Chapter 82: C82 Shadows Of The Rift
I barked as I saluted back and after that extended my forearm which sergeant Scar clasped at once.
"Alright here's the deal..."
I said while pulling out a cigarette and offering one to Scar who took It.
"... I'm gonna leave you In charge while I take with me one dropship with Its crew and the first jarhead squad..."
I said while igniting both of our cigarettes.
"... so you're orders are to fish up those battle brothers of ours, acquire enough dropships and crews to reach our full combat effectiveness, and also upgrade our FOB Into a permanent deployment base..."
I continued while exhaling a cloud of smoke from my mouth.
" order to do that use the food to trade for whatever you need with that old c*nt who Is gonna kick the bucket anyway back in the city any questions?"
I asked while looking straight at the man's crimson eyes with blue pupils and a shade of his original color.
"None sir"
Seargent Scar answered.
"Good if you fish up enough boys of ours to make up a platoon you can bump yourself up straight to 2nd lieutenant, if you reach company level then you're officially a captain any questions"
"None sir"
"Good then tell the first squad and Yin and Yangs and the 253 dropships crew to get all their s*it and come here"
I ordered as I did Scar saluted again and ran off to accomplish my orders.
While I walked towards the dropship with a phoenix logo, only to turn to the two schmucks of mine.
"What the f*ck are you standing there for? Go and grab your shit, you're coming too."
Paul and Robert exchanged grins and hurried off to gather their gear.
Once I stuffed the Phoenix and another dropship just In case Into my palm I walked over to the portal area after giving the base a tour and looked at the assembled twelve cosmic marines.
Including Yin, Yang, the three uncles, and the dropships 253 crew with their gear neatly arranged in front of them.
Once my two schmuks arrived In their power armor and started stripping It off I started sucking In the other gear to the already numb to shock new faces.
"Alright, everyone follow after me"
I barked after sucking In Robert's power armor.
I turned around and jumped into the portal, feeling the familiar sensation of being pulled through time and space.
Everyone couldn't help but look at each other after seeing Dracula disappear Into the mouth of the beast only to hear Paul's bark.
"Move It already you f*cks! Don't tell me you want to live forever!"
Paul shouted as he jumped Into the portal followed by Robert.
As I emerged on the other side, stepping into the mansions study It didn't take long before the room was instantly filled with the presence of battle scarred giants and auxillary personnel.
Hope looked up from her laptops screen, her eyes widening in surprise and then narrowing in frustration as more and more people stepped through the portal.
"What the f*ck, Drac?"
She cursed, her voice tinged with both annoyance and disbelief.
"How many people did you bring exactly?"
"Just a squad and two dropship crews,"
I replied with a smirk.
"Are you thinking of going to war or something?"
Hope threw her hands up in exasperation.
"Based on you're capabilities these many people are enough to obliterate a third rate small country!"
Hearing this I just shrugged.
"And what If I am?"
I asked causing Hope to look at me with a deadpan look only for Hope to throw her hands Into the air defeteadly.
"Fine whatever"
Hope said as she did the last person finally arrived from the portal as he did the portal closed on Itself automatically.
"Follow me,"
I barked, leading everyone to the fifth floor, whose rooms were already filled with bunk beds and lockers.
The cosmic marines and auxiliary personnel followed closely, their eyes wide with curiosity and awe.
I explained the rules and showed them around, pointing out the showers and bathrooms.
"No s*itting and p*ssing wherever you want, got it? Use the facilities provided, It's not the apocalypse here."
Old Lu, one of the uncles, cried out as he looked at the view outside the window.
"What kind of holographic projection is this? It feels so real!"
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention,"
I said casually.
"It's not a holographic projection. It's the real deal. You're now in an alternate reality and it's 2021, courtesy of my woman down there."
For a moment, they thought I was joking, but as they breathed in the air and did a few other simple verifications that would allow one to discern holographic projection from reality the auxiliary personnel practically broke down on the spot, including the three uncles.
Most of them were born after the war and had never seen the world before it turned into a wasteland.
"This... this is real?"
Yin asked, her voice trembling.
"Yeah, it's real,"
I confirmed.
"Welcome to the past."
Yang scanned the horizon, tears welling up in her eyes.
"It's so beautiful..."
The three uncles, usually stoic and composed, were visibly shaken.
"I can't believe it,"
One of them muttered.
"Hey old Lu slap me"
One of the uncle's barked causing old Lu to do just that.
"You f*cking c*nt that hurts!
The cosmic marines with most of them being pre war with some of them as old as me, hardened by years of war and strife, stood silently, taking in the vibrant, untouched world around them.
The sky was a clear blue, and the greenery outside was lush and alive, a stark contrast to the barren landscapes they were used to.
Paul and Robert, who had been silently observing, exchanged glances.
"Alright, let's get settled in,"
Paul said, taking charge.
"We have a lot of work ahead of us."
Robert added.
"By the way where are weeb, cezar, and fritz?"
"Out cold In the first floor"
I answered nonchalantly.
With a mix of awe and determination, the group began to settle into their new surroundings.
They grabbed their gear which I took out for them, each taking a moment to marvel at the mundane yet precious amenities domr had taken for granted before the war.
The showers, the clean beds, the view of the metropolis from the windows—everything was a reminder of what they had lost or were seeing for the first time It was safe to say that they would give their lives to protect this.
Old Lu entered a balcony, his hands trembling as he touched the railing.
"It's like a dream,"
He whispered.
"I never thought I'd see something like this again."
Yang stood beside him, wiping away tears.
"We have a second chance,"
She said softly.
"We can't waste it."
Yin nodded, her face set with determination.
"We won't. We'll make the most of this."
Paul and Robert gathered the first squad leader and vice commander and brought them to me.
"So Drac I'm betting we're gonna be playing mercs In here right? I mean what else can we possibly do?"
Paul asked.
"Yep I already got a PMC established and the licenses for military gear are there all that's left Is well wait for Hope to launch her companies first product and after that we start playing armed security guards."
I explained.
Hope sat in her study, the warm aroma of expensive coffee wafting through the air. She took a sip, savoring the rich, buttery flavor, and sighed at the antics of Dracula and his men.
"Men and their shenanigans,"
She muttered to herself, the mansion was already filled with chaos from the moment they had arrived.
As much as she appreciated their presence and the protection they offered, it was like managing a house full of rambunctious boys.