Chapter 69: Ch 67. Morgiana vs Reaver
"Be careful girl! My special 'surgeon' upgraded this body from a great swordsman of the past! Reaver of the mage hunter cult. A swordsman whose blade claimed the lives of many mages. He killed countless wizards and drained their mana which made his physical power grow. Now I've fitted him with a few more things, like a chakra network for example. He's unstoppable! Reaver kill them both now!" Moria barely dodged a flying slash aimed at his head.
"Shut up fatass, I'm not taking orders from some gross pirate whatever you are," Reaver said nonchalantly sheathing his sword. I want to go out and have some fun…this cramped cave bores me!" Reaver pouted.
"(Grrrr…calm down Moria you know the deal…stronger willed shadows take longer to submit. I'll just have to distract him for the time being.) Alright Reaver, you're free to do what you want. However, you should know those two are here specifically here to kill you. The girl called you a cheap copy and has the power to take your shadow back. If you can kill them you'll be free" Moria said.
"There's nothing cheap about me! How dare that little shit look down on me!" Reaver turned to them giving off extreme killer intent. "These scum think they can defeat me! HAHAHAHAHAAA! I've been itching for some danger since I woke up! I'll turn you both to mincemeat!"
"(Definitely Morge's shadow…)" Magnus thought.
"Hahahaha I'll be enough for you Frankenstein!" Morgiana charged Reaver and unleashed a furious combo that was dodged easily as if the zombie also had the Sharingan. "Tch. Try this one on for size! Monster cat inferno!" Morgiana waved her blazing cape and intense flames washed over him.
"Water style; Great water wall!" After several quick hand-signs while jumping back Reaver spit a rivaling wall of water canceling Morgiana's attack. "You've got quite a few skills girl, let's see who can put them to better use." A battle of taijutsu ensued and neither fighter gave way. Morgiana went for a low sweep but Reaver lept over it and thrust his arm straight at her. Sword intent flew forward splitting everything in its path but Morgiana dodged. "You're quick!" Reaver threw a spinning backhand to clash with Morgiana's roundhouse kick, but his extreme strength sent her rolling back. "Solar style! Sunbeam!"
"Shit!" Morgiana was at a particular disadvantage against sunlight with her shadow gone and that jutsu not only had range but highly destructive power. "Matatabi!" Morgiana put her hands out and the aura of a giant blue monster cat head formed around her, charging a small bijuu bomb. The two attacks collided with fierce explosion clearing the room except for Magnus and Moria watching from opposite sides blowing the roof off of the hideout. It seemed Morgiana took more damage from it she was heavily burned and steaming. Had it not been for the three tails chakra she may not have survived.
"I hope you haven't finished already little runt, I still want to spill more blood!" Reaver laughed psychotically.
"Saiyawoman tag out you're at a disadvantage!" Magnus jumped out of his seat.
"Shut up, I got this! I'll get my shadow back myself!" Morgiana had no intention of backing down. However, one more solar style could cost her dearly.
"Hahahahaha I respect your tenacity, but a little kid could never hope to beat me! My body is the pinnacle of strength!" Reaver charged at Morgiana with his hand on his blade "Camelot sword art; royal execution" As he drew his sword the image of a regal and powerful white knight followed suit behind him. The sword gave off a domineering pressure of a sword refined in countless battles having drank the blood of innumerable enemies. Death was imminent on contact. He swung his sword at her and cleanly parted everything in it's path, just barely missing Magnus in the background.
"(A Camelot mystic art? This guy is really dangerous!)" Magnus thought.
"(Kishishishi! I think I'm going to like this zombie!)" Moria grinned evilly.
Narrowly dodging the attack Morgiana quickly closed the gap punching the zombie in the face. Before Reaver could counter she vanished and reappeared on the roof above. "I know you zombies don't like fire either! Fire style; Dance of a thousand fireflies!" Morgiana outstretched a hand and countless little balls of blue fire appeared around her and chased after Reaver. He dodged them all deftly flipping backwards, but then he suddenly dropped to the floor and slid under Morgiana's kick. "I'm not done yet! Monster cat inferno!" The ground around where Reaver stood turned blue and Matatbi's blue flames burst up all around him. "BURN FREAK!"
"Freak? How hurtful," to Morgiana's surprise Reaver appeared next to her with the flying raijin on her marked sleeve.
"When did he?"
Wham! A darkness coated uppercut lifted her off her feet, and after a flurry of heavy punches, a hook sent her spiraling across the room. Before she could tear the marked sleeve off, a heavy darkness covered punch sent her skidding across the room another way. She managed to tear the sleeve off, but she had already been marked again "Black rasengan." A solid black ball of spiraling chakra coated in darkness smashed her into the ground leaving a huge crater and shaking the entire hideout's foundation. "Hahahaha is that all you got!"
"Saiyawoman I'm tagging in!" Magnus jumped out of his seat and drew a sword coated in black fire.
"STOP! *Cough cough* This is my shadow and I said I'm going to get it back! You just watch, I'm going to win this and then go whoop fatass over there all by myself! SO SIT THE FUCK DOWN SAIYAMAN!" Morgiana was never fond of sharing her prey but for someone to think she can be beaten with the skills she's worked so hard to perfect, that was beyond unacceptable. "You trusted Galileo to beat Meliodas despite knowing his disadvantage, now trust me to beat this creep!" Morgiana's rage was boiling as her asura blood showed in the spreading red streaks of her hair. She held her sword out with both hands, "I hope you're ready to die again, zombie."
"(Hmmm, an asura's blood? I suppose the shadow wouldn't be able to take bloodline powers…)" Moria speculated. "(But Reaver has a few tricks of his own too. Kishishishi!)"
Reaver started to mimic her stance holding his sword in the same fashion. "I have no intention of tasting death twice. Great mana force restriction release!"
"Kishishishi! He's going to use it! The mana force restriction forces his body to constantly store the mana of his victims, even after his own death, making his body grow more powerful, but upon releasing all that stored up energy his strength will increase by more than fifty-fold. Who knows how strong his next attack will be!"
"KICK HIS ASS SIS!!!" Magnus was indeed worried about his little sister, but like she said no cheap copy could ever stop a Pendragon.
"I already said I would!" Activating the first three gates Morgiana's skin turned red and excess chakra flowed around her. Their swords met in a flurry of steel but reaver was gaining ground at first. "Gate of pain, open!" Morgiana kicked Reaver in the chin with increased force, as a zombie he felt no pain but his brain was still rocked, dazing him. A second kick to the gut folded the zombie. He rose with a swift swipe of his claw that she dodged and the countering kick was met with another dark punch. The two continued to fight faster and faster as their power levels continued to rise. Their kicks clashed sending fierce shockwaves across the room.
Morgiana retreated a step or two losing her balance and he met her with a point-blank "Solar style; big bang sword!" White-hot light started building up around them as he swung a white-hot blade at her. It illuminated the entire room melting their surroundings, soon the entire center of the lab was a smoldering crater. There was no sign of Morgiana, and while Reaver also didn't feel fatigued it was clear it used a lot of chakra to win.
"KiSHISHISHI!!!!! WELL DONE REAVER! Your first trial was a success" Moria Laughed proudly.
"I want pizza." The zombie sheathed his sword and started to walk off.
Magnus was mortified fighting tears as his own murderous intent skyrocketed "No way…Morge…did I really just let you-"
"HAHAHAHAHAHA those solar styles take a lot of chakra do they not?" Morgiana's laugh came from somewhere in the room. "You really thought I could be killed that easily!? Head hunter jutsu!"
Sensing her coming from below Reaver jumped up avoiding the hands from below ground. While stuck in the air three more Morgiana's all flew at him with a rasengan in hand.
"You can't stop me! Camelot art: imperial split" As he slowly drew his sword, sword energy delivered countless small cuts to everything slowing them down, and then halfway through, a full swing split them all in two. With them poofing a powerful surge of electricity shocked the zombie. And again even though he couldn't feel the pain the shock caused his joints to lock up making him vulnerable to her finishing move.
"Let me show you how to use a Camelotian art. Secret Camelot killing art; merciless hell blade." Morgiana quickly, almost unperceivable so, swung one horizontal and one vertical slash, then calmly sheathed her sword and walked away. The sword energy seemed to fade before it even reached it's target.
"HAHAHAHA you wasted your chance to finish me little girl! Now die by your own techniques!"
"This fight is over, you're already dead...again"
"Huh, what do you-" To Magnus, Moria and Reaver's surprise the zombie immediately fell to bite sized pieces as soon as he moved then he burst into dark flames. A black blob exited it's body and returned to Morgiana.
"HAHAHAHA! Suck on that! I told you I didn't need help getting my shadow back!" She flipped Magnus off but he returned a thumbs up just happy she was ok. "Now as for you lardo!"
"(This is bad, they've destroyed all the zombies I've got stashed here…and I doubt I can beat them two on one. I'll have to abandon my base here.) Well, I think we can settle this a little later! See ya losers!"
"OH NO YOU DON'T" Both siblings lunged but he broke down into black bats that faded away into the shadows.
"Kishishishi! We'll meet again Saiyaman and Saiyagirl! When that time comes, I'll kill both of you myself!" With that his presence vanished completely.
"We did it Magnus!"
"Good job you showed your skills well against that monster." Magnus said patting her head.
"There was no way I'd lose to something like that! That greedy swine and his zombies had to be the avarice!"
"I can see how he could inflict those psychological issues on his victims…but we didn't really take care of him."
"Well, he won't be back here anytime soon." Morgiana shrugged. "We should probably bring back a zombie or two if we didn't completely destroy them all. I guess we need some kind of proof."
"You're right," Magnus said strolling around the room. "Since no one is coming back, we should see what we can find in this place. Treasure, hostages, enemy intel, treasure-"
"You said treasure twice Magnus."
"Did I?"
"See I told you something interesting was bound to happen! If we didn't go think about how many normies would be becoming zombies right now!" Morgiana exclaimed over an ice cream sundae. She and Magnus went out to eat to celebrate their victory. "Oww everything hurts…" she slumped in her seat.
"You're right, we had an encounter with one of the seven warlords. Truth be told he may be more troublesome than I thought." Magnus sipped his tea. "Under the right circumstances, he could easily be a superpower on his own…"
"Stop worrying so much you'll get frown lines. We know he's another gross sicko who we can just get rid of instead of negotiating with. Simple as that, we'll chop him and his zombies to pieces! Then we'll go slice up the other warlords! Hahahahaha! Anyways, did you have fun?"
"I didn't not have fun…" Flashbacks to Magnus, seeing new plants and animals, solving puzzles to advance in the dungeon, laughing as he and Morgiana roasted zombies with bad puns, and rolling around happily in the large room of newly acquired wealth. Still wasn't his first choice but adventuring wasn't all that bad. "Maybe Odd Jobs will make another appearance one day."
"I said maybe."