Elden Ring:After the end

Chapter 34: Chapter 35:Crying Peninsula.

The wind blows with surprising ferocity up here, though that doesn't stop observers from being enamored by the view.

But such a view does not seem to interest the one who stands in this place, as he finds himself looking sideways in a very undisguised manner. 

Her long hair is of a silvery hue, is tied in a high ponytail and abnormally straight. He possesses golden eyes like those belonging to reptiles, leaving a lasting impression on those who look upon him.

He wears black leather armor, with some metal additions and a waterproof cloak over it. It was the Confessor set and the person wearing it is Aldrich.

...Aldrich pov...

I currently find myself where the talisman of blessed dew is obtained, a place reached through the Tower of Return or through Leyndell. 

"As I recall this portal should lead directly into the Weeping Peninsula."

Yes, yes, yes. This portal leads directly towards the Tower of Return, a place Godfrey had prepared to quickly return to Leyndell. 

"More than a lion, a lapdog of Marika... Though he hit hard, very hard indeed."

Ignoring the little tremor that runs through my body at the memory of that guy, I take one last look at Leyndell and extend my hand towards the doorway. 

"Aldrich, come here!"

"How did he figure it out? Yeah, Al must not have endured and they must have started fighting, causing her to notice."

Placing my thoughts in order, I gave a smile to the huge dragon charging this way and finally touched the portal. 

It was like being stretched, then it felt like being enlarged and finally everything was filled with bright colors. 

When I reacted again, I was on top of a destroyed tower, with rain pouring down on my raincoat and my eyes on a vast beach. 


Unlike how it is normally used, I am using the barrier to isolate something from the outside and not protect it from the outside. In other words, with the barrier over the portal, the portal will not be able to absorb energy from the surroundings and will have to be deactivated. 

"It was a good idea to play with magic and not blindly trust what I know naturally."

Yes, the last few weeks were the lightest. All thanks to the new institutions, making me not have to solve every little issue and have free time. 

Although it was too much, too much... Not that I'm complaining, but I'm not a statue to worship, so I've escaped from Leyndell. 

It may sound like a rather foolish thing to say "I have too much time, so I'm running away", but I know my strengths and the administration is not. So I've come to prepare the ground. 

"Knowing that I am on the Weeping Peninsula, I must cross over the bridge which is the only entrance and after reaching Necrolimbo go all the way to Stormy Veil."

Forming a coherent order of action in my thoughts, I approach the destroyed part of the watchtower and look towards the beach.

Well actually I can't see the beach, at least not directly, as his field of vision is blocked by some bad walls and what looks like the remains of a port city. 

"This makes some sense. This is where Godfrey and his troops departed from when he was driven out of the Midlands, it's obvious that the ships couldn't have come out of nowhere."

Accepting that it is already something normal, these changes that are out of my memories, I extend my perception outwards and what I feel is something... Strange. 

It was a feeling like the power of Faith, but at the same time it was not. If the power of Faith is proud and exclusive of all others, this strangeness seems to devour everything and make it part of it. 

It is the Frenzied Flame, not only do I trust my sense to affirm this, but the small group of one knight and four soldiers erase all my doubts in this. 

"How did the Frenzied Flame spread so much... Who let the disease spread so much... No, maybe no one dealt with that sick village near Castle Morne and it all got out of hand?"

Accepting myself-explanation, I make the Royal Carian Center appear and use one of the simplest magics, and with a walk eliminate those minions. 

Now that the surroundings are clear, I jump to the area below and make an extremely important object appear. It is a simple golden ring that I place on one of my fingers and then I let out a whistle.

The energy in the surroundings stirs gently and before I know it, my entire field of vision changes to a higher one. It's Torrent, Torrent, Torrentera, or just everyone's favorite horse/goat.

"How long, or maybe just a moment... That doesn't matter anymore, are you ready for adventure, Torrent?"

Stroking his mane, I notice how Torrent stares at me with strangely human eyes, a sign of his superior intelligence. 

"Are you angry? You know you're not my only option... That animals are infected too. Well, here's some golden serbs."

Surrendering to his demands, I finally ended up giving Torrent a total of five rowanberries. It was a good expenditure, it was either that or walk to the bridge linking this place to Necrolimbo. 

"Now come on, Torrent. First towards Mistress Sellen's prison, then a break at Marika's church and then we'll see."

With a halfway feasible plan and ignoring the huge mausoleum moving across the plains, I give Torrent a little punch in the neck and he takes off full speed ahead.

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