fallout 4: Percy the op

Chapter 2: chapter 2

(I was about as high as cait was before her quest when writing this chapter) {PS I'm still high as sheet 🤣🤣)

Percy emerged from His house with his sword on his hip. He didn't wànt to explain why his pen can transform into a sword to a mortal.

Percy had a nostalgic smile on his face as we walked the streets of the town he once called home.

The only thing Percy found weird was why Nora kept dropping a gold bar over and over again.

But after Nora had spoken to Codsworth, who used to be her robot, telling him about how Nate had been murdered and Shawn was taken.

Now that was a surprise to Percy. Nate had been his neighbor for almost a year, and he was a close friend of his. So hearing he had passed away hit Percy hard. But Percy just sighed. He had lost a lot of people, and he knew that someday soon, he too would meet his demise.

"What's on your mind slowpoke," Nora said. She had a drifter outfit on, and a double barrel shotgun strapped to her back. Her main weapon was the 10 MM pistol.

"Lots of things... All at once," Percy said as he and Nora walked the broken roads.

"Me too," Nora said before shivering.

"Have I told you how much I hate rad roaches? They are so creepy and huge sometimes. Like imagine sleeping and one just walks on you while you're sleeping," Nora told Percy.

Percy let off a short snort as he looked at Nora who seemed to be speaking from experience.

Nora meanwhile glared at Percy, before she walked in a total opposite way of concord. Almost as she had been to this location multiple times before.

Seriously, there was something off about this woman and Percy couldn't even figure it out. not that he wanted to pry into her business since everyone had their own secrets, him included.

Percy followed Nora as she walked or crouched to get past certain areas. If there was one thing Percy was confident in, it was his stealth. Having to hide from monsters among other beings made him very adept at it.

Percy only had to take care of a few raiders that happened to spot them, but with his speed he was able to move just as fast and thrust his sword through the raiders chest barely managing to secure their stealth.

"So what is this diamond City. Obviously, it's a city, but what kind," Percy asked.

"A trading city of sorts. It is quite the city if you explore it thoroughly. Lots of exciting people," Nora shrugged.

Percy closed his eyes as he listened to the sounds of fighting between the super mutants and the raiders. as he listened in, he could hear a suicider yell before the mini nuke detonated.

"War never changes huh," percy sighed.

'wasted mini nuke,' percy heard nora mumble.

'That's what you're worried about,' Percy thought before passing by a sign saying Diamond City.

"We arrived," Nora said as we entered a "safe zone".

As Percy stared at what had become of the stadium he used to come to watch baseball. It was now heavily fortified, with guards and turrets everywhere.

"Yes I am a trader, I have a supply of jet, psycho, and a whole lot of chems that I'm here to sell," Nora said into the speaker.

"Yeah, nice try. You really expected me to believe you when I heard Piper whispering about what you wanted in? The mayor already made it clear about Piper not being allowed in," the guy over the intercom said.

Percy saw how for the first time Nora actually looked shocked for once. Now THAT surprised him.

"You can't lock me out, I live here," the woman said as she banged against the metal gate before yelping and holding her hand in pain.

Percy rubbed his chin as he looked at this door. He wondered if he should cut through it or not, but ultimately he popped a squat and put his fingers just under the gate.

"That won't work, it's impo-" the words died in Nora's throat like how Nate died in the cryochamber.

With a grunt Percy began lifting, and the metal door groaned before lifting up. The sound of heavy machinery being forced out of place was heard as the door was lifted.

"Hurry up this is quite heavy," Percy grunted before the girls went under.

When they entered, Percy lifted it just enough for him to slip by. Nora looked shell shocked, and a bit pale, while the other woman looked... Amazed, confused, and a whole bunch of other things.


Nora gulped nervously as she watched Percy lift open the metal door. She didn't think it was possible for that to happen, but here they were.

Then she realized something. She never would have a chance to defeat the man known as Percy. Even if her special was all 10, she wouldn't be able to.

She watched as Percy intimidated the mayor, and the guard who controlled the gate. Needless to say they passed into Diamond City effortlessly.

Which would have happened normally, except this time it didn't. Weird wasn't it?

"Are you really human?" Piper asked Percy, and she only briefly glanced at her.

Nora watched as the first time she was all but ignored in Diamond City. People seemed more interested in her companion than with her.

Honestly, it was refreshing but also weird at the same time. Since Piper was her preferred companion in any given playthrough.

Preston kept reminding her of settlements that needed help, cait ... Was somewhat hard to please, and the others? They were too out of the way to find.

Nora watched as Percy answered any of Piper's questions, but sighed heavily as she watched Piper biting her nail as she looked at him.

Nora looked at Percy and don't get her wrong, she could understand why Piper found him attractive, but she personally couldn't.

Sure he was strong, had a troublemaker smile, and black hair that looked naturally good. But he also had some major flaws too, he had... Not a cruel look in his eyes, but more of a warning glare he kept on his face at all times.

He was also looking at the photo of his wife whenever he had the chance, which Nora didn't find weird or anything, since she too had been the same way when she first woke up.

Nowadays though she was numb to almost everything. Oh Nate died again? Well whatever. Oh what piper wants to be in a relationship? Why not?

Hardly anything made her feel anything now. Sure she could develop interest in people... After all at first she was genuinely in love with Piper, even if her player seemed to hate her, but after so many... Resets she called them, she couldn't bring herself to care about anyone emotionally.

And Percy wasn't raising her feelings. No, the only thing he was raising was her blood pressure.

"Percy stop, put that car down," she said to her latest headache.

The man blinked at her and had the GALL, the gall to look confused at her. Seriously this man, as strong as he was physically, he was clearly lacking in the intelligence department.

'This man is driving me crazy,' Nora sighed as she watched him place the car down.

...at least it kept her guessing, some excitement in her once boring life.

(End of chapter 2)

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