Chapter 84: C84 Chains of Fate
"I'm proud of you, Hope. You've grown into a strong woman."
Hope smiled through her tears.
"Thanks, Grandpa. Just rest now. We'll handle everything."
Hope said only to get Interrupted by me.
"Sorry, Hope but could I have the room for a minute?"
I asked as I did Hope with her ruined gothic makeup nodded and stepped outside.
"Was It a planned hit or did you appear in the wrong place at the wrong time"
I asked as I narrowed my eyes at Eclipse who slightly opened his eyes.
"It's a planned hit I'm sure of It and I bet It's that c*nts whose face you've split open father Is the one behind this"
Eclipse explained only to fall silent as he tried to catch his breath.
Lilith, how accurate are Eclipse's accusations?
I asked In my mind already knowing the answer but made sure to double check with Lilith first.
Give me a moment sir.
Lilith answered as she began digging through CCTVS, social accounts, phone call and text records, and anything else that was connected to the Internet.
Which was evident from the dozen of appearing and disappearing mini screens all over my view.
"And let's say If you're right and I go to the f*ckers place and rip him In half can you take care of the aftermath?"
I asked with a murderous glint In my eyes.
"No, he Is way too high up the ladder In the government, if you did that my country's entire military would be out to get you"
Eclipse explained as he opened his eyes once again only for Lilith to report.
Sir, I'm 99 percent sure you're conclusion Is correct.
Lilith said as she displayed the evidence In the form of CCTV footage, calls, texts, and money transfers.
"Got It"
I couldn't help but groan silently as I mentally updated my kill list.
Hope returned with a cup of coffee only to see one of the hospital's doctors arguing with a young man.
"Doctor, what Is my father's condition?!"
"Mr. Lang let me be frank with you we are doing everything we can but late stage cancer even Inside the world's best hospital with the best doctors It's an Incurable disease"
The doctor's face full of frustration said.
"No you're lying there must be something you can do!"
The man with bloodshot eyes roared furiously as he grabbed the collar of the doctor scaring the medical staff refusing to believe the doctor's words.
"Brother! Calm down!"
The woman on the side tried to calm down her brother, who clearly wasn't thinking straight but it was futile.
"Mr Lang please calm down or I will have no choice but to call the security"
The clearly scared doctor threatened hoping to defuse the situation.
Late stage cancer huh?
Hope thought as she sat down and leaned on the chair while taking a sip of her coffee.
He must be someone with Influence otherwise the doctor would have Immediately called security.
Hope mused In her mind as she glanced at the two well built men in buzz cuts and casual clothing standing beside the man, they look like soldiers by the way they stand, probably active too.
Hope Immediately deduced thanks to her augmented senses and the experience of being around Dracula who just had that hidden soldier aura.
She continued to watch for a few more moments before she took out her smartphone and started scrolling through her social media feed.
The bystanders in the corridor all left when they sensed that the situation turned sour.
While people enjoyed watching conflicts, it was only when there were others around, because even if something happened, it wouldn't affect them.
But with barely any people around, people were smart enough to stay away from the trouble, that group of people didn't look like a friendly bunch at all.
Except for the one cosmic marine standing In front of her gramps room and the other one Inside who completely Ignored the ruckus as they stood straight like javelins with their hands clapped behind their backs and their feet shoulder length apart.
While Hope continued to scroll through her smartphone.
The conflict naturally caught the attention of security guards but they only stood on the side and didn't dare to step in.
The doctor kept trying to convince the man to calm down yet was too afraid to act upon his threat of calling security.
Thankfully thanks to his sister's efforts the man finally calmed down and let go of the doctor.
"Give me your smartphone,"
A threatening voice rang beside Hope's ear hearing this Hope looked up and raised her eyebrow.
She looked at the buzz cut bodyguard standing in front of her as he leaned into her personal space.
His facial expression reminded her of her ex-delinquent colleagues asking for lunch money, arrogant and shameless.
This punk!
Hope couldn't help but curse In her mind feeling her facial muscles twitch.
"F*ck off"
Hope threw out a curse.
"I said give me you're f*cking phone now b*tch!"
The guy roared as he directly reached for Hope's smartphone only for Hope to grab his arm while standing up.
Before his brain could even process what happened his face was already pressed against the wall.
With his arm held In place behind his back In a steel like lock.
Seeing this the other bodyguard took a step on reflex with the Intent to help his brother out only to ruthlessly get pinned to the ground by the standing guard cosmic marine.
"What are you two doing?!"
The woman who continued to calm down her brother frowned as she angrily shouted as she looked at the current situation.
"Ahh, Miss Lang, this woman…"
Sweat began to roll down the man's face as he tried to explain himself to the daughter of the big boss.
"Miss please let him go and please tell you're bodyguard to let go the other one"
Miss Lang who knew that the bodyguards just like her brother were all muscle and no brains asked politely as she couldn't help but be schoked at the women's and man's gigantism only for her brother to open his mouth wide.
"Nice moves, mam what kind of martial arts do you practice?"
Mr. Lang asked with excited eyes because he knew those two soldiers aka his father's bodyguards weren't vegetarians.
So the fact that a woman no less despite her gigantism didn't allow one of his bodyguards to even move an Inch.
Was simply fascinating to him, In his mind, he already considered Hope a hidden noble cultivator fairy.
Did this guy read too many Wuxia novels or somenthing?
Hope thought In her mind as she let go of the man causing the cosmic marine to do the same after all she had no Intention to cause trouble It was just her reflex thanks to her AIs subconscious brainwashing and her augmented Instincts.
"Dude you watch too many wuxia movies I didn't use any martial arts I'm just that strong"
Hope smirked while flexing her lightly visible toned muscles with just enough percentage of fat.
But in Lang Zhis eyes, Hope's casual and carefree expression only further solidified her hidden martial artist's Identity.
"Incredible strength! Mam, are you interested in joining the army?"
Hearing this Hope's face twitched.
Dude I'm a billionaire with almost 200 billion In my bank account, I have the golden finger and I got a g*ddamn killing machine at my beck and call why the hell would I ever become a soldier?
Hope couldn't help but think as she looked at Lang Zhi as If he was an Idiot.
"Brother, you g*ddamn wuxia nutjob! Father is dying yet all you have In your mind Is martial arts and army! I can't believe you!"