First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 848: [Bonus Chapter] Sunspot

-Outer Space : Prime Earth's Solar System..

"Alright… I'm really going to do it this time. Check this out."

"Are you sure this is a good idea..? The last few times have been-"

"Can't live my life bogged down by fear, babe. Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do."

"I believe in you, darling."

"Thanks, handsome. You just get ready to strike a couple of poses for me when I'm done, mama needs a new wallpaper."

Vibrant, pink-haired, and charmingly crass Serana was standing tall on top of a diving board.

A pool of clear, blue water was sprawled beneath her like an unbrushed canvas. And she, dynamic personality that she was, would be the brush to make a great splash of significance.

And look incredibly hot while doing so.

She planted her feet and used the elasticity of the board to take a couple of short bounces in the air.

Once her body reached the desired altitude, she leapt with all of her might and performed every flip, twirl, and emote that she learned on YouTube less than eight minutes ago.

"She's doing it!"

"You got this, babe!"

"Mortal excitement does amuse me…"

Serana was doing it. This was the 'To Pimp a Butterfly' of all dives!
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The cheers of her loved ones filled her ears and she let the applause rush straight to her head.

As soon as it came time for her dive, she was just a little bit too slow in her routine.

There was a loud crack as Serana hit the surface of the water hard, and her lovers winced from the painful sound.

A couple of seconds later, Serana lifted her head out of the water- her eyes and the front of her chest both slowly turning pink.


Rita winced. "Babe, are you-"

"I-I'm totally fine, promise, I totally didn't just embarrass myself in front of the most attractive people I've ever seen! Scorecards!" Serana demanded.

Apophis, Tiamat, and Rita held up white cards.

6.2, 7.0, and 6.0.

Hardly an Olympic worthy score, but she had to take what she could get.

"I-I think I'm going to have to retire just for a bit." Serana's cheeks darkened as she tried to lift herself out of the water.

Apophis smiled coquettishly as he held his arms out for his human bride. "A very good effort, my love. I wager the next time you try, you'll..."

Apophis' ear twitched slightly as his words trailed off. Serana noticed Tiamat's doing the same, although her lips curled into a very unique smile that she didn't believe she'd ever seen before.

"Well, isn't that... Interesting."

"Don't start." Apophis sighed.

"Who, me? I'm totally innocent, babyface." Tiamat slipped back on her sunglasses and stared up at the great cosmic expanse overhead.

Still teary-eyed and rubbing her front, Serana wormed her way out of the pool. "Is this a super senses moment? I really should have taken, your dad up on that dragon offer when I had the-"

A ball of living flame burst into the pool area.

A suit of crimson armor formed along his body and a large halberd appeared in one of his hands.

He dropped to one knee and spoke in a deep, monstrous voice that emanated from his entire body.

"My Lord. My Ladies. A thousand pardons for interrupting, but the goddess Amaterasu has arrived unannounced. Shall we tun her away?"

"Chance.." Serana finished.

Apophis stood up and wiped himself down with the closest beach towel. "Wouldn't advise that... Unless you all want her to pour cold water on you or something."

The fire soldier shuddered, as if he definitely did not want that.

Apophis glanced back at the women sitting poolside and smiled at them half-heartedly. "You girls heading in?"

"I am in fact. I'll be coming with you." Rita smiled as if she weren't going to take no for an answer.

Tiamat wrapped her arm around Serena's shoulder. "I think our youngest and I are going to find a movie or something to watch while this all blows over. Maybe one of those cheesy dramas you like?" She smirked and cupped the young girl's face in her hands. "How does that sound?"

Now, Serana's cheeks were turning pink for an entirely different reason. "T-That sounds nice, but my mom texted me and told me they were planning a birthday thing for Malachi today."

"Oh? I should like to meet him then. I'll be your plus one." Tiamat hooked her arm with Serana's and began striding towards the palace.

Serana seemed hopelessly confused. "You want to come with..? I mean, of course that's fine, but I thought you hated humans."

"Aww, that's not true." Tiamat leaned in close. "I absolutely adore you."

Again, Serana's cheeks turned the same color as her hair.

She wracked her brain desperately for some kind of cute comeback that also made her seem witty and mature.

"K-K-K-K-K-K then, let's go!!"

She tried her best. That's all that matters.

Serana and Tiamat made their way inside while Apophis and Rita vanished to another corner of the castle entirely.

As the pair of women walked through the grand corridor, Serana stared out the wide, arching windows to the landscape below.

Never in a million ears did Serana picture herself living in a mansion on top of the literal sun.

...Or that having sex with a 7,000 year old dragon cobra would allow her to bathe in the flames like they were bath.

She was in more danger back home when she went to Florida for a beach trip.

"Can I ask..?"


Tiamat looked down at the pink-haired human who was at least a head shorter than her.

"Is there a reason why the mood kind of got weird when the guard mentioned that Amaterasu lady?"

Tiamat smiled uncomfortably. "I..."

"S-Sorry." Serana apologized. "Probably shouldn't be asking about-"

"You have a right to ask about everything, dearie... Truthfully, it's not as sad a story as you're thinking." Tiamat sighed.

"Amaterasu, Apophis, and I all met each other at around the same time. Though it feels like an eternity ago now...We both fell in love with Apophis due to his righteous yet jovial nature, and..."

"It's okay, you can say his abs."

"Honestly, they were the first thing I noticed."

Both girls sighed dreamily as they licked their lips.

"A-Anyway.." Tiamat finally pulled herself together. "He ended up reciprocating the feelings of the both of us. He even went so far as to propose to us both."

Serana's eyes widened. "Is she..?"

"No, dearie, she never accepted. Amaterasu is a very prideful and.. stringent woman. No matter how badly she wanted our husband, she wouldn't consent to lying in a bad with me as well. I am an evil being, and therefore impure. My personality clashes with everything she stands for."

Serana smiled at her pitifully and took her hand. "...I don't think you're all that evil."

The sound of Tiamat's laughter reverberated off the hallway walls. "Like Abaddon, I am a monarch of monsters, darling. I'm responsible for the deaths of more people than you'll ever even meet."

Serana faltered. "Y-Yea, I know that, but those things aren't-"

"Serana." Tiamat gently held her finger up to Serana's lips.

"You're trying to make me feel better. That's very sweet of you, and as your lover I am very touched. But there truly is no need. I got the prize. The gorgeous husband, the loving best friend, the big family... and you. I promise that I am far from hurt."

Tiamat locked arms with Serana again and the two resumed their walk to the bedroom to change.

"Now, about this friend of yours..." She changed the subject. "What exactly should I get him for this birthday celebration?"

Serana could tell that Tiamat was trying hard to change the subject, and even though she wanted to press on, she decided to honor it.

"It's a good thing I have you and all your extra heads to help me go shopping. I was thinking about getting him a..."

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