Chapter 59: Ch. 58 Dragon Tale
"This is it! Dragon tale!" Galileo led Magnus, Morgiana, Lion-O and Galilea to the large building built at the edge of the capital while the others checked in at home. It was a large imposing building as big as one of the three royal estates. Though it was designed with great care, it was clear the building had seen some rough times in its short life. There was a crew patching recent damages to the roof as they walked up. The most notable feature was the large roots growing through the building connected to a great tree sprouting out of the center of the building. Black dragon banners hung on either side of the door. Just standing outside a strong presence of monsters and demons could be felt clearly. Galileo breathed in the sinister air and exhaled excitedly "welcome to my castle!" Pushing the doors open Galileo was greeted by a loud crash and someone sliding to his feet. "Shidou?"
"Yo" he said casually. He was a tall slender young man with tanned skin and spiky pink hair. The blank look he wore quickly faded into an evil grin as he realized who was standing over him. "Heeey it's the boss! Let's fight!"
"Not now, I'm giving a tour of the place."
"Is that Magnus? Long time no see! Thanks for recommending this place, I get to cut loose all day over here!"
"No problem. I thought you'd fit in a little better here than doing my missions."
"What can I say, didn't make my heart explode."
"I see. this guild seems…exciting to say the least" Morgiana said looking around the big dining hall. There was a merry atmosphere all around, like a big party. People were laughing, eating, drinking, singing, dancing, and doing a bunch of other random stuff like playing games or working on personal projects throughout the room. Someway or another, fights would break out among guild members who'd be partying together again the very next minute.
"Oi! Shidou you bastard, finish what you started!" Someone yelled.
"HAHAHAHA get ready to die!" Shidou dove into a brawl and disappeared in the fighting.
"This place really has you written all over it Gali." Magnus said dusting rubble off his shoulder.
"I know right? Isn't it great?! ALRIGHT BUGS LISTEN UP!" The whole party stopped, and Galileo dodged a chair thrown at him.
"I take great offense to that, stupid lizard!" One of his guild members, a beautiful demoness with a murderous scowl on her face stood her ground. She looked incredibly elegant in her silk dress and fur coat but she was flailing a whip like a psychopath everyone cleared some space so as not to get hit. It wasn't hard to see why she was mad when you accounted for the big fuzzy antennae growing from her forehead.
"(Moth demon?)" Magnus guessed.
"Shut up Mothra we've been over this!" Galileo yelled.
"My name is Selene dammit! That's it, today's the day I kill you!" Selene attacked Galileo who intended to strike her with lightning and go back to what he was saying until a second attack came in tandem.
"Poison dragon's fang thrust!" A serpent made of poison came from the opposite direction of Selene's whip.
"Poison dragon slayer? I never hired a poison dragon slayer!" Galileo was surprised, but he easily stopped the attack with a burst of purple lightning. He pulled Selene in by her whip and let her crash into a wall. "Alright who wants a beatdown! Poison dragon step up!" A group parted to show a little white-haired woman hiding behind them, it was none other than the snake demoness and former commandment "Melascula? Why are you here?"
"Well umm… your brother said to wait here until he got back from Hodge…" She said timidly.
"Whatever…I heard you suck at being a maid anyways." Flash back to Melascula supposed to be cleaning at the Vermillion estate. She'd purposely drop and lose expensive items with a sarcastic 'whoop's'. Other times take bites of food that was to be served or throw away important documents. There was a few times she threatened to devour her coworker's souls. Aside from Fuegoleon everyone was too scared to say anything to her.
"So I can quit!? I'd much rather be a fabled beast or executive (and away from that stiff necked jerk Fuegoleon!)"
"I'm not giving you that much power!"
"Why not? She learns quickly enough." Irene said sitting at a table on the second story balcony with tea and a book. "In the month or so you've been gone she's already become a better dragon slayer than you. She'd also be much more useful than Tsuchigumo in management. I'll even oversee her training myself."
"Mmmmmm you're responsible for her then Irene. Anyways Melascula, you know that mark you're wearing belongs to my strongest Dragon tale members, the fabled beasts."
"I know already dumbass I am a fabled beast now!"
"How can you be a fabled beast without my permission?"
"Because I passed all your pathetic trials HAHAHAAHAHA! I may as well be named the greatest of the fabled beasts right now. After all I was formerly a ten commandment, clearly the strongest warrior in your little group. HAHAHAHAHA!" Melascula's laugh was intimidating enough to most of the weaker members but the other fabled beasts took offense to her arrogance.
"Mind your haughtiness girl." A grimacing crow tengu said from above, sitting in the rafters.
"Maybe the noob needs a lesson in manners…" a rabbit demi-human cracked her knuckles.
"Chill out girl. You'll find out how tough the position can be soon enough." A jellyfish fishman reclined on a table smoking a joint. His tentacles looked like dreadlocks, reminding Magnus of a Rasta man.
"Karasuno, Usagi, Bernie, you three can it too. I got this. Who elected her a fabled beast anyway?"
"Fabled beasts Oogway carried out the tests." Someone pointed to a large carriage sized tortoise slowly eating a salad in the middle of the room. A tree grew from its shell and wet mushy mud was perpetually stuck to its feet. It paid no mind to the shenanigans caused by the other members of the guild.
"Hey , Ooguay! Did she pass!?"
The tortoise Oogway simply nodded his approval.
"Well how about that, you get to make it today snake. I guess you need a codename now…" Galileo trailed off in thought.
"Gali I'm going to assume that your best members of dragon tail are these fabled beasts of yours. If a literal tortoise could meet the requirements don't you think you're setting the bar a little low?" Magnus asked Galileo, at least it had magic power (quite a bit at that) but what kind of criteria is he setting?
"Yes brother your forces appear…lowly." Galilea added.
"I assume there are some sort of requirements to gain the title of fabled beasts?" Morgiana asked.
"Yeah you have to pass my three challenges. First you have to find a SSS class rare treasure. The second challenge is to tame a SSS class magic beast. The third is the fun one, you gotta last ten minutes against three other fabled beasts. Three v one."
Magnus who believed in thorough screenings, intensive training regimens, and orderly structure had his disappointment in Galileo's group written all over his face. They were little more than a gang with VIP treatment at the guild. He wasn't even sure what they really did. "Good work Gali…"
"You could at least pretend to be impressed."
"Galileo, what does Dragon tale even do?"
"I wanted my own private army too, but the guild has political neutrality rules I gotta follow."
"Sooo you just recruited a bunch of battle junkies and built a place for them to hang out?"
"Well yeah…."
"I have no problem with you building a private army, in fact I applaud it. But I was expecting a more badass Fairy tail not this mess! Your people have no discipline or structure, several of them are actively after your head. Dragon tale stands for nothing, and if that's the case it will fall for anything."
"Uhuh, I was going to-"
"Hey! Boss since when do you listen to people? You gonna let this nerd tell you to start changing stuff?!" A man sized golden eagle perched in a branch of the tree yelled out. "We don't need rules! We do what we want! THIS IS DRAGON TALE!"
"Yeah he's right!"
"Fabled beast Jupiter is so badass!" A few lackeys cosigned.
"Is that so? You think that it will be ok just being a burden on the capital? That the other citizens won't get tired of your antics?" Magnus retorted to the bird.
"They won't do anything! They know not to mess with us!" The eagle yelled.
"Yeah!" Others agreed.
"I think it's Galileo they know not to mess with, what will happen if he leaves for longer than this last trip?" Some of the members began to murmur with some concern. Magnus had a point. There are quite a few powerful figures in the kingdom who want them gone.
"We'll crush anyone who messes with us plain and simple." The eagle was fed up with Magnus' questioning. "Kid don't come around here talking shit. You don't know how strong we are."
"What does it matter? I know you're not stronger than me."
"You little punk!" The eagle spread it's wings and a column of black lightning arched from him and shot towards Magnus. "An eagle zoan with lightning god slayer magic? I'm not impressed." With a flick of his wrist Magnus' zangetsu sent a getsuga tensho straight through the lightning.
Jupiter dodged it and flew at Magnus full speed as lightning coated his wings. "Thunder bird's destructive wingbeat!" Flapping his wings a storm of lightning and wind blew everything and everyone in it's path away with a nasty shock.
"See this is why you need discipline Gali, you're subordinates are far too reckless. Bakudo 81. Danku." An invisible wall appeared blocking the storm and completely cancelled it out. "Need we continue…Jupiter was it? You've already shown the fabled beast's worth quite a bit."
"Fuck you! Thunderbird's shocking down!" Another flap of his strong wings and feathers charged with black lightning rained down with explosive force.
"Wind style: empty twister" A small tornado appeared in Magnus open palm and flew towards the feathers pulling them all in before disappearing with them. "Since you insist on keeping this up, I'll reward your tenacity." Magnus summoned a sword with a guard made of majestic white feathers, the sleek white blade shone with a heavenly radiance. All the numerous monsters and beasts of the guild felt an overwhelming sense of suppression coming from it, even the Galis felt a bit of pressure from it. But more than anyone Jupiter was trembling, and he couldn't figure out why. "Behold the sky roc sword. Fabled beasts, executives… I'll give you the same advice I gave my peak masters. The heights of the heavens above are limitless, never look down for there is always someone higher. Me." He raised the white sword high above his head and it's light filled the room
"Tch! You little shit you're looking down on me! Thunderbird's war cry!" His roar attack let out a massive stream of jet-black lightning.
"Roc rends the heavens." One swing of Magnus sword and the roof of Dragon tale was gone, reduced to nothing by a horrid burst of wind. The cry of a roc fading into the distance could be heard with the passing winds as Jupiter fell from the sky cleaved in two. "Know your place" Magnus said coldly dispersing his sword.
"What the hell Magnus!? You can't just kill my people!" Galileo was burning with rage.
"Why not? I've killed my own for less. That peon had the nerve to continually disrespect me. Even though you fought at my sect. you fought Iori one of my strongest members, who was DISICIPLINED enough to stop when ordered to do so. Jupiter was not only unruly but weak as well. I'm sorely offended."
"I wasn't gonna say anything since Magnus spoke so highly of you and this place is a little fun, but for this to be considered any kind of army is laughable." Up above next to Irene, a solemn faced teenager with shoulder length slicked green hair tucked behind pointed ears sat at the table. Three katana sat on his hip and one more was strapped over his shoulder. He wore a black kimono with a gold dragon scale pattern and red sash around his waist and a bandana was tied around his neck with the pattern of a demon's mouth. His cold blue eyes darted around the room. "Aside from the executives I don't see many noteworthy fighters in here, and there is no sense of order. Just don't offend the boss too much. Where's your Iron fist? A careless leader like you will only lead his people to ruin."
Galileo's conqueror's haki was instantly met with a fierce sword intent creating sparks throughout the room. Many were struggling not to pass out, while the stronger ones watched surprised at the newcomers strength. Even most of the fabled beasts became anxious as the felt how much closer to Galileo he was than they. Magnus and Irene looked smugly, seeing Galileo was learning another lesson in leadership. "Who the hell is this guy?"
"I am the temp executive, Mifune. I have come to be the dragon's sword, however I won't serve someone unworthy, but I suppose you just barely make the cut. I'll lend you my swords."
"On off chance you did well in Heart I figured we would need to find more talents to become executives for the other branch. I'd have used one of our own Fabled beasts but they're still quite rough around the edges." Irene explained. "I believe Magnus said he'd fit in better with us because of his nature. Truth be told I see no reason not to take him in."
"Whatever, he's good." Galileo grumbled.
"Same reason I came" Shidou added. I like your style boss but if Dragon tale is gonna be worth talking about with any kinda respect you gotta step up. This lackluster play won't make my blood boil much longer."
"I know all that, dammit! That's why I'm going away to train for a year, and while I'm gone I'm suspending all dragon tale activities and external privileges. You're all gonna spend the year mastering these special regimens and drills I've made for you all. No questions, or you can leave now! I came here today to tell you shit's that our being looked at as trash is over! We're gonna surpass the magic knight's, the sword sect, all of that! My horde of monsters are gonna make all our enemies quake in their boots!"
"Now you sound respectable brother." Galilea said.
"He is still the boss." Loin-O added.
"Time will tell what these regimens amount to." Morgiana said watching calmly.
"Indeed, maybe he'll get it right this time." Magnus chuckled.
"And you! Fix my shit bastard!" Galileo pointed to Magnus
"I'm going to charge you an arm and a leg for it though... terrestrial rebirth!" Magnus clasped his hands together and the green surge of energy rebuilt the entire building good as new, the tree looked healthier and stronger too. What surprised everyone more than that was the eagle zoan brought back to life and fully healed, as well as the restoration of anyone injured in the crossfire. A single cold gaze from Magnus sent him flying into the high branches out of sight. "Now about the rest of that tour?"