Entwined: Stuck in Her Grip

Chapter 20: Another Crazy Fella on the Friend List

Arlene arrived few minutes later, her gaze roaming around in search of a face. She met him waving his hands, a bright smile plastered on his face. She walked over to the table, a polite smile on her face. "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Jove chuckled. "It's some minutes to eight. Neither of us is late. Besides, I rather wait than be waited for."

She gave a slight nod in response. "What would you like to have?" He asked after a brief moment, leaning off his chair and gesturing to a waitress. "Isn't it just coffee?"

Jove smiled at that. "Coffee's the main drink here. There's cappuccinos if you want."

Arlene took her lips in; so much for a coffee store.

Jove raised a brow in question. "You've decided yet?" "I'll just have coffee. Thank you." She said, looking at the waitress trying to get flirty with Jove. "I'll get some coffee too." Jove added.

"Just coffee?" The waitress asked with a smug smile. Jove smiled. "Is there anything extra?"

"Yeah. My number." She added with a wink.

Arlene scrunched up her nose in slight disgust.

"I'll like such toppings then." Jove replied with a wink. She giggled softly and headed out, swaying her hips like her life depended on it. He brought his gaze back to Arlene with a relaxed look.

Arlene frowned on seeing his gaze linger on her for a long time. "You should learn how to look at people. Quit being creepy with your eyes." She said point-of-factly, but he only smiled wordlessly. "So I'm basically not here to chit chat over some coffee 'cause I'm pretty occupied, hence, I..."

"With who?"

Arlene stopped. "Pardon?" She asked with furrowed brows. "You said you were occupied, so I was guessing it's..."

"It necessarily isn't a person. I'm busy, with work. Therefore, I'll go straight to the point. I have two questions for you. Why did you do it? How did you even get hold of my account details?" She asked with slightly wide eyes.

The waitress came up almost immediately with a coffee tray. She placed it on their table and dropped Arlene's coffee wordlessly, almost spilling it on her. Then she turned to Jove, a smile replacing her former mien. "And here's yours, Sire." She said sweetly. She scribbled something on her notepad and tore off that part, handing it over to Jove. "The toppings you asked for." She called with outstretched hands.

"Who would ask for a paper topping? Stupid." He added with a laugh, taking the paper and shoving it down his shirt pocket. "I'll be waiting." She said, running off with a giggle after Jove shot her a wink.

Arlene quietly watched them both, sipping calmly on her coffee. He was a confirmed flirt. Jove took his attention back to Arlene, stirring his coffee with a smile. "Don't get mad, but let's just say I was stalking you." He spoke, letting his gaze tarry on her for a while.


"I don't see reasons as to why you should do that." Arlene frowned. Jove smiled through his cup. "You wanna hear them?" "No, thank you." She interjected immediately, but that only made him smile more.

There was some silence before he spoke up again, the smile on his face finally fading. "I know my friend is a total jerk for treating you wrongly, but..."

"That creature is your friend?" She scoffed, subdued anger coursing through her veins. Jove's lips tugged up in a smirk. "You like him?"

"I rather turn gay." She replied, causing Jove to chuckle. "That's way too much hate for one person." He paused. "We know he's wrong, but then I'll be honest with you. He really did spare you. That wasn't the actually price of that bracelet..."

Arlene's face held a scowl. "You're here to lecture me?" "No, not that. I only want to ask of a favour from you, please." "So the money is in purchase of the favour or what?"

He smiled. "That's not it." "Then what is?" "Could you please calm down?"

Arlene gave an eyeroll. "You don't expect me to calm down when we're discussing someone who wanted me dead twice." She spat. "It was just once."

"You think me trying to gather such amount of money isn't walking a death path?" She fired coldly.

Jove fell back to his chair defeated. Arlene was almost furious, but she was trying to keep her emotions in check. "Let's discuss something else." Her voice came after some time, calmer this time.

"But I'm..."

Her glare shut him up immediately.

"Listen Arlene, you need to let go." "Of what? My life?" She asked sarcastically. "No, not that. Just..." He heaved a sigh. Arguing with Arlene was an impossible task. He was never doing that again. "Fine. As to my reason for doing that, take it as a token of apology. You shouldn't bother asking how I got your account details. I have my ways." Не added with a wink.

She was quiet, immersing herself in deep thoughts. "Will I have to pay back?" She asked, taking her gaze to him. Jove took his lips in. "Of course, in the future. You don't think I gave you that freely, do you?"

Arlene smacked his head impulsively. "You clearly said it was a a token of apology." "Then why did you ask if you'll pay back?" He retorted with a pout, rubbing his head.

Arlene smiled. "Thanks then."

"I still want something in exchange."

Arlene almost spurt her coffee. "Dude!" She yelled, attracting some eyes, but he just sat there, grinning like a five-year-old. "It's nothing difficult. I just want to be your friend."

Arlene got to her feet immediately. "That's enough words for today." "Please." "No." She deadpanned, turning to leave. "Thanks."

"I said no!" She shot back. This boy was definitely crazy. She walked out of the coffee shop and paused, drawing in a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Please, Arlene."

"Why are you still following me? Jesus!" But he held his pout.

"I can't offer you anything by being friends with you." She explained, hoping it'll get him away. "That's the kind I've been searching for."

"You need to start a search for some sense too." She muttered with an eyeroll. Fine, she'll be friends with him. He already helped her, a whole lot too. Now she could stop working and Greg can save his money.

She heaved, staring at him for some time in contemplation. "Fine. We're..."

"Muah, love you! I can call you my personalized nickname then- Arlie. You like it, huh?" He rushed, obviously restraining himself from pulling her into a bear hug. He could take the risk, but not today.

"Uh, I have a name and..." "Well that's great, Arlie. See you in school." "You barely attend school." "Didn't have a reason to then." He added with a wink. "Need a lift?" He asked when his driver drove over.

"No, I'm fine."

"Later then. I need to hurry, won't want to be late on my first day. Bye." He rushed, smacking his driver on the head multiple times. "Just move already!" She heard him yell at the latter before sticking his head out of the window and blowing her a kiss. She made a disgusted face at him but he gave a loud laugh, echoing through the road till the car disappeared.

Just great. Another crazy fella on the list. 'Greg would definitely be happy when he hears this,' she thought, walking down the road towards school.

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