Fanfiction Recommendations

Chapter 598: Terraria: Remnant Mod by Imaginationburstingout (RWBYxTerraria)

Latest update:May 6, 2023

Summary:While I must admit that Terraria is one of my favourite games out there, it's starting to get rather boring. I'd already beaten the Moon Lord three times, collected its loot, sell any duplicates. I hope they would come up with a new update soon; perhaps like a new boss or a new world! For now though, I have to settle with this unheard mod called 'Remnant'. Could be interesting...


Chapter 1

Nothing else mattered to me at this current moment. It didn't matter that the sun had started to peek its rays nor did the alarm clock that was blaring its persistent sirens, telling me that I had to get up. I had my window drapes closed and it was the weekend so it's fine to pull out an all-nighter. The reason behind such determination sat right in front of me, it's bright LED lights glared at my dried up and baggy eyes, it didn't make it any better with the amount of colour that was being shown.

Indeed, what's causing me to miss sleep was because of my PC but it wasn't the PC itself that was causing this, no, it was what was being shown on the desktop; a single word, 'Terraria'. Indeed, the 2D sandbox, adventure game, that was what was keeping me up. Never mind, my questionable addiction, what matters is why is the game Terraria keeping me up?

Well, today is the day that I will defeat the final boss of the game, Moon Lord and finally get the last achievement in the game: 'Slayer of Worlds'. All four pillars had been destroyed, all those times that I had died repeatedly now amounts to this. My avatar – whom I named Sir BoinkGeminid was a Mage class, he's packed with firepower designed to kill gods… okay, maybe an exaggeration but still, no one would be laughing when I aim my Last Prism and start blasting them. Other than that godly item, he's also packed with both Lunar Flare and Razorblade Typhoon books and the Nebula Blaze. For his armour, he was equipped with Nebula Armour to further strengthen his specialty in magic, along with accessories – with enchantments like the Menacing Nebula Wings, Warding Lightning Boots, Menacing Sorcerer Emblem, Menacing Celestial Emblem, Mana Flower and lastly the Menacing Celestial Emblem. Inside his inventory were an assortment of powerful potions that will be useful in this final battle.

I looked down to see a green text pop up: 'Impending doom approaches…'. I took a deep breath to prepare myself, the screen shook before it was covered in a bright flash of light. When the light finally disappeared there, he stood… more like floated, Moon Lord. I hovered my mouse over him to check his health

Moon Lord


I leaned closer to the screen, a determined look and a large smile was plastered on my face. I pressed the button that made me drink all the potions, I activated my mount, which was the Martian Probe. Last Prism in my hand I began my long battle with the final boss of Terraria.

A large sigh escaped my mouth as I finally defeated the final boss. Its arms curling inwards, small explosions scattered its body as an indication that its subscription to life had just ended because of me. Finally, the screen turned white one last time, when the light finally died, the large skull and bones of the Moon Lord fell along with the loot that it dropped. Riding my Martian Probe, I caught the loot before they could touch the ground. Loot was pretty much the same, so I didn't bother having a look. I looked to the bottom right of the screen to see Steam notifying me of my latest achievement: 'Slayer of Worlds'. I smiled, knowing that I had finally acquired all the achievements in this beautiful game. I leaned back on my chair, content to savour this victory for a few more seconds.


Looking back to my screen, I noticed a notification, a friend request from someone with the name 'G0ds0fL1ght&D rk'. I quirked my eyebrow at the name, a little edgy for my taste but I've seen more cringier names out there.

Heh… DeathSlayer75

I dragged my mouse over and accepted the friend request. Immediately after, the ping sound of Steam telling me that someone messaged me came to my ears. To my slight surprise the one who messaged me was none other than G0ds0fL1ght&D rk.

'Greetings, I'm a mod creator and I've created this mod specifically for Terraria,'

Below that message a link was posted, to which I assume will lead me to the website where I can download the mod. Yeah, this is a scam. How this guy even managed to get my username is beyond me. Putting my hands on the keyboard, I began to type my reply.

'lol ok totally not trying to hack me here,'

'I promise you that nothing will befall on your computer,'

'why me tho cant you like post this in an official terraria mod website?'

Then there was no reply. Ha! Take that logic and facts! I grabbed my mouse and went to close the window screen.


I had expected the window to close, what I didn't expect was for the cursor to start moving on its own. The cursor zoomed across the screen and towards the link. Panic overcame me, I stood up from my chair, I went under my desk and started looking for the outlet. Finding my quarry, I grabbed the outlet and yanked it out. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. That was too close, getting out from under my desk I stood up only to be shocked when I see my computer still running. I don't know why I just stood and did nothing as the hacker violated my personal files.

An unknown file, probably the virus that the hacker will implant on my computer, was cut and pasted in the Terraria folder section. With the hacker's intention finally complete I was left with a message on my Steam conversation with him before my desktop finally died.

'Do enjoy this mod'

Roughly five minutes had passed since my computer got hacked. I had re-plugged the outlet and turned my computer back on. I waited for the boot up to finish, once it was done, I scoured my entire documents, looking for things that were out of ordinary. My anti-virus software was set to the highest alert, further helping me in searching for potential viruses.


There are no viruses

Well then what the fuck was that whole shit for!? Controlling my mouse from somewhere else, somehow download, navigate through my files without power!? Of course, I could just chalk it up to me losing it since I didn't sleep last night. A sigh escaped my mouth, I sat back down on my chair and opened Terraria once again.

What? The situation solved itself. There were no viruses, so it's back to playing. Now looking at the main menu screen, I clicked on 'Single player', chose Sir BoinkGeminid and chose the world where I had defeated the Moon Lord. The loading didn't take too long and I was back in the game.

I opened my inventory to see the item labelled 'loot bag'. I hovered my mouse over it and right clicked. The bag itself disappeared and what replaced it were three new items that I found were quite interesting. First one was the S.D.M.G., a powerful machine gun in the shape of a dolphin. The second item was a god damn portal gun! A snort escaped my nose at the small crossover that they did there. Lastly was an item which shouldn't belong in the loot bag, a magic mirror. The sprite design was different though; instead of the metal or ice border, this one was black with red lines. Curious, I hovered my mouse over the item.

Remnants of A Mirror

'A mirror that will teleport you somewhere…'

The description about the mirror was ominous… it piqued my interests. I ran back home to store some items that I deemed unnecessary and restocking all my potions. Once I was done, I went outside. I brought out 'Remnants of A Mirror' and activated it. The screen turned black for a second before lighting up again and this time I was shocked.

There stood Sir BoinkGeminid, surrounded by a lush forest. He was still wearing his armour and everything else. While standing in the middle of the forest was normal for Terraria the forest that Sir BoinkGeminid stood at was not two dimensional.

The forest that Sir BoinkGeminid stood at was three dimensional.

No longer did I see sharp corners around my corner telling me that it's a sprite model, instead it was a full smoothened out 3D model. The Nebula Armour was more detailed; the purple cloak with grey outlines flowed smoothly. Tentatively, I grabbed the mouse and moved it, the camera style was third person, I moved the camera around my character until it was facing the front. Inside of the hood that covered my character's face was pure darkness with the only lights being the purple ominous lights that originates from his eyes. There were also shoulder and knee plates that looked like they were made from mythril. Finally, surrounding my character were orbs that were leaving traces that I assume were made of magic.

I gingerly placed my other hand on the keyboard, thinking how this was all just all in my head and that something as outlandish as this couldn't be true. My fingers landed on the directional WASD keys and my thumb on the spacebar. I moved the camera once more to look forward and pressed W.

THIS IS THE BEST MOD EVER! No doubt about it! The animations look so smooth! In vanilla Terraria if I want to use the Last Prism it would just pop into my character's hand and the attack would begin. In this mod, Sir BoinkGeminid pushes both of his arms forward, palms open and both pointer fingers and thumbs touching together making a triangular space in between. The Last Prism appears in the space and immediately shoots its signature rainbow beam only this time it skips the charge sequence and goes straight for the large beam at the end. Each of the other items that I have, when used, also has unique poses.

Control wise is like any third person game, pressing spacebar makes me jump and holding the key while in mid-air me fly. Double tapping one of the directional keys does a dodge roll, except for the S key, that one does a backflip dodge. Gameplay itself was good but another thing that made me even more excited was when I flew past the canopy of trees. Vast lands that were ripe for exploring. I. AM. SO. HYPED!

There are also new creatures as well! Instead of hovering my mouse over the creature to know its name it is already attached above their heads along with their HP. One of the frequently spawned creatures in this mod was names 'Grimm'. There were a lot of variants, there was a bear, a boar, a werewolf, a giant fucking scorpion! Basically, there are a lot of mobs in this game, most of them belonging it the Grimm. It's probably this world's version of the Corrupted or Crimson.

I still can't believe that that hacker was a sincere mod creator. I'm going to guess that a mod like this took so much time off their hands, I'll probably thank him or her once I've seen this whole mod for myself. I looked to the top right corner of my screen to see my mini map – a top view of the entire place with the centre being my position. My eyebrows quirked that density of the forest thinning down ahead of me until it revealed a dirt road. Five dots were on the dirt road, three reds one blue and one black. Of course, it was obvious that those three dots were enemies. I'm going to assume that blue dot is an ally, but I can't say anything about the black dot though.

My character was still flying when I finally past the last of the forest when I could see the owners of those dots. To the right of Sir BoinkGeminid was an old man wearing a grey suit while holding what seems to be a large sword, behind this man was an unconscious woman. To the left of the dirt road were three individuals, one was a young woman wearing an eye mask, another was a young teen with metallic legs and a green haired girl.

This is probably an introduction to the mod, kind of like how starting a new world the Guide is always with you. I flew closer, it seems like they haven't noticed me yet. I'll keep that for now, I want to see these NPCs' stats. Once I've reached a reasonable height, their statuses finally showed. First off, I looked to the left.

Qrow Branwen




Amber Autumn




Amber Autumn and Qrow Branwen… weird names. I then looked at the right side.

Cinder Fall




Mercury Black




Emerald Sustrai




These are some weird stats… what do only Cinder and Amber have mana? Also, what's the middle meter? Questions will be answered once I finish this special event. I watched at the three prepare for another charge. Qrow lowered his form and clicked something on his sword. The sound of gears turning reached my headset as I watched with mild amusement as his sword becomes a scythe… okay, that actually looks cool, I wonder if I can craft something like that?

The three charged but before they could clash my potential ally, I made my move. I scrolled my mouse wheel until I landed on the item that I wanted; Nebula Blaze. Unlike vanilla Terraria where the Nebula Blaze is a singular gauntlet, this mod lets me use one for each hand!

The gauntlets appeared on my arms, glowing a bright pink. Just when the three attackers were within reach of Qrow, I left clicked. Sir BoinkGeminid pulled his arm back and punched the air. What came out next was a pink energy fist that was heading straight towards them. To my surprise, all of them managed to dodge that attack at the last second. They made some distance between them and Qrow, once they were far, they looked up.

Excitement filled up my chest as Sir BoinkGeminid landed in between them and his allies. I had thought that once I landed the fight would begin. I wasn't expecting dialogue options!

A. "I don't know what you're doing but you need to stop."

B. "Who are you and what are your intentions?"

C. "Here I go again… saving a damsel in distress…"


I chuckled at the last option… alright let's see here. First option sounds too heroic for my taste. Second one makes me sound like more of my role since I'm a mage, information is pretty much important to me, roleplay wise. Third isn't even a consideration… too edgy for me. You know what I'll stick to roleplaying for a bit. I hovered my mouse to option B.

"Who are you and what are your intentions?" Sir BoinkGeminid said with a deep tone.

My… god… THEY EVEN HAVE VOICE ACTING IN HERE!? How polished is this mod? My character's voice sounds like Liam Neeson! Oh… yeah… the story. Cinder Fall looked at me with anger in her eyes. Aside from that, nothing else came out of her mouth. She then looked at Emerald and gestured with a head.

Emerald walked up and to my surprise she started to multiply, Lunatic Cultist style. Fortunately, I can tell which one she is. The copies are a bit faded while the real one isn't. All illusions plus the original charged at me. I aimed my mouse at the real Emerald and left clicked. The green haired girl's face turned into surprise and dodged out of the way. The illusions disappeared once she had been disrupted.

"H-How?" Emerald said, surprise in her voice.

Ooh! More dialogue options!

A. "It's going to take more than that to trick me!"

B. "This isn't the first time I've seen illusion magic."

C. "You're pretty easy to find."

D. "I was actually going to hit all of you."

I chose option B. Sir BoinkGeminid spoke the chosen dialogue with his godly voice. This seems to have elicited some reaction, mainly from Cinder. Huh, I probably chose the best dialogue. I aimed my cursor at Emerald and started to spam the left click. Emerald started dodging left and right, trying to make it difficult for me to track her. While I was trying to hit her, I looked up to my mini map to see both Cinder and Mercury charging at me. I stopped my barrage at Emerald and moved my mouse so that I was aiming at them. Once I was locked on, I spammed left click again, forcing them to dodge my attacks.

Mercury dodged one of my blasts and responded by kicking directly at me, a large gust of wind approached me, forcing me to dodge to the right. Scrolling my mouse wheel, I landed on my Typhoon Razorblade book. Once the dodging animation is done, my character took on a confident pose. I left clicked three times, Sir BoinkGeminid opened the book, a blue glow emanated from the book, three discs made of water started to appear out of thin air and shot towards them, each disc following one person.

This made the three back away and started dodging the discs, they soon found out what will happen if they didn't start dodging when one of blade flew over Cinder and through a large rock behind her. A clean slice. She didn't have enough time to assess how dangerous it was because it was shooting straight towards her again. While they were distracted by dodging the discs, I took this time to drink a Greater Mana Potion to restore my pool. Once my mana was replenished, I continued my onslaught. Scrolling through my weapons again I stopped at Lunar Flare.

"Let's see you dodge these," I said to myself.

I held on left click.

As soon as the discs made of water disappeared, they were assaulted by a different kind of attack. Lunar beams fell from the sky and impacted the ground with a turquoise explosion. This was a lot harder for Cinder and her cronies to dodge since they also must worry about area of effect at which the explosions spread and with how the attack is just a hellfire, getting out unscathed is impossible. I looked to Sir BoinkGeminid's mana pool. It has already reached halfway. I continued my Lunar Flare barrage, manipulating it so that they would all bunch up. Once I found my opportunity, I lifted my finger off the mouse button and started scrolling one last time to my favourite weapon; the Last Prism.

Sir BoinkGeminid's form now switches into a prayer like stance, pointer fingers and thumbs touching tips, making a triangle shape. I aimed at them one more time before I held on the left button. A bright rainbow beam emerged from within the triangle formed space. The impact was so hard that dust started kicking up, creating this smokescreen.

I must say, I wonder how my computer is able to render these smoke particles. They look so real.

I continued holding the left mouse button until I ran out of mana. Once my mana ran out, I waited until the dust settled, I looked to the mini map to no longer see three red dots. Satisfied I waited for the dust to settle just to double confirm my kill. When the dust finally settles the dirt road that was once there was no more, instead it was a scorched road that seemed to stretch on endlessly. I whistled at the destruction that the Last Prism could do. I turned around and interacted with Qrow who looks like he'd just seem something so unbelievable.

Ooh, dialogue options!

A. "Is everything alright?"

B. "Where does it hurt?"

C. "Don't try anything funny"


Option A

Word count:87k



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