Electric Princess [Railgun]

Chapter 18: Sunday - Avengers

The area of the Aqua park, thanks to the rising steam from its lake, already believably resembled a volcanic crater, with a lake and a tropical island in its center. His defenders were about to take a rest when a big fat biplane suddenly rushed into the area. Taking low attitude, it barely not crashed into the trees on the wall that surrounded the lake. But this machine was not a small fighter or a transport plane, but rather a huge bomber. Instead of canvas, it was covered with wood planks. Its wingspan was at least fifty meters and there were a pair of engines with propellers on each side. Somehow, this airplane managed to slip unnoticed by the city air forces and fly into the Aqua Park area, aiming for the island or directly onto the mentioned meadow/camping area.


As his engines were noisy, Mugino as a welcome gift shot a green beam of Meltdowner toward the craft. She skillfully cut off its wings and what little was left of them immediately caught on fire from the melted cuts. The machine crashed on the water surface, but due to its shape and the inertial force it had, it slid along the water surface to the shore. There it stopped on the beach, when the nose of the plane piled up with a sandbank as the craft stop moving forward.

Not even a moment passed when a massive golem resembling a mystical steam-punk knight tore the fuselage of the plane from the inside, in its attempt to get to the beach. One could only speculate, but apparently the visitors wanted to use this Goliath, only after a (minor landscaping) in the city. They probably wanted to drop it like a bomb directly on the clusters of resistance forming after the meteor phase.

Having a difficulty to move properly, it still managed to stood up, tearing off all the curtains and handles of the crash landed bomber. From the movements and insults coming from this mechanical golem, there was no doubt that this machine harbored a true pilot within. When he finally escaped the air craft coffin that don't seems to have any other occupants, reached the beach, he began his march of destruction towards the meadow area.

Stiyl wanted to challenge him with his own fire golem equivalent, named 'Innocentus', but Kanzaki stopped him, saying that he was injured and should stay behind. She practically threw his but to the ground.


As the golem rolled towards them, its operator spoke from its bowels, who had unkind remarks about the efforts of the island's population. He aim his right hand at them, on which was attached a cannon from the golden era of sailing ships and naval expeditions, which remembered the times when these weapons were still loaded from the front with a crude iron ball, when gunpowder was first poured into the barrel. But with this steam punk magical item, one would assume that it would shot a fireballs without having to put anything in the barrel.

However, the Golem dropped his attack, stopped its march and began to cover with his left hand as the green 'Meltdowner' charged straight at him. On his left, a scaled-down version of the shield that defended the castle, materialized. But this time there was no breaking of attack, shield or sending a punishment curse toward Mugino. Instead, the attack persisted. As the green beam was pressing on the energy shield, the golem itself stopped moving completely, as if stuck. Or rather, more precisely, as if he couldn't do anything else for now.

Number Four dint like it. "Huh? What is whit this design flaw?!" Mugino snapped in exasperation as she kept a continuous beam on the golem so to speak and it just stood there. She toyed with her aiming, as she went back and forth on the shield that completely covered him as if she was looking for a weak spot. Until for some reason she directed her beam directly at the goliath's helmet. She don't seem to stop anytime soon.

Index shook her head sadly. "Probably their plan was, that some of the artifact's power would be transferred to this magical weapon as well. So it would also be protected by a curse that would punish the attacker, albeit to a lesser degree. However, it seems that in the heat of battle, they forgot that the artifact was sent into a history book. So he can't trigger this ability. However, the irony is that the shield is currently using up all of the golem's resources, so he can't even move."


"So in practice, it's a sitting duck!" Touma shouted out and ran straight at the golem. He touched the energy shield and it just exploded into particles. Meltdowner sawed through the helmet, piercing it from one side to another, before Mugino disabled it.

The golem, let out a sparks and steam from that hole, but still tried to drive at the intruder with his left hand. Except Kamijou used his own right hand. Since it was a magical machine through and through, contact with the 'Image-Breaker' tore off the golem's right arm as if it was rotted wood that crumbled apart. Steam hissed from the torn pipes and sparks flew from the severed cables.

The golem throw a punch with his right hand, maybe trying to use the cannon at close range, but Kamijou swung his right hand again and the scene repeated.

So now it was enough for the boy to touch the front chest plate and it suddenly fell off as if all the enchanted ropes and cords holding it to the mechanical knight's body were snapped.

This gave a view into the cockpit and the operator who controlled the machine. This warrior had the ceremonial dress of a dignitary, which seemed to be cut out of a story of some long-forgotten civilization. His face was ritually painted, as if he were some chosen hero to lead the army to victory. This hero from the castle glared at the spiky haired hero from city and gave him an insult in the form of a metaphor. After declaring that he would not defeat him again this time, he charged at the challenger in front of him.

But Kamijou clenched his fist tightly as before. Since the painted fighter wasn't fast enough to get out of the cockpit properly, he wasn't even in a good position for his own strike.

Both fists flew at the other.

But it was Touma who punched the other warrior straight in the face. There was a sound of the supernatural phenomenon being shattered like a glass. Something was forcibly canceled and the paint on the warrior's face splattered. The force of the blow alone sent the chosen one back into the cockpit, where he hit his head on something and passed out with a trickle of blood coming from his nose.


Kamijou looked down at his clenched fist in a victory pose. "Well, that should be done. It's completely different when I can actually give the blue blood a good one and not just through the puppets."

#7 jumped down to meadow joining the group again. As expected he was carrying with him a metallic trophy, which this time was just another golem's helmet, he defeated. "Hey bro, that right hook right now, it was properly filled with guts." He grinned as he drop the helmet that had markers and folded sheets from his fists to the other scrap that was around, like some sort of trophy for comparison. "To tell you the truth, hitting the real thing is really something else." Kamijou agreed and the two of them, standing eye to eye, clapped their hands together brotherly in understanding, almost as if they were about to arm-wrestling each other. "Those guys, their battle paint might have given them courage, but they were too presumptuous to pounce on that windowless building. So it was quite a show over there. A whole group of such tanks and planes broke out all their teeth on that skyscraper, hardly scoring any points. They probably didn't know what got them, but for now it looks like a junkyard around there."

Stiyl rubbed his stiff neck. "Of course, the office of the highest authority in 'Gakuen-Toshi' is too tempting a target to pass up. Perhaps the chairman of the board directors was their main target from the beginning and this was all just a prelude. But that building has more solid roots than one would think. The opening move with the meteors, it probably aimed to first disrupt these roots, before they rush at him. They miscalculated badly."

But Index had a doubtful thoughtful expression. "I'm not sure this conclusion is complete. This operation of theirs, despite the enormous amount of preparation and the disproportionate amount of resources and personnel they put into it, is sloppily executed. Even incompetence has its limits. It's almost as if they completely ignored or don't understand at all, the defenses that can be forced out of this city, for that matter. That dart cone alone was powerful enough to deal with that potter's house alone."


Stiyl strode over to the defeated chosen one. "They were certainly dissuaded/reluctant, to premature using that artifact that can punish all guilty. I'd almost say, they were hoping that the lord of this city himself would oppose them, standing in front to take things into his own hands. "

Index also went to take a closer look at the warrior. "Probably. What is a perfect countermeasure for one may be just a lengthy obstacle for another. This don't feel much like a cultural clash of so different point of view that one side is confused of what the other side is doing, and vice versa. Even so, it seems to me that there is more behind this whole plan than has been revealed to us. But those who influence the chess pieces to make a move, will surely not reveal anything, lest they did not move the pieces earlier than the chess player's plan. I will just remind you that certain impatient horses/knights tried too hard for those premature moves."

Touma frowned in displeasure. "Do you mean to tell me; that everything they have done so far, was just a cover, for something that is so out of scale, that they are willing to drop a nuke on the civilian population for it?!" He clenched his fist in displeasure when Index admitted that it would be possible.

Sogiita had a similar reaction. "Hey, hey, it's not very brave to think about someone who knows how to fight, that he is no longer a civilian, but a weapon. It is said that this city is a brave image of what the world can look like in one generation in future. But not having the guts to accept this possibility and to try to destroy the future is cowardly. For now we must wait until those in the castle dare to make their next move. It would mean that this party will get going with a lot of guts." His mood changed to a relaxed one as quickly as if it was just the flip of a switch. "Speaking of which, sorry that I'm so late to the party. I've had so many stops on the way here since the morning that I've been seriously delayed. So, what's on the menu?"


The mention of food reminded a white-haired girl stomach that it is his job and he loudly protested his emptiness.

Of course, when she started babbling/raving/reciting downright exotic food names to her roommate, Kamijou immediately admonished her not to make unrealistic demands. He reminded her of a local cook from this park, whom she had brought to tears and at one point the poor cook started ranting that he was going to quit his job today. But a moment after that, his stomach also started saying that he should also eat something.


Mikoto, now standing a few steps behind him, suddenly began to internally panic in the sense that she also had to say something in order not to be left out of the inner circle. That's why she suggested that they go to the plaza, that there are food stalls there. Of course, her proposal was accepted without a single objection. While the defenders began to move to the mentioned place, Kanzaki reached into the cockpit of the defeated golem to pull out the chosen one, who would be asked questions later. Mikoto still had time to look around to see if she had forgotten (something), but only now did she notice that the battlefield had emptied, so to speak. Out of all the sisters, only Inoue stayed with her, who just must to utter a remark about how her big sister saved her social situation hanging in the thin line with a neutral lunch invitation. Going over that remark from her sister, Railgun notice that even a certain useless blonde, was missing from the meadow. Even Stiyl, whom she pushed into his arms, had empty hands, so it must be somebody else who take Shokuhou away. After last looking around, she quickly picked up her pace when she realized that she was practically the last one to began to leave the scene of the battle, as Inoue had also joined leaving group before her.




Aside from the main story in the academic city: it's worth noting that the biplane squadron of the uninvited guests was actually allowed to fly away without a fight. However, not everyone was happy with it. An example was also certain pilots on the side of the city. They were unhappy that they were not allowed to pursue and shoot down a squadron of biplanes.

"What is the management thinking, tying our hands like this? I feel like an ordinary security guard/organizer at the stadium, who escorts the too passionate fans of the guests out of the stadium, after they did not win the match against home team. At the same time, they cannot fit into their skin so much that they vandalized and broke the stands. And all I'm allowed to do is scowl at them because they keep their distance from my baton."

The co-pilot reprimanded him."It probably got into your head, didn't it?! It's not our lot to punish, when we're actually teachers who have to hammer into their heads where they make a mistake, you should already know that. But if you already have such thoughts, you'd better look around at the sky, and find the answer to the question that reads: (something super important) is missing here on our side. Then think about (Who will have a hard feeling?) when that (something) will actually shows up."


The first pilot actually looked around the sky. He even looked at the radar screen and the list of allies that he had brought up on the data display. Only then did his eyes widen in horror at the realization.


The city squadron stopped following the uninvited guests when the castle squadron got off the coast and headed out into the ocean, into international waters. Indeed, the biplanes continued relatively calmly over the ocean. But after a while they were in for a surprise. What appeared to them on the horizon, flying towards them, was the pride of aviation progress and one of the icons of 'Gakuen-Toshi'.


HsB-2; A series of supersonic bombers, whose maximum speed reaches 7,000 kilometers per hour. They resemble a flying wing in shape, and their length varies from 80 to 100 meters. Series one is used for express passenger transport, where you forget about comfort. However, the series two is used for other, more demanding purposes. A weapon called the 'Earth Blade' was developed for it, which is basically iron powder that when used/launched in a precise dose, at full speed it turns into a blade of molten metal of 8000 degrees Celsius, which drags behind it a second blade of red-hot air. The earth that is hit by this resembles molten magma. As for the other weapons, it is a vast collection, the whole arsenal of AC, provided it can withstand high G overload. This machine can fly away from the missile simply by flying straight at full speed. Because normal approach to control of this craft will knock out any human from extreme conditions a trick was used to bypassed the restriction, opening a usage of computers and precise sniping of infrastructure by Earth Blade.


This entire squadron had dart cones suspended under their wings, which must have meant 'Earth Blade'. In this raid, they didn't even have to aim hard to burn-down the enemy army. But despite this clear superiority, the radio was the first to be heard.

"Unknown assailant, here is the Avengers Squadron of Academy City. You have committed an unprovoked attack on a civilian population, which is prohibited by international law. Even after your attempt with a weapon of mass destruction failed, you still intended to continue the fight, this time on a personal level. We have every right to destroy you. But that is not the way we deal with conflicts. Destruction is not our agenda. Because our beliefs lies in progress on every level. Personal grow included. That is why we give you what you have refused to give to our defenseless. Learn from it! We give you grace and freedom!"


A squadron of HsB bombers, in a neat formation as if it was an Air-show, flew at a supersonic speed of 7000 km/h, high above a squadron of biplanes, so that they could be seen, heard and felt. Without dropping their deadly cargo, they continued in a straight line to the Academic City.

The antiquarian machines flew on, continuing their course over the ocean, before suddenly and mysteriously disappearing from the sight of all observers, as if simply disappearing behind a curtain.




-Huge biplane - at the end of the First World War, the German side built a bomber that was 21 meters long, had 6 engines and a wingspan of up to 48 meters. A maximum speed of 125 km/h, a range of 900 km, an operating height of 4000 m and carried almost 5 tons.

-In wolf pack, if the pack is on travel, the leading male is not in front, but following the group, keeping his distance from others. He actually guarding the pack, keeping eye for possible threats. Misaki sometimes calling Mikoto a lone wolf. Yet Mikoto show, that in occasions she dint engage in battles of others if they were doing fine.

Do not worry, we are not finished whit the story, and more episodes will come.

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