Chapter 3: Three: Classes
Assassins were attackers first. They specialized in speed and strength but lacked endurance. Things that would kill creatures akin to mosquitoes would likewise take out an Assassin quite easily.
As for Knights. They on the other hand had great endurance and speed. But their attack power was something to be desired.
And then there was Berserker. They specialized in taking hits and likewise dishing it out. But their speed was almost akin to a sloth.
These three classes were known as the Core Classes. And they were essential if one needed to survive in this world.
But this didn't make any of the other Classes any less important. Though right now, Saturis needed power first and everything else secondary.
So, without putting much thought into it. Saturis had decided on the Assassin Class. Though he would be more than vulnerable, his speed and attack would more than make up for it. All he had to do was make sure to be extra careful.
Not lingering on the other Classes for now, Saturis turned his attention to the Kriten, who seemed to have dozed off. Judging by how its head was plopped on the top of the screen with his eyes closed and what looked like a ballooning snort in his nose.
"Seriously?" Saturis thought, as he stared in disbelief.
"Hey uh...Kriten." Saturis said, but got no response.
"Hey!" Saturis yelled, causing the Kriten's head to jerk awake.
"I'm up, I'm up." He said with a yawn. Then proceeded to clean out his eyes with his ear hand.
"I've made up my mind." Saturis said, and in response the Kriten's eyes lit up.
"Ah great! So you decided to be an Engineer? It would be really cool because there are so many ancient technology lying everywhere that I always wondered what they did. Hopefully bottling up Kritens isn't one of them, and maybe something..."
"I've chosen an Assassin!" Saturis said with a cross between a yell and a normal tone, while feeling as though an artery in his head about to pop.
Upon hearing this, the Kriten frowned.
"Boring." He said, then proceeded to do what Saturis had asked for. "You know it'd be much better..."
"If I need your advice, I'll ask for it." Saturis said, before ignoring the now pouting Kriten to stare at his Halo Framework.
[DATA FRAGMENTS: 0/100,000]
Looking at his Class once more, Saturis felt a relief. Then he diverted his attention to his Rank.
Looking at it, Saturis felt a little melancholy due to the fact that he was at the lowest Rank there was. Once an Encoded fused with a Kriten, they would be given one of Seven Ranks.
Namely: Stuart, Sentry, Sage, Herald, Harbinger, Imperial and Monarch. And each were subdivided into Five Tiers.
As per the norm, Encodeds were to be of the lowest Rank. But due to his bloodline, he was expecting something more.
Perhaps a Sentey. Such a thing wouldn't be too much to ask would it? Or if that was infeasible, then maybe a Tier 5 Stuart at the very least. With what he was going to go through in this world, he would need all the advantage he could get.
"Ntch." Saturis grunted, then diverted his gaze to the next line. And upon seeing this, Saturis raised a brow. "Data Fragments?" Saturis said, unsure of what exactly he was looking at.
Judging by the numbers next to these words, it was evident that this was how he was going to grow. But what these Data Fragments was he needed to collect was what Saturis did not know.
The normal way of growing was to Consume the Cores of the Shadow Creatures that roamed this world. But as for Data Fragments, Saturis didn't even know what to ask concerning it.
And looking at the amount he needed, if it was rare, then growing in power would be a distant dream.
"A hundred thousand." Mordecai said, trying to make sure he was reading it wrong. Or perhaps hoping that when he said it out loud, it would seem more feasible.
"You're running out of time." The Kriten said, once again scratching his ear with his pinky.
"Running out of time." Saturis said, as he contemplated. There was still much to learn about his Framework. But it would seem he didn't have the time for it. So he decided to check one last thing. Which was the item now in his Inventory, an Inventory which was previously empty.
"Open up my Inventory." Saturis said, and for once, without saying anything, the Kriten did as told without delay.
With the new screen in front of Saturis, he saw a slew of empty slots. A total of fifty to be exact. This was the standard for every Stuart ranked Encoded. Fortunately, the number would increase by increments of ten with every rank they grew.
Looking at the first slot, which was the only one that wasn't empty, Mordecai's eyes gleamed when he saw a dagger there. His starter weapon.
He wanted to reach out for it, but was disrupted by the Kriten.
"You're time's up." The Kriten said, and almost immediately, the entirety of this space had disappeared so that he opened his eyes with a gasp.
What he saw was a world of trees and plants of varying kinds and colors. Sitting up, Saturis felt like his head had been split open.
"I guess it was at one point." Saturis said with an ironic grin as he stared at the chunks of flesh and blood in almost every corner. Saturis was well aware he had been smashed into a pulp, but he didn't know exactly how he was still alive. Not that it mattered, what did matter was that he was alive.