Chapter 17: Trouble looming
It's been two solid months past and Arlene had survived.
Not like she became calmer, she was just careful to avoid the Power Couple, alongside any problem that came with them.
Carmella wasn't going to let her be. She was always on her neck but Arlene had her ways out. She wasn't always avoiding her; sometimes she made her realize she was still the Arlene the former knew.
Zayde, luckily, was rarely in school. He'd only attended school three times since that incident. He would come towards lessons over and leave immediately. His last appearance in school was a couple of weeks ago and Arlene had also succeeded in avoiding him, alongside his clingy friend.
Delaney wasn't going to let Arlene rest. She was always talking about Zayde and his looks. But that was only when she had time for Arlene. Currently, she was in a quest to get closer to Carmella and her crew; that was how desperate she was for Zayde. She adjusted all her schedules and made them suit Carmella's. Simply put, she was more of the party type now.
Arlene wasn't bothered much. Delaney had a life to live and she wasn't going to hinder her.
Arlene sat in the school's library, her hoodie cap down as she simply gawked at Greg. He'd offered to help with her History assignment but she could barely understand a thing.
Greg stared back with a smirk.
"Do you think you're helping me?" She asked with a playful scorn on her face.
"You're welcome." He replied with a smile.
"You know what? I'll handle this myself. Do yours."
The smirk fell off his face instantly. "I didn't say you'ld pay me." He whined, a downcast look in his eyes.
Arlene gave a mock smile. "I wouldn't even pay you if you'd said it. I'm fine, Greg. Quick note tho: Never ever teach anyone, ever." She stated, taking her gaze to her books.
"You're hurting my feelings."
"I could do more than that if you don't zip your mouth shut." She shot back.
Greg let out a defeated sigh and sunk back in his chair, now staring at her. He watched her mutter words to herself, pick a book, flip through it, then go back to her assignment book. A smile tugged on his lips unconsciously.
"Maybe you should keep your eyes on something else. I'm trying to focus." Arlene spoke up, noticing his gaze on her.
He readjusted nervously without words and took his gaze to his book. Yet, occasionally, he'ld shift his gaze to her, stare for sometime, then bring it back to his book, a weird smile gracing his face.
"So what are your plans for the holiday?" Greg asked as they walked out of the library some hours later.
"It's still some months away-"
"You mean weeks." He corrected.
"Still gat time. Don't think I have big plans tho. Just go home."
Greg hesitated for some time. "Would you come to my house if I invited you over?" He asked, his eyes on her, apprehensive.
Arlene gave a genuine smile. "I could, maybe. But I guess it's next time."
"Don't get too excited, I said next time."
"Still counts to me." He uttered excitedly.
"Silly." Arlene muttered with a smile, walking to her locker. She put her books in and took out her Rucib note. Funny enough, she'd come to like the class.
"Hurry up, Greg, or we'll be late." She half-yelled.
He was four lockers away from hers.
"I really can't wait for this class to be over. I'm famished." He gave a dramatic yawn, rubbing his abdomen.
Both headed for class, minutes after the bell went. Mr. Howell took his gaze to them. "You're late, Arlene." He paused and glanced over Greg. Arlene gave an apologetic smile before walking to the back- her comfort zone- and sat. Greg sat by her side.
The class was barely filled. There were like, seven empty seats. Arlene searched around for Delaney; she's been missing classes of late. With an unnoticed shrug, she took her attention back to the lesson.
"...Arlene, come to my office later for your assignment books." He paused, shifting his gaze to the rest of the class after Arlene gave a nod. "I'll give her your assignments for the week too. Your test will commence in a fortnight. Have a..." He couldn't even finish and everyone was already leaving the class.
The bell had been rung and they rushed out; he might as well tell the rest to Arlene.
"Finally!" Greg exclaimed. He'd dragged Arlene along with the rushing crowd, out of the class.
There was a 'bing' sound and a message popped on Arlene's phone screen.
[Second Me: "Come to the cafeteria, I have something to tell you."]
Arlene pocketed her phone with a smile. Delaney may be busy, but she always made time for her.
"Hurry. Del asked for us in the Caf."
"You had somewhere else in mind after you heard the bell?" Greg asked, giving her a side glance.
She shoved her books into her locker and dragged Greg along. They walked into the cafeteria and saw Delaney waving at them with her plastic fork in her hands, a smile on her face. She'd already ordered their food.
She pulled Arlene down to sit and not even sparing her a chance, let out her 'good news'. "They finally let me join the group!" She shrieked.
Arlene starred blankly at her. "Who?"
"Carmella. I'm still on probation tho. They said they'll need to test my loyalty. I'm finally going to get close to Zayde." She rushed, ending with dreamy eyes.
"I think you're finally going to get close to being insane." Arlene commented, obvious sarcasm in her voice. She stabbed a chicken nugget with her fork and put in her mouth. Greg had already begun eating.
Delaney gave an eyeroll. "C'mon Arly, you should be happy." "I don't think there's anything worth the elation here." Greg said, speaking for the first time. Delaney threw her plastic fork at him. "You monster! You know how long it took me? The sacrifices I made?" She asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah, sacrificing your studies for it. I'm afraid you'll one day sacrifice me too." Arlene said plainly, glancing over at Delaney.
Delaney's face held a pout. "You never support me. I really wanted to join them and now I eventually did, you wouldn't even give me a hug. Such bad bestie." She mumbled.
"Why aren't you sitting with them? They hate Arlene, you know, and you still being in touch with her without them saying anything is really suspicious." Greg asked, slurping on his orange juice.
Delaney looked at the centre where they sat, laughing loudly at their own jokes. They ate outside; wonders why there were here today. Victoria did Carmella's nails and Reece, her feet. "I told them I wanted to talk to you guys."
Arlene barely nodded. "Be careful. Your grades are getting worse. You barely attend classes. I'm concerned, Del." She spoke softly, letting her gaze hang on Delaney for a while. Delaney gave an assuring smile. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
"If you say so. The..." Arlene was cut short by the sudden maddening screams that erupted from the cafeteria.
Zayde walked in, Jove beside him. His men easily got rid of his crazy fan girls, their freezing stares and death glares scaring them. Still, there were the adamant ones.
"Zayde please take me!"
"Make me yours!"
"Zayde in our cafeteria?"
"First, Carmella and now, Zayde. Do you want to propose to her? Marry me instead!"
"Just one night!"
Carmella's joy knew no bounds. Was Zayde finally in love with her? What other reason then could justify him suddenly visiting school and heading for the cafeteria? And she'd decided to stay in the cafeteria for just today! Such blessed coincidence. She was going to make use of this rare opportunity, but wisely too. She wouldn't want to be humiliated in front of everyone.
She undid her first two buttons and pushed up her cleavages. She was getting the admiration stares and she couldn't help but feel honoured.
"It's my idol!" Delaney squealed, shaking Arlene's arm vigorously.
Arlene rolled her eyes- always making an entrance. "Don't these people get tired of the same pattern all the time?" Greg chuckled. "His absence is very much felt, so when he eventually comes, it's something worth speculating."
"Puh-lease. Always supportive." She said, throwing her hands in the air dismissively before facing her food. She stabbed a chicken nugget agitatedly, suddenly recalling the Devil's choke. Why were they even here?
The noises stopped abruptly. Had they left already? She lifted her head to look around but then bumped into someone's face. He was hovering over her, a boyish smile on his face.
She was shocked at first, but then pushed him and moved back. "What exactly is your problem?!" She asked irritatedly, rubbing her forehead.
Zayde stood close to the entrance with one hand tucked in his pocket, his thick black coat swaying lightly from the wind. His icy gaze was in their direction, but held nothing. He simply was just looking.
Jove's face lit up in a smirk as he moved back. There were murmurs around. It was him who'd bumped into Arlene.
He sat on the empty chair beside Arlene and there was an uproar. Delaney sat still, frozen. Greg gaped at them. Carmella's face was simply contorted in confusion and anger. Wasn't she the star girl here? She looked at them, took her gaze to Zayde, then back to them and continued her eye movement for some seconds.
Jove had the lackadaisical attitude. He simply rolled up his sleeves and took Arlene's burger, biting into it and taking a large chunk into his mouth.
Arlene sat in utter bewilderment for some split of seconds. What in Royal Gem's name was going on?! Quickly gaining her composure, she glared at him, finally snatching it away from him.
With all the cool mien she could muster, she looked up at him, a smirk tugging on her lips. "You're definitely in the wrong table, Mister. And thanks...for sharing my food." She stood to her feet admist the fast rising murmurs. Where in the bloody hell did this girl come from?
She threw Greg a quick glance. "I should leave or wait till a fly get caught in your throat?" She questioned with a raised brow. He got up hurriedly, dusting his pants. She tried dragging Delaney up, but she wouldn't even budge. "You're not leaving?" She asked, almost yelling. She was this close to being infuriated from all the drama. Delaney dumbly shook her head, her gaze fixed in Zayde whose gaze still hung on Jove. 'Such perfection', she muttered to her hearing, shamelessly drooling.
Arlene simply ignored her and headed out the door, stopping to glower at Zayde. "You'd better taken your friend to a rehab. Plus, maybe you should frequent school to end these sickling dramas." She uttered disinterestedly, turning to walk out the cafeteria, but her hoodie caught Zayde's bracelet. "Let go, freak. I..." Her words caught up her throat on turning around.
Zayde's gaze finally rested on her and Arlene subconsciously swallowed into nothing. Those eyes. Emotionless. Blank. Nothing.
He took his gaze down to the mess, staring at it. With mustered courage, Arlene cleared her throat. "Maybe you should move your limbs and not stare like some lost pig." She said uttered crudely, obvious sarcasm in her voice. Only if Zayde was willing to show his thoughts for just once. Instead, he simply made for the door, dragging her along.
The cafeteria went dead. Then suddenly, murmurs exploded into full-fledged gossip, everyone with a general theme: Arlene was in a big time trouble.
Greg could do nothing. He simply stood, a lost look on his face. Jove rushed towards them and that got Carmella to her feet. She needed to be involved. So she rushed out, behind Jove.
"Just get your freaking bracelet off my hoodie, boy!" Arlene spat. She'd tried struggling to make him quit moving but they were all futile. He was pulling her, albeit he just walked. "I could scream for the cops. This is human abuse."
"Zayde! Hey. Wait up, man!" Jove yelled, running towards them. Where they were heading to, Arlene couldn't figure out, but her eyes widened when he headed for the school's exit.
His den again? "Just quit this dumb act of yours and let me go!" Arlene yelled. Jove ran to his front, making him halt. "'re hurting her." He stuttered slightly, panting.
Zayde moved his arm easily and Arlene came stumbling to his front. Truth was, he had earlier been walking, but his long legs made large distances which Arlene's feet could barely meet up to; basically explains the 'pull'. He let his gaze linger on her for a while. "Freaking bracelet?" His cold monotonous voice came, causing Arlene to freeze at her spot.
For no justified reasons, she was trembling slightly. She felt her courage walls crumble.
Jove came in between with a nervous smile. "Chill, Zay. Here, I'll help you guys." He offered, making to untangle the hoodie from the bracelet, but was stopped by Arlene. "Don't worry, let me do it. Afterall I'm in this mess cause of you." She said, tugging on her hoodie, finally finding her voice.
Jove shifted his gaze to Zayde, a helpless look in his eyes, but Zayde had his gaze on Arlene who was frantically trying to free herself. This time, Jove could swear he saw Zayde's eye lit in somewhat amusement, but it was barely a split of seconds before it vanished. The fact that he let Arlene hold his arm was what left Carmella in shock when she finally arrived with her catwalk. This wasn't what she was expecting to see! Luckily, there were no other spectators. Who would dare leave the cafeteria when there were top statues outside it?
Obviously, Arlene was thought unlucky for being in such tangle. She was the first, so no one knew how things would turn out.
Arlene was almost frustrated. The bracelet had gathered a large part of her hoodie at the lower region and if she were to force it, she'll definitely leave with a torn hoodie. In her anger, she too wasn't aware she held onto his arm.
Jove raised a brow at Zayde. He let someone touch him? "This stupid f**cking hoodie! Why would you get stuck with a bracelet?" She muttered under her breath. "I could help with that." Carmella said, approaching them.
Arlene pulled her hoodie in utter annoyance, yanking the bracelet open. A gasp escaped the trio's lips simultaneously, each with a dreaded look on their face.
The bracelet had broken!