Chapter 22: Running into bad luck
"Maybe you should have a rethink, Arlene. Zayde's not some ordinary person, and I'm sure we both know that." Greg explained for the umpteenth time, trying to convince Arlene who'd dragged him out that same evening and was heading to the police station to file a report. She was going to say she was being bullied.
Today was her last day of permit and she was lucky it gave her a chance to leave school.
"Quit calling me 'cause I ain't changing my mind. The cops aren't ordinary people too." She deadpanned, walking into the office.
The officer who sat behind his desk, looked up from his magazine when he noticed a presence and for the first three seconds, he quietly studied Arlene and her partner. "How can you be helped, Ma'am?" He asked, suspecting she was the one who needed the cops' service since she was almost fuming.
"I'm here to file a report."
"A missing report?"
Arlene took her lips in. "Well, partly, yeah -my missing phone. Also, assault."
"An assault?" The officer pried, adjusting properly on hearing a serious case. He threw a scrutinizing glance at Greg before bringing his gaze back to Arlene when she spoke. "I know, right? Why would someone try to violate my personal rights?" She exclaimed, dramatically throwing her arms in the air.
"Is he the one?" The officer questioned with his gaze trailed on Greg.
"No! No!" They quickly interjected simultaneously, a light chuckle escaping Arlene's lips at the sudden conclusion.
The officer furrowed his brows. Taking out a notepad and a pencil, he asked, " Can I get the description of this person? What's his name?"
"His name...yes, Zayde."
"Just Zayde?" The officer looked up from his notepad. He was beginning to think the girl has gotten crazy. "Zayde Stoll." Greg helped.
"And for his description, he's a monster!" Arlene added immediately.
The officer froze for a split of second. He cleared his throat after two seconds and then asked, "What's your name, Ma'am?"
"I'm Arlene. Arlene Harris." She replied with a broad smile. She watched the man scribbled down something she couldn't clearly see, before he tucked his pen right into his pocket. The officer who was in his late thirties took his gaze to Greg.
"Take her back, Sire. This is not the right place. She needs rest. And as much as possible, try to handle her tantrums. You wouldn't like your girlfriend getting into trouble just for some names." He said, picking up the magazine and taking his gaze back to it.
Arlene looked stupefied. Just as she was about to say something, Greg intervened. "Okay, Sire. Thank you. Uhm, she's not my girlfriend. Now c'mon Arlene, let's leave." He called, trying to hide the faint blush that crept up his face while tugging on Arlene's arm.
"You're not going to do anything?" Arlene asked in shock. "He's beyond us, Ms. Arlene. You should go for some thanksgiving soonest." He paused, looking over his magazine for the briefest moment. "You're not dead yet." He muttered.
Arlene gave a smug smile. "Fine. I'll handle it my way. Thanks for nothing. C'mon, Greg." She called, stomping out.
Greg glanced at the officer before hurrying out to meet Arlene. "What do you plan on doing, Arlene? Don't take any drastic measures." Arlene gave a mirthless chuckle.
"What's so drastic about tracing his house?"
And while the two left, a shadow lurking around spoke into his phone. Soon, he walked into the building.
"Arlene listen to me. You're being all screwy about this. I'll buy you a new phone, please. Let's just go back." Greg sounded hopeless. "What if this is what he wants you to do? Come looking for him like he's some prized doll?" But Arlene wasn't even listening.
Now they stood in front of yet another gigantic gate. Greg has since lost count of the number of houses they've visited. They had snuck out in the wee hours of the morning; well, Arlene had dragged him along.
Even though she looked tired right now, she was still bent on finding where Zayde lived. She had been up all night on the internet, searching for his home address, but then, he had over thirteen buildings scattered in the south side alone. It was hard to tell the one he was currently at.
It was half past twelve in the afternoon, and they were yet to find him.
Arlene took a deep breath. "Why does everyone think I'm being crazy for trying to get my phone? He's the one who is, for taking it in the first place." Only her knew why she was going such lengths to get back her phone. There were just a lot of things she couldn't ignore that were still there.
"Fine. We'll check just this one, then you can go home. I'll continue the search alone."
Greg sighed. He knew she was being deliberate with her words and was only trying to guilt trip him.
After inputting the wrong passcode for the third time in a row, the burglary alarm for the building suddenly rang out. A handful of men dressed in black rushed out from God-knows-where and caught hold of them, pushing them to the ground with guns pointed at them, ready to fire at any slightest mistake.
A burly man came up to them. He looked like the leader. He sat on his heels, getting to the same level as they were. He grabbed Arlene's chin rather forcefully, yanking her face up to get a better view of her. Arlene noticed a green scar on the right side of his face, and his rather whitish eyeball. He was blind on that eye. "Who sent you?" His calm voice came, defying his looks.
"Leave her alone." Greg seethed and the next second, he passed out as one of the men hit his neck with the butt of his gun.
Arlene was scared to the teeth. "I mean no harm, Sire. I...I..." She was stuttering badly. "I've never seen a man come to steal with his girlfriend." One of the men chimed, causing the rest to crack up.
All except the man who still held her chin firmly. "Who then are you looking for?" The girl seemed harmless, but he wasn't going to trust her looks. "Jove...yes. I'm looking for Jove. He invited me over."
"And you weren't given the passcode?" The man questioned with a raised brow. "Such a pathetic liar." He clicked his tongue before getting up.
"She's probably one of his women." Another man said suggestively. "She should be on an appointment, remember?"
"Put a call through the Boss's friend. Let's hear from him." That was the leader speaking. He then turned his gaze to look at her. "What's your name?"
"Arlene, Sire. I'm Arlene Harris. I'm nineteen and I go to..."
"Shut up!" They almost yelled in unison and Arlene gulped down in fear. This was not going as planned.
Oh God!