Chapter 8: Ferlene
Greg gave a small smile. "Seems like it."
"Do they bully females too?"
"Lots of 'em."
"Then every student has the 'Z' Card? Or they haven't been 'severely bullied' yet?"
Greg chuckled. "You're getting the wrong idea, Arly..."
"Don't call me that." Arlene cut in sharply.
"Oh! My apologies, Arlene. What I'm only saying is, Zayde is more like a saviour. As for every student having the 'Z' Card, then no. Yes they are bullied, but Zayde does not give out the card so it doesn't lose its worth. I'm among the very lucky few who got one. In a nutshell Arlene, stay away from those monsters." Greg warned.
"Yes dad. Now may I please be excused? I'll like to use the restroom. My bladder is full." Arlene said, standing up.
"You don't mind if I follow you, do you?"
Arlene glared at him. "Of course I do not mind you follow me to the restroom, Greg."
"Something tells me you're being sarcastic. I'll just wait here." He said, resuming his eating.
Arlene walked out with a smirk. There could be change of plans on second thought. Maybe she should give a dose of herself after all, not minding if it were her first day - to hell with that already.
After wandering for some time, trying to find the restroom, she finally spotted it. She had done her business and was drying her washed hands with a tissue, when she heard a scream. The scream came again, louder this time and sounded nearer.
Arlene stilled for a moment.
Hastily placing her head on the wall next to her to know what it really was, she needed no one to tell that the scream depicted pain. It was a bit difficult to tell what the other person was saying but it definitely wasn't good.
As if propelled by an unknown force, she flung the tissue to heaven-knows-where and rushed out, leaving the door ajar.
"Why did you stare at him like that? Of all the male specie under this very roof, it was him you chose to stare at, how sensible!"
"I told you I didn't mean to. He had spilled my drink without remorse and..." The victim was cut short with a loud thud - her head was slammed against the wall.
"Without remorse you say?! You should be very crazy to say that."
"I...still...I still don't get the reason I'm being punished. That happened three weeks ago!" She muttered admist sobs.
"You surely do have the guts!"
Unable to stand the irking bully, Arlene pushed the door open and went straight for her, yanking her to the floor. Everything was just too sudden and unexpected, the bully sat still on the floor with a bemused look on her face, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
Arlene helped the victim up, dusting her dress. With a mild glare which lasted only for a split of seconds, she jerked her head towards the exit, clearly asking the girl to leave.
After sitting longer than normal and regaining her composure, her minions helped her to her feet, the confused look now replaced with a glare that could kill. Her gaze remained on Arlene's face, still trying to figure out where she'd seen it, but it looked in no way familiar. "And who the hell are you?" She asked sharply, feeling her anger build up. It just dawned on her - the girl had just played with her ego!
Arlene felt her business there was done, so she turned to leave but was pulled back by one and a slap landed on her cheek by the other lackey.
Carmella glared in utter rage - how could this goofball insult her and try to walk away with it? "You did not only barge into my fun time, but also sent away my prey and now you feel like you've wrecked everything and want to leave. Have you gone nuts?! Or did you miss your way?" Carmella yelled, clearly infuriated. She had only come to school today to deal with the b**tch that'd stared at her boyfriend.
Arlene's face held a dangerous smirk. Clicking her tongue while holding Carmella under her lazy gaze, she gave a mirthless scoff. "B**tches like you deserve to be treated in some kinda way - a special one. In as much as I would've loved to beat the jerky attitude outta you, I'll pass. I wouldn't wanna be jailed on the account of animal abuse."
Carmella froze for sometime. This was definitely one rare joke. No one has ever challenged her in this manner - no one had ever talked to her rashly!
"Who exactly are you?" Reece, one of Carmella's minions asked. Earlier, she'd pulled Arlene back when she'd tried walking away.
Arlene gave a sweet smile which didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm Arlene. Pleased to meet this manner." She said with an extended palm, giving a mock bow.
"I've never heard a name as miserable as that. New?" Carmella questioned.
Arlene leaned on the wall behind her, tucking her hands into her pants pocket, the spurious smile still on her face.
Carmella suddenly let out a mocking laugh. Look who just got herself in her blacklist. "Being new actually make people act dumb. I can tell you're unaware of who you just messed with. Girls, introduce me." She ordered, folding her hands underneath her bossom while staring at Arlene mischievously, a victorious smile playing on her lips - finally! Victoria stepped forward and began chanting robotically. "It's a huge pity you haven't heard of the school's Queen Bee, Carmella Lanwood, daughter of the all famous Mark Lanwood and the girlfriend to our amazing Zayde Stoll. The Power Couple? Yeah, she's his girlfriend and she's that lucky girl who won Zayde's precious heart. Well, I'm Victoria and this is Reece. We are her best friends and..." "I only asked you to introduce 'me'!" Carmella shot immediately. Arlene who'd only been staring at the girl while she blabbed finally took her bored gaze back to Carmella, her calm expression still intact. So she was the supposed Carmella, Greg had talked about? Now she suddenly dislikes this 'Power Couple'. Worst combination of people ever.
"You know," Arlene started, leaning off the wall. She was bored already and she wanted to end this as quick as she could. "While reading the school's info, I never came across meeting a bunch of wimps. You should go look for your problem, I'm not. I'm done here." Carmella grabbed her by her hoodie as she made to leave. "You can't leave first, sucker."
Arlene drew in a deep breath, clearly losing her patience. "Play time's over, girl. Let go of my hoodie. Trust me, this is me being nice." Arlene stated, her gaze turning serious. Carmella gave a sly grin. "You really want me to let go? Fine." She said, suddenly pulling Arlene down to the floor with her hoodie. That earned giggles from Victoria. "C'mon girls, let's leave." Carmella called, walking out with her minions trailing behind. Arlene shut her eyes and reopened 'em, her eyes holding a fiercer look this time. She was done toying with this Campbella or what ever her dumb name was. She stood to her feet and dusted her pants. Walking out of the restroom, she had her gaze fixed on the direction Carmella must've taken. Where she met them, they hadn't gone far - 'lazy snails', she scoffed. "When I'd asked you to release my hoodie, I never meant you should pull me." She said leisurely, approaching them. Carmella turned around, one arm folded under the other which she placed on her jaw. "Okay, so what would you do? Beat me up?" She asked with a smile. Arlene returned it with a smirk. "Don't fret, this won't hurt much." She said and there was a sudden yelp. Arlene had pulled Carmella down forcefully with her hair, almost ripping it off her head.
Everyone gasped. That was impossible! A girl taking on their Queen Bee? They were only few inches away from the school's lunchroom and soon enough, people gathered. Arlene's serious expression sizzled out to become a half smile. "You should never cross paths with me, baby doll. Never." She seethed, earning murmurs. "Isn't she Keith's girlfriend?" "I told you she was dangerous, bro." "I'm simply backing off."
Greg rushed to the scene sooner. "Arlene." He called, trying to find his way through the large crowd. "Help me up, you fools!" Carmella yelled at her lackeys. They hurriedly helped her to her feet and dusted her skirt...the second time. "And what are you guys doing here? What are y'all staring at?! Scram! Ouch!" She caterwauled, holding her head. Slowly the crowd dispersed, everyone with a murmur on their lip. "This topic would trend for weeks."
Keith and his friends rushed in - the news had gotten out. Carmella glared at Arlene who held her gaze dauntlessly, before taking it to Keith. "You should prepare to miss your girlfriend 'cause as soon as my boyfriend hears of this, she's a goner. Hey! Take me to the car. I'm going home. I think this b**tch gave me a migraine. " She muttered her last statement lowly, walking out with her minions. Greg came up almost immediately. "Arlene! Thank goodness you're okay. What would I've done?" He asked, panting slightly. Arlene wasn't done with Carmella yet. Carmella hasn't seen least not just yet. She gave a small smile before hitting her palms against each other as if clapping dirt off. "I'm sad tho," she began, making a dramatic pause. She raised her head to see Carmella who'd stopped walking and has turned to her with a victorious smile on her face.
She knew this m**therf**cker was eventually gonna apologize. Not going to forgive before she could even finish, Carmella turned her face away in a defiant manner. "I don't need your sickening apology." She spat, her shoulders slightly raised. Arlene stared at her with a mocking grin. "I had an inkling you were dumb, but never knew it'd gone this extreme. I was never going to apologize and you would've known if you'd simply kept your wordhole shut. Actually, I was gonna say I was sad it was only a migraine the fall caused. I was hoping your brain would return to its normal position, but then, who knows, the migraine could be doing a two-man job afterall. It could still cause some changes in your manner of reasoning. I would never want to cross paths with me if I were you. Again, it was nice meeting you." Arlene concluded, the smile on her face widening. Feeling satisfied with the shocked expression on Carmella's face, she turned around and walked away, heading for class - she'd lost her appetite already.
"Turn right. You're heading to the wrong place." Arlene breathed out. "Were you following me?" She asked, turning around to face Greg who had a wide grin on his lips. "What's with the grin?" "I knew you were this fierce, feral cat." He spluttered.
Arlene looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Feral cat?" "Yeah. don't like the nickname? Okay, how about 'Brownie', your brown eyes you know, or, 'Ferlene', a combo of ferocious and Arlene, or maybe..." "Quit that, Greg. You're poor at giving names." Arlene chuckled. "You haven't told me the one you prefer, yet." He pouted. "Seriously? Not in the mood, Greg. Just call me Arlene." Arlene said, trying to stifle a laugh. She made to leave but was held back by Greg, his grip on her arm. She turned sharply, her cheerful expression gone and replaced with a stern glare, one that sent quick shivers down Greg's spine. Noticing the abrupt change in her demeanor, Greg quickly left her. "I'm sorry." He apologized immediately, slightly taken back by her sudden reaction. Arlene, not uttering another word, left and Greg stood there in shock. When she'd walked far, she rolled up the sleeve and there were little blood stains - her stepmom had given her the never-healing scar just were little blood stains - her stepmom had given her the never-healing scar just last week and she knew how much she tried hiding it from Delaney. Heaving a helpless sigh, she rolled down the sleeve to cover her arm, walking a bit faster this time to class. Greg who'd just come out from his trance took steady steps, staring down at his palm. This minute she was chuckling and the next she... "Arlene wait!"