DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Chapter 212: Waltz of Sun & Moon II

"It has been so long since I had you like this, Ely" I mumbled, recalling the feelings I've held for years. From the first time I met her to the last time I saw her. Ely's body was tight against me as we rolled at the tone of a symphony. Now that I think about it, perhaps we've never been like this, especially with so many eyes staring at us as we dance. 

Many couples were dancing, but even though we were not at the centre, we were the centre of attention. 

"Don't say that... I can't remember".

"You see, ever since I came–" I was going to continue, but Ely looked up at me with a pout.

"Keep quiet, Ray".


Ely embraced me hard, and her dumb smile made it difficult for us to dance even as we kept spinning slowly. She put her head on my chest and listened to my heart.

"It is so beautiful".

"The symphony?"

She looked up at me, "Yes, it is so mellowy~"

Slowly, her hands crept inside my suit, and we heard gasps and felt jealous and poisonous glances.

"Silly girl, right here?~"

"I'm just trying to feel you up a little... don't get too happy–"

She said it too hard, I was already feeling her up directly too, although my hands never went anywhere dangerous; she smiled back at my consideration although I witnessed a subtle lick of her lips and a bite, as if she expected more. 

I enjoyed myself so much the whole time, she switched with Mom and we teased one another for a while too, so comfortable that I forgot where we were. We didn't dance that long until Ely reluctantly let me go.

Somebody embraced my back this time, it was Amaterasu. I turned around and she was staring at me with an aggrieved look, even though she knows how we are, Amaterasu still expects me to treat her like my first wife. Perhaps Elysir is the only one she's truly jealous of. 

"I thought Waltz was not a thing in Japan," I said jokingly and extended my hand forward, something that made her pout, I never thought I'd see Amaterasu show this expression in my life. She also wanted to be flaunt and portrayed as the Sun Goddess she was.

"Are you sure?" I asked Elysir, I knew I'd like to dance with the other girls too, but this was so short I felt like crying. 

Elysir giggled and had me look around to see that we were no longer surrounded by the endless crowd of nobles from the empire in the hall. We were surrounded by a group of eager beautiful women staring at me expectantly. Not all of them were initially interested in dancing, but when they saw me and Ely hit the floor...

From Ophis, Galadriel and Amaterasu to Rias, Akeno and Anna... Tsunade and Azrael, Anna Blair, Alana and the three dark elf beauties. Even Jicniv's wife, the Empress, wanted a dance with me. Some noble ladies stared at me like a blurred hopeless endeavour, they knew more than likely they weren't going to get a chance, but still tried.

I sighed, it was one of the few times I had the chance to do something romantic with the girls, so... I had to do my best to satisfy them all.

I spun Amaterasu, she gasped at my sudden movement but her feet left the floor and she floated, her dress spinning and portraying her like an astonishing flower. I held her in my grasp, holding her slim waist as she blushed; the music that had stopped for some reason began to play again.

"Let's do this, darling~".

"B-Be gentle, it is my first time".

I hit the floor with passion, held her waist and witnessed her happiness.

Happiness has a name, it is called Ray. 


I danced and danced giving thanks that I was a god to I don't know who, otherwise my legs wouldn't last. As we did, I had conversations... some funny, some quirky, some wholesome. 

Amaterasu was meek, a bit clumsy on her steps but eager to learn. She had just started opening up to me and officially accepting me as her man, although... she did complain at the queue of ladies awaiting their dance. I told her that the queue for my massages is usually larger, and she went quiet.

Ophis... ophis had me skipping over the floor in such an un-graceful display that it had all the nobles contemplating whether she was a goddess or not as they hummed and restrained their amused laugh, little did they know she had the strength to easily shatter this planet and even I wouldn't be able to stop her from doing so. She didn't know how to dance a waltz and she had no intention of learning either. After our dance finished, she quietly returned to my soul, rejoicing at the fact that her and my increase in strength meant that she was no longer being repelled and could stay there, slumbering for years to come in silence waiting for her egg to hatch. 

The next one I pulled to dance was Anna-chan, and I mean I pulled her away from the table of snacks. We danced, joked, and laughed as we always do, while Rias and Akeno glared at us for some reason as if they were expecting me or Anna to do something, the latter dropped a sweat and kept snuggling against me. 

"Did something happen An-chan?" I asked her finally since she looked like she was hiding something from me, calling her 'An-chan' erased any possibility that she'd lie.

"W-Well... m-maybe just perhaps... I kind of caused a ruckus trying to get some snacks earlier?~".

"And?" I tilted my head to the side. It was as if there was a time when this girl didn't wreak havoc when there were snacks involved.

"Aren't you upset?" She asked meekly.

They expect me to scold her? fools... I extended my hand forward in silence. She smiled so joyfully that it almost melted my heart, "Of course I got your share!"

She gave me some snacks and told me she had gone to some expensive shop with the girl to get their dresses, but there was a whole section of different snacks from special cooks of the capital and she couldn't help herself, ravaged the place and even offered free snacks to the boys that were around.

"That's my girl~"


Naturally, when it was Rias' turn, we had a lovely dance while she complained to me that I shouldn't spoil her bishop too much and I had to give her a proper scolding for causing a ruckus. 

"Rias, you look so gorgeous in that dress".


"D-Don't change the subject! If you don't give her a scolding then she won't get over that snack addiction–" She stuttered with a massive blush almost as deep as her hair, I made her spin and her heart flutter, staring deep into her sky-blue eyes that contrasted so much with her hair that I couldn't help but find her perfect. 

"If you stare at me like that" Her fluster transformed into lust in front of my very eyes, I successfully switched the topic. 


Rias took a while to ask with a deep frown, "Why? Why haven't you made a move on us? Akeno, Anna and I... we have tried!"

So she brought up this topic in the end. I know they have tried to give me that last step with me. We may have started a relationship recently, but our feelings are long-lasting. It makes sense that both of them want to do it, even Anna who is rather innocent has been leaning towards that direction a lot.

After seeing all their methods be unfruitful, it must be quite frustrating to see me engage so freely with Amaterasu and the other goddesses. I took a deep breath. 

"You should know it is not that I don't want to. I want to wait until you are all adults. I know I love you, I know you love me... but I want to wait for the due time. Once that happens I'll not only go all the way, I'll marry you girls the proper way, alright?".

I hoped that she'd understand. Anna's counter to this argument is that I'm also 'underage'.

"Hmn..." Rias glared at me as we danced as if she was wondering whether that was a convincing excuse or not. Eventually, she sighed and nodded, "I understand, if that's what you wish, we won't insist until then".

"So go ahead and destroy Riser and everyone who gets in the way of that~"


I was relieved that she understood my feelings, before noticing we were quite close and snuggly, even dancing at such a slow pace that it was almost as if we were no longer dancing. All I could do was smell her fresh crimson hair. How could this girl think that I'm not interested in doing that with her?

She has no idea how much I'm holding back for the sake of moral integrity. 

"Can I kiss you?" She asked all of a sudden, staring around.

"Hoh, you're asking?"

"W-We're in public and all of your ladies are so amazing that I– uhm!~"

I kissed her there and then, in front of everyone... I wasn't even shy, I stuck my tongue inside and gave her the sloppiest kiss I could, mustering gasps out of the audience. I only finished it once Rias' was out of breath and with a gaze that had lost focus. 

"All of my ladies are amazing indeed, you included... don't ever diminish yourself, Rias.

There is not a time that I stare at this hair of yours that I'm not captivated, these lips too" I couldn't help myself and kissed her again amidst the whistles and cheering, she hooked her arms around my neck and let herself go too.

Of all my ladies, Rias was the one who best danced the Waltz, even better than me, although I wasn't necessarily an expert, our display of affection and class captivated and when it was time to let her go she looked at me like a poor deer, wanting to go all the way to the end. All I could do was apologise. 


I received an active Akeno who snuggled against me tight and licked her lips.

"Finaly my turn~"

"I'm sorry".

"Watching you dance with so many beautiful ladies is rather endearing. It makes me feel that my man is amazing, I'm so proud of myself for having scored such a stud~" Akeno hit the floor running, she made me a little flustered.

"Oh my," I gently cupped a feel of her ass through her dark pitch-black dress and pressed her towards me, "You're gonna make me blush".

We began our dance, her skills not far from Rias' she was also a member of the Gremory household after all. Akeno's whole being exuded lust, even when she didn't want to. I could feel her body pressing against me as if she was naked and going by her subtle reddened cheeks, so could she. 

"I heard your conversation with Rias. I am willing to wait... but I have a condition" She began and I already knew where she was coming from before she even conceived the thought. 


"Just let me tie you up, please".


"Please, darling!~" She even went as far as to say the word in English with such a lusty accent, this woman won't stop with this until she has her way. 

"Please, Anata (husband)!" She changed it!

I sighed, I knew I was going to regret this, but these girls have put my happiness before theirs, so I have to at least do this much.

"N-Nothing too extreme" I had to relent and make a concession every so often.



When I pulled Galadriel for a dance, the midnight elf did a subtle reverence, took my hand and placed it on the gorgeous young forest elf. I tilted my brows in confusion.

"My dearest, it is so beautiful to see you dance, please continue!" She said eagerly and cheered the two of us on to give her a wonderful display, the forest elf took the task seriously.

With Anna Blair the dance was in silence, she didn't say a word the whole time, when it finished she kissed my cheek and then went back to her spot brighter and happier, she went to Alana and led her to me. 

The dark elf, Alana Blair, extended her hand forward with charisma. I took it, did my reverence and we began to dance. 

"I lack experience, so please excuse me if I step on your toes" She giggled amusingly, although I could tell she was trying to act funny to conceal her lack of experience, inwardly she was a bit nervous that she wouldn't be able to do a great performance. 

I smiled, "Not if I step on yours first~"


That small comment together with me lightly tapping the top of her hell, made her tension relieved at least eighty per cent. She looked at me in shock, perhaps she thought I was a cold individual who would mock her for not doing it well enough. The truth is that I may mistakenly step on her toes. 

"You're so gentle~ when I approached you at first, I never expected that you'd perform such miracles. To bring back a Midnight Elf, not even from my wildest dreams".

"It was a cluster of coincidences. I'm glad I didn't disappoint".

"Incredibly, our first meeting was trying to kill each other," She said awkwardly. 

"You mean you trying to kill me?~"

My words seemed to dawn something on her. At that time, despite my threats, I never intended to kill anyone. She could see now the proof of my words, with what I had achieved. If I wanted all of those defenders of the empire to die back then... it would have been easy. 

"I should deeply apologise again," She said remorsefully, "You were, in reality, such a kind deity. Even now, I can't believe I am dancing with a god, you are great in nature–".

"Good that you know–"

"Albeit a bit perverted" She finished with a giggle. 


I slanted a mock pout and pressed her against me.

"Perverted how?~"

"Y-You have so many lovers, although that is to be expected..." She snuggled against me closer, "If just this much touch feels this good".

"Don't try to fix it~"

Her hands slowly but surely began caressing my body unrestrained, a common reaction of anyone who touches me.

"Please take care of my sister, she's a good girl who has lacked the love and touch of the opposite gender, she may be a bit too innocent," Alana said with a pur, feeling me all over as if she forgot we were in the middle of a hall full of people. 

"Alana" I looked around and saw Anna gasp in amazement at how brazen her sister was being, she even went as far as to put her head right beneath my chin as if she was kissing my neck, but she was sniffing. 

"Just a bit more, it feels great, n-no wonder that dense girl..."

I sighed and held her in my grasp until she was satisfied, by the time Alana left, there was this complex expression on her countenance that I recognised too well and couldn't help but exhale a deep breath at it. As expected.

Following after, the dark elf sisters: Yuna, Merluna and Nocturna all took rounds to feel me up (under the guise of dancing) I was even surprised at her boldness as even Yuna, the eldest of the sisters, is married to a farmer in her village and with kids. 

Still, she didn't think twice before unashamedly placing my hand on her butt, regardless of elegance.

"To think the god of us elves is such a handsome deity, and your dark skin is so attractive, I'm so glad to be an elf, who would have thought?~" Yuna exclaimed joyfully.

"The god of you elves is Galadriel..." I mumbled.

"But since you are her man, doesn't that make you our god?".

"I guess–"

"Which means you must answer our prayers".

"Kind of–"

"Oh, gods above. Please give me a wonderful stud of a lover who will blow my back when I'm away from home".


I gasped, Merluna and Nocturna slapped their foreheads as if saying 'here she goes'.

Yuna kissed my cheek and giggled, separating from me and going back to her group.

"Of course, I'm joking. Or not?~"

I then danced with Merluna and Nocturna who told me to 'be careful' of their older sister as she was a quite seductive woman, their brother-in-law, the farmer, had struggled to marry her after courting her for almost a decade. But in reality, Yuna was quite dissatisfied with that marriage as she had actually expected to marry a strong warrior instead.

I thought it was a quite complex topic and was determined to stay away from Yuna in the future.

*cough* I solemnly swear. 

After my dance with her, the waltz finished. A lot of people were aghast that I had danced with so many ladies, but I still hadn't done so with the Empress. As a token of gratitude and appreciation, I requested the musicians to play one last tune and dance with the Empress. 

She smiled and showed me her gratitude since she and Jicniv still had a face to keep, I was aware of that.

The empress was by far the most skilled, she even outclassed Rias. While we danced I noticed two eerie glances staring at me from the crowd. One was Azrael's new servant, a woman called Leone.

As for the other, I knew exactly who she was. I had already sensed her but since she wasn't making any trouble, I decided to handle her later. 

The Waltz concluded with a round of applause and I could finally have some nice conversation with the nobles and apologise for my tardiness. 

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