Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Fairy Tail
The next day Law woke up to find himself in Fairy Tail. Confused at first he now sits across Makarov in the guildhall with food and some juice on the table.
"You need to eat Law. You haven't had anything for a while. You need to rebuild your strength." Said Makarov trying to raise the boy's spirit. Law just looked at the food making no attempt to reach for it.
"Can I ask you something?" Law spoke as he looked at the guild master. "What is it Law?"
"Why did Cora agree to become a spy? He was chosen because he's related to Doflamingo right? He must have known how dangerous it is. So why? Why did he agree to it and risk his life?" Law asked not with a saddened face but a confused one. He couldn't understand why someone, why anyone would risk their life for anything. Let alone just some information that he failed to obtain.
"Cora failed to get the information he risked his life for so what was the point? The only thing he managed to do was get himself killed without achieving anything. So why? Why even risk it in the first place?" Makarov gave Law a gentle look and answered his question.
"You want to know why he risked his life in the first place. Is that right?" Law gave a simple nod. "Rosinante risked his life because he knew he was the only person who could complete this task. He was the brother of the guild master so he had his trust. No one else could have gotten as close as Rosinante did. He risked his life because that was the path he chose for himself. He could have declined but he agreed to do it because he thought that it was his responsibility to put a stop to whatever it is his brother was doing. In the end, Rosinante chose the path he believed in and followed it to the end. That is something that every member of Fairy Tail believes in. That is what makes the Fairy Tail Guild number one." Makarov answered Law hoping to clear the confusion that was clouding him.
Before Law could say anything his stomach growled showcasing his hunger. An embarrassed look took over his face as he looked back down. Makarov couldn't help a hearty laugh from escaping him.
"Eat up Law. Eat till your belly is full my boy. I have someone I would like for you to meet after you finish your meal." Said Makarov as he left for his office. Law was left alone at the table surrounded by all the members of Fairy Tail. Each one was doing their own thing.
Some were drinking. Some were eating. Some were taking jobs and some were returning from jobs. Law noticed one thing they all had in common. All of the members, no matter what they were doing. No matter their gender. No matter their age. They were all laughing and smiling. All of them were having the time of their lives.
Law looked at the food in front of him and wondered if Cora was just like them when he was here. He then started to eat the food that was provided to him by the guild. The food tasted great to him. But to be honest, after not eating for so long almost anything could be delicious to him.
"Hey kid"
"How you feeling?"
Law was too busy stuffing his face to notice the two wizards walk up to his table. He looks up with his mouth full and a face full of food from how fast he was eating. He saw two guys, one with blue hair and one with brown hair with a cigarette in his mouth.
They both burst out laughing at how ridiculous Law looks. Once they quieted down the blue-haired one spoke. "Ohh man, kid you sure look funny. Anyway, my name's Macao and that's Wakaba. We saw the master bring you in yesterday and we just wanted to make sure you were alright. But it looks like we had no reason to worry." The man now known as Macao says as he looks at Law with his face still full of food.
"What's your name little man?" Asked Wakaba as he released some smoke from his mouth.
Swallowing the food in his mouth, Law answers them."My name's Law. Sorry if I made you two worry."
With a grin on his face, Wakaba would be the one to respond. "Nah don't worry about it Law. We're just happy you're alright." Macao nods as if to confirm the words of his guildmate. Law just nods at them and goes back to stuffing his face, not yet full.
"You know, you really should slow down. At this ra-" Macao didn't get to finish his sentence as Law started to choke on his food.
Macao quickly gives the boy the cup of juice that was on the table and watches as Law gulps it down. Wakaba just laughs at the scene having the time of his life.
As Law recovers, Macao asks him a question. "So Law, will you be joining Fairy Tail?"
Law freezes at the question and looks at the duo in front of him. "I...I'm not sure. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. I haven't really given it much thought." Was Law's response to the surprising question.
"Well if you got nowhere to go just know that Fairy Tail is willing to take you in. It's a home to those who are lost or to those who are not sure where to go or what to do." Wakaba informs Law.
Having finished his food Law cleans his face and asks the duo where he can find Makarov. "He told me there was someone he wanted me to meet."
"It seems you have finished with your food Law. That's good. As a growing boy you need to eat plenty." Makarov said as he came downstairs from the second floor with a blonde boy that Law hadn't seen before. He looked at the boy with curiosity, wondering just who he was.
"Hey there master how have you been lately?" Macao asked. "I've been alright Macao." Makarov quickly responded. He then turned to Law. "Law I want you to meet my grandson, Laxus. Laxus this is Law. Say hello."
"Hi, I'm Laxus nice to meetcha." He said with a toothy grin on his face while raising his right arm to shake Law's hand.
Law was surprised for a minute before he also raised his arm to shake the blonde's hand. "Hi there I'm... Law it's nice to meet you as well." Law says back to Laxus.
"Laxus, why don't you show Law around Magnolia? He's new to the town and hasn't seen it yet."
"Sure thing Grandpa. C'mon, let me show you around." Laxus agrees with his grandfather and heads out with Law following behind.
Laxus took Law all over Magnolia. He showed him the Kardia Cathedral. Then the South Gate Park. After that, he took him to the Book Land which Laxus wasn't very fond of because he didn't like to read. He then took Law to the Train Station, the Public Bath, and finally the Magnolia Cake Shop. He had told him about the East Forest and said that his grandpa doesn't let him go there.
"There is also some events that happen. There is the Blossom-Viewing Festival. It's Held during the Sakura season. It's one of the most anticipated festivals of Magnolia because of the beauty of the Rainbow Sakuras which glow with rainbow colors during the evening. All of Magnolia comes together and we party while we wait for the trees to glow." Laxus was telling Law about everything that takes place in Magnolia.
"Another event is the Fantasia Parade. It's actually happening a week from today. You should come and see it. The parade will take place in the central path of the city. It's really amazing." Law could tell that Laxus was passionate about these events, especially the Fantasia Parade.
"Umm, yeah sure. I'll come and watch. You said it's in a week right? I got nowhere else to be so why not?" Law said back with a small smile on his face. "C'mon, we gotta head back. It's starting to get dark." Said Laxus as they made their way back to the guild.
(time skip 1 week)
Makarov was heading to the Fantasia Parade that was taking place at night. Laxus and Law were tagging along with him.
"Hey gramps c'mon we gotta hurry." Laxus was so excited he was running ahead of Makarov and Law. "Hold your horses Laxus we have plenty of time." Makarov responded as Laxus stayed ahead of them.
Taking advantage of the fact that they are now alone, Makarov speaks with Law about something. "There is something I want to clarify with you Law. It is regarding a statement that you made last week." A confused look could be seen on Law's face. He couldn't remember the statement that Makarov was talking about.
Seeing his confusion Makarov reminded him. "You had said that since Rosinante had failed at getting the information he was tasked with obtaining, and the fact that he had been killed then he had given up his life for nothing." A long pause had taken place as Law now remembers that he did say that.
"That statement is simply not true Law. Rosinante did not give up his life for nothing. There was one thing that he had managed to do that I know he is proud and satisfied to have been able to accomplish." Law stopped moving as Makarov took a few more steps and looked back with a comforting smile on his face.
"Rosinante saved you from the darkness that would have consumed you as it did his brother. He had managed to allow you to choose your own path and to walk down that path or not. When I found Rosinante he had a smile on his face. No doubt it was because he knew that you were now safe. Safe to make your own decisions."
As Law heard this his eyes had widened greatly. He was recalling his last time seeing Rosinante. Before he had told Law to head to the meeting point he put up a peace sign and had on the goofiest face as he said "I love you kid"
Makorov's words were in a way liberating. Law felt as if Rosinante was beside him and comforting him.
Master Makarov had continued to catch up with Laxus and soon Law caught up with them as well.
"Ohhh. Gramps we can't see a thing. There's too many people in front of us." Laxus said with a saddened tone.
"Hmmmm. Your right Laxus my boy. We can't have that , now can we?" Said Makarov with a cheerful voice as he used his magic to enlarge himself and had both Laxus and Law occupying a shoulder each. "How about now you two? Can you see well?" He asked.
"Yeah, gramps we can see everything now. It's amazing." Laxus was amazed at the parade that was taking place.
Law had a look of bewilderment on his face. He could see the Fairy Tail wizards each showing off their own magic. Each one had a special way of using their magic. Law wondered if Cora had participated in this parade as well.
Makarov had noticed something about Law. Rather than having a saddened look and tears all over his face. A wide smile and a look of determination had taken shape on Law's face.
Law looked at Makarov and asked him a question.
"Master Makarov. Can I join Fairy Tail?"