head and meeting the silver eyes of the slightly taller woman, Micael responded. — "Yes, I'm fine, the only injury I had was my eyes and as you can see they are better now."

And he left out the fact that he wasn't completely healed, and that he would probably need another healing session, well, there was no need for Grayfia to know about that last one, even if she finds out later.

The woman, accepting the answer, nodded briefly before speaking. — "That's good, I'll also let you know that due to the circumstances your meeting with Sirzecs-sama will be postponed, for now focus on recovery, when you are better let Rias know so it can be scheduled."

"I understand." — Micael responded by agreeing.

Grayfia then seeing that the boy had understood, silently looked at him before asking. — "By the way, where is Rias?" — She then looked at him waiting to see how he would react.

Upon receiving this question from Grayfia, Micael stopped for a moment, seeing how the woman stared at him silently waiting for an answer, but without changing his expression, he responded.

"She's still in the room, the whole situation seemed to have tired her out." — He spoke without losing his calm, his words being a hidden truth, after all that was what really happened, he just didn't go into details.

Grayfia looked at him silently after he gave his answer, the woman seemed to be searching for something as she looked at him, she definitely noticed that he was hiding something.

And indeed she had noticed, but she also knew that it was nothing serious, because if it was something that put Rias' virginity at risk she would know.

Seemingly putting the matter aside, she spoke while asking another question. — "Do you want me to drop you off at your house? It's pretty late, your family is definitely worried."

"Actually, that's what I wanted to ask you, thank you in advance." — Micael said, putting one hand in his pocket and the other scratching his chin, he really wanted to go back soon.

"Let's go then." — Saying that, Grayfia moved to the corner of the room.

With the woman walking away, Micael looked at the other three as he said. — "I'd like to stay and talk to you guys for a bit, but I really need to go, sorry." 

Akeno responded first, shaking her head with a slight smile as she said. — "It's okay, we understand, you can go."

And along with her words, Koneko and Kiba gave understandable nods.

"Hmm." — Humming in response, Micael waved his hand as he said goodbye, walking towards Grayfia. — "Bye."

"Bye." — The three said goodbye simultaneously, with Akeno gently waving her hand, Kiba lightly nodding his head, and Koneko speaking in a low tone.

Upon seeing their farewell to them, Micael walked towards Grayfia, stopping next to the woman and turning to look at the three, the magic circle quickly appeared below their feet.

As the magic circle's brightness increased, slowly covering him, Michael soon saw a vision of the orc's room and the three of them being filled with a white glow.

The change was immediate, the first thing he noticed was the feel of the floor, going from a somewhat hard wooden floor to a completely hard asphalt floor.

And followed by that sensation came the bright light that covered his vision diminishing, the sight of what appeared to be an alley appearing in his eyes.

Blinking his eyes to reorient himself, he looked at the woman next to him who spoke in response.

"We are in an alley near your house, when you come out of the alley, turn left, go straight and right and you will come across your house." — The woman spoke as the magic circle beneath her continued to spin lazily.

"Thank you Grayfia." — Thanking, Micael walked away from the magic circle leaving the woman alone in it, raising his hand he said goodbye. — "Bye."

In response, the woman bowed slightly, saying goodbye. — "Goodbye Micael, have a good night." — Straightening up, the magic circle reignited and soon Grayfia's figure was covered, then disappearing.

Seeing that Grayfia had gone astray, Micael wasted no more time before running out of the alley following her instructions.

The familiar sight of his home's street soon appeared to him as he continued running.

Arriving forward, he stopped in front of the small iron gate, looking at the facade of the house, the lights from the illuminated interior visible through the window curtains.

Already imagining what awaited him, he opened the iron gate, which creaked sharply, weakly and low on its hinges until he closed it.

With silent steps, he approached the door and without hesitation turned the handle as he entered, saying calmly. — "I am back."

Closing the door behind him with a click, he barely took a step when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching him.

Appearing from the corner, Miyako came and stood facing him in the hallway.

She didn't seem angry or even worried, with a calm face, she crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow and asking in a calm tone. — "Where were you?"

Micael looked at her in silence, seeing her behavior and knowing her, he knew that underneath that calm there really was concern and a little anger too, but mainly concern.

But Miyako knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't come home so late without a valid reason, so she just bottled up her emotions until she heard some explanation.

Micael opened his mouth to speak but didn't even have time to say anything when he heard more footsteps from where Miyako had come.

Soon his father and Mari appeared, with the man standing next to Miyako and not saying anything, just staring at him in silence, his gaze speaking for itself.

It was that kind of non-explicit look of judgment and intimidation that parents could do, and his father knew how to do it very well, the man didn't need to say any words or actions to make it clear that he wasn't pleased.

Completely ignoring the man's gaze, Micael looked at Mari who had approached him, literally stopping in front of him.

The girl crossed her arms just like Miyako, but her expression was clearly dissatisfied, her brow furrowed as she looked at him while asking. — "Where were you and what were you doing?"

Mari's tone made it clear that she would not let him leave without a proper explanation.

Keeping his gaze on the shorter girl for a moment, then switching to his father's judgmental gaze and Miyako's almost anxious gaze, Micael could only sigh at what would happen next.

"Sigh." — With one hand on her waist, the other reflexively going to the back of his neck and rubbing.

Knowing there was no way to sugarcoat this, direct being the most practical option, he did what he thought.

"There's something I need to explain to you." — Saying that, he walked past them towards the living room and once there, he turned one of the sofas towards the larger sofa, sitting down and pointing at it as he spoke. — "You three better sit down."

Mari was the first to move, immediately falling onto the sofa and leaning back, facing him with her brow furrowed and her arms crossed.

His father and Miyako were next, with the man just looking at him silently, sitting in the middle, and Myako crossing her arms looking at him in clear wait for his explanation.

Leaning forward, resting his elbows on his thighs and crossing his hands in front of his face, Micael began calmly.

"So I can't explain this in a way that seems less absurd or believable, so I'm going with something simpler and more direct that you can understand." — Micael spoke while his eyes were focused on the ground without looking at them.

Then, after a brief silence following his words, he raised his eyes to look at them, his gaze passing between each of them before focusing on Myako and speaking. — "I have powers."

And what followed his words was, of course, deafening silence.

Until it was broken by the chain reaction.

"Are you drugged!?" — It was the first thing Myako said, her expression was a mix of disbelief and anger as her emotions bubbled, or he could be playing with them, which would only make her angrier if that were the case.

"Uh..." — That's what Francisco said, honestly he had nothing to add, but knowing his son this could be true or he was just playing with them, so he decided to just wait and see.

"...Did you hit your head and become retarded or something? What the hell are you talking about?" — Mari asked back with an expressionless face, it was no longer customary for her to have such insidious responses against Micael, unless he really irritated her, but this was so absurd that she spoke without thinking,she simply didn't understand what was going on in Micael's head at that moment.

Seeing the reaction of the three, Micael's own reaction was just to laugh.


Seeing how the boy just laughed carefree, 

a vein popped out on Myako's forehead as she felt provoked.

Then, taking the slipper from her foot and standing up, she pointed the slipper at Micael and spoke. — "Are you really kidding us boy?" — With her eyes half-closed, the threat to throw the slipper at him was clear.

Seeing how the woman pointed the chienelo threateningly at him, Micael smiled as he shook his head, raising his hand and spoke. — "Relax ma'am, I'll explain, sit down."

Myako looked at him for a moment before doing as he asked, putting down the slipper and putting it on, she sat back down on the couch, crossing her arms and legs as she looked at him with a frown. — "Then explain yourself." — Her commanding tone made it clear that she was no longer in a very good mood.

Still smiling, Micael decided to really explain himself because yes, he was playing with them, he knew the kind of reaction the words he said before would have.

Now, knowing that they were definitely not pleased with his attitude, he got straight to the point.

"I believe that an action speaks louder than words, so first and foremost." — When he finished speaking, he opened his hand to expose his palm and from there the water quickly converged to form a ball.

Upon seeing this, the three on the opposite sofa could only stare in stunned silence.

And they remained like that for a while of silence that got longer and longer.

After literally a minute of silence in a strange and tense atmosphere, silently looking at the ball of water floating in Micael's palm, Francisco was the first to react.

"What the fuck?" — In a light murmur and blank stare, it was the first thing Francisco said after his mind recovered from the shock, he was simply trying to understand what he was seeing. 

Miyako, who until then was staring at the ball of water in shock with her mouth half open, snapped out of her daze upon hearing Francisco, changing her face to a frown, she looked at the man next to her in warning.

And feeling her gaze, the man looked at her as he spoke. — "What? Weren't you seeing what I'm seeing?" — Saying this, he raised both his hands in a gesture pointing at Micael to emphasize his point. — "The boy is literally controlling a ball of water, like..." — He turned his gaze to the ball of water as he continued and exclaimed again. — "...What the fuck?"

Rolling her eyes, Myako shook her head as she spoke. — "I know that, just don't swear in front of your kids."

"Hmm." — Was the answer she received, but she realized that the man wasn't even paying attention, still staring blankly at the floating ball of water.

Leaving that aside and now calmer, Miyako uncrossed her legs and arms, bringing her hands to her temples while massaging them with her eyes closed.

Taking a slow deep breath and exhaling in the same way, she asked with her eyes still closed. — "So, you have powers?"

"Yes." — Micael responded with a simple nod.

Opening her eyes, Miyako lowered her hands as she looked seriously at Micael, her brow furrowed as she spoke. — "When, where and why, I want to know everything from the beginning, explain it properly."

With the ball of water in his hand disappearing, Micael lowered his hand and analyzed the expressions of the three.

Miyako looked at him with a frown, her serious gaze being quite intense, the woman seemed to be really trying hard to stay calm and not have a nervous breakdown at the absurdity of it all.

Francisco, his father, well, he was as he thought he would be, despite the shock, his previous words prove that, the man didn't really look shocked, his face calmer than anything else and seeming to wait for his explanation as he looked at him silently.

And with Mari, the girl was leaning against the couch with her brow furrowed and looking at him too, with her arms and legs crossed, but he noticed that she also looked thoughtful.

Seeing that everyone was waiting for his explanation, Micael did as he was asked.

"Well, it's a long story, it all started a few days ago…"


After a few minutes, half an hour to be more exact, Micael explained himself from beginning to end, from the day he was attacked and his power was awakened until the current moment.

He left some things out, things that weren't relevant like the sparring with Koneko, the training with Saji or the fact that he is also now part of this world or obviously the healing session with Rias.

To be more precise, what he explained was about the fights he had, the nature of his power, as well as his current agreement with Rias and also about the supernatural side of the world, gods, devils, angels, sacred gears and so on.

Fortunately, none of them tried to interrupt him while he explained himself or it could have taken even longer.

And now, after his explanation, the silence returned.

While he was still leaning over and supporting himself on his legs with his elbows, in his vision Miyako seemed to be going through a difficult time.

With one arm under her armpit, the other on her forehead with her head tilted down, her eyes closed, she was like that just a few minutes ago, he imagines she was trying to stay calm and process everything he said without mentally collapsing.

And considering how she reacted when he talked about the fights she'd had, going so far as to widen her eyes when he talked about the first one and literally screaming in shock when she talked about the last one, he was surprised that she chose to wait for him to finish instead of asking right away.

As for his father next to her, the man didn't react much as he expected, mainly raising his eyebrows but without changing his expression much, now he had his arms crossed and looking thoughtfully at the ceiling, just like Myako, he seemed to be processing what he had said.

And as for Mari, he honestly thought her reaction was the most unexpected, the girl just listened silently without trying to interrupt or question anything, she didn't even react outwardly, her expression remained the same thoughtful frown from beginning to end.

After his words, they were like this now, and he was waiting to see if one of them would say something first or he would have to continue.

But the wait didn't last long, a few minutes to be exact, until Myako broke the silence.

"So, Grayfia-san's name, right? Is this the woman responsible for our protection?" — Miyako asked, still with her head down and her eyes closed, her voice sounding surprisingly calm to Micael. 

"Yes, and as I already explained to you, she is quite strong so there is no worry in that regard." — Micael responded in confirmation, he had already explained who Grayfia was, her status as a maid, as well as being Sirzecs' servant and being the 'strongest queen'.

"I see." — Miyako replied simply, still with her head down.

Expecting her to have a much more emotional reaction than that, Micael asked back a little doubtfully. — "Is that all? Isn't there anything else you want to ask?"

With a slow, deep breath and removing her hand from her forehead, Miyako raised her head and opened her eyes, looking at Micael she spoke in a calm tone that seemed full of tiredness. — "Yes, I have questions, several in fact, but I'm so tired of all this that I really don't want to ask any more, I mean, there are so many absurd things and then there's your situation...ugh." 

She ended up returning her hands to her forehead as she massaged her temples, her brow furrowed as if she had a headache and he didn't doubt that was the case.

It seemed that this revelation had disturbed her as much as he had expected, only her reaction was not what he had expected.

Miyako would take a while to process everything, a few hours to be able to assimilate and think more calmly and, most importantly, adapt to this new reality in which she lived.

"At least you already have everything planned out, right?" — Lowering her hands, she asked with a tired look.

Micael responded to her with a nod.

"Alright, we can discuss this later, for now I think I'll process everything, sigh...I really need some chamomile tea." — Miyako spoke while rubbing her eyes, the last part in a lower tone, then continued while looking at him with a more serious look. — "By the way, I also want to talk to Rias Gremory."

Hearing her tone along with the fact that Miyako didn't use the honorific, Micael understood that she was not satisfied with the situation, at the very least she would try to talk to Rias and evaluate her character.

Basically the same thing that happened when he met Grayfia, he was sure that at that moment the woman was analyzing him from the beginning to the end of the interaction.

'Considering that Rias likes me, she will probably think that it will be like she is meeting her mother-in-law, hah, that will be funny.' — Despite his thoughts, Micael responded verbally in confirmation. — "Sure, I'll talk to her."

Miyako nodded before speaking. — "With that out of the way, let's close this matter for now, I really need chamomile tea." — Saying this she got up from the couch with his father and Mari following her.

Getting up from the sofa he was sitting on, Micael spoke. — "Wait a moment, don't you have anything to say, dad?"

With the question being asked of him, the man in question looked at him calmly in silence for a moment before speaking. — "Just like Miyako, I have a lot of things I want to ask besides being worried too, but like you said, you already have everything planned out, so for now I decided I'll just wait for this girl so we can talk properly."

Micael just nodded in response, his answer was already something he expected.

Unlike Miyako, her father was already adapted to her personality and way of acting, for the man, Micael was already an adult in mentality, so his reaction was much more composed.

This didn't mean that he wasn't obviously worried, just that he was more focused on the fact that he was well and in one piece, in fact, Micael was sure that he had already processed everything and accepted his new reality and was thinking of some way to help him.

That's what this man was like, a stoic face that hardly reveals what he feels as he thinks of some way to help him, even if it's just emotional support, just as this man knew him, he knew the man.

So, with a stoic nod, Micael accepted his answer.

And his father returned it with a stoic nod of his own.

Shifting his gaze to the side, Micael looked at the girl whose reaction and behavior were the strangest, knowing her, she should have been much more vocal and physical upon hearing his explanation earlier.

"What about you? Nothing to say?" — He asked the girl who had been quiet until then.

Mari, who had a thoughtful expression on her face, shifted her focus to Micael when he spoke to her, looking at him silently before speaking calmly. — "Well, umm...I kind of already knew that side of the world, at least a little."

"What!?" — Miyako exclaimed as the calm she had managed to maintain with great effort broke as her emotions were in turmoil again.

"What?" — Much more serene, but still with a frown, Francisco looked to the side towards the girl, he didn't seem very happy with this information.

Micael didn't say anything, but the slight raising of his eyebrows showed his surprise, he hadn't expected to hear that answer.

Looking at her father and mother, Mari waved her hand calmly as she responded. — "Relax, I'm not involved with any of this unlike Micael, I only heard about it from a friend of mine at school, she showed me something she got in exchange for making a deal with a devil."

With her response, she saw how the two of them became visibly calmer, so, turning to Micael, she spoke. — "By the way, this devil is likely to be one of Rias' peerage members."

Nodding in response, Micael smoothed his chin, already imagining who this friend of Mari's and her hired devil could be.

"Anyway, we've already agreed to put this matter aside for now, let's go have dinner, I'm sure everyone here is starving." — Miyako said that before the topic was extended, she was already completely tired, now she not only had to worry about Micael but also Mari, even though the girl told her to stay calm.

Telling a mother not to worry about her children was the same as telling water to stop being wet or something like that in her opinion.

Without waiting for a response, she walked past them towards the kitchen.

Francisco, agreeing with his wife, only followed her because he was also hungry.

And Mari, who agreed with her because she was also hungry, was about to go with them too when she ended up being called by Micael.

"Wait Mari, I want to talk to you about something." — Micael spoke calmly, already mentally preparing himself for what he was going to do.

Mari looked at him silently, blinking her eyes calmly until she nodded her head as she said. — "Sure, what is it?"

Starting to walk, he passed by her as he said. — "Come on, let's go to my room."

The girl then silently looked at his back as he walked up the stairs before following him without saying anything else.








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