Elden Ring: My Ending

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

For a long time, the Academy had been sealed off from the outside world by a barrier. A barrier so powerful that no one could enter without a special key, individually issued to each member of the Academy, no matter how desperately they might want to get in.

At least, in theory.

Leaving aside the issues that could arise within the Academy itself (which Kosta preferred not to think about, cursing the inner waifu fan growing stronger every day), the main challenge was simply breaking in. Or it would have been, if Kosta didn't already know who had a spare key lying around.

Unfortunately, Meli-Meli found problems even where there weren't any.

"A dragon hunt? Smarag, the dragon of glintstone?!"

When she heard who might have the spare key, the girl froze in shock.

"Is he famous or something?" Kosta blinked.

Just another oversized lizard, without dialogue or quests, one you'd kill and forget. The Lands Between were full of them. It was called asset reuse(1).

Or fauna reuse, if you prefer.

Seeing how carefree her chosen one remained, Melina rubbed her temples. Of course he was famous! Smarag had terrorized the Lakes of Liurnia for countless years. Liurnia, practically a lifeless region, owed much of its desolation to Smarag. No one dared approach the beast.

"Are you sure he has the key, Konstantin?"

Kosta shrugged.

That was answer enough.

Melina bit her lip, feeling like she had been worrying too much about her Tarnished lately. After all, he was a warrior who had yet to face real danger.

She shouldn't put too much weight on his latest exploits, but... she couldn't help herself anymore.

Melina disappeared in a starry flash. Konstantin watched the girl dissolve into shimmering particles of energy, growing more certain that he needed to strip waifus of their clear advantages.

For now, the inner waifu fan yielded to the inner Souls-like enthusiast and hardcore gamer.

To reach the Lakes of Liurnia, Konstantin needed to head further north, past the hills, one of which was crowned by Stormveil Castle.

Unlike the game, which funneled players into the new location exclusively through the Castle (not really, but that's beside the point), the real-world level design offered plenty of ways to bypass the Castle on the way to the desired region. Kosta, however, decided against it. He wanted to visit the blind waifu and her father.

He didn't plan to frequent the Castle often, but he knew his face needed to show up now and then so that Godrick's former retainers wouldn't assume the demigod's vanquisher had fallen.

Irina's father had proven to be a competent administrator, warmly welcomed in his new role. He had been the commander of another castle under Godrick, making him a perfect fit for the position. The soldiers gladly accepted a familiar face.

Still, every action had its consequences, as the hardcore gamer was promptly reminded.

"Praise the Sun!"

"Praise the Sun!"

"Praise the Sun!"

At the sight of the Tarnished strolling by, the soldiers immediately stopped what they were doing and raised their hands to the Sun.

It was inspiring, of course, but also a little unnerving.

The farm spots in the Graveyard were becoming depressingly scarce.

Irina's father was found on the training grounds, overseeing the drills of the Castle's new-and-old retainers. Upon spotting the Tarnished approaching, Edgar waved to his subordinates, signaling them to continue. The two men stepped away from the grounds.

"Lord Tarnished!"

Kosta grimaced.

"Just Kosta is fine."

"Impossible!" Edgar laughed. "Good to see you. How can I… ahem."

Edgar cleared his throat, learning from experience. The noble Tarnished didn't like being offered help.

One of the most honorable tryhard warriors of the Lands Between!

Of course, Kosta's primary reason for coming was to visit the blind waifu. And, to a lesser extent, her father. But he also had another purpose: to inform them he'd soon be venturing into a new area. That is, a new region. Exploring (and farming) Liurnia and the Academy would take some time, even considering the Sites of Grace that allowed him to fast travel anywhere in the Lands Between.

The important thing was to touch a Site at least once, feel it, memorize it, and…

Ah, there wasn't really any point dwelling on it. It was basic game mechanic (2), nothing special.

Meeting the waifu turned out to be a strange ordeal for him. She was found in her quarters, playing some musical instrument. Upon hearing the Tarnished had come to see her, Irina was genuinely overjoyed.


For him, this reunion with the waifu felt like a greater challenge than storming Stormveil Castle.

Melina, trailing behind the Tarnished, watched with an amused smile as the previously confident and composed warrior floundered, unsure of what to say or do with the girl he'd saved. He didn't know what to bring her, what to say, what she liked or wanted.

The poor blind girl had to take the reins, coaxing something coherent out of the flustered Tarnished. She shared news about the Castle, her impressions, and asked how his journey had gone, whether he was tired.

To be fair, such scenes weren't exactly rare for warriors. The Lands Between had seen many like it and would see countless more in the future.

The Tarnished didn't linger in the Castle for long.

"We were glad to see you, Lord Tarnished," Edgar shook Kosta's hand. "Please, don't forget to visit us. The Castle's retainers need to see their new lord."

Edgar glanced at his blind daughter, mouthing silently: 'And so does she…'

Kosta blinked.

Irina clasped her hands in a prayer-like gesture, smiling gently.

"I will pray for you, mighty warrior!"

Kosta was already considering summoning Torrent to rush off to the next area, but he forced himself to stop. He still needed to say one last thing.

"If you ever come across Shabriri's 'grapes,' don't eat them. Ever. Let me know if you find them and where. It's very important. Promise me."

Edgar scratched his head in confusion. Irina opened her mouth in surprise, then obediently nodded.

"I promise!"

Satisfied, the Tarnished climbed atop Torrent and set off once more. Beside him, Melina materialized effortlessly.

"Should I keep an eye on this?"

Kosta turned his head in surprise at Melina. No matter how quickly Torrent galloped across the Lands Between, she followed effortlessly. The spiritual form of existence certainly had its advantages.

"Thank you, Melina."

The so-called maiden nodded.

"I still haven't found the red-haired woman in the Starry Wastes, Konstantin. I'll continue my search."

Without another word, Melina disappeared. The Tarnished smiled faintly and continued his journey.

With his Finger Maiden, Kosta was sure he could manage everything in time.

The sorcerer Thops had no idea how long he had been wandering around the Lake of Liurnia. Time flowed differently in the Lands Between; days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years.

Some people clung to life despite it all, others perished and transformed into all sorts of monstrous beings, and some, like Thops, lived on dreams, hoping that one day the Sun would shine upon them, lighting their way forward.

In a way, that day had come.

Thops enjoyed resting in abandoned temples after a long journey, setting up camp where it was unexpectedly tranquil compared to the outside world.

Luckily—or perhaps unluckily—this time was an exception.

Hearing the clatter of hooves, the failed sorcerer, abandoned by all, tensed and grabbed his old staff. While he was more of a scholar than a true sorcerer, surviving alone in the Lands Between required some measure of preparedness.

However, Thops quickly relaxed upon seeing that it was an ordinary man approaching rather than some horrid beast. People, of course, could sometimes be far more dangerous than creatures, but at least you could try reasoning with them.

The last bald brigand he'd encountered had taken all of his runes but spared his life, walking away completely satisfied. Thops considered himself incredibly lucky! He had thought for sure he was going to die.

The only unusual thing about this passerby was the spectral steed, which disappeared the moment the man dismounted.

Then again, Thops had seen spirit summoners before, so he wasn't overly surprised. Instead, he found himself admiring how convenient it must be to travel so swiftly through such perilous lands.

He just had to make sure not to call Kosta a "spirit summoner," and everything would likely be fine.

"Are you one of the Tarnished?" Thops asked cautiously.

Usually, only Tarnished dared to travel such dangerous paths alone. Ordinary folk couldn't survive without forming groups. His own situation was a rare exception.

Kosta, recognizing the familiar bald sorcerer, raised an eyebrow but nodded. His focus remained on aiding his waifu, so he paid little attention to others unless by chance. Meeting Thops was pure happenstance.

"Konstantin. Just Kosta is fine."

"Thops! Sorcerer Thops!" The man exhaled in relief, realizing the warrior didn't seem hostile.

Perhaps he wouldn't even be robbed this time! Then again, he didn't have much left to lose—just his worn staff and a few scrolls that no one seemed to want.

The Tarnished approached the fire and sat down across from him. Thops didn't mind; it wasn't often he had someone to talk to. The isolation was enough to drive anyone mad.

Not that madness was uncommon in the Lands Between. Thops had probably gone insane long ago, just like everything else here. But he retained a profound humanity and simplicity, which was a far greater feat than merely preserving one's mind.

His hopes for conversation didn't pan out, though. The Tarnished sat silently by the fire for a minute, then another, and another...

Instead of speaking, the strange man just stared at the flames. Thops gave a sheepish smile, realizing he'd have to take the initiative.

Not that he was particularly good at it.

"Might you have some spare runes?"

Thops knew how that sounded, so he quickly added:

"I—I studied Glintstone sorcery at the Raya Lucaria Academy, you know! I'd gladly share my knowledge… for a small fee…"

He knew he sounded crazy. He knew he should've approached this differently. But Thops had been alone for so long that he'd forgotten how to properly carry a conversation. He needed the runes to survive, to extend his wandering just a little longer.

Konstantin frowned for a moment, then sighed and nodded.

The poor casual practically leapt with joy.

"Wonderful!" Thops exclaimed, springing to life. "Bless you, bless you! If you're interested, I can teach you a spe…"


Thops flinched. He wasn't startled by the abrupt response but by the thought of not being able to repay such generosity.

"B-but how will I…"

"Tell me how you lost all your runes. That'll suffice."

The sorcerer stared at the Tarnished, whose visage suddenly shone with the golden light of the Goddess.

"A noble Tarnished warrior!" Thops nearly wept. "A-as you wish…"

Of course, Kosta didn't expect to hear anything particularly interesting. Thops was one of the few positive "casuals" in the Lands Between, so helping him out wasn't a big deal. Especially now that Kosta had adapted to the world and its oddities.

But as it turned out, the world had a strange sense of humor.

"Did you say that brigand called himself Patches?" Konstantin frowned. "Bald and looks like an idiot?"

Konstantin remembered that his first encounter with Patches was supposed to happen in the Tombsward. But since they hadn't crossed paths, he'd quickly forgotten about him, focusing instead on what truly mattered: his waifu.

Clearly, Patches was too iconic a figure in the Lands Between for Konstantin to miss entirely.

No... not just in the Lands Between.

Konstantin squinted.

He was iconic in the hearts of all Soulslike fans and FromSoftware enthusiasts. A true hardcore gamer wasn't one unless they'd been kicked off a cliff by that bald, cocky brigand at least once. (3)

It was practically a rite of passage for any budding Soulslike fan.

"Perfect description!" Thops exclaimed, astonished. "'Patches the Untethered,' he called himself! Have you met him too, Konstantin?"

"You could say that," the man replied, standing. "When did this happen? Do you know where he might be?"

Thops froze, quickly piecing together where this was going.

"That's a bad idea, Konstantin! He's got a whole band of brigands with him. Don't trouble yourself over this! I'm already grateful for all your help!"

"This is personal," Kosta shook his head. "So, do you know where he is?

"Honestly, I tried to follow them," Thops admitted with a rueful smile. "But I gave up. I'm... well, I'm dull. I have no talent for sorcery. Not a shred…"

Seeing the dejected casual, Konstantin reached into some undefined space, pulling out a shield and offering it to the astonished sorcerer.

"Magic is for casuals, Thops," enunciated Konstantin, each word a sharp declaration. "If the path of the casual is closed to you, then that only means the path of a true Soulslike warrior remains."

Thops' mouth fell open as he clutched the shield. He had no idea where the Tarnished had pulled it from, nor could he comprehend half of the madman's words, but...

They sounded so convincing, so certain, so pure and... courageous, that the insecure sorcerer couldn't help but feel inspired by the warrior's valor.

"B-but I love magic…"

"Every true Soulslike player has been through this," Konstantin's face grew stern, etched with sorrow and regret. Thops could see deep pain and shame in his expression. "We all, sooner or later, touch the godless magic, try to experiment with different classes... This is our shared sin, Thops."

"S-sin?" Thops stammered, clutching the shield tighter. "B-but I can't fight at all…"

Konstantin placed a steady hand on the sorcerer's shoulder. His eyes burned with the flame of the Sun—a boundless confidence and the strength of a true tryhard, one who had atoned for his sins through endless rolling.

"It all starts with one roll, Thops. No matter how hard it gets, remember, the Sun will always light your way. You just have to believe in yourself and keep trying. And when luck finally comes to you…"

Immersed in the philosophy of the true Soulslike player, Konstantin stood before the sorcerer and demonstratively raised his hands toward the Sun. Even if it wasn't visible, even if it was night…

The Sun was always there, hidden from those who refused to see it.

"Praise the Sun!"

Thops tilted his head back, feeling tears well up in his eyes.

He was dull. A talentless mage. No matter how much others mocked him, he had always found the strength to keep exploring what he loved. No one had ever believed in him. But this random warrior…

He gave him confidence. Made him believe that he could amount to something. Even if the sorcerer doubted he could fully embrace the path of a pure warrior, he realized he had been thinking too narrowly.

If he couldn't become a true mage, then perhaps he could try learning swordsmanship. Become a warrior-mage. That way, maybe, he could compensate for his shortcomings. His love for magic was too strong. And yet, the warrior's words had struck a chord deep within him.

He couldn't help but be moved.

Seeing the state of the casual, Konstantin, unaware of his inner turmoil, lowered his hands and smiled contentedly. Now more grounded, the man began to recall that all of them had once strayed from the path. Casuals didn't need judgment—they needed guidance and enlightenment.

"Come. I'll show you."

Thops nodded hesitantly.

The Sun. He hadn't seen it in so long…

As the two men departed the ruined temple, Melina squinted thoughtfully. Of course, she had been listening to their conversation from start to finish.

"So he does know magic?"

The waifu enthusiast and hardcore devotee were about to face another round of trials.

Melina followed her chosen one, only vaguely aware that they were being watched by Ranni.

The Lunar demigodess, whether she wished to or not, raised her gaze to the mist-covered sky, extending a doll-like hand toward it.

"Can the Sun also guide the way?"

The one who spoke with the Moon had taken the warrior's words far more seriously than Melina had.

She would need time to think.


(1) Not sure if anyone needs this footnote, but it certainly won't hurt. "Asset reuse" refers to reusing created materials (assets) in other projects or for different purposes. Assets can include anything used in development, such as images, textures, 3D models, sounds, videos, etc.

(2) After sitting at a Site of Grace even once, players can always teleport back to it.

(3) This is no joke. In one form or another—much like the cursed swamps everyone hates—Patches can be found in almost every game touched by Miyazaki. Strangely enough, the character's main goal (not Miyazaki's, but this is unconfirmed) is to push you off a cliff. If it doesn't happen, it's not truly Patches.


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