Erich von Stein: Interpolis Act 1 - "City of shadows"

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Tech-no-logical world

After passing through the gate, Erich was blinded by white light. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a place with a view of the city.

As it turned out a moment later, Erich had landed at the Nova viewpoint. It was a special point where everyone who came to this mega-city began their adventure with it. Erich looked around and saw a cyberpunk metropolis, bustling with nightlife. The city was full of neon lights, holograms, and flying vehicles. In the distance, slums could be seen, contrasting with the rich city center.

After a moment of contemplation, Erich went to the elevator to go down and head to the main district, where the lights seemed brighter and the buildings taller. Along the way, he passed more and more suspicious types, hanging around in alleys and offering "goods" in exchange for "credits". Finally, he reached one of the districts where the streets were dirty and neglected, and the buildings were covered in graffiti.

Then, a man in shabby clothes emerged from a dark alley. He was wearing a torn jacket and dirty pants, and his face was covered in tattoos.

"Hey, buddy, wouldn't you like a bit of 'Cinnamon' to improve your mood?" he asked in a drunken voice, pulling a bag of brown powder from his pocket.

Erich immediately realized that he was dealing with a dealer.

"Fuck off," Erich replied, then walked on.

Walking further, he looked at the neon-lit streets. Then he heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hey buddy, wouldn't you like a drink?"

"If you don't slip anything into it, then absolutely," Erich replied and walked towards the bar that the mysterious gentleman owned.

When Erich entered, he immediately sat down at a table.

"How's business?" Erich asked.

"Well, as you can see," the embarrassed owner replied, showing the empty tables.

"Not too good..."

"You see, man... when I was operating in the center, the competition swooped in, took my customers, and I had to escape to this place. But as you can see, my business is unfortunately limping."

"Well, to quote a classic, 'life isn't always lucky...'"

"Well... Can I get you a beer?"

"I appreciate your gesture, but I'm allergic to hops."

"Then maybe something else?"

"Vodka, cognac, or whiskey."

"Or maybe all of them at once?"

"That's also an option."

After a moment, Erich realized that he had papers with him.

"Sorry to bother you, but do you know where in this city I can take care of these matters?" he asked, showing the owner the documents.

The owner looked at them carefully.

"I see you have an 'Implant Application' here."

"What implant?"

"In Interpolis, everyone must have an implant. It's like... mandatory 'chipping' since the Void Corporation took over the city."

"Wait a minute... I won't be chipped like a stray dog... Corporation?"

"Our city is ruled by Void – a powerful corporation, once pioneers of Implant technology. Moreover, some time ago, they blocked access to Interpolis from one of the dimensions."

"So that could be why the University lost contact with this city," Erich said to himself, sipping his drink.

"Some say that Void could or may be expanding its influence through technology."

"So it's a pretty powerful corporation."

"That's an understatement... It's a dictatorship."

"I have a matter," Erich said, pulling a fragment of a purple crystal from his pocket. "Do you know what this is?"

The owner looked at the crystal carefully.

"I've heard of people who appeared in Interpolis using such crystals."

"Why did they appear?"

"Who knows," the owner replied. "Maybe some refugees or other careerists."

Then Erich heard shouts coming from outside. Intrigued, he got up, went outside, and saw several Void officers beating a resident.

"What's all the fuss about?" Erich asked provocatively, approaching the officers.

"Mind your own business," one of them replied.

"So am I to understand that assaulting innocent passersby is your job?"

"Don't ask questions," the second replied. "Leave while you still can."

"Genug davon!" Erich shouted.

"Get lost, psycho..."

At that moment, Erich's fist spoke, hitting one of them. The hit officer flew several meters and then fell.

"You son of the bitch!" one of the officers shouted, lunging.

Despite this, Erich, after avoiding several attacks, hit him below the belt, then grabbed his head and hit it against his knee. Then he grabbed his legs and threw him towards the gazebo, where he overturned a table. Then he took care of the last gentleman, whom he first subdued.

"Get your dirty hends off me," the last of the officers shouted as Erich grabbed him and threw him into the pond.

"And who's dirty now?" he asked sarcastically, seeing the officer covered in mud trying to get out.

After all this, Erich approached the battered resident.

"Are you alright?" he asked, lifting him up.

"I'm fine," he replied. "Thanks for saving my ass."

"No problem, but be careful next time."

After these words, Erich began to look around to see which way to go.

"Damn, I lost my bearings because of these idiots..."

"Where do you want to go?" the resident asked. "Probably to the Central District, right?"

"Yeah..." Erich replied. "I have some matters to take care of."

"You still have a ways to go, but be careful, some streets lead to other parts of the city than you might think."

"What do you mean?"

"I know this city inside out. You can always count on my help."

"Alright. Listen..."

"Oh, I didn't introduce myself," the resident said, extending his hand. "My name is Greg."

"Stein... Erich von Stein," Erich replied, also extending his hand.

"Stein... Quite an exotic name."

"I'm Erich," he replied, irritated. "Von Stein is my surname."

"Alright, let's get out of here before reinforcements arrive."

After that, they headed towards the center.

"Are you from here?" Greg asked.

"No," Erich replied. "From Dimension 2."

"Dimension 2? Are you an inter-dimensional traveler?"

"Something like that."

"What's it like to be such a traveler?"

"Well... After entering the portal, I go to the inter-dimensional crossing where there's a gatekeeper. I have to show him my documents and answer a few questions. Then I get some documents to take care of."

"So, bureaucracy?"

"Yes, I have some matters to take care of," Erich replied, taking out a stack of documents.

"'Impalnt Application'?" Greg said, surprised. "This document has only been given to newborns for some time now."

"What do you mean only newborns?"

"If you're late, you'll have to pay a deposit for the implant to be inserted after the deadline."

"And what does it look like?"

"If a newborn child has not been implanted with an Implant at the parents' request, they must do so by the time the child is 6 years old. If you don't make it on time, you'll have to pay a 10,000 credit fine."

"Damn it... What now?"

"If you don't get the Implant, the 'Catchers' might catch you."


"Interpolis Control Unit. They often round up people without Implants."

"Damn... What do they do with them later?"

"No one knows, although some suspect they may be transported to the Citadel."

"Is that some kind of prison?"

"Something like that. Apparently, there are rumors that they brainwash prisoners there and recruit them into their security services or subject them to experiments."

"So Void keeps the city in check?" Erich said.

"You could say that," Greg replied. "Over a month ago, they started building a strange system."

"Do you know what it could be used for?"

"Who knows... Maybe some kind of cybernetic blockade."

"C-Cybernetic blockade?"

"Before Void came to power in Interpolis, mysterious people and sometimes even whole families began to appear."

Erich thought for a moment, looking at the crystal, and remembered Dr. Weltzinger.

"What if it's the work of these crystals?" he thought.

Then two officers came out from around the corner.

"Damn, Catchers," Greg whispered and hid with Erich in an alley.

"Hey, who's there?!" one of the Catchers shouted.

Fearing for his life, Erich took out his pistol, holding it at the ready. When one of the Catchers was approaching the alley where Erich and Greg were hiding, they heard a strange groan. Surprised, the Catcher turned and noticed that his colleague was unconscious.

"Tom!" the Catcher shouted, running to his unconscious colleague.

"Hey, what's going on?" Greg asked, surprised.

"I don't know exactly," Erich replied peeking out from behind the corner. "But something happened."

Then Erich saw the shadow of a mysterious figure in a trench coat and fedora on the street.

"Someone's there," Erich whispered.

Then the second Catcher fell to the street, and the mysterious figure began to walk away from the scene. At that moment, Erich decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Hey, verdammt noch mal!" Erich shouted, leaning out from behind the corner, then fired twice at the mysterious gentleman, but the bullets missed.

"Hey, Erich!" Greg shouted.

"Fuck," Erich cursed under his breath, then realized that the mysterious person had disappeared.

"What just happened here?"

"I don't know, but we better check it out," Erich replied, then they both approached the lying Catchers.

A moment later, they began reconnaissance. After approaching and taking a closer look, Erich noticed something strange.

"Wait... What is this?" Erich asked, surprised.

"Some kind of darts," Greg replied. "Probably tranquilizers."

"They have a blue stripe," Erich said, taking one of them out.

"Yeah, that's probably a tranquilizer."

"Alright, let's get out of here before anyone sees us."

"We better be careful."

"But where to now?"

"I know a nice bar in the central district, it's called 'Giovanni's'."

"Strange name, but it sounds interesting. Alright, let's go."

After these words, they headed towards the central district.

"Nice gun," Greg said, looking at the holster. "Is that a Colt?"

"No," Erich replied, taking out the pistol. "Browning High-Power aka Browning HP. 9mm, powered by a 13-round magazine for 9 x 19 Parabellum rounds. Due to the magazine capacity, it's best to shoot it on Fridays."

"Interesting... Where did you get it?"

"A souvenir from the army. When there was a delivery from Belgium, I took one and have had it with me ever since."

"You served in the army?"

"Yeah. From 1940 to 1944."

"What did you do then?"

"I devised strategies and beat up the Russkies."


"Yeah, Russians... Soviets."

"I don't know who you're talking about, but okay."

Then Erich remembered something.

After a moment, Erich remembered something.

"Hey, you know what... I was approached by a guy today who looked like a dealer and wanted to sell me 'Cinnamon'."

"You mean the drug?"

"I don't know, but I think so."

"You know, since Void came to power, drug crime has increased. Despite this, the Corporation seems to ignore this problem and turn a blind eye to it."

"Or maybe it's their technique or a trap set by the Corporation?"

"I don't rule that out, but I have some doubts. Void has its methods, but why would they bother with such subtleties?"

"Good question... Are there any gangs that work with Void?"

"There are a few... For example, the Robinson Gang – they work with Void, and behind their backs, they distill alcohol."

"What's so strange about them trying to cooperate with Void?"

"It's possible they want to get permission from the Corporation to distill and that's why they cozy up and cooperate with Void. For them, distilling on such a large scale would be the business of a lifetime."

"And are there any gangs that work against Void?"

"I suspect there are, but I'm not sure... After the gang purges, there were fewer of them, and if any members survived, they mostly operate alone."


"I remember there was a motorcycle gang called the 'Warlords'. They worked against Void, but one day they vanished into thin air."

"Maybe they 'went underground'."

"I don't rule out that option," Greg replied, then noticed that they were approaching the bar. "Oh, here it is!"

Located in one of the more privileged parts of Interpolis, where the city lights reflect in its modern, glass facade. When they entered, they were greeted by a large space full of splendor and luxury, where everyone could drink their favorite drink and meet with friends. Erich and Greg approached the counter where Giovanni was working.

"Oh, Greg!" Giovanni replied. "You haven't been here in a long time."

"Hi Giovanni," Greg replied. "Nice to see you too!"

Giovanni was a humanoid American Bobtail cat in his 50s with a short side-swept hairstyle. He was dressed in a scarlet tuxedo, which gave an atmosphere of luxury to the place where he worked.

"And this one here?" he asked, looking at Erich.

"This is Erich. He's new here."

"Greetings," Erich said, extending his hand in greeting. "Stein... Erich von Stein."

"I'm Giovanni Giorgio," Giovanni replied. "But they call me Giovanni."

"Nice to meet you."

"Sit down, would you like something to drink?"

"Maybe a drink," Greg replied. "Maybe a Quantum Leap?"

"Quantum Leap?" Erich asked.

"A Margarita that changes flavor."

"What do you add there, Giovanni, that your drinks are so 'magical'?"

"That's a bartender's secret."

"And what do you use to make this miracle?"

"Let me think... Ah yes: Tequila, 'Triple Sec' liqueur, lime juice, agave syrup, sea salt, and black salt, which changes the flavor."

"Not bad... Quite creative," Erich replied.

"Choose something for yourself, Erich," Greg replied, handing him a tablet.

Erich browsed the catalog of available drinks, looking for something to drink.

"Matrix Mule?" Erich asked. "Something like a Moscow Mule?"

"Something like that," he replied.

"One question. Does the ginger beer you use have hops? Because if it does, I'll pass."

"I'll check right away."

"Why are you so cautious about the hops?" Greg asked.

"I'm allergic to hops, so I prefer to be careful about what I drink."

After a moment, Giovanni returned with the beer.

"I checked and it doesn't have any," Giovanni said. "So, should I make a Matrix?"

"Yeah, go ahead," Erich replied.

"Why are you so cautious about this beer, Erich?" Giovanni asked, preparing the drink.

"He's allergic to hops," Greg replied.


"And just out of curiosity," Erich said, "Which drink is your favorite?"

"Hmm... That's a good question," Giovanni replied. "If I had to choose my favorites, I would choose Neon Pulse, Binary Bliss, and Void's Whisper."

"Void's Whisper?"

"Quite difficult to drink, but an interesting drink," Giovanni replied. "I make it with Bourbon wine, forest fruit liqueur, blackcurrant juice, black pepper bitters, and soda water."

"Quite a strange combination, but I appreciate the creativity."

"Well, you know," Giovanni said, handing them both drinks, "Being a bartender, you have to know a few recipes, but also be creative and come up with your own."

"True," Erich replied, then took a sip of the Matrix. "Frankly, this Matrix isn't that bad."

Then a mysterious figure entered the bar. When Erich looked at him, he seemed relatively familiar. It was a Mine Coon cat in his 50s, wearing a cream trench coat and fedora, whom Erich had seen earlier.

"Greetings, what can I get you?" Giovanni asked, approaching the mysterious gentleman.

"Hey Greg," Erich whispered. "That's the guy who tranquilized the Catchers."

"That's him?" Greg replied in a whisper, surprised, looking at the individual. "What are you talking about?"

"Yes, I think it's him."

"What do we do?"

"I don't know, we can talk to him."

"Do what you want, but what if he's a spy?"

"I don't rule that out either, but it's worth a try."

When Giovanni stepped away from the bar for a moment, the mysterious individual looked at the whispering pair.

"What are you gossiping about there?" the mysterious individual asked.

"Nothing important," Greg replied.

"Hmm... You look very familiar," the stranger replied, looking at Erich.

"Maybe we know each other..."

"I'm Douglas McKeen and I have a proposition for you..."

Then Greg spat out his drink in surprise and looked at the stranger.

"Douglas McKeen? That McKeen."

"What exactly is going on?" Erich asked.

"Ah yes, you don't know the Vectron organization..."

"Vectron?" Erich asked. "Good thing it's not EuroSprinter or Desiro. Alright, never mind, and this proposition is probably irresistible, right?"


"Tell me what it's it."

"I need new agents," Douglas replied with a heavy sigh. "Recently, Void infiltrated our facility and I had to move it elsewhere. Due to the fact that almost all members were arrested... or killed."

"Almost all?" Erich asked, surprised. "So someone must have survived..."

"Three employees escaped from Void, but that's not enough to track the Corporation's actions. That's why I'm asking for your help. We can't handle it alone, and you look like professionals."

"Give us a moment," Erich said, turning to Greg.

"So what?" Greg asked.

"I don't know," Erich said, embarrassed. "If we join Vectron, we'll have a chance to learn more about Void."

"Yeah, but there's also the other side of the coin..."

"I'm keeping that in mind too... If you, Douglas, or another Vectron member gets into trouble or dies, I'll have you on my conscience, this organization could collapse or, in the worst case, fall..."

At that moment, they were both aware of the risk involved in the decision to join Vectron.

"And what if there are 'bugs' there?" Greg asked, worried.

"I don't rule that out either," Erich replied.

"Don't worry, gentlemen," Douglas replied, interjecting. "I found the perfect place to organize a new base."

"So Void won't get us?" Greg asked, intrigued.

"They definitely won't find us in this place," Douglas said convincingly. "If you're interested, let's meet on 15th Avenue at the Stock Exchange."

"You mean... the Stock Exchange?" Erich asked.

Douglas nodded in agreement. After a moment, Giovanni returned, bringing a bottle. During his conversation with Douglas, Erich and Greg talked to each other.

"What's the deal with Stock Exchange?" Erich asked.

"I suspect it's due to the fact that the Stock Exchange is one of the few places in Interpolis that are not controlled by the Corporation," Greg replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Not only Void and Interpolis exist in this world... There are also two mega-cities, which house two corporations, one of which is FinCor, which, despite operating in the financial sphere, is also neutral."

"So that's why Void has nothing to say in this area."

"Exactly. Some say the Stock Exchange is the so-called 'Gray Area'. FirCor is quite a large corporation with great influence."

"So it's not only Void has power."

"Void has power only over Interpolis, and FirCor over finances."

"So that's how it works... So, are we going there tomorrow?"

"We can see."

After talking and finishing their drinks, Douglas left the bar, and Erich and Greg were left alone with Giovanni.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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