Fallout: (Nuclear)Winter Is Coming

Chapter 11: Interlude

This is the first ten chapters on this story idea that I had rooting around in my head and wanted to get it out.

I had lost steam on the other two fics I was working on and took an extended break for several months. I havnt dropped them but finding the inspiration to continue is difficult for me.

I'll get back to them eventually. This story however I started but still felt unsure of the direction to take it.

Any thoughts or criticisms is what I'm asking for. Any errors or inconsistencies. And most of all opinions on anything that would help the story.

Depending on what is said I may continue as is, rewrite, or drop.

My idea was for a survival adventure that would evolve into kingdom building. Getting involved with the plot of Fallout starting with Fallout 3 since I dont know alot about 1 and 2. 76 is a no, other than the elements I borrowed from it, i dont want to use any parts of the so called storyline.


Harem? I could realistically write 2 in. More than that might be hard for me.

Potential partners?

Let me know your thoughts. I was thinking of releasing chapters in batches of 10 once a month. Each with 1500+ words. Since my writing is sporadic due to my schedule.

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